The Computer-Age
Spiritual Fellowship
for Citizens of Our Global Village
for Citizens of Our Global Village
Many people are mere conformists. They are those
personalities that are satisfied with ‘going through the motions’; doing what
everyone else is doing to make a living and waiting for the final ‘call to
glory’ as they brand death! Many of us are born and live an inconsequential
life; bland, uneventful and without anything particular to be remembered for
after our exit from this mundane world, a temporal habitation for the soul.
There are some others, whose lives and contributions to the society made a
difference! They changed the ‘status quo’ by either extending the frontiers of
knowledge or developing their immediate communities. They improved the
understanding of human nature and taught others the values of humanitarianism.
These heroes and heroines touched the lives of many both inter-racially and
They added colour to the doldrums of routine existence on
planet earth!
A few had tall dreams and went ahead to transform them into
reality despite all odds. This group devised methods of changing the deplorable
situations and the deprived circumstances of the lifestyle they met on becoming
adults. Some adolescents dream of the courage to better their social status,
but often take off on the wrong foot of seeking for titles, money, fame and
crowning it all with indulging in romantic relationships.
Others dared to pursue the unknown, to break new grounds
and blaze trails for followers to tread on. Their zeal, inquisitiveness,
passion, persistence, desire, motivations and prayers were fully rewarded if
they paid the prize for success; optimism, dedication and the refusal to quit.
Their philosophy of life was ‘When the task gets tough, the tough get it
going!’, ‘Never say, never again!’ or ‘All that it takes to make the impossible
possible is the power to remove the ‘im’
in front of the possible!’
They eventually became geniuses, inventors, explorers,
leaders or discoverers! They evolved into the innovators and pioneers who
helped to enlarge the frontiers of human civilisations and removed the age-old
boundaries of the unknown. Joining this select group of animators or league of
achievers is usually not by accident or by mere wishful thinking. Beyond desire
and hard work is a divine factor that must be recognised, respected and
appropriated in unveiling the unknown that the Divine Architect had hidden
there for ages waiting for a brave soul to convert it from obscure dormancy to
utilitarian vibrancy. This author, Dr Kenez wants to know where you belong in
this universal continuum. Or, are you waiting for ‘manna from heaven’?
Historians inform us that Christopher Columbus actually set
out to discover another route to India when he stumbled at the Americas and thus opened up humanity to a large continent
partitioned into northern and southern halves but connected by a strip of
islands. Today, the Panama
Canal has made it possible
to access the Eastern Regions of the World while travelling continuously to the
west! Inventors, Discoverers and occasionally, religious leaders emerge from
obscure communities of despised nations to beam supernatural light and divine
wisdom of the Creator!
Those who search will eventually discover something unique.
Those who ask penetrating questions may one day obtain answers from above
rather than human palliatives that rarely satisfy the saintly soul. Those who
ardently knock on the doors of heavenly wisdom, sooner than later gain divine
inspirations from the Holy Spirit of the Original Architect and Ultimate Engineer
of the earth we inhabit! He alone has all the answers to all physical, social,
mental, spiritual and the personal and socio-political problems of our mundane
world, if only we humble ourselves and honestly ask for his wisdom and
guidance. But, do we?
The Creator has hidden so much from our intellectual
faculties that to date we are still unravelling those He is allowing humanity
to glimpse at through divine dreams, intuitions, inspirations and revelations
to devout souls! Do you want to have supernatural knowledge mediated by
spiritual faculties of seeing, feeling, sensing and caring for others? Look
inwards, for the kingdom of God is inside you, not outside as many preachers tell you. No
one ever got eternal bliss by keeping the commandments of men. It is given to
altruistic seekers of that Divine Guidance in the affairs of mankind, which
many yearn for but do not know where, when and how to find it. Search for it in
this book!
creator gave humans some of his powers and knowledge for recreating the
material universe for the mutual benefits of all his created beings but today
many use his gifts to perpetrate evil. Either by design or demonic
manipulation, the obverse is the case; the first datum that every living thing
recognises is that someone put it here and caters for its welfare. Dogs respect
and fight in defence of their owners. Every pet realises that it is loved and
taken care of by someone who has value for its existence. It is human who pride
themselves of being rational beings that do not recognise, respect or realise
that all of us have a single owner. It is absurd! Some believe there is an
Almighty Creator who provides for each creature on daily basis, some assert
that he has turned his back on us due to our congenital wickedness and cruel
ways, while others simply deny his existence!
