JESUS IN unmissverständlich gesagt, dass
er ein Prophet WIE ELIJAH & Elisa
Rev. Prof. J. J. Kenez, D.Sc.
Das Humble Schiff des Heiligen Geistes des
Allmächtigen Schöpfer des Universums
1. Christenheit, denn jetzt ist verwirrt!
Die Lehre von der "Heiligen Dreifaltigkeit" ist dämonisch und sehr
abgöttisch in Bezug auf die Gleichsetzung Jesu mit dem Schöpfer!
2. Es verletzt die ersten drei Gebote Moses
erhielt auf dem Berg Sinai!
3. Ein heidnischer Kaiser vergöttert ihn um
eine Christin heiraten vor Jahrhunderten und bis heute Christen kommen ihm in
den Götzendienst zu versuchen, Jesus richten sich gegen seinen Vater!
4. Jesus nie nannte sich 'Sohn Gottes'
sondern er bestand immer auf "Son of Man" alle durch die Evangelien.
Sowohl "Jesus" und "Christus" sind griechischen Wörtern,
nicht die aramäischen Namen der Engel gab ihm!
5. Es gibt nicht einen Platz 'Jesus
Christus' als einer doppelläufigen Namen für Jesus in all den Originaltexten
der King James Version der christlichen Bibel benutzt!
6. Saulus von Tarsus immer nannte ihn so:
'Jesus Christus'. Warum? "Christus" ist ein Titel, den er für totalen
Gehorsam verdient bis zum Tod am Kreuz ", weshalb er sich einen Namen über
alle Namen gegeben wurde, so dass bei der Erwähnung des Namens jedes Knie sich
7. 'Prof. Kenez "ist nicht dasselbe
wie" Kenez Prof. 'Denken Sie darüber für eine Weile! Papst Paul ist nicht
dasselbe wie Paul Pope. Oder ist es?
8. Adam war definitiv der "Sohn
Gottes", und nur er konnte mit Recht behaupten, dass es!
9. Gott umbenannt Solomon 'Jedidah' und nur
er könnte auch behaupten, der Titel!
10. Aber für Jesus, er war nie ein Gott noch
war er gleich 'Gott, den allmächtigen Vater ", wie viele falsch Christen
in den fanatischen Gebete und kommerzielle Texte der Lobpreislieder vermarktet
heute darzustellen!
ERÜBRIGT TO ONE WHO stets erklärt, dass er
• "Son of Man", das ist 194 Mal
erwähnt sowohl im AT und NT wurde als gegen den "Sohn Gottes" erwähnt
nur 47 mal, und Jesus bezieht sich 48 Mal in den Evangelien) und
• "A Prophet", wie er erklärte, in
Matt 10:40-41: "Wer Sie mich aufnimmt,
und wer mich aufnimmt, der nimmt mich gesandt hat. Wer
einen Propheten aufnimmt im Namen eines Propheten erhalten eine Propheten
belohnen ".
• Es schlägt meine Argumentation Fakultäten
wenn religiöse Fanatiker blind befolgt werden, nur weil sie sich Pastoren,
Evangelisten, Priester oder Bischöfe rufen.
• Paulus, der Apostel der Heiden, nie zu
Jesus als Co-gleich zu Gott, dem Schöpfer und Vater aller Menschen bezeichnet!
Er hat nie umgekehrt die Ordnung, die er immer verwendet, um sich auf ihn
beziehen, Christus Jesus.
• In allen vier Evangelien in original King
James Version, gab es nicht einen einzigen Einsatz von Jesus mit einer anderen
Anlage oder Appellation, nur Jesus! Darüber hinaus ist das Wort
"Jesus" griechische, nicht die aramäischen Namen der Engel gab ihm!
• Nein, es war einige römische Theologen,
die ihre eigene erfundene Evangelium und den beigefügten; 'St John ', um ihre tückischen Erzählung, dass
Jesus vergöttert. Sie manipuliert die gesamte NT ihre falschen Lehren und
Dogmen zu reflektieren. Nirgendwo in der vier Evangelien wurde Jesus jemals
angesprochen als "Christ".
Der "Retter" oder
"Messias" war ein Titel, den er verdient seit seiner Vorgänger
gescheitert, um den Status zu erreichen. Dies erreichte er durch totale
Gehorsam gegenüber dem Willen des Allmächtigen, während andere fummelte!
• Moses war ein Retter für die versklavten
Israeliten in Ägypten, aber er schlug den Felsen zweimal statt einmal und so
ist fehlgeschlagen.
