Monday, February 4, 2013



EPILOGUE ; The Wisdom of Jesus Son of Sirach

I once met three philosophers arguing about the nature of God. The Christian theologian among them insisted on the Trinitarian doctrine, the Oriental Christian emphasised that the Holy Spirit proceeded only from the Father whereas the Roman Christian argued that the Holy Spirit proceeded from both the Father and the Son!

I laughed at them. They got angry. In unison, they demanded to know why I was laughing them to scorn. I said, “Why not bother yourselves about the things in the world that you can comprehend? Leave God alone!” One of them interjected, “Why do you say that, are you wiser than the Holy Church fathers and the great theologians that handed down these doctrines?”

“Thank you very much for being truthful. You just called them ‘doctrines’ and that’s exactly what they  are! You can’t arrive at any meaningful conclusion in your argument since all we can ever know or say about him is,  “God exists!” And what that really means is this: “God is the Almighty Being that created everything that exists in the universe. Anything else anybody says or we say is puerile, futile and simply mundane guesswork!” I concluded.

In I.S.M. we do not theorise about what we have no existential answers that can satisfy human reasoning! We limit ourselves to provable and rational concepts, no mysteries, no dogmas and no doctrines. You are very welcome to disproving anything we posit, provided you can defend your position convincingly, and carry along seventy-five per cent of humankind. We are okay! It will be interesting to introduce my readers to a grandfather in ethical philosophy and my cherished psychotherapy master. I learnt so much from him in my youth that sharing his thoughts with you is the only natural thing that my naïve mind can think of now. It is evident in his book that much of what he preached, which was later transcribed into the Greek language by a grandson, was addressed to the Israelites living in exile at different parts of the world at the time of his writing. This concise reproduction is taken from the 1979 edition of GOOD NEWS BIBLE, (TEV DC053P) Today’s English Version with Deuterocanonical Books/Apocrypha as published by BIBLE SOCIETIES and printed by COLLINS & FONTANA.  

      In INTEGRATIONAL SPIRITAN MOVEMENT (ISM), all edifying social ethics that will foster world peace or the harmonious living together of all Homo sapiens is the paramount factor in choosing reprints. I have come to appreciate the non-partisan portions of his ocean of ethical principles. All those who seek veritable wisdom need to drink from this fountain of knowledge. It is the universality of some of his counsels that merits its reproduction here for all those who may not have access to the complete Bible edition. I hope you’ll enjoy it as I did in my youthful days when our teachers encouraged voracious reading. Spread the message in it to everyone that you may meet after its ennobling insight has sunk into your bone marrow!

The Book of Sirach (aka. Ecclesiasticus) 1: 1-30
“In Praise of Wisdom
v.1:   All wisdom comes from the Lord,
        And Wisdom is with him for ever.

v.2:  Who can count raindrops
       Or the sand along the shore?
      Who can count the days of eternity?

v.3:  How high is the sky? How wide is the earth?
       How deep is the ocean? How profound is Wisdom?
 Can anyone find answers to these questions?

v.4:   Wisdom was created before anything else;
        Understanding has always existed.

v.5:  The source of wisdom is the word of God on high;
       Her ways are eternal commands.
v.6:   Has anyone ever been shown
        Where Wisdom originates?
       Does anyone understand her subtle cleverness?

v.7:   To whom has the knowledge
        Of Wisdom been revealed?
       Who has understood her great experience?

v.8:   There is only one who is wise,
        And we must stand in awe before his throne.

v.9:   The Lord himself created Wisdom;
        He saw her and recognised her value,
       And so he filled everything he made with Wisdom.

v.10: He gave some measure of wisdom to everyone,
        But poured her out on those who love him!

v.11:  If you fear the Lord,
         Honour and respect will be yours;
        You will be crowned with happiness and joy.

v.12:  To honour the Lord is a heartfelt delight;
          it will give you a long and happy life,
v.13:  And at the end of your days
         all will go well for you.
        God will bless you on the day of your death.

v.14:  To revere the Lord is the first step to Wisdom.
         Wisdom is given to the faithful in their mother’s wombs.

v.15:  She has lived with us from ancient times,
          And generations to come will rely on her.

v.16:  To fear the Lord is Wisdom at her fullest;
        She satisfies us completely with her gifts
v.17:  And fills our homes and our barns
          With all that our hearts can desire.