This is my
summation of the problem; “Religion was/is a superstitious search by humanity
for its origin, existence, meaning and relevance before the scientific era. The
search was led by acclaimed sages among the elders of a community who defined
its theories and practices. It is later ratified and recommended for
legislation and implementation by state apparatus by convincing stratagem or
coercion by politico-religious leaders. Thereafter, it is fine tuned and
administered by ordained priests and priestesses who hand it down along
ancestral lineages from one generation of lukewarm adherents, fanatics and
mystics to another. Gradually, strong personalities emerge claiming divine
appointment and so pull strong followers who idolise them as role models with
supernatural powers. This obsession confirms them as beacons of adulation and
finally leads to full scale idolatry.
Religion, which
is superstition sanctioned by the state, is actually an addiction to man-made
doctrines and dogmas invented, patented and copyrighted by a few demagogues.
- It enslaves the mind more than
psychoactive drugs,
- Benumbs human creativity and
resourcefulness thereby
- Restricting the development of the
human potential and capital.
It is the main
cause of poverty of the mind and underdevelopment of third world countries as
its side-effects are indolence, redundancy, laziness and dependence of finished
products and services. In the final analysis, it is the predisposing factor to
lack of initiative, debilitating ignorance, fetish belief-systems, abject
poverty and perennial ill-health.
Perhaps its
only advantage is that it makes the polity docile and amenable to the whims and
caprices of their oppressive leaders. Often, it hoodwinks its adherents into
believing that ‘The God’ or ‘the gods’ they worship speak to them through the
voices of their egocentric clerics who therefore can conveniently exploit them
to satisfy their demonic desires of sensual pleasure and inordinate ambitions of
amassing wealth. Their wanton indulgence in gluttony, wine and women is seen in
every action and definitely this is the foolproof evidence of their demonic
To rescue
humanity from the demonic stranglehold of idolatry that now predominates worldwide,
you are invited to reason along with us and see that we provide an everlasting
cure for sensual lust for food, wine, sex, wealth and power that are the
trademarks of society heading for damnation! Are you going to sit on the fence
and wait for another failed experiment in Messiahship that was riddled with
myopic and ethnocentric bias? Who knows the Creator well enough to declare that
he has ‘a chosen people’? Where is the evidence that Moses actually led the
so-called people out of any oppressive regime? The history books and modern
encyclopaedia did not record the enslavement of the Jewish race except as ‘they
were believed as revealed truths’.
Then he went on
to introduce the first and most heinous dichotomy in racism; JEWS and GENTILES!
The negative impact of that first categorisation of humanity gave birth to all
the nepotic, apartheid and racist policies in the entire world. If you care to
join us in a sanitation exercise that will guarantee a better future for your
children, the come and witness the development of religion from time immemorial
to evaluate it subjugation to man-made doctrines, dogmas and modes of worship
that are irreligious. Thereafter, we can seek for solutions as proposed by the
computer-age Integrational fellowship; I S M.
The Genesis of
Immorality in Biafra Was the Assimilation
of Westernisation
The desecration of our pre-colonial high moral
values started with the arrival of the first white missionaries in West
Africa . What the natives called “NSO-ANI” was re-branded
FORGIVEABLE SINS and so watered down the sanctity of religious values in Biafra .
Its partner, WESTERN EDUCATION neatly completed the ‘coup de grace’ as the
foreign concepts and social values of the colonialists destroyed the social ethics
of the natives and rendered our pristine mores and norms ineffective. In some
communities; “aping the white man’s dress code and mannerisms became
fashionable and ignoring the customs and traditions of the community was seen
as the criterion of being EDUCATED and MORE CIVILISED than the illiterate folks
in the villages!
DANMBAEZUE, @ 30/06/2013 04:14:32 HRS
Daily we interact with
our parents, siblings, immediate relatives and neighbours in our small circles
of physical habitations. When we travel outside our ethnic and national
boundaries, we run into different personalities we love to hate or vice versa,
who consciously or unconsciously influence our lives positively or negatively.
Have you ever sat down and taken stock of what you have become over the last
ten years?
Many people you see, meet
with and/or socialise with are mere conformists. They are those personalities
that are satisfied with ‘going through the motions’; doing what everyone else
is doing to make a living and waiting for the final ‘call to glory’ as they
brand death! Many of us are born and live an inconsequential life; bland,
uneventful and without anything particular to be remembered for after our exit
from this mundane world, a temporal habitation for the soul.
There are some others,
whose lives and contributions to the society made a difference! They changed
the ‘status quo’ by either extending the frontiers of knowledge or developing
their immediate communities. They improved the understanding of human nature
and taught others the values of humanitarianism. These heroes and heroines
touched the lives of many intellectually and socially which elevated
brotherhood of mankind both inter-racially and internationally.
These agents of change
were the true sons and daughters of the Almighty Creator of the universe. They
added colour to daily routines and the doldrums of routine existence on planet
earth! A few had tall dreams and went ahead to transform them into reality
despite all odds. This group devised methods of changing the deplorable
situations and the deprived circumstances of the lifestyle they met on becoming
adults. Some adolescents dream of the courage to better their social status,
but often take off on the wrong foot of seeking for titles, money, fame and
crowning it all with indulging in romantic relationships.
Joining this select group
of animators or league of achievers is usually not by accident or by mere
wishful thinking. Beyond the routine duties of satisfying the five senses of
the body lies the desire to excel in unexplored areas of human existence and
the freedom to choose a divergent track that levies hard work is a divine
factor that must be recognised, respected and appropriated in unveiling the
unknown that the Divine Architect had hidden there for ages waiting for a brave
soul to convert it from obscure dormancy to utilitarian vibrancy. This author,
a global agent of spiritual evolution, Dr J. J. Kenez wants to know where you
belong in this universal continuum of innovators. Or, are you waiting for
‘manna from heaven’?
Those who place priority
on breaking new grounds and earnestly search for better alternatives will
eventually discover something unique. Those who ask penetrating questions may
one day obtain answers from above rather than the routine human palliatives
that rarely satisfy the saintly soul. Those who ardently knock on the doors of
heavenly wisdom, sooner than later gain divine inspirations from the Holy
Spirit of the Original Architect and Ultimate Engineer of the earth we inhabit!
He alone has all the answers to all physical, social, mental, spiritual and the
personal and socio-political problems of our mundane world, if only we humble
ourselves and honestly ask for his wisdom and guidance. But, do we?
It is absurd! It is unintelligent. It is
unlike what a rational being can do.
Yet, that is only a tip of the iceberg of
irreverent religiosity in our global village.
Some learned fools insist
that everything came by chance and hold on to the theory of evolution! Despite
knowing that the common wristwatch could never have arrived by blind chance and
that computers and the Internet had inventors, this brand of demented humans
refuse to see and acknowledge the great artistry and creative ingenuity in what
they indulge in on a daily basis to survive till the next morning! Some believe
there is an Almighty Creator who provides for each creature on a daily basis,
some assert that he has turned his back on us due to our congenital wickedness
and cruel ways, while others simply deny his existence!
Christians and Muslims now abound everywhere; they worship Satan at night and
come to church/mosque on Fridays/Sundays! This lifestyle has eroded the
credentials of our forebears! There is now, an urgent need to redeem our
children from these nefarious practices! We must revert to the legacies of our
renowned grandfathers, improve on it and bequeath the next generation a better
religious legacy than we had!
you are concerned that our children need fresh religious air that suits this
global village and that posterity deserves a better lifestyle devoid of wearing
masks of deceit, pretences, subterfuges, ‘holier-than-thou’ attitudes, then
join us in the sanitation exercise. Your offspring will remain forever grateful
that a select group of enlightened ‘Homo sapiens sapientis’ took the bull by
the horns to avert the perilous moral decadence that is steadily turning all of
us into unabashed hypocrites, unrepentant fanatics and deluded mystics. You are
is a summation of ethnocentric survival strategies that each sub-unit of
humanity had developed over the centuries, institutionalized and
passed on to their descendants. The sons and daughters of the Almighty Creator
have ignored their ONE CULTURE; which is OBEDIENCE TO ALL THE NATURAL LAWS as
ONE WORLD RELIGION. That is what we desperately need today just we use cellular
phones and the Internet without killing anyone. Respect for and obedience to
all the laws of nature is the key for a peaceful world with beautiful people
living, loving and sharing the Creator's benefits as equal heirs to his
blissful global world that we now share amicably thanks to scientists who have
uncovered his designs for our mutual existence. LET US LIVE IN PEACE! This
is the ‘One Global Religion’ that humanity needs now for ‘One Peaceful Global
Village! Here I rest my case/pen!
You are welcome to
“Let us reason together” as Isaiah, the prophet invited his kinsmen many
centuries ago or sit on the fence and die unenlightened by genuine
Aristotelian-Kantian combine of deductive and inductive logic, aided by current
fund of science knowledge and enquiry to unravel the fables and legends that
are now labelled as theology! There is nothing theological about an
accumulation of guesswork done by primitive men! They are simply a collection
of puerile belief in man-made doctrines, dogmas and rituals that is steadily
pushing the humane race to annihilation. Here, I rest my objective of penning
this protracted but comprehensive diatribe. Call it heresy, if you like. I do
not care a dime. Truth is supreme! Truth is Life, my people declare!

The author took
his two sons to participate in the ANAMBRA CULTURAL DAY CELEBRATIONS at the
Nnamdi Azikiwe Stadium in 1995 for their first exposure to fully traditional
dances and masquerade festival. They enjoyed it!
Google Search and see the volumes I had written on how, why and wherefore our
traditional "NSO
the best religion in the whole world, yet we prefer to swim in foreign
religions and create an immoral nation wherein demonic politicians and
pecuniary religious leaders swindle us and smile to the banks!!
The demands of
Formal Logic dictate that we begin our dissertation from the very beginning of
the theories and practices that gave birth to the doctrines and dogmas that
various religious demagogues invented and developed over the centuries!
Let us start with this
unabridged and unedited from Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009
“Religion is the sacred engagement with
that which is believed to be a spiritual reality. Religion is a worldwide
phenomenon that has played a part in all human culture and so is a much
broader, more complex category than the set of beliefs or practices found in
any single religious tradition. An adequate understanding of religion must take
into account its distinctive qualities and patterns as a form of human
experience, as well as the similarities and differences in religions across
human cultures. In all cultures, human beings make a practice of
interacting with what are taken to be spiritual powers. These powers may be in
the form of gods, spirits, ancestors, or any kind of sacred reality with which
humans believe themselves to be connected. Sometimes a spiritual power is
understood broadly as an all-embracing reality (see Pantheism), and
sometimes it is approached through its manifestation in special symbols. It may
be regarded as external to the self, internal, or both. People interact with
such a presence in a sacred manner—that is, with reverence and care. Religion
is the term most commonly used to designate this complex and diverse realm of
human experience.”
“The word religion is derived
from the Latin noun religio, which denotes both earnest observance of
ritual obligations and an inward spirit of reverence. In modern usage, religion
covers a wide spectrum of meanings that reflect the enormous variety of ways
the term can be interpreted. At one extreme, many committed believers recognize
only their own tradition as a religion, understanding expressions such as worship
and prayer to refer exclusively to the practices of their tradition.
Although many believers stop short of claiming an exclusive status for their
tradition, they may nevertheless use vague or idealizing terms in defining
religion—for example, “true love of God,” or “the path of enlightenment.” At
the other extreme, religion may be equated with ignorance, fanaticism, or
wishful thinking.”
“By defining religion as
a sacred engagement with what is taken to be a spiritual reality, it is
possible to consider the importance of religion in human life without making
claims about what it really is or ought to be. Religion is not an object with a
single, fixed meaning, or even a zone with clear boundaries. It is an aspect of
human experience that may intersect, incorporate, or transcend other aspects of
life and society. Such a definition avoids the drawbacks of limiting the
investigation of religion to Western or biblical categories such as monotheism
(belief in one god only) or to church structure, which are not universal. For
example, in tribal societies, religion—unlike the Christian church—usually is
not a separate institution but pervades the whole of public and private life.
In Buddhism, gods are not as central as the idea of a Buddha (fully
enlightened human being). In many traditional cultures the idea of a sacred
cosmic order is the most prominent religious belief. Because of this variety,
some scholars prefer to use a general term such as the sacred to
designate the common foundation of religious life.”
“Religion in this understanding
includes a complex of activities that cannot be reduced to any single aspect of
human experience. It is a part of individual life but also of group dynamics.
Religion includes patterns of behavior but also patterns of language and
thought. It is sometimes a highly organized institution that sets itself apart
from a culture, and it is sometimes an integral part of a culture. Religious
experience may be expressed in visual symbols, dance and performance, elaborate
philosophical systems, legendary and imaginative stories, formal ceremonies,
meditative techniques, and detailed rules of ethical conduct and law. Each of
these elements assumes innumerable cultural forms. In some ways there are as
many forms of religious expression as there are human cultural environments.”
Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. ©
1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
“Religion was/is a
superstitious search by humanity for its origin, existence, meaning and
relevance before the scientific era. The search was led by acclaimed sages
among the elders of a community who defined its theories and practices. It is
later ratified and recommended for legislation and implementation by state
apparatus by convincing stratagem or coercion by politico-religious leaders.
Thereafter, it is fine tuned and administered by ordained priests and
priestesses who hand it down along ancestral lineages from one generation of
lukewarm adherents, fanatics and mystics to another. Gradually, strong
personalities emerge claiming divine appointment and so pull strong followers
who idolise them as role models with supernatural powers. This obsession
confirms them as beacons of adulation and finally leads to full scale idolatry.
Religion, which is
superstition sanctioned by the state, is actually an addiction to man-made
doctrines and dogmas invented, patented and copyrighted by a few demagogues.
- It enslaves the mind more than
psychoactive drugs,
- Benumbs human creativity and
resourcefulness thereby
- Restricting the development of the
human potential and capital.
It is the main
cause of poverty of the mind and underdevelopment of third world countries as
its side-effects are indolence, redundancy, laziness and dependence of finished
products and services. In the final analysis, it is the predisposing factor to
lack of initiative, debilitating ignorance, fetish belief-systems, abject
poverty and perennial ill-health. Perhaps its only advantage is that it makes
the polity docile and amenable to the whims and caprices of their oppressive
leaders. Often, it hoodwinks its adherents into believing that ‘The God’ or
‘the gods’ they worship speak to them through the voices of their egocentric
clerics who therefore can conveniently exploit them to satisfy their demonic
desires of sensual pleasure and inordinate ambitions of amassing wealth. Their
wanton indulgence in gluttony, wine and women is seen in every action and
definitely this is the foolproof evidence of their demonic genealogy.” ( Dr
Kenez 1991)
From the
Animator’s Introduction to Integrational Spiritan Movement I S M Manifesto
To rescue humanity from
the demonic stranglehold of idolatry that now predominates worldwide, you are
invited to reason along with us and see that we provide an everlasting cure for
sensual lust for food, wine, sex, wealth and power that are the trademarks of a
society heading for damnation! Are you going to sit on the fence and wait for
another failed experiment in Messiahship that was riddled with myopic and
ethnocentric bias? Who knows the Creator well enough to declare that he has ‘a
chosen people’? Where is the evidence that Moses actually led the so-called
people out of any oppressive regime? The history books and modern encyclopaedia
did not record the enslavement of the Jewish race except as ‘they were believed
as revealed truths’. Then Moses, who was brought up in an Egyptian royal court
went on to introduce the first and most heinous dichotomy in racism; JEWS and
GENTILES! The negative impact of that first categorisation of humanity gave
birth to all the nepotic, apartheid and racist policies in the entire world.
There is a plethora of
ancient and modern major world religions. In each, there are factions, sects
and denominations. It is syncretism galore! The name of the game is “join our
own, ours is the one prospering for now!” It is a religious market. It is a mad
world. Many nationals all over the globe are smarting under the colonial yoke
of Roman Catholicism or Islamism. The intriguing aspect of this brand of
neo-colonialism is that it brews dogmas and doctrines that propel fanatical
members to kill or be killed in the name of ‘God’. Religious fanaticism or
mysticism is a religio-psychiatric personality disorder that has never been
classified by any DSM and so has never been diagnosed and managed as other
psychopathological conditions that present in health services all over the
you care to join us in a sanitation exercise that will guarantee a better
future for your children, then come and witness the development of religion
from time immemorial to evaluate its subjugation to man-made doctrines, dogmas
and modes of worship that are irreligious. Thereafter, we can seek for
solutions as proposed by the computer-age integrational fellowship;
INTEGRATIONAL SPIRITAN MOVEMENT, abbreviated thus: I S M. This medical
scientist, pragmatic researcher and existential therapist, is proposing that we
scrutinise all the religious and ethnocentric prejudices that had enslaved many
children right from birth, who were born into their parents religio-cultural
practices and were never given the freedom to search for objective methods of
relating to their maker and other humans. Can you join us to make this
………………………………………….……Rev. Prof. J. J. KENEZ ( )
General Introduction
The theory and practice of Kenezianism started in 1970, at the end of the civil war when its originator Major Kenechukwu Nzeogwu Mbaezue; BA/6532, of the Degema Strike Force, 12th Commando Brigade, Biafra, returned from the war front with multiple injuries and artillery shock! He felt shattered by the outcome of the fratricidal debacle of three years that abruptly postponed his post-secondary education at C.K.C. Onitsha.

The Nigerian civil war started in 1967 when Nigeria’s Eastern Region, due to excessive pogroms unleashed on the Igbos in the north seceded and proclaimed itself the Republic of Biafra. Here, this author as a youth of nineteen years participated in the defence of Oguta, converted to a river port and used to import medical necessities as blockades by land, sea and air became a weapon of war by the Nigerian government. Starvation, hunger and disease; malnutrition, kwashiorkor, marasmus and hepatitis took their toll on children, refugees and soldiers on the Biafran side before it eventually capitulated. The brave leaders of the dislocated Biafran forces then surrendered to the Nigerian armed forces in January 1970. Photo by; Hulton Deutsch/Corbis & © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation.
“Why did we lose the war of survival? Should Nigeria the aggressor defeat us the victims of their cruel and premeditated pogroms? Of what use were the prayers to a god that never answered us? Or did our leaders commit unpardonable war crimes or indulge in sacrilegious absurdities? Is the Muslim religion more authentic and reliable than Christianity? If yes, then let us join them and go on pilgrimages to Mecca!”
Finding answers to these existential questions drove the young war veteran crazy. He could not comprehend how an unjust war ended in favour of the aggressors. For him it meant that we wasted all our time and youthfulness in the war fronts praying to the God of Christians! He truly deserved veritable explanations!He withdrew from all religious engagement for a period of ten consecutive years, from 1970 to 1980. That gave him enough time to reflect on some existential questions about all he had learnt from the Christian missionaries that moulded his early life in the junior and senior seminaries.

During the Nigerian civil war of 1967 to 1970, the Nigerian government imposed blockades around Biafra, effectively cutting off the secessionist state’s food supply. The resulting famine in Biafra was devastating, as upwards of one million people died of starvation. The swollen bellies and ankles of these Biafran children are symptoms of kwashiorkor, an extreme form of protein-energy malnutrition.
Culled from Archive Photos & Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation.
There arose the need for him to re-evaluate his belief system, moderate his scrupulous orientation to social life and thereafter, formulate a realistic code of conduct that could guarantee his survival in the conflicting world of the Nigerian society he found himself trapped in! He lived as a war captive for the next 30 years! Within this period, he fully practised the introverted meditative lifestyle of Viktor Frankl or that detached life of a research scientist reminiscent of the great Austrian monk geneticist, MacGregor Mendel.
He earned four university degrees that spanned a period of 15 years, with breaks here and there to assist his eight younger brothers and sisters, siblings of the same humble family of a school teacher/catechist! To achieve this, he again joined the armed forces of the nation he lived as an exile, the fallout of which was that he neatly sandwiched a military diploma, pjsc, from the Nigerian Air Force in between the four degrees!
A bachelor’s degree in Philosophy, sponsored by the Catholic missionaries in1970, then another bachelor’s degree in Psychology, self-sponsored and partly aided by a Federal Government Loans Bursary award in 1975. This loan was later paid in full after his NYSC, which he served at the Department of Psychiatry, University College Hospital, Ibadan and Lambo’s Aro-Village System, Abeokuta from 1975- 1976! This was followed by the three-year stint as an Air Force Medical Officer,NAF 759. Upon winning the Anambra State Ph.D. Scholarship Award in 1977 he resigned in 1979 and later earned a Masters in Clinical Psychology, from the School of Medicine, University of Benin, in 1982. He rounded his training with a Doctor of Science degree in Research Psychometrics, earned by innovative researches in personality evaluation, organisational psychology and family counselling in 1993! This doctorate degree qualified him to join the prestigious African College of Research Scientists, Addis Ababa Campus, of which he is now, a Fellow! A rare feat of academic achievement for anyone to obtain through self-reliance, ingenuity and resourcefulness!
For the next phase of his research/academic life he combined family roles and clinical duties, churning out psychological tests for guidance/career counselling, personality evaluation and marriage/family counselling. In the interim he got married and to date has two boys and a girl, who became the well-deserved consolation for his long years of ambivalence! Today he is a retired Flight Lieutenant in private clinical practice as a HUMANISTIC-EXISTENTIAL PSYCHOTHERAPIST. He still does extensive research in Family Counselling, Existential Family Therapy and Community Medicine. His published psychological tests and books exceed fifteen, as at the last count. He is a respected authority in Psychometrics, a Member of the National Association of Clinical Psychologists and the Founder/Animator of three world-wide NGOs;
i. KENEZ HEALTH KLINIK, an Interdisciplinary Therapeutic Organisation for Family Health,
ii. HAPPY FAMILY NETWORK an Inter-ethnic CBO for grooming healthy & successful families,
iii. INTEGRATIONAL SPIRITAN MOVEMENT, a Spiritual Fellowship for Modern Scientists!
Dr Jideofo Kenechukwu Danmbaezue, D.Sc.
A.k.a. Rev. Prof. J. J. Kenez, the Animator of I. S. M.
Written and up-dated under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit of the
Almighty Creator of us all over a period of thirty-five years!
The greatest contribution he has made so far seems to be in the area of family counselling and existential therapy where he has developed, constructed, validated and standardised more than thirteen psychological tests for school career guidance, pre-marital counselling and crises intervention in families that need help! In addition, he has written nine books covering such areas of knowledge as: social ethics, theosophy, cosmology, social and community medicine. The manuscripts of these inspirational works are, in the real sense of the phrase, begging for funds to print them.
Can anyone publish these books so that others may benefit from the information stashed away in them? His religious involvement in early life became an asset as this book in moral ethics has turned out to be the best outcome of his contemplative lifestyle. Below are some of the verses he wrote that kept him mentally alive and hopeful that his children would have a better future! You may benefit from reading and practising some of them in your daily living! There are existential truths rather than theological jargons! Establishment of Universal Truths and control of one’s tongue and selfless service summarises ISM.
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