• Samson war ein Retter für die Israeliten
von den Philistern misshandelt, aber trotz seiner Salbung aus dem Mutterleib, erlaubte
er ihm Delilah in die Irre führen.
• Solomon war ein Retter König von Gott
auserwählt zu bauen ihm einen Tempel und Wiederherstellung des Friedens in
Israel, aber trotz der enormen Weisheit auf ihn für die Zuordnung verliehen, er
wurde eine leichte Beute für die Königin von Saba!
Allerdings verdient Jesus den begehrten
Titel aufgrund seiner Übereinstimmung mit dem Willen des allmächtigen Vaters;
Matt 7.21; 21 "Nicht jeder, der zu mir sagt: Herr, Herr ', wird in das
Himmelreich kommen, sondern nur, wer den Willen tun meines Vaters im Himmel ist
und insgesamt Gehorsam gegenüber seinen Geboten;. Matt 0.50; 50 Denn wer den
Willen tut meines Vaters im Himmel ist mein Bruder und meine Schwester und
Mutter, "alle durch seinen Dienst, das Verdienst Erhebung zur
heilbringenden Prophet, versprach der Messias sein Volk von der Zeit Abrahams.
Er besiegte den Teufel und er zeichnete, wo andere gescheitert waren.
Matt 4,1-11; 4:1 Da wurde Jesus vom Geist in
die Wüste, um vom Teufel in Versuchung geführt werden. .... 3 Und der Versucher
trat zu ihm und sagte: "Wenn du Gottes Sohn bist, so sage diese Steine
Brot werden." .... 5 Dann nahm ihn der Teufel in die heilige Stadt und
ließ ihn auf dem höchsten Punkt des Tempels stehen. 6 "Wenn du der Sohn
Gottes bist", sagte er, ". Stürz dich hinab 7 Jesus antwortete
ihm:" Es steht auch geschrieben: '. Legen Sie nicht den Herrn, deinen
Gott, nicht versuchen "" 8 Wiederum nimmt der Teufel ihn zu einem
sehr hohen Berg und zeigte ihm alle Reiche der Welt und ihre Pracht. 9 "All
das will ich dir geben", sagte er, "wenn Sie beugen und mich anbeten." 10
Jesus sagte zu ihm: " Weg von mir, Satan! Denn es steht geschrieben:
'verehren den Herrn, deinen Gott, und ihm allein dienen.' "11 Da verließ
ihn der Teufel und Engel kamen und dienten ihm.
Mit Berufung auf nur Elia und Elisa, 24
"Ich sage euch die Wahrheit", fuhr er fort, "kein Prophet in
seiner Heimatstadt angenommen ..... 26 Doch Elijah wurde keiner von ihnen
geschickt, nur zu einer Witwe in Sarepta in der Region . Sidon 27 Und es gab
viele in Israel mit Lepra in der Zeit des Propheten Elisa, aber nicht einer von
ihnen wurde gereinigt nur der Syrer Naaman; "Jesus wurde mit Nachdruck
erklärt, dass nur drei von ihnen am nächsten zu den Forderungen der ultimative
kam Erhebung zur "Christheit"! Was er uns zu sagen, oder, dass er
vergaß absichtlich, uns zu sagen war, was er wollte andere richtig zu machen
scheiterte, warum er die Willenskraft, nein zu sagen zum Teufel hatte alles
durch seinen Dienst und wie er packte den Titel, während andere tat nicht!
Er akribisch untersucht die Gesetze, die
Propheten und verdaut alle Bücher über das Judentum; Matt 5:17-18; 17
"Denke nicht, dass ich gekommen bin, das Gesetz oder die Propheten
aufzulösen; ich bin nicht gekommen, um aufzuheben, sondern um zu erfüllen
ihnen. 18 Ich sage euch die Wahrheit: Bis Himmel und Erde vergehen, nicht der
kleinste Buchstabe, nicht zuletzt mit einem Federstrich, wird mit allen Mitteln
aus dem Gesetz verschwinden, bis alles geschehen ist. "
Ab dem Alter von 12 bis 30, das wurde in
allen seinen Biographien fehlt, lebte er eine klösterliche Leben außerhalb
seiner Gemeinde! Am Abschluss und Rückkehr in seine Heimat, ließ er John ihm im
Jordan ,
wo er gesalbt wurde als "Sohn Gottes" zu taufen; Matt 3.17 bis 04.01
Uhr; 17 und eine Stimme aus dem Himmel sprach: "Dies ist mein Sohn, den
ich liebe, mit ihm habe ich Wohlgefallen ". Hier wurde er als vollkommener
Meister, der Israel erlösen angenommen. Dry Fasten für vierzig Tage und Nächte
vorausgegangen sein Ministerium. Er als Wanderprediger und durch die kraft der
harten Arbeit und Loyalität gegenüber der allmächtig und allwissend Gott wir
alle Anbetung als den Schöpfer des Universums praktiziert wird, erreicht er die
ultimative Messias und wurde der "Christ"!