v.18:  To fear the Lord is the flower of Wisdom.
          That blossoms with peace and good health.    

v.19:  She sends knowledge and
          Understanding like the rain, 
         And increases the honour of those
         Who receive her!

v.20:  To fear the Lord is the root of Wisdom;
         Her branches are long life!

v.22:  There is no excuse for unjustified anger; 
         it can bring about our downfall

v.23: Wait and be patient,
        And later you will be glad you did.

v.24:  Keep quiet until the right time to speak,
         And you will gain a reputation for good sense.

v.25:  Wisdom has a treasury of wise sayings,
          But sinners have nothing but contempt for godliness.

v.26:  If you want to be wise keep the Lord’s commands,
         And he will give you Wisdom in abundance.

v.27:  Fearing the Lord is Wisdom
         and an education in itself.
         He is pleased by loyalty and humility.

v.28:  Be faithful in the practice of your religion;
         When you worship the Lord,
         Do it with all your heart.

v.29:  Be careful about what you say,
         And don’t be a hypocrite.

v.30: Don’t be arrogant;
         You may suffer a fall and be disgraced.
        The Lord will reveal your secrets
And humble you in front of everyone in the synagogue, because you did not come there with reverence for the lord, but with a heart full of hypocrisy.

I have nothing to add. Drink in this wisdom and become a Kenezian!
*Signed on 04.04.04 @ 1200 GMT by Rev. Prof. J. J. Kenez!



i      We now come to the basics of nature study. Have you ever observed soldier ants on the march? It will definitely be difficult for those of us who did not grow up in a rural community or in a farm! For such persons, their elementary biology textbooks will suffice. All they need do is revise what they learnt in secondary school about social insects or look up that title in an encyclopaedia or browse the Internet.

ii.                      In either case, what they will learn is that these small insects are so well organised that it is a wonder why we, the so-called ‘Homo sapiens sapientes’ are so disorganised. Why do we need the police force to beat us into line, whereas these minute insects do not step out of line nor try to do another insect’s duty?
iii.                   They have specialists for any and every problem they group will ever encounter while they are on any march. Pity yourself, if you interrupt their movement. By the time they swarm around you and sink their jaws into your exposed skin area, you will feel so much pain that next time you will not only fear to cross their path, but you will dread and avoid any other insects that resemble them! Why?
iv.                   These little creatures have soldier ants with larger mandibles specialised for aggressive actions against any intruder and their duty it is to fight and protect the group. And their job ends there. They do not interfere in other duties like reproductive activities or in feeding the younger ones in the group. We have copied that much, but do our own soldiers mind their duty only?
v.                      There, is an important lesson for us humans to learn! A little common sense is all that we need to learn only one trade, specialise in it, be proud of it and not interfere in other people’s professions! But this rarely happens in the social organisation of mankind, yet we claim to be ‘the lord of the material universe’.
vi.                   Or shall we take lectures from another university? This time, from honeybees? Read all you can about this other social insect that even has a language communicated by a dance ritual. It is wonderful how minute beings out-class us in organising their little worlds. They eschew in- fighting. Rather they co-operate so well that their hives are always peaceful until man, the selfish scavenger intrudes to harvest where he never sowed, namely their honey that we steal in order to please our tongues!
vii.                 Again, they are so specialised that only one queen and a king may be found in each community at a time. Unlike what obtains in our human world, where we fight to establish supremacy! How many kings, queens, presidents, chairmen/women and traditional or religious rulers do we have? Are we ready to serve, take orders and obey even our own constitutions? Yet we pride ourselves as ‘Homo sapiens’!
viii.              Visit web sites and learn how the honeybee communicates to the members of the hive that it has found nectar, either nearby or faraway. It is amazing, especially when one realises that they never learn these things. They are born with the peculiar knowledge of the waggle or straight dance. Scientists call this ‘species-specific’ behaviour, thereby indicating that they are born with the information stored in their memory and they must willy-nilly manifest them at the appropriate developmental stages of their lifecycles.
ix.                   The inquisitive minds will at once want to find out whether human infants have anything that resembles this. The answer is an affirmative YES! So the next natural question that follows is what happened to the human infant. You want an answer? Are you really that inquisitive or you want to behave like your species of proud apes?
x.                     You will have to wait till we have received tutorials from another university of nature, the termite colony! You must do yourself this favor. Don’t believe me, nor trust the information you surf from the Internet. Go out there, into the fields and have a firsthand experience of these data that biologists have spent years documenting so as to spoon-feed our infants at schools. That may also explain to you how and why human beings, are the laziest and craziest veterbrates in existence.
xi.                   The termites are the greatest engineers in the universe! That you doubt me fades into insignificance when you compare their anthill, structure weight for weight with their bodies. Our skyscrapers are nothing wonderful if we recognise that these minute ants don’t use mechanical machines to assist them in the construction work, nor do they use building plans scaled and drafted by architects!
xii.                Again, what happens inside the termite palace is another natural wonder! The social organisation, though absurdly hierarchical, commands our respect! There is specialisation, not only in body structures, but also in the roles and duties each ant plays for the mutual benefit of the community.
xiii.              That, precisely, is the point I am trying to emphasise. We, humans need to send our politicians to these anthill universities scattered all over the globe, to learn public administration! For as long as we allow mediocres to manage the affairs of any nation all in the name of political patronage, for so long shall the masses bear the brunt of their bungling of the administrative apparatus of the state.
xiv.              It does no one good to function as a Minister of Health with credentials in engineering or even business administration! I am sorry for developing countries that waste their little resources by so doing.  My opinion is that they must learn to put square pegs in square holes and round ones in round holes! They need these tutorials from termites, honeybees and soldier ants!
xv.                My dear reader, are you following my trend of meditation? What of in our individual homes, kindreds and villages? Should fathers, mothers and children not take notes of lessons from these insects? My emphatic answer is a capital YES! What a mess is made of family life and peace by parents who throw their weight all round the place, all in the name of stamping their authority and exacting immediate obedience from everyone around!
xvi.            Let’s quote an example to illustrate my point; “Apart from the reproductives, all castes are sterile and wingless and have whitish bodies, Typically, the workers constitute the most numerous caste and are the smallest of the adult forms. Workers build and provision the nest, tend the eggs, and feed and groom all the other inmates of the community.”
xvii.           “ All species have soldiers with greatly enlarged heads. The soldiers of certain species are equipped with huge jaws for defence of the colony; in some species, the soldiers have long snouts, from which they eject a sticky, poisonous substance to envelop an enemy and render it helpless.”
xviii.         Do you see what I mean? They owe their efficiency to dedication to duty despite the fact that they do not enjoy the basic rights of all other animals, namely the joy of sexual intercourse. May be I should have said ‘mainly because they do not indulge in the time-consuming and diversionary sexual copulation’ that is the genesis of distraction and depravity in the human species. Do you get my gist?
xix.             The rivalry and competition to attract and please the opposite sex is the bane of all in-fighting animals on earth, be it in higher or lower creatures, the unicellular or multicellular forms of all animate beings. In olden days, and in some cultures to date man-made eunuchs exist and perform their duties more religiously than our so-called priests and nuns!
xx.                The radical position being canvassed for by this writer for a wiser society is this: ‘It is time for selective social engineering, genetical selection and specialisation of men and women!’ Reproductive activities must be controlled to reduce defective babies as well as the over -production of a generation of human beings with a very high load of defective genes! You may scream ‘Tufia-kwa!’ or curse in any other dialect or language ‘God forbid this!’ But only time will tell whether the recommendation is completely anathema! For now, most religions of the Far East and the Catholic Church do not think I am crazy!      



i       My dear reader, can I now call you a disciple? It will help me avoid the error of many religionists who unwittingly masculinise all their injunctions with “he, his, himself, man” as if only males are moralistic! In today’s world, women are more religiously minded than men, yet many preachers and evangelists still deliver their sermons as if the womenfolk were not around! My dear disciple, have you ever noticed the competition among various churches and ministries around where you live? Would there be so much strife, slandering, castigation and/or outright condemnation of each other if leaders of these groups really understood the existential meaning of religion?
ii.                                         The true meaning of the term “religion” is “ to bind oneself to doing something willy-nilly”. Whether it is the belief in or the worship of gods or a God, as the dictionaries would have us believe, the word originally came from the Latin root “religere” which literally translates to “to bind”, as if tied with a rope. Its origin was derogatory. It was meant to castigate the early Christians whom Nero ‘the mad emperor’ tied to stakes and made sport of, by allowing lions to tear their bodies apart while the victims screamed in pains!
iii.                                      Read historical writings about how the early Christians were martyred and you will even realise that today we have very little faith. Where is the LOVE that these early Christians demonstrated? Where is ‘the sharing all their belongings among themselves’ that Chapter 4 verses 32 –37 of the Acts of the Apostles credited them with? When shall the present crowd of hypnotised fanatics realize that they are being taken for a ride by ‘a brood of vipers’ or demonic preachers, ‘whose only god is their belly’ as Jesus, the Christ referred to them in the Christian bible? Hypocrisy has elevated to an art that yields millions for these half-baked charlatans and school dropouts!
iv.                                      We have lost true love and religious piety that to greed, selfishness, avarice, pride and the monetisation or commercialisation of religious worship, crusades and other clandestine activities, all in the name of religion! While these pastors smile to the banks, their followers wallow in penury, starvation and ignorance! Did Christ or any other religious leader in history ever preach competition, hatred, calumny, gossiping, slandering and a myriad of other divisive behaviour that characterise today’s mode of pecuniary evangelisation antics?
v.                                         So, my dear disciple, can you now see the plan of the Evil One that was predicted in the Bible, the Anti-Christ and his devilish strategy? Don’t ever be caught up in their materialistic religious deceptions! Free yourself today. Rationalise what you hear, choose the one that satisfies international ethics, as all altruistic moralists would enjoin us. This is the scientific age, not the early or prehistoric ages when everything was based on introspective vituperations or theological speculations of self-proclaimed visionaries. Logical arguments and satisfactory conclusions should be your guidelines in religious activities, not emotions!
vi.                                      If you have not acquired any logical skills, then now is the best time to learn the basics of scientific reasoning. It is the solution to so many differences of opinions in life. I encourage you to be rational in your thinking, discussions and actions from now on. You will be surprised by the amount of freedom you will feel. Take time to evaluate all you have accepted from childhood as truths without having had neither the chance nor the capability to reason them out by then! Free yourself from self-imprisonment! Throw away those dogmatic and doctrinal shackles that have held you hostage for so many years.
vii.                                    Witness these practical samples of Kenezian wisdom: everyone uses telephone, whether cellular or non- cellular, these days without quarrelling over who invented it; no arguments arise from the use of computers or the internet; and so does transportation either by land, sea or air! None of these has ever brought any strife neither between any religious groups nor between nationalities of various nomenclatures. Why does religion generate so much strife and disagreements? The answer is very simple! It operates on the level of irrational emotions; what appeals to one group of worshippers do not appeal to others, because they are primarily based on personal opinions of their leaders. Moreover the human mind is so egocentric, impressionistic and parochial! It dichotomises what naturally does not need any divisions, segregations or compartmentalisations.
viii.                                  Check this one out. Will two medical doctors quarrel over the treatment of headaches or bruises or fractures? No, is the natural answer. But often we do not realize why! That is exactly where Kenezianism comes in as a science of morals that cuts across national, political and religious boundaries. It reduces every concept about the supernatural to logic, facts, data and practical knowledge that are independent of its originator’s personal opinions. The concepts in Kenezianism are natural phenomena that are replicable in any part of the world, irrespective of the literacy level of its practitioner!
ix.                                      An example will demonstrate its universality. In Kenezianism, all human beings are accepted as brothers and sisters for the mere scientific fact that we have similar blood groupings, identical anatomy, comparable physiology and heterosexual behavioural patterns! The proofs are there for everyone to see and accept rationally, not emotionally nor parochially! We intermarry; blacks, whites, and yellows interchangeably; and produce children not apes. And these off springs of ours are neither ethnocentric at birth nor apartheid in social relationships until their parents introduce them to stereotypic child-rearing practices and segregationist education! This Gestalt Therapy deals with. The avid reader can explore it!
x.                                        The principle of Kenezianism abhors such, and will not be dragged into such mundane socio-political balderdash or any religious buffoonery! Its mission statement spells that out in the KENEZIAN CREED and the LETTER TO ALL EDUCATIONISTS. Read them over and over. Rationalise their universal utility for a more equitable and egalitarian world government! If you cannot accept nor internalise the concept therein, drop this book here and now and never border to read any other publications of the Kenezians! It is very essential that we abrogate ethnic, racial, status and religio-cultural divisions in our world of today that has become a global village. The way we fight pandemics and terrorism should serve us well in socio-political dimensions also! We must genuinely be our brothers’ keepers!
xi.                                      The literacy level of many adherents of various religious groups is very low. Add to this, the reluctance of human beings to adjust quickly to changes, and then you will better appreciate why many wallow in ignorance. Many do not like to explore unknown areas of knowledge in their short life spans. Most accept the religion they were born into, swallow all their parental injunctions and cap them all with the dogmas/doctrines manufactured by their myopic leaders. Thus we have religious wars, crusades and jihads today, that culminate in terrorism of varying magnitudes; the highest of which was the now notorious “September 11th of U.S.A.
xii.                                    When shall we ever learn? Did Confucius, Zoroaster, Buddha, Jesus or Mohammed ever preach syncretism? The answer is an affirmative NO! Only Moses, due to depersonalisation syndromes emanating from years of the enslavement of his kith and kin in Egypt and his personal refugee status in Midian before he was recalled to lead them out, inadvertently introduced segregationist concepts encapsulated in the Mosaic laws of ‘clean and unclean’ religious injunctions that culminated in ‘the Jew and the Gentile’ racist policies Chris failed to address succinctly before he was sacrificed.
xiii.                                 As far as we are concerned in Kenezianism, that was a costly price for every religious leader who fails to resolve ethnic issues in his sermons. Did he reconcile the descendants of Esau, Ishmael and Jacob? No! Did he identify with the Samaritans, Greek or other ‘Gentile’ citizens of his epoch? No! Did he integrate the Roman Rulers of his time with his ethnic group? No! There were many other leaders, religious and/or political, in history that paid for the same negligence. The concept that he died for everyone is not only obsolete but also idiosyncratic and outrageously fanatical, for up till now, present Jews and previous ones never acknowledged that idea. To-date, the Jewish race is still expecting a Saviour! It was Saul of Tarsus who marketed the idea, as he was making reparations for murdering Stephen and many early followers that he had dispatched to impromptu graves!
xiv.                                 The truth will always surface no matter for how long it is buried. Let us learn to apportion blame wherever and whenever they are due. Hero worship never pays lasting dividends. Idolising a great leader detracts from total loyalty and the true worship we owe to the Almighty Father, the Indisputable Creator of the universe and all of us; human beings, plants, animals, animate microcosms and other inanimate macrocosms. It is time to proclaim the true Unitarian Godhead! Trinitarians are idolaters who copied from the ancient symbols of the religions of the Far East and those of Egyptian mythology!
xv.                                   Pragmatism, Rationalism and Existentialism (P.R.E) remain the tripod on which Kenezianism rests! Subject every novel idea you learn, to the acid test of satisfying those ‘Three Kings’ and if it passes, then internalise and practise it in your daily life. If not, vomit it, for it is a counterfeit and therefore it is anti-thetical to the present scientific age of man; ‘the Homo sapiens’! You are hereby appointed a judge of all our write-ups that do not meet those criteria, namely PRE. In addition, every injunction of Kenezianism must be people oriented, meaning that it must be truly humanitarian in all ramifications; thus giving us the formula; k=  (ica / pre) hapo, where ‘k’ is same as Kenezianism, ‘ica’ equates to; ideas, communication & actions, ‘pre’ represents the three kings just mentioned above, whereas ‘hapo’ stands for; humanitarian and people oriented! Ask a mathematician to explain the rest to you, while we proceed to other pressing fundamentals.   
xvi.                                 Whereas other spiritual organisations emphasise ‘beliefs-systems’and ‘dogmas/doctrines’ Kenezianism emphatically encourages you to know, experiment and prove beyond every reasonable doubt, every construct we propose to you for a lucid evaluation that can formulate the building blocks for an all-embracive world government. We do not believe that God exists; rather we know that HE/SHE/IT exists irrespective of our acceptance or otherwise of the great truth! God is the ONE and ONLY GODHEAD that is and has no need for a Trinitarian explanation. We prefer to refer to this godhead as ‘The Almighty Creator’ at all times and use the pronoun ‘IT’ as there is no proof that IT is either male or female!! And as the Prime Mover of all else that moves, it can manifest as sound, light, energy and even as a physical entity!
xvii.                              The ambition of all Kenezians is to internationalise ‘obedience to all natural and eternal laws as the bedrock of a world spiritual fellowship of realists and/or scientists not a congregation of theologians, fanatics nor religionists. There are many international religions already existing in the scientific community, like the FIFA, OLYMPIC COMMITTEE, the WCC, the ICRC or even the latest and most popular religion as at now; the internet (http/ to mention but a few, with dedicated adherents from all walks of life, esoteric/mystical sects and a variety of mundane/fanatical fraternities or denominations that we can ill-afford to increase the number. Rather, we crave to stand in the gaps to bridge the sentimental divides and knock down the perennial walls of differences in doctrinal conflicts.
xviii.                            We know that it is possible to get all intelligent people to agree to and share an international concept provided it appeals to reason and arrests the interest of literate citizens of the global community who feel concerned. Our integrational spiritual fellowship, hereafter referred to as ISF, is based on scientific principles that obey all natural laws in creation. You, too, can contribute your altruistic quota to the consolidation of this brand of interdisciplinary, inter-racial and inter-devotional organisation. Any bright formulation is welcome provided it meets the basic requirements stated above as summarised by our scientific formula.
xix.                              You may refer to us as the UNAID, UNICEF, UNO or WHO of all known, registered and yet to be registered religions. We are, in a real sense, the meeting/melting point of all belief-systems. Every rationalist is welcome! If you appreciate what we stand for, communicate with us today. Don’t postpone or procrastinate.





i Another recent research scientist that studied childhood in detail is Lawrence Kohlberghas, an American psychologist, who stated that as we grew up each one of us passed six developmental stages of morality! He carefully monitored and documented how infants develop the sense of right and wrong. He is a current scientist, and we can learn a lot from his research!


ii Stage one, he labelled; PRE-MORAL , here moral development is essentially at the  pre-moral level. Children at this stage behave properly simply to avoid punishment. They show an unquestioning deference to power /authority, moreover, the physical consequences of any action determine its goodness or badness for the child.


iii. Stage two, is INSTRUMENTAL-HEDONISTIC, morality here is like a marketable commodity for the teenager. What is considered right is primarily what is good for the child himself; occasionally, the satisfaction of other’s needs is a factor, but the outlook of these persons is essentially an instrumental-hedonistic one; e.g. ‘You scratch my back, I scratch yours.’


iv. Stage three, is PEER GROUP APPROVAL; morality is what is approved by others. Peer group satisfaction gradually replaces parent’s approval. At this level the child is able to take the role of others, he can understand what will please them and tries to gain recognition as “the good child”.

v. Stage four; The LAW–AND–ORDER stage. Here, children’s respect for authority, whether parents, teachers, policemen, priests or pastor originates in anticipation of honour and avoidance of dishonour. The orientation is to do one’s duty, obey fixed rules and maintain the social order.

vi. Stage five; AUTONOMY, principally behaviour is based on what is right or wrong, decisions are made on what is proper or improper on the basis of contracts, social or personal at the stage. Adolescents are able to take into account the viewpoint of society in general or play the roles of adults.

vii. Stage six; is the UNIVERSAL ETHICAL PRINCIPLE orientation. According to Kohlberg, only Jesus Christ, Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King jnr. have displayed in their lives; respect for the rights and dignity of their fellow human beings and had been concerned that this mutual respect becomes a universal law!

viii. From the information garnered from Lawrence Kohlberghas, most of us humans are still struggling to graduate from the third stage of moral development and this accounts for so many puerile and purposeless leaders all over the globe!

ix. The second stage of moral development fits what we observe in Third World countries, whereas, only a few of the so-called Fist and Second world country are fixated at the third stage.

the target of each member is to reach the sixth stage within ten years of joining the fellowship. Any one who lags behind will be asked to resign his/her membership! It is a sure proof that such a one is neither rational nor scientific and we detest such regressive behaviour!

xi. If as scientists or rationalists we are agreed that only AN UNMOVED MOVER, or AN UNCUSED CAUSER was responsible for existence, the universe and life; then we are brothers and sisters with equal rights, privileges and responsibilities to one another.

xii. Some philosophers prefer the term ‘The Summum Bonuum’ but we are not restricting our discussion to languages that are cumbersome for some to master. ‘The Supreme Good’ is neither an idiomatic translation nor an adequate literal translation! More over both are subject to myopic misrepresentations as what is ‘good’ to one person or culture may be ‘bad’ to another, for example, polygamy whether polyandry or polygyny!

xiii. At this point it might be fundamental to summarise what Gestalt Therapy has to offer! The mainstay or the notion here  is that people are born wonderful, happy creatures and would remain that was if allowed to grow up naturally.

xiv. It is the society one grows up in which begins to influence us as children, that sometimes pushes us onto the wrong track. Our problems occur when we absorb other people’s value-judgements, like our parents, siblings, uncles, aunts, teachers, religious or political leaders.

xv. When these value-judgements are in sharp contrast to our own real feelings, life-long conflicts arise. We often experience these conflicts as self-disapproval for own genuine feelings and rather impose the opinions of our culture or religion!

xvi. That alone spells the beginning of the end. So in I.S.M. it is your duty to identify these impositions and ratify them based on the divine natural laws the Almighty Creator put in the universe. This is the basic theory and practice of Kenezianism

xvii. Finding them is easy. Look inwards and find the natural laws written boldly in your heart. The little voice that speaks to you anytime you are about to violate the natural laws are international and non-partisan. What your parents and culture tried to do was only to stifle it and imprint what they thought would be good for you!

xviii. You and you are the final arbiter in what you think, decide and implement! No one can imprison your mind, thoughts, and words. Yes, no one can bend your will –power if you are resolute. Are you going to be the driver in the seat of your vehicle (your material body) or are you going to be a passenger? This and only this is the golden price ISM demands of you, and thereafter you can gain eternal freedom!

xix    In Kenezianism, only One True God exists, namely;  GOD,THE ALMIGHTY CREATOR! He initiated initiates and will forever initiate all thoughts, words and actions that are global, eternal and metaphysical in all beings, animate as well as inanimate. He is the Only One that deserves our unalloyed worship, praise, honour and adoration!
i.                   Every other being that ever existed, exists or will ever exist, does so at His pleasure and comes under His Natural and Eternal Laws that govern all macrocosms and microcosms He created! Hence every other great religious leader, dead or alive, those acclaimed as divine prophets, gurus, saviours or mystics are all classified as ‘lords’.
ii.                 Therefore Shankara & Ramanuja, K’ung Ch’iu (Confucius), Siddhartha Guatama (Buddha), Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Joshua, David, Solomon, John the Baptist, Jesus the Christ, Peter and/or Paul the apostles, Mohammed the Prophet, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Sa’i Baba and/or any other prominent moralist must be referred to only as ‘Lords’!
iii.              None of them or anyone else that may come hereafter is near to or co-equal with Our Almighty Father, who created and sustains everything in existence! This knowledge and its eternal acceptance as the stepping stone to all educational programmes are the beginning of wisdom for scientists of all generations, as well as for all shades of religious affiliations!
iv.              Our great grandfathers knew that much! So why did some fanatics deify their heroes and idolised what was created and finite at any stage of its material/physical existence in this universe? Ignorance is the one and only correct answer!
v.                 None of these famous religious leaders was there at the dawn of creations. Read the books credited to Job, Solomon, Issaiah, Sirach, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. None of these authors suggested anything like that! No, not even the great Patriarch Moses who founded Judaism was ever credited with dualising the Godhead, not to mention Christians tripling it!
vi.              Even the great apostle of the gentiles, Saul of Tarsus, later called Paul after his miraculous conversion, emphatically states that the Almighty God is One and has no equal or deputy! Read more of this in his first letter to his loyal converts at Corinthians, Chapter 8 verses 1-6. Moses did a better job in the whole of his book named EXODUS!
vii.            So let us all stop this buffoonery of attributing equality in personhood to anything else! It is not only idolatrous but sacrilegious and irrational! It breeds fanaticism, segregation, partisanship and finally syncretism. It is the harbinger of all-religious differences, schisms, feuds and wars!
viii.         The world of science, medicine and electronics have demonstrated that all human beings can believe, learn and accept certain universal ways of doing things! This is because these areas of knowledge are impartial, objective and devoid of sentimental attachment or any form of socio-political patronage. We hold international conferences on most departments of academics and arrive at world-wide principles and standards, so why not in religion?
ix.               The answer is simple; Religion is constructed on the shifting sands of emotions, politics and hero-worships. These are inimical to modern man. And the sooner we recognised it and addressed it, the better for our generation! That is all that I.S.M. stands for. Join us today, and provide the human race with a scientifically oriented spiritual fellowship where all are brothers and sisters. Thank you and God bless everyone!