Health in human beings is the extent of an individual's continuing physical, emotional, mental, and social ability to cope with his environment. This definition, just one of many that are possible, has its drawbacks. The rather fragile individual who stays “well” within the ordinary environment of his or her existence may succumb to a heart attack from heavy shovelling after a snowstorm; or a sea-level dweller may move to a new home in the mountains, where the atmosphere has a lower content of oxygen, and suffer from shortness of breath and anaemia until his red blood cell count adjusts itself to the altitude. Thus, even by this definition, the conception of good health must involve some allowance for change in the environment.
Therefore, in a layman’s parlance, if then follows that BAD HEALTH can be defined as the presence of disease in any member of the nuclear or extended family whereas, GOOD HEALTH then is its absence—particularly the absence of continuing disease, because the person afflicted with a sudden attack of seasickness, for example, may not be thought of as having lost his good health as a result of such a mishap.
Actually, there is a wide variable area between health and disease. Only a few examples are necessary to illustrate the point:
(1) It is physiologically normal for an individual, 15 to 20 minutes after eating a meal, to have a high blood sugar content. If, however, the sugar content remains elevated two hours later, this condition is abnormal and may be indicative of disease.
(2) A “healthy” individual may have developed an allergy, perhaps during early childhood, to a single specific substance. If he never again comes in contact with the antigen that causes the allergy, all other factors remaining normal, he will remain in that state of health.
Should he, however, come in contact with that allergen, even 20 or 30 years later, he may suffer anything from a mild allergic reaction—a simple rash—to severe anaphylactic shock, coma, or even death, depending upon the circumstances. Thus it can be seen that, unlike disease, which is frequently recognizable, tangible, and rather easily defined, health is a somewhat nebulous condition, and somewhat difficult to define.
Moreover, physical condition and health are not synonymous terms. A seven-foot-tall basketball player may be in excellent physical condition (although outside the range of normality for height) but may or may not be in good health—depending, for example, on whether or not he has fallen victim to an attack of influenza.
There are further problems in settling upon a definition of human health. A person may be physically strong, resistant to infection, able to cope with physical hardship and other features of his physical environment, and still be considered unhealthy if his mental state, as measured by his behaviour, is deemed unsound. What is mental health? Some say that a person is mentally healthy if he is able to function reasonably well. Others hold that a person is healthy mentally if his behaviour is like that of a majority of his fellows.
In the face of this confusion, it is most useful, perhaps, to define health, good or bad, in terms that can be measured, can be interpreted with respect to the ability of the individual at the time of measurement to function in a normal manner and with respect to the likelihood of imminent disease. These measurements can be found in tables of “reference values” printed in textbooks of clinical medicine, diagnosis, and other references of this type. When an individual is given a health examination, the examination is likely to include a series of tests. Some of these tests are more descriptive than quantitative and can indicate the presence of disease in a seemingly healthy person. Such tests include the electrocardiogram to detect some kinds of heart disease; electromyogram for primary muscle disorders; liver and gall bladder function tests; and X-ray techniques for determining disease or malfunction of internal organs.
Other tests give numerical results (or results that can be assigned numerical values—such as photometric colour determinations) that can be interpreted by the examiner. These are physical and chemical tests, including blood, urine, and spinal-fluid analyses. The results of the tests are compared with the reference values; and the physician receives clues as to the health of his patient and, if the values are abnormal, for the methods of improving his health.
A major difficulty in the interpretation of test results is that of biological variability. Almost without exception these reference values for variables are means or adjusted means of large group measurements. For these values to have significance, they must be considered as lying somewhere near the centre point of a 95 percent range—i.e., the so-called ordinary range or, with reservations, the range from normal to the upper and lower borderline limits. Thus, the 2.5 percent below the lower limit and the 2.5 percent above the upper limit of the 95 percent range are considered areas of abnormality or, perhaps, illness. Some areas have wide 95 percent ranges—blood pressure, for example, may vary considerably throughout the day (e.g., during exercise, fright, or anger) and remain within its range of normality. Other values have ranges so narrow that they are termed physiological constants. An individual's body temperature, for example, rarely varies (when taken at the same anatomical site) by more than a degree (from time of rising until bedtime) without being indicative of infection or other illness.
Culled from HEALTH, a Comprehensive Definition from Encyclopædia Britannica Article
To cite this page:
• APA Style: health. (2009). Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica 2009 Ultimate Reference Suite. Chicago: Encyclopædia Britannica.
I have always argued that many people mistakenly take health to refer only to physical well being of the individual. This is totally wrong. The social and mental well being is neglected without many realising that the duo actually produce the physical symptoms that develop into perennial ill-health that later is termed TERMINAL DISEASES. A good example is High Blood Pressure. Just like the philosophical question; WHICH CAME FIRST, THE EGG OR THE HEN? It is absurd that General Practitioners of Human Medicine forgot to emphasise to their patients that there are certain human relationships that produce physical diseases. We need to bring social and mental levels of health in any good definition. Dr Kenez (1981)
Physical fitness (health)
• major reference
• prevention of disease
• relationship to health
• exercises for strength
Physical fitness is a general concept and is defined in many ways by different scientists. Physical fitness is discussed here in two major categories: health-related physical fitness and motor-performance physical fitness. Despite some overlap between these classifications, there are major differences, as described below.
Health-related physical fitness
Health-related physical fitness is defined as fitness related to some aspect of health. This type of physical fitness is primarily influenced by an individual's exercise habits; thus, it is a dynamic state and may change. Physical characteristics that constitute health-related physical fitness include strength and endurance of skeletal muscles, joint flexibility, body composition, and cardio-respiratory endurance. All these attributes change in response to appropriate physical conditioning programs, and all are related to health. Strength and endurance of skeletal muscles of the trunk help maintain correct posture and prevent such problems as low back pain. Minimal levels of muscular strength and endurance are needed for routine tasks of living, such as carrying bags of groceries or picking up a young child. Individuals with very low levels of muscular strength and endurance are limited in the performance of routine tasks and have to lead a restricted life. Such limitations are perhaps only indirectly related to health, but individuals who cannot pick up and hug a grandchild or must struggle to get up from a soft chair surely have a lower quality of life than that enjoyed by their fitter peers. Flexibility, or range of motion around the joints, also ranks as an important component of health-related fitness. Lack of flexibility in the lower back and posterior thigh is thought to contribute to low back pain. Extreme lack of flexibility also has a deleterious effect on the quality of life by limiting performance. Body composition refers to the ratio between fat and lean tissue in the body. Excess body fat is clearly related to several health problems, including cardiovascular disease, type II (adult-onset) diabetes mellitus, and certain forms of cancer. Body composition is affected by diet, but exercise habits play a crucial role in preventing obesity and maintaining acceptable levels of body fat. Cardio-respiratory endurance, or aerobic fitness, is probably what most people identify as physical fitness. Aerobic fitness refers to the integrated functional capacity of the heart, lungs, vascular system, and skeletal muscles to expend energy. The basic activity that underlies this type of fitness is aerobic metabolism in the muscle cell, a process in which oxygen is combined with a fuel source (fats or carbohydrates) to release energy and produce carbon dioxide and water. The energy is used by the muscle to contract, thereby exerting force that can be used for movement. For the aerobic reaction to take place, the cardio-respiratory system (i.e., the circulatory and pulmonary systems) must constantly supply oxygen and fuel to the muscle cell and remove carbon dioxide from it. The maximal rate at which aerobic metabolism can occur is thus determined by the functional capacity of the cardio-respiratory system and is measured in the laboratory as maximal oxygen intake. As will be discussed in detail below, aerobic fitness is inversely related to the incidence of coronary heart disease and hypertension.
Motor-performance physical fitness
Motor-performance fitness is defined as the ability of the neuromuscular system to perform specific tasks. Test items used to assess motor-performance fitness include chin-ups, sit-ups, the 50-yard dash, the standing long jump, and the shuttle run (a timed run in which the participant dashes back and forth between two points). The primary physical characteristics measured by these tests are the strength and endurance of the skeletal muscles and the speed or power of the legs. These traits are important for success in many types of athletics. Muscular strength and endurance are also related to some aspects of health, as stated above. There is disagreement among experts about the relative importance of health-related and motor-performance physical fitness. While both types of fitness are obviously desirable, their relative values should be determined by an individual's personal fitness objectives. If success in athletic events is of primary importance, motor-performance fitness should be emphasized. If concern about health is paramount, health-related fitness should be the focus. Different types of fitness may be important not only to different individuals but also to the same individual at different times. The 16-year-old competing on a school athletic team is likely to focus on motor performance. The typical middle-aged individual is not as likely to be concerned about athletic success, emphasizing instead health and appearance. One further point should be made: to a great extent, motor-performance physical fitness is determined by genetic potential. The person who can run fast at 10 years of age will be fast at age 17; although training may enhance racing performance, it will not appreciably change the individual's genetically determined running speed. On the other hand, characteristics of health-related physical fitness, while also partly determined by inheritance, are much more profoundly influenced by exercise habits.
• Mental fitness (health)
Is then the science of maintaining mental health and preventing the development of psychosis, neurosis, or other mental disorders. Since the founding of the United Nations the concepts of mental health and hygiene have achieved international acceptance. As defined in the 1946 constitution of the World Health Organization, “health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” The term mental health represents a variety of human aspirations: rehabilitation of the mentally disturbed, prevention of mental disorder, reduction of tension in a stressful world, and attainment of a state of well-being in which the individual functions at a level consistent with his or her mental potential. As noted by the World Federation for Mental Health, the concept of optimum mental health refers not to an absolute or ideal state but to the best possible state insofar as circumstances are alterable. Mental health is regarded as a condition of the individual, relative to the capacities and social-environmental context of that person. Mental hygiene includes all measures taken to promote and to preserve mental health. Community mental health refers to the extent to which the organization and functioning of the community determines, or is conducive to, the mental health of its members. Throughout the ages the mentally disturbed have been viewed with a mixture of fear and revulsion. Their fate generally has been one of rejection, neglect, and ill treatment. Though in ancient medical writings there are references to mental disturbance that display views very similar to modern humane attitudes, interspersed in the same literature are instances of socially sanctioned cruelty based upon the belief that mental disorders have supernatural origins such as demonic possession. Even reformers sometimes used harsh methods of treatment; for example, the 18th-century American physician Benjamin Rush endorsed the practice of restraining mental patients with his notorious “tranquilising chair.”
• Social health also called welfare service or social work
Social health is any of a variety of governmental programs designed to protect citizens from the economic risks and insecurities of life. The most common types of programs provide benefits to the elderly or retired, the sick or invalid, dependent survivors, mothers, the unemployed, the work-injured, and families. Methods of financing and administration and the scope of coverage and benefits vary widely among countries. Social health embraces any of numerous publicly or privately provided services intended to aid disadvantaged, distressed, or vulnerable persons or groups. The term social service also denotes the profession engaged in rendering such services. The social services have flourished in the 20th century as ideas of social responsibility have developed and spread. The basic concerns of social welfare—poverty, disability and disease, the dependent young and elderly—are as old as society itself. The laws of survival once severely limited the means by which these concerns could be addressed; to share another's burden meant to weaken one's own standing in the fierce struggle of daily existence. As societies developed, however, with their patterns of dependence between members, there arose more systematic responses to the factors that rendered individuals, and thus society at large, vulnerable.
This will be a revolutionary epicentre of Innovative Research, Creative Healthcare and Tropical Medicine Oriented Unit.
OUR HAPPY FAILY NETWORH as an interdisciplinary therapeutic consortium will be heavily engaged in medical research, both in orthodox or alternate human medicine. Our people had for so long been exposed to western conventional practice of treatment. We have for centuries relegated out traditional healing practices that our children are unaware that their great grandparents survived for centuries before the first white doctors arrived on our shores. We must re-orient our people by conducting investigative studies aimed at a rediscovery of the potent herbal medicine of our people and re-introduce them in our PSYCHOMETRIC FAMILY COUNSELLING THERAPEUTICS.
What then is this Traditional or Alternative Medicine
Throughout the ages, people have turned to herbal medicine for healing; the sixth field of alternative medicine. All cultures have folk medicine traditions that include the use of plants and plant products. Africa is not an exception!
Many licensed drugs used all over the world today, originated from roots and plants in the herbal traditions of various cultures, such as the medication commonly used for heart failure, ‘Digitalis’, that is derived from foxglove! ‘Quinine’, the brand name for ‘Quinacrine’, which my generation drank throughout our infant years in the colonial administrtion,1950 until 1960 was manufactured by the British May & Baker Industry from ‘Dogonyaro’, a tropical tree our forefathers had been using for treating malaria for ages before the arrival of the first white man on the African continent! Its roots, stem, leaves and flowers had been processed and crystallized in Great Britain, then repackaged in yellow tablet forms and returned to the colonies as the ultimate in the treatment of Malaria; the white man’s scourge in West Africa.
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 4 billion people, or 80 percent of the world’s population, use herbal medicine for some aspect of primary health care. If this statement is valid, and I have no reasons to doubt it, then the West is vicariously admitting that they have come down from their pinnacle of “WE KNOW IT ALL AND DEVELOPING NATIONS MUST WAIT AND FOLLOW US.
This is exactly what our investigation is all about. If our forefathers survived childhood diseases, developed, evolved and practised their own brand of traditional obstetrics & gynaecology that ensured that our parents lived long enough to give birth to our generation, then a rediscovery of their unique pharmacopoeia will definitely save the lives of many of our unfortunate bothers and sisters who are already struck by the pandemic HIV and its Siamese twin- AIDS! Or, should we fold our arms and wait for the West to provide answers to all medical problems we are also qualified to provide?
Why Are People Turning To Alternative Medicine?
The onset of the human immunodeficiency virus epidemic (HIV, the virus that causes acquired immune deficiency syndrome, or AIDS) in the mid-1980s was one of the reasons people began turning to alternative medicine. Conventional medicine was unable to provide an effective treatment, leading people to seek other therapies. Public interest in alternative medicine also grew as people realized that victory in the fight against cancer was a long way off.
Other perceived shortcomings of conventional medicine centred around chronic ailments. For example, a 1998 study published in the JAMA by John Astin, a researcher at Stanford University in California, found that the health problems for which Americans most frequently use alternative therapies include chronic pain, muscle strains or sprains, headaches, arthritis, and addictions.
But not everyone who uses alternative medical procedures does so because they are dissatisfied with the results from mainstream treatments. “Alternative health care is becoming more widespread and popular for reasons that have nothing to do with alternative medicine,” says Michael Goldstein, a professor of public health at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), and the author of Alternative Health Care: Medicine, Miracle, or Mirage? (1999).
“There is a negative feeling toward conventional medicine and the way it deals with particular problems such as chronic illness. And there is an increasing dissatisfaction with the way care is provided.”
For example, many people have expressed discontent with the health care provided by managed health-care plans. Managed health-care companies, such as health maintenance organizations (HMOs), often limit patients' choice of treatment options and providers to hold down costs. Critics of this cost-cutting approach believe it depersonalizes medical care and reduces doctors' interest in developing a relationship with their patients.
One measure of the increasing popularity of alternative medicine is that some managed care companies have begun to cover alternative treatments. Most major health insurance companies now cover at least one form of alternative therapy, often because the alternative therapy is less expensive than the conventional treatment. A 1997 study published in the American Journal of Health Promotion by Kenneth R. Pelletier, a researcher at Stanford University, found that 30 major U.S. insurers cover at least one form of alternative therapy. The benefits are typically tightly controlled, however.
Another factor behind the rising popularity of alternative health care is that many Americans (16.3 percent of the population, or about 44.3 million people in 1998) do not have health insurance or suffer from ailments that their insurance plan does not or will not cover. This situation has opened the door to practitioners who tout inexpensive, seemingly natural, ways to heal in lieu of mainstream, and more expensive, solutions.
Alternative Medicine, also called unconventional medicine, is the use of therapeutic practices, techniques and beliefs that are outside the realm of mainstream Western health care. Alternative medicine emphasizes therapies that improve quality of life, prevent disease, and address conditions that conventional medicine has limited success in curing, such as chronic back pain and certain cancers.
Proponents of alternative medicine believe that these approaches to healing are safer and more natural and have been shown through experience to work. In certain countries, alternative medical practices are the most widely used methods of health care. However, many practitioners of modern conventional medicine believe these practices are unorthodox and unproven.
By some estimates 83 million United States residents use alternative medicine, spending more than $27 million a year. Reports from Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia also indicate a widespread interest in alternative therapies. A special report prepared for the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Alternative Medicine: Expanding Medical Horizons categorizes alternative medicine practices into six fields.
The first field, mind-body intervention, explores the mind’s capacity to affect, and perhaps heal, the body. Studies have shown that the mental state has a profound effect on the immune system and subsequently these studies have provoked interest in the mind’s role in the cause and course of disease. Specific mind-body interventions include; meditation, hypnosis, art therapy, biofeedback and mental healing.
Bio-electromagnetic applications, the second field of alternative medicine, make use of the body’s response to non-thermal, non-ionising radiation. Current uses involve bone repair, nerve stimulation, wound healing, treatment of osteoarthritis and immune system stimulation.
The third field is alternative systems of medical practice. In each variation of this system, the practice is usually characterised by a specific theory of health and disease, an educational programme to teach its concepts to new practitioners and often a legal mandate to regulate its practice. Examples include; Acupuncture, popularised by the Chinese, Ayurvedic medicine, Homeopathy and Naturopathy.
Touch and manipulation are the mainstays of the manual healing methods, which constitute the fourth field of alternative medicine. Practitioners of chiropractic and massage therapies such as Rolfing structural integration believe that dysfunction of one part of the body often affects the function of other, not necessarily connected, parts. Manipulating bones or soft tissues or realigning body parts will therefore restore health.
The pharmacological and biological treatments that make up the fifth field of alternative medicine consist of an assortment of drugs and vaccines not yet accepted in mainstream medicine. Compounds such as anti-neoplastins (from human blood and urine) for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), various products of the honeybee for arthritis, and iscador (a liquid extract from mistletoe) for tumours have not been scientifically evaluated because of the expense of conducting safety and effectiveness studies.
Throughout the ages, people have turned for healing to herbal medicine, the sixth field of alternative medicine. All cultures have folk medicine traditions that include the use of plants and plant products. Many licensed drugs used today originated in the herbal traditions of various cultures, such as the medication commonly used for heart failure, digitalis, which is derived from foxglove. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 4 billion people, or 80 percent of the world’s population, use herbal medicine for some aspect of primary health care.
This is exactly what our investigation is all about. If our forefathers survived childhood diseases, developed, evolved and practised their own brand of traditional obstetrics & gynaecology that ensured that our parents lived long enough to give birth to our generation, then a rediscovery of their unique pharmacopoeia will definitely save the lives of many of our unfortunate bothers and sister who are already struck by the pandemic HIV and its Siamese twin- AIDS!
Use of “Moringa Oleifera” in Hafani’s Alternative Therapy
Our search for cheaper means of caring for PLWA in the rural community who may not have access to synthetic multivitamins took us the doors of Epidemiologists. One of our consultants, who works at the National Arbovirus and Vectors; Research Division of the Federal Ministry of Health, Dr N. A. Ozumba, has processed and packaged the leaf powder form of this great plant, which he labelled “MOVITAAMIN”, abbreviated DOM.
The name is derived thus: MO-VIT-AA-MIN tells us that the plant Moringa Oleifera is very rich in and provides the Vitamins, the essential Amino Acids, and Minerals that our body needs.
In this case, it goes beyond supplementing human nutrition to the more significant function of bolstering the immune system of people living with HIV-AIDS, thereby enhancing prophylaxis and improving the appetite of its beneficiaries! In the field, it has been sampled and tested on pregnant and breast-feeding women, malnourished infants and people living with HIV-AIDS for three years with magnificent results. It is equally reported to have increased the physical and mental well being of those who use it just as food supplement! We have scientifically documented evidence that any interested research scientist can verify, duplicate, replicate, validate and standardise!
“Moringa Oleifera”, comes from the botanical family; Moringaceae, of the genus; Moringa. Fourteen species make up the genus, but our choice is the most popular and the best known in scientific circles. It is a fast growing and drought-resistant tree, native to Northern India but now widely distributed all over the tropics and sub-tropical zones of the world. It was known and highly valued by the ancient Egyptian, Roman and Greek civilisations. Recently it has been recognised as a multipurpose plant with vast potentials, in human and animal nutrition, traditional folk medicine, agro-forestry, and is equally used for water purification by environmentalists, production of high quality oils for the cosmetic industry, and it used in illumination and as lubricant for fine watches.
(For details consult Morton; 1991, Folkard and Sutherland; 1996).
In Nigeria, the plant grows profusely in the wild all the year round since we are yet to appreciate and exploit its nutritional values. Whereas it called the horseradish tree in Britain, ben aile in France, in Nigeria, the Fulani call it; Rini maka, the Hausas call it; Zongalla gandi, the Yoruba call it; Idagbo monoye, while the landlords of Igboland label it;Odudu Oyibo or Ikwe oyibo!
The leaves are outstanding among all leafy vegetables in the tropics as it a very rich source of both Vitamin A and Vitamin C when eaten raw! They are equally a good source of the various versions of the B vitamins and soluble minerals. “The Calcium content is high for a plant. Phosphorus is low as it should be. The content of Iron is very good. (It is reportedly prescribed for anaemia in the Philippines). They are an excellent source of protein and very low source of fat and carbohydrates. Thus the leaves are on of the vest plant foods tat can be found”(Martin cited in Price, 2000).
Going through the comparative table analysing the content of these vitamins per 100 grams of the plant, the dried Leaf Powder contains twice much more than both the Pods and fresh Leaves do! For more details, consult Fugile et al; 1999 & 2000). In the West African sub-region only in Senegal is the plant fully exploited for its nutritional value. However, every part of the Moringa plant is used in traditional medicine in every rural community in the Americas, Africa and Asia.
Presently, scientific laboratory investigations and our experimentation in the search for alternative management strategies for HIV-AIDS in Africa at UNTH from 2001 2005, have confirmed its therapeutic efficiency as well as its remedial effectiveness in nutrition/dietetics by pre-literate healers all over the globe! It is this certainty that emboldens us to recommend that other health researchers evaluate our claims! With the three regimens code-named HAT/2003/…VCO, AVT and SMV, we have achieved success in arresting the sporadic spread of the pandemic in our community! You, too, can!!
Many licensed drugs used today originated in the herbal traditions of various cultures, and therefore Hafani Research Consortium utilised the natural roots, herbs and other resources in the tropics to alleviate the throes of our kith and kin dying from the incurable HIV-AIDS pandemic rather than complacently wait for foreign patented drugs. We neither owe anyone any excuses, explanations nor apologies for using what we have in the tropics to manage the health issues and medical problems facing us as altruistic, patriotic and humanitarian research scientists. The age when Africans and Asians stood still when Europeans sneezed is over and gone for good. We must paddle our own canoes and stop being stagnated or regressed adolescents waiting for our daily bread to be rationed out to us!
Hafani Research Consortium is blazing the trail! Do you care for our rural communities? You can only answer that question by taking a resolution to stop sitting on the fence. Are you still tied to the apron strings of your erstwhile colonial masters? This is opportune time to liberate yourself and others. Apply the knowledge of scientific research you acquired in the university and alleviate the problems of our brothers and sisters by appropriating the high sounding prefixes and accolades attached to your names! This, and only this, is our mission!
We are not holding briefs for anyone, group of persons or institution. We do not represent any religious or political organisation, not even the WHO nor the UN. We are simply medical experts and natural scientists motivated by the need to find lasting solutions to the throes our kith and kin are passing through by suffering this pandemic. We are ordinary humanitarians trying our best to be our “brothers/sisters keepers”!
If the International Scientific Community is stating that they have no cure for now, shall we remain complacent while our women and children are plagued by this contraption of western science; whereas they are busy doling out free condoms and their own brands of anti-retroviral drugs that are merely prophylactic, our relatives are dying in millions here in Africa? No! ‘God forbid bad thing’ our native folks say!
The Almighty Creator in his Infinite Wisdom had/has endowed every community with the natural remedies for all the diseases that abound in their environment. It is left for dedicated elders and renowned sages in these communities to discover these healing remedies and employ them the maximum benefits that their kith and kin can derive there from. This is what we have initiated to rescue our people from Western dominance.
Compiled by HAFANI RESEARCH TEAM Leader; Dr Kenez
Scientific classification:
The horseradish tree belongs to the moringa family, Moringaceae. It is classified as Moringa pterygosperma
Horseradish is a common name for a tall perennial herb (see Mustard). Native to eastern Europe, it is cultivated all over Europe and the United States. It has very large, lance-shaped leaves 10 to 30 cm (4 to 12 in) long and often notched. The plant ranges in height from 46 to 76 cm (18 to 30 in). Each of the small, white flowers comprises four sepals, four petals, six stamens, and a two-celled pistil. The fruit is a globe-shaped pod. The pungent roots of horseradish are ground for use as a condiment. If used immediately, ground horseradish root need not be preserved, but bottled horseradish is usually preserved in vinegar.Scientific classification: Horseradish belongs to the family Brassicaceae (formerly Cruciferae). It is classified asArmoracia rusticana. Horseradish Tree, also oil of ben tree, common name for a deciduous tree (one that loses all of its foliage each year) native to India that is naturalized in other tropical and subtropical regions, including southern California, southern Florida, and the West Indies. It is named for its roots, which smell and taste like horseradish and can be chopped for use as a vegetable or relish. The tree’s attractive foliage and flower clusters make it a popular ornamental, particularly since it is easily grown in a variety of soil types. It is propagated from seeds or cuttings.
The horseradish tree attains heights of 6 to 9 m (20 to 30 ft). The lacy compound leaves (leaves made up of several leaflets along a stem) are up to 60 cm (24 in) long, with numerous leaflets about 1.5 cm (about 0.6 in) long. The upper surface of the leaves is a dark green, the lower surface is a pale green. The fragrant, cream-colored flowers are 2.5 cm (1 in) across and develop in loosely branched clusters, called panicles, that grow from the point at which the leaf joins the stem. Each flower has five sepals (petal-like flower coverings) and five petals, with one petal erect and larger than the others. The fruit is a slender, podlike capsule up to 45 cm (18 in) long. It contains triangular, three-winged black seeds that depend on the wind for dispersal.
In addition to the roots, other parts of the plant are edible. The seed pods are known as susumber, or drumsticks, and are cut up and boiled like beans. In some places the leaves are used as cattle fodder. The bark of the horseradish tree yields a gum that can be used in printing fabrics. Its seeds yield an edible oil, called oil of ben, that is used as a lubricant, a salad oil, and by perfumers to extract fragrances from various plants.
Scientific classification: The horseradish tree belongs to the moringa family, Moringaceae. It is classified as Moringa pterygosperma.
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Our search for cheaper means of caring for PLWA in the rural community who may not have access to synthetic multivitamins took us the doors of Epidemiologists. One of our consultants, who works at the National Arbovirus and Vectors; Research Division of the Federal Ministry of Health, Dr N. A. Ozumba, has processed and packaged the leaf powder form of this great plant, which he labelled “MOVITAAMIN”, abbreviated DOM.
The name is derived thus: MO-VIT-AA-MIN tells us that the plant Moringa Oleifera is very rich in and provides the Vitamins, the essential Amino Acids, and Minerals that our body needs.
In this case, it goes beyond supplementing human nutrition to the more significant function of bolstering the immune system of people living with HIV-AIDS, thereby enhancing prophylaxis and improving the appetite of its beneficiaries! In the field, it has been sampled and tested on pregnant and breast-feeding women, malnourished infants and people living with HIV-AIDS for three years with magnificent results. It is equally reported to have increased the physical and mental well being of those who use it just as food supplement! We have scientifically documented evidence that any interested research scientist can verify, duplicate, replicate, validate and standardise!
“Moringa Oleifera”, comes from the botanical family; Moringaceae, of the genus; Moringa. Fourteen species make up the genus, but our choice is the most popular and the best known in scientific circles. It is a fast growing and drought-resistant tree, native to Northern India but now widely distributed all over the tropics and sub-tropical zones of the world. It was known and highly valued by the ancient Egyptian, Roman and Greek civilisations. Recently it has been recognised as a multipurpose plant with vast potentials, in human and animal nutrition, traditional folk medicine, agro-forestry, and is equally used for water purification by environmentalists, production of high quality oils for the cosmetic industry, and it used in illumination and as lubricant for fine watches.
(For details consult Morton; 1991, Folkard and Sutherland; 1996).
In Nigeria, the plant grows profusely in the wild all the year round since we are yet to appreciate and exploit its nutritional values. Whereas it called the horseradish tree in Britain, ben aile in France, in Nigeria, the Fulani call it; Rini maka, the Hausas call it; Zongalla gandi, the Yoruba call it; Idagbo monoye, while the landlords of Igboland label it;Odudu Oyibo or Ikwe oyibo!
The leaves are outstanding among all leafy vegetables in the tropics as it a very rich source of both Vitamin A and Vitamin C when eaten raw! They are equally a good source of the various versions of the B vitamins and soluble minerals. “The Calcium content is high for a plant. Phosphorus is low as it should be. The content of Iron is very good. (It is reportedly prescribed for anaemia in the Philippines). They are an excellent source of protein and very low source of fat and carbohydrates. Thus the leaves are on of the vest plant foods tat can be found”(Martin cited in Price, 2000).
Going through the comparative table analysing the content of these vitamins per 100 grams of the plant, the dried Leaf Powder contains twice much more than both the Pods and fresh Leaves do! For more details, consult Fugile et al; 1999 & 2000). In the West African sub-region only in Senegal is the plant fully exploited for its nutritional value. However, every part of the Moringa plant is used in traditional medicine in every rural community in the Americas, Africa and Asia.
The evergreen tree flourishes in Dr Danmbaezue’s Botanical Garden, which has other therapeutic plants and roots like, Avocado, Dogonyaro, Paw-Paw, Aloe-Vera, Garlic, Ginger e.t.c.

A Wise Brave man can fall seven times but he will rise seven times also if he is a truly a bona-fide Homo sapiens if he is not encumbered by doctrines and dogmas.
Rev. Prof. J. J. Kenez, D.Sc. a.k.a. Dr J. K. Danmbaezue,
The Humble Vessel of the Holy Spirit of the Almighty creator of the Entire Universe
Rev. Prof. J. J. Kenez, D.Sc. a.k.a. Dr J. K. Danmbaezue,
The Humble Vessel of the Holy Spirit of the Almighty creator of the Entire Universe
Dated this Sunday, September 23, 2012 @ 9:31:24 PM or 2131.24 HRS GMT
Wake up you slumbering beauties of Christendom that have been hoodwinked for centuries by Roman Abracadabra of converting Mithraism that originated in Greece and dominated Rome for centuries before an imprisoned tent maker; who appealed to Rome for judicial liberation from his captors because he claimed he was A ROMAN CITIZEN, the most respected title any one could trump up as a magical wand to frighten all his detractors;arrived in Rome.
The cock is crowing and has been crowing promptly since the beginning of creation. He has been the best time keeper humanity has relied on before attempts to supplant him gave us clocks. But to date, the Almighty Creator’s time keeper is still the most reliable! Do you know why? It does not need a battery to operate, it has never gone to school to learn about time schedules and the crowing is regular all over the globe, that is to say, ALL COCKS CROW CONTEMPORANEOUSLY in the five major continents of our small world!
While you sleep or work, it has never shrieked its duty of informing sane human beings that time is running out on them! Or will the disciples of the ape-like Charles Darwin explain away why the cock has not evolved into a super bird that fly all round each home, hamlet, village or urban areas of all our human communities to unfailingly herald the birth of a new dawn. All the other birds join him only as from 05.30am each day singing the morning prayers to the Almighty Creator to thank him for sustaining their lives through the night till they woke up! Contemporaneously, they also supplicate for nourishment on a daily basis as they pray for their daily feeding since they have no farms or stores when ready-made food awaits them. And He does!
Think of the millions of birds in the world, who neither cultivate the land nor harvest any grains but are well-fed daily because they prayed to the Creator! All the wild animals, fishes and reptiles also have no planting seasons. So they also by mowing, roaring, croaking e.t.c. also pray for their daily food, carnivorous and herbivorous and He answers their prayers. This had sustained all created beings since creation until the most destructive animal in the universe; MAN started domesticating them for selfish reasons we all know about; greed, commerce, affluence, gluttony, wine and sexual gratifications.
So, my dear, sleeping beauties wake up! It is GOOD MORNING for all genuine sons and daughters of the Omnipotent and Omniscient Father of us all; the Almighty Creator. He declares a thing to be and instantaneously his Holy Spirit implements and activates his thoughts, words, desires for our well-being and paternal wishes for the mutual benefits of all animate and inanimate beings, he placed above the earth, on the vegetative horizons of our expansive environments and those under the seas, hills and mountains on every land.
Smile and greet the nearest human being with you right now, for there is a new lease of spiritual regeneration sweeping across the whole world for bona-fide children of the Creator!
Our world has been bastardised by centuries of demagogues propounding dogmatic religions that brainwashed generations before ours with demonic doctrines that hoodwinked many semi-literates into sheepishly doing things that ordinarily an educated rational being would abhor and vomit out as toxic wastes! However, humanity had lived under bondage and borne the degradation of humans due to the fear of the AFTERLIFE negative concepts painted by the very imperialists that proposed that anyone who deviated WOULD END UP IN HELLFIRE.
Hello, it is a brand new day! Good Morning, Citizens of the Global Village!
From now on, there will never be ANY FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN AGAIN! Modern discoveries in science has proven that all doctrines and dogmas were propagated by imperialists that wanted to dominate the citizens of their generations.
All over the world, the supposedly rational animal that prides itself with being the only one with language and reason has been manipulated into swallowing toxic wastes in the name of faith! From birth, one is conditioned to swallow the community’s or parents’ religious practices without questions! The general mass hysteria is that doctrines, dogmas and rituals were handed down through some prophets and priests and therefore no one dares challenge their real worth; neither their veracity, their utilitarian values nor their mutual benefits!
That is now history for intelligent humans who will read and understand this website! That has been the remote cause of racism, religious intolerance and the production of majority and minority races. All the animals, plants fishes, birds, reptiles, apes and human beings have the divinely built in mechanism of IMMANENT MOTION and each was designed, built and bestowed with ASEXUAL or SEXUAL REPRODUCTIVE CAPABILITIES by a SUPREME ARCHITECT/ENGINEER, who created, creates and still sustains all his created beings, animate and inanimate; all humans describe as the ALMIGHTY CREATOR!
The unproved Theory of Evolution was the product of a grandson of the Evil One! There is no doubt that Charles Darwin knew where he came from, why he was here and where he was going! The truth was that his biological father noticed an unusual trait in his son but could not decipher it since psychology had not advanced beyond theoretical assumptions. He opted to send him to a BibleCollege. Moreover, as every Briton then joined in the face-off of the adulterous King with the Papacy they all pretended to be ‘Christians’ who were really protesting the supremacy of the Pope and his Papal powers dominating the entire world!
Any theory that helped to enthrone the Anglican Communion founded by the His Royal Majesty at the crucial time and helped dislocate the Roman Catholic Church domination of the entire world through the unpopular Papacy was welcome and given maximum support and publicity. So, you can imagine that overnight Charles Darwin’s demonic theories that would supplant God and the Creationist theory was embraced by all Britons and even earned him a Knighthood. No thanks to the love affair between Constantine, the great and his heart-throb, a Christian damsel under the tutelage of Saul of Tarsus!
Take a harder look at the results of the enforcement of the variety of religions in world history and you will note that each religion set out to seek and pursue peaceful principles but each ended up promulgating doctrines and dogmas not acceptable to all humanity. The result is that the mundane xenophobic, egocentric and ethnocentric desire to enforce these myopic doctrines and dogmas take over the objective of peace and turns the world into a battlefield of religious fanatics, mystics, demagogues and irrational beings that destroy humanity!
The ensuing narcissistic, masochistic and schizophrenic behavioural traits come to the fore and crusades and jihads take over the religious mission and replace it with ethnocentric and egocentric objective of establishing world supremacy! Is it not foolhardy for anyone to fight for the Creator; erroneously called God, Chukwu, Oluwa, Abasi or Allah that we all know is OMNISCIENT and OMNIPOTENT? Remember that “I am, that, I am” was the label the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob had given to Moses at the burning bush! A comparative analysis of the origins and development of crusades and jihads seems proper here! So, let ask Wikipedia or the encyclopaedias!
Counterfeits had always existed in every human endeavour but the worst is the one that proposed that humans developed from monkey-like creatures called apes. If that theory were true, by now, after a century it could have become A SCIENTIFIC LAW! Austrian monk, McGregor Mendel’s theory of inheritance in all species was only recognised post-homously. It passed all the hurdles that met the classification and differentiations of laws versus theories. All natural scientists, whether in botany or zoology, human or veterinary medicine, psychology or politics, sociology and anthropology must study his theories meticulously to pass any professional examinations! But to date, the disciples of the pastor-turned observer of biological evolution, the ape-like Charles Darwin, who initially set out to explain to his peers why he looked very much like an ape are still groping in the dark alleys of theories that will never become any law in any scientific community!
Take a critical look of any of the pictures of Charles Darwin who was a trained Anglican priest. Place it beside a picture of a full grown male ape. It will be difficult for your ten year child to differentiate. That experiment will reveal the objective of theologically trained pastor wandering off to observe animals in their natural habitats as he claimed was the ORIGIN OF SPECIES. The truth; however was he had a subconscious need to extricate himself from the jeers and sneers of his age-mates who taunted him with being a grandson of an ape. He set out to blacklist all humans as descendants of apes and so rebuff the adolescent taunts of his peer group! Otherwise tell me, what time had a missionary pastor to veer into unknown scientific areas he never received any for mal training? No one had ever bordered to ask these pertinent and revealing questions all along.
Now, Rev. Prof. J. J. Kenez has belled the cats let all the scientific rats come out of their cowardice and ask the relevant questions on why a non-scientist was allowed to derail THE POSITIVE AND SELF-EVIDENT RELIGIOUS PERSPECTIVE OF THE THEORY OF CREATIONISM.
· Creationism is the affirmation, not merely a belief that the universe and the various forms of life were created by God out of nothing (ex nihilo). Biblical creationists believe that the story told in Genesis of God's six-day creation of all things is literally correct. Scientific creationists believe that a creator made all that exists, but they may not hold that the Genesis story is a literal history of that creation.
· Both types of creationists, however, believe that changes in organisms may involve changes within a species or downward changes (negative mutations), but they do not believe that any of these changes can lead to the evolution of a lower or simpler species into a higher or more-complex species. Thus, the theory of biological evolution is disputed by all creationists.
· Creationism became the object of renewed interest among conservative religious groups following the publication in 1859 of On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin (1809–82), the first systematic statement of evolutionary theory. Within two decades most of the scientific community had accepted some form of evolution, and most churches eventually followed suit.
· In the early 20th century, some state legislatures in the United States banned the teaching of evolution on the ground that it contradicted the biblical creation story, which they considered a revealed truth.
· The result was the famous Scopes Trial (the so-called “Monkey Trial”) of 1925, in which a high-school teacher, John T. Scopes, was convicted of unlawfully teaching the theory of evolution (he was later acquitted on a technicality).
· Beginning in the late 20th century, many creationists advocated a view known as intelligent design, which was essentially a scientifically modern version of the argument from design for the existence of God as set forth by the Anglican clergyman William Paley (1743–1805). Today most creationists in the United States continue to work toward their goal of ensuring that the biblical creation story, or at least the idea that the universe and living things were divinely created, is taught alongside evolution in the public schools.
Every living being breathes the ALMIGHTY CREATOR’S fresh air that only HE knows how HE refines; drink HIS water that fall down to us from above or already running out of where HE stored them in HIS rocks. We all share the same Sun, Moon and Earth that the Supreme Being gave us to know the days and nights, months and years, to cultivate and grow our food, build our houses and finally, bury our dead relatives! Can the demagogues theorising THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES also tell us about the evolution of these?
It is my proven conclusion therefore that it was abracadabra religious dissension that produced the most heinous theories in world history. This was/is/will remain the origin of all religious dissensions that watered down the pristine views of man and gradually over the centuries opened the eyes of all that one can theorise in the wrong direction and still have a popular following by demonised and people of crooked thinking. That was the remote genesis of the previous world wars that enthroned superiority of races, blood and intelligence that engineered the earliest religious crusades and jihads.
Before Charles Darwin, piety reigned! After Charles Darwin, hell was let loose so that all the demons escaped from hellfire, came down to our human world, filled the earth and bred all the demagogues that spawned unscientific theories, doctrines and dogmas that led to all the previous genocides mistakenly called “world wars”! My dear, can’t you now see the mother theory of evolution that gave birth to all the other nefarious evolutions that is now the pandemic the world is suffering from?
It is my proven conclusion therefore that it was abracadabra religious dissension that produced the most heinous theories in world history. This was/is/will remain the origin of all religious dissensions that watered down the pristine views of man and gradually over the centuries opened the eyes of all that one can theorise in the wrong direction and still have a popular following by demonised and people of crooked thinking. That was the remote genesis of the previous world wars that enthroned superiority of races, blood and intelligence that engineered the earliest religious crusades and jihads.
Before Charles Darwin, piety reigned! After Charles Darwin, hell was let loose so that all the demons escaped from hellfire, came down to our human world, filled the earth and bred all the demagogues that spawned unscientific theories, doctrines and dogmas that led to all the previous genocides mistakenly called “world wars”! My dear, can’t you now see the mother theory of evolution that gave birth to all the other nefarious evolutions that is now the pandemic the world is suffering from?
All over the world, the youths have looked on helplessly as the adult population decides who gets what, which religion get government allegiance and who is who in all social interactions. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.
The civilized and scientific youths of the current GLOBAL VILLAGE OF COMPUTERS AND THE INTERNET are poised to take over the reigns of governance if the leaders of today do not want A LASTING WORLD PEACE.
The religious tradition of our forefathers has been overthrown by imported versions that our youths disregard or pay lip service to. It is the adult population that is corrupting the youth. There are no role models for the youth; neither among the fake pastors and money seeking evangelists nor among the inept public servants and the corrupt political class.
The religious tradition of our forefathers has been overthrown by imported versions that our youths disregard or pay lip service to. It is the adult population that is corrupting the youth. There are no role models for the youth; neither among the fake pastors and money seeking evangelists nor among the inept public servants and the corrupt political class.
That is the genesis of youth restiveness, social malaise and adult/juvenile delinquency that has escalated to unmanageable proportions in ALL DEVELOPED AND DEVELOPING COUNTRIES AND NATIONS OF THE WORLD!
For too long, our people have been wearing masks; the commercial mask worn by traders from Mondays to Fridays when they extort and cheat their customers. Civil service mask of pretences is a corollary! Then religiosity mask is worn by all for funeral ceremonies and condolence visits on Saturdays and finally, the Christian mask worn on Sundays!
To correct the anomaly, a Consultant Research Scientist with his team of concerned interdisciplinary colleagues conducted a 25-year research on the restoration of family love and morals. There must be EDUCATION IN FAMILY VALUES to change the tide and avert a lawless society that our nation is turning into. So, what is education in family values? The answer is ubiquitous but comprehensive as outlined in this magnificent;
For too long, our people have been wearing masks; the commercial mask worn by traders from Mondays to Fridays when they extort and cheat their customers. Civil service mask of pretences is a corollary! Then religiosity mask is worn by all for funeral ceremonies and condolence visits on Saturdays and finally, the Christian mask worn on Sundays!
To correct the anomaly, a Consultant Research Scientist with his team of concerned interdisciplinary colleagues conducted a 25-year research on the restoration of family love and morals. There must be EDUCATION IN FAMILY VALUES to change the tide and avert a lawless society that our nation is turning into. So, what is education in family values? The answer is ubiquitous but comprehensive as outlined in this magnificent;
Dear Teacher, Your job is an onerous one, commendable by both God and man,
My child will look up to you as a role model, a mirror to view the world;
You will have to father him for 5 hours a day, 5 days a week and 35 weeks per year,
That’s long enough to make or mar his future, his classmates and that of this country.
1. Teach him to look around and admire the beauty in nature, himself inclusive,
Let him know that for every child he sees, there are two parents – a father and a mother;
So for the birds he sees, trees, animals, hills, rivers, sun, daylight, night and moonlight,
There is but One Almighty Father, who created and takes care of us all on a daily basis.
2. Teach him to trust and obey The Almighty Creator with worship in humility,
And to love every other being, as we all are sons and daughters of the same Creator;
Let him realise that when it rains, it’s for every one: plants, animals and man,
The Creator’s kindness and benevolence does not choose those to hate or love.
3. Teach him that for every lie he tells, he will tell ten more lies to cover it up,
And for ten lies, he needs one hundred more lies – that is foolishness;
So let him learn that truth is golden, more precious than wealth and riches,
Knowledge, wisdom and fame are the rewards earned by truthful people.
4. In school, let him love and respect his classmates and fight to protect the weaker ones,
Allow him to taste bitter and sweet things; and to combine laughter and suffering;
That way you will have prepared him to deal with wicked and honest human beings,
Thereby teaching him to differentiate good from evil and to do good all his life.
5. Teach him that lying, cheating and stealing produce criminals and rogues,
Teach him that a kobo earned is better than a hundred won by lottery;
It’s better to go hungry than enjoy a meal prepared with stolen money,
Or eat crumbs of bread among finest friends than a whole loaf among dishonest men.
6. Teach him that a passage studied, understood and memorised,
Is far better than one simply crammed and repeated like a parrot;
The former leads to ingenuity, resourcefulness and creativity,
The latter to imitative behaviour, sloth and lack of self-confidence;
Teach him that it’s more honourable to fail an examination,
Than to copy, cheat or use “expo” methods to pass any examination.
7. Finally teach him that it is better to be neither too poor nor too rich,
Than to become wealthy by stealing, deceit and cutting corners;
The former leads to contentment, peace of mind and long life,
The latter to arrogance, greed, restlessness and sudden death;
Explain to him what “Honesty is the best policy” really means,
And the practical implications of the saying: “More haste, less speed”.
Be assured of his/my eternal gratitude if you succeed in this noble task.
You’ll have to believe and practise these yourself,
Before you can teach them to my son and his mates;
But be assured that if you succeed in this assignment,
You will be a hero and the father of heroes and heroines;
And that’s what our dear country needs most.
May God guide your endeavours!
Dear Teacher, Your job is an onerous one, commendable by both God and man,
My child will look up to you as a role model, a mirror to view the world;
You will have to father him for 5 hours a day, 5 days a week and 35 weeks per year,
That’s long enough to make or mar his future, his classmates and that of this country.
1. Teach him to look around and admire the beauty in nature, himself inclusive,
Let him know that for every child he sees, there are two parents – a father and a mother;
So for the birds he sees, trees, animals, hills, rivers, sun, daylight, night and moonlight,
There is but One Almighty Father, who created and takes care of us all on a daily basis.
2. Teach him to trust and obey The Almighty Creator with worship in humility,
And to love every other being, as we all are sons and daughters of the same Creator;
Let him realise that when it rains, it’s for every one: plants, animals and man,
The Creator’s kindness and benevolence does not choose those to hate or love.
3. Teach him that for every lie he tells, he will tell ten more lies to cover it up,
And for ten lies, he needs one hundred more lies – that is foolishness;
So let him learn that truth is golden, more precious than wealth and riches,
Knowledge, wisdom and fame are the rewards earned by truthful people.
4. In school, let him love and respect his classmates and fight to protect the weaker ones,
Allow him to taste bitter and sweet things; and to combine laughter and suffering;
That way you will have prepared him to deal with wicked and honest human beings,
Thereby teaching him to differentiate good from evil and to do good all his life.
5. Teach him that lying, cheating and stealing produce criminals and rogues,
Teach him that a kobo earned is better than a hundred won by lottery;
It’s better to go hungry than enjoy a meal prepared with stolen money,
Or eat crumbs of bread among finest friends than a whole loaf among dishonest men.
6. Teach him that a passage studied, understood and memorised,
Is far better than one simply crammed and repeated like a parrot;
The former leads to ingenuity, resourcefulness and creativity,
The latter to imitative behaviour, sloth and lack of self-confidence;
Teach him that it’s more honourable to fail an examination,
Than to copy, cheat or use “expo” methods to pass any examination.
7. Finally teach him that it is better to be neither too poor nor too rich,
Than to become wealthy by stealing, deceit and cutting corners;
The former leads to contentment, peace of mind and long life,
The latter to arrogance, greed, restlessness and sudden death;
Explain to him what “Honesty is the best policy” really means,
And the practical implications of the saying: “More haste, less speed”.
Be assured of his/my eternal gratitude if you succeed in this noble task.
You’ll have to believe and practise these yourself,
Before you can teach them to my son and his mates;
But be assured that if you succeed in this assignment,
You will be a hero and the father of heroes and heroines;
And that’s what our dear country needs most.
May God guide your endeavours!
Dr Jideofo Kenechukwu Danmbaezue, D. Sc.,
Consultant Clinical Psychologist/Existential Family Therapist
*My 53rd Birthday Gift to all Educationists, Inspired by Abraham Lincoln’s letter,
Gestation Period: 1997-2001, written and revised several times before this final one.*
Consultant Clinical Psychologist/Existential Family Therapist
*My 53rd Birthday Gift to all Educationists, Inspired by Abraham Lincoln’s letter,
Gestation Period: 1997-2001, written and revised several times before this final one.*
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