Meine These ist, dass Jesus, der Christus,
den Höhepunkt erreicht Stewardship durch eine detaillierte Beachtung aller
Details, die über den Messias vorausgesagt wurden!
HIER IST EIN VERBATIM Zitat aus der Bibel,
die zustimmt und erschöpfende bestätigt meine Behauptung
Lukas 4:20-32
20 Dann rollte er die Navigationstaste, gab
es dem Diener zurück und setzte sich. Die Augen aller in der Synagoge waren auf
ihn gerichtet,
21, und er begann mit den Worten zu
ihnen: "Heute ist diese Schrift vor euren Ohren erfüllt."
22 Alle sprachen gut von ihm und wurden an
den gnädigen Worte, die aus seinem Munde kamen erstaunt. "Ist das nicht
der Sohn Josefs?" fragten sie.
23 Jesus sprach zu ihnen: "Sicherlich
werden Sie dieses Sprichwort zu mir zitieren: '. Arzt, heile dich tun hier in
Ihrer Heimatstadt, was wir gehört haben, dass Sie in Kapernaum tat'"
24 "Ich sage euch die Wahrheit",
fuhr er fort, "kein Prophet in seiner Heimatstadt akzeptiert wird.
25 Ich versichere Ihnen, dass es viele
Witwen in Israel zu Elias Zeit, als der Himmel für drei und ein halbes Jahr
geschlossen war und es gab eine große Hungersnot über das ganze Land.
26 Doch Elijah wurde keiner von ihnen
geschickt, nur zu einer Witwe in Sarepta in der Region von Sidon .
27 Und es gab viele in Israel
mit Lepra in der Zeit des Propheten Elisa, aber nicht einer von ihnen wurde
gereinigt nur der Syrer Naaman. "
28 Alle Leute in der Synagoge waren wütend,
als sie das hörten.
29 Sie stand auf, trieb ihn aus der Stadt,
und nahm ihn auf die Stirn des Hügels, auf dem die Stadt gebaut wurde, um ihn
zu werfen die Klippe hinunter.
30 Aber er ging mitten durch die Menge und
ging seines Weges.
31 Dann ging er hinab nach Kapernaum, einer
Stadt in Galiläa, und am Sabbat begann, die Menschen zu lehren. 32 Sie entsetzten
sich über seine Lehre erstaunt, denn seine Botschaft hatte Autorität.
Von der New International Version der
christlichen Bibel
COMMENT ON ihnen zuzuhören!
20 Und als er das Buch, gab es dem Diener zurück
und setzte sich, und die Augen aller in der Synagoge waren auf ihn gerichtet.
20 Und er schloss die Buch gab es
zurück zu dem Diener und setzte sich, und die Augen aller in der Synagoge waren
auf ihn gerichtet. (BBE)
Adam Clarke Commentary:
Vers 20. Waren auf ihn.] Wurden aufmerksam
auf ihn gerichtet. Die ordnungsgemäße Einfuhr von atenizontev autwi.
21 Und er fing an, ihnen zu
sagen: "Heute ist diese Schrift vor euren Ohren erfüllt worden."
21 Dann sagte er zu ihnen: Heute ist
diese Wort gekommen in Ihr Gehör wahr. (BBE)
22 Und alle sprachen gut von ihm und
wunderten sich über die freundlichen Worte, die aus seinem Munde gingen, und
sie sagte: "Ist das nicht der Sohn Josefs?" (RSV)
22 Und sie wurden alle zu bezeugen,
mit Staunen, auf die Worte der Gnade, die aus seinem Mund kam, und sie sagte:
Ist das nicht der Sohn Josefs? (BBE)
Ps 45:2; Mt 13.54; Herrn 6,2; Lu 02.47; Joh
Adam Clarke Commentary:
Vers 22. Auf die Worte der Gnade], um die
Worte der Gnade, epi toiv logoiv thv caritov oder die Lehre von der Gnade, die
er dann predigte. Es ist sehr seltsam, dass keiner der Evangelisten uns
gegenüber wegen dieser Predigt! Es war auf jeden Fall mehr davon als in Lu 4.21
zusammen. Heute ist diese Schrift erfüllt vor euren Ohren; die war nicht mehr
als der erste Satz, den er bei der Gelegenheit sprach zu haben scheint. Wäre es
notwendig gewesen für unsere Erlösung, wäre es aufgezeichnet worden. Es war
eine Demonstration zu den Juden, dass Jesus, der ihnen gepredigt, die Person,
von der der Prophet dort sprach, war: es wurde nicht für den allgemeinen
Erbauung konzipiert. Lassen Sie uns einen guten Gebrauch von dem, was wir
haben, und wir sollst nicht bedauern, dass diese Predigt verloren geht. Das Ohr
ist nie zufrieden mit dem Hören: Wir wollen für einen anderen und weiteren
Offenbarung, während leider mit der Natur und Design, dass die Barmherzigkeit
Gottes hat uns bereits gegeben unbekannt.
23 Und er sprach zu ihnen:
"Zweifellos werden Sie mir dieses Sprichwort zu zitieren," Arzt,
heile dich, was wir gehört haben, hast du in Kafarnaum, haben auch hier im
eigenen Land. "(RSV)
23 Und er sprach zu ihnen: Ohne Zweifel
werden Sie mir sagen, Lasst die Mediziner machen sich gut: die Dinge, die unser
Wissen in Kapernaum fertig waren, tun sie hier in Ihrem Land .
Mt 04.13; 11.23; 13.54; Herr 06.01
Adam Clarke Commentary:
Vers 23. Arzt, heile dich selbst] Das heißt,
heilt die gebrochenen Herzen in deinem eigenen Land, da diese Klausel der Vers
erklärt es, aber sie waren weit davon entfernt, in einem richtigen Geist, um
die Erlösung, die er bereit war zu kommunizieren erhalten, und darum wurden sie
nicht geheilt.
24 Und er sagte: "Wahrlich,
ich sage euch, kein Prophet akzeptabel ist in seinem eigenen Land .
24 Und er sprach zu ihnen: Wahrlich,
ich sage euch: Kein Prophet wird in seiner Heimat geehrt. (BBE)
Mt 13.57; Herrn 6,4; Joh 04.44
Adam Clarke Commentary:
Vers 24. Kein Prophet wird akzeptiert] Siehe
Mt 13:55-57.
25 Aber in Wahrheit, ich sage euch, es
waren viele Witwen in Israel in den Tagen des Elija, als der Himmel up war drei
Jahre und sechs Monate verschlossen war, da kam eine große Hungersnot über das
ganze Land; (RSV)
25 Wahrlich, ich sage euch: Es gab
eine Reihe von Witwen in Israel in den Tagen des Elija, als der Himmel up wurde
für drei Jahre und sechs Monate verschlossen war und es gab kein Essen im Land;
1Kö 17.09; 18.01; Jas 5.17
Adam Clarke Commentary:
Vers 25. In den Tagen des Elias] Sehen Sie
diese Geschichte, 1Kö 17:1-9, verglichen mit 1Kö 18:1-45. Dies war offenbar ein
Wunder Störungen, da kein regen fiel für drei Jahre und sechs Monate, sogar in
der Regenzeit. Es waren zwei von ihnen in Judäa, rief der erste und der
Spätregen, der erste fiel im Oktober, wobei letztere im April: Die erste bereitete
den Boden für die Saat, reifte dieser die Ernte. Wie diese beiden Regenfälle
wurden einbehalten, folglich gab es eine große Hungersnot über das ganze Land.
26 und Elijah wurde keiner von
ihnen, sondern nur nach Sarepta geschickt, in das Land von Sidon, zu einer
Frau, die eine Witwe war. (RSV)
26 Aber Elia war nicht einer von ihnen
geschickt, aber nur nach Sarepta im Lande von Sidon, zu einer Frau, die eine
Witwe war. (BBE)
Adam Clarke Commentary:
Vers 26. Unto keiner von ihnen wurde Elia
gesandt, zu Sarepta speichern] Der Satz ist elliptisch, und bedeutet dies: Um
keiner von ihnen wurde Elia gesandt, er wurde nicht außer Sarepta gesendet, für
die Witwe in Sarepta war ein Sidonian, nicht eine Witwe Israel . PEARCE.-Sarepta war eine
heidnische Stadt des Landes von Sidon, in der Nähe von Galiläa.
27 Und viele Aussätzige gab es
in Israel
zur Zeit des Propheten Elisa, und keiner von ihnen wurde gereinigt, sondern nur
der Syrer Naaman "(RSV).
27 Und es gab eine Reihe von
Leprakranken in Israel
zur Zeit des Propheten Elisa, und keiner von ihnen wurde sauber gemacht, aber
nur der Syrer Naaman. (BBE)
2Kö 05.14
Adam Clarke Commentary:
Vers 27. Keiner von ihnen wurde gereinigt]
Dieser Vers ist als der 26. verstanden werden, denn Naaman, ein Syrer, war kein
Aussätziger in Israel .
Die Bedeutung dieser Verse ist, verzichtet
Gott seine Wohltaten, wann, wo und an wen er will. Kein Mensch kann sein
Verhalten in dieser Hinsicht zu beklagen, weil kein Mensch verdient etwas Gutes
aus der Hand. Gott straft nicht jeder, aber diejenigen, die es verdienen, aber
er segnet unaufhörlich diejenigen, die es verdienen, nicht. Der Grund ist
offensichtlich: Gerechtigkeit hängt von bestimmten Regeln, aber Wohltätigkeit
ist kostenlos. Wohltätigkeit segnen kann sowohl das Gute und das Böse,
Gerechtigkeit kann die letztere nur zu bestrafen. Diejenigen, die nicht machen
diese Unterscheidung muss eine sehr verwirrt Begriff des Verhaltens der
göttlichen Vorsehung bei den Männern.
28 Als sie das hörten, wurden
alle in der Synagoge mit Zorn erfüllt. (RSV)
28 Und alle, die in der Synagoge
waren, waren sehr wütend, wenn diese Dinge zu ihnen gesagt wurden. (BBE)
Adam Clarke Commentary:
Vers 28. Wurden mit Zorn erfüllt] Sie
scheinen zu ziehen folgende Schlussfolgerung aus, was unser Herr sprach zu
haben: ". Die Heiden sind kostbar in den Augen Gottes als die Juden, und
ihnen seine Wunder der Barmherzigkeit und Güte ist grundsätzlich beschränkt
werden" Das war ziemlich in der Nähe der Wahrheit, wie die Veranstaltung
bewiesen. Diejenigen, die nicht durch das Licht Gottes profitieren, während es
unter ihnen ist, hat ihre Kerze erloschen. Das Reich Gottes wurde von den Juden
genommen und den Heiden gegeben; nicht, weil die Heiden besser, als sie waren,
waren, sondern weil, 1.. Die Juden hatten ihre Privilegien eingebüßt, und 2dly.
Weil Christus sah, dass die Heiden hervorbringen würde die Früchte des Reiches.
29 Und sie machten sich auf und
setzte ihn aus der Stadt hinaus und führten ihn an den Abhang des Berges, auf
dem ihre Stadt gebaut war, daß sie ihn hinabzustürzen. (RSV)
29 Und sie stand auf und nahm ihn aus
der Stadt an den Rand des Berges, auf dem ihre Stadt war, so daß sie ihn senden
bis zu seinem Tod. (BBE)
Adam Clarke Commentary:
Vers 29. Die Stirn des Hügels] Mr. Maundrel
sagt uns, dass dies immer noch heißt "Der Berg der Niederschlag, und ist
eine halbe Meile südlich von Nazareth In werde es, müssen Sie zunächst über das
Tal, in dem Nazareth steht überqueren;., Und dann hinunter zwei oder drei
Stadien, in einem schmalen Spalt zwischen den Felsen, da Sie erklimmen einen
kurzen, aber schwierigen Weg auf der rechten Seite, an der Spitze, von denen
Sie einen großen Stein steht am Rande eines Abgrunds, das heißt auf die Stelle,
wo unser Herr bestimmt den von seinem wütenden Nachbarn geworfen wurde zu sein.
" Maundrel Journey, p. 116. Bearbeiten. 5.. 1.732.
In diesem langwierigen Diskurs hat die
biblische Scholar hat uns reichlich Beweise, um zu zeigen, dass Jesus wie
andere Propheten, die vor ihm tat kam durchgeführt!
Also, meine Nörgelei mit modernen Fanatiker;
DID Jesus jemals behaupten, er entsprach SEINEN VATER? Hat er JEDERZEIT
niemandem sagen die echten Zeichen des Endes der Welt? Er sagte mit Nachdruck
an einer Stelle, dass nur der Allmächtige Vater das Ende der Welt kannte.
Die Gesetze Moses auf dem Berg Sinai
empfangen wird grob von den Lehren und Dogmen in Rom durch "Ärzte der
Kirche 'patentiert verletzt. Welche Ärzte und welcher Kirche verstehen wir
unter diesem Phraseologie meine, wenn Sie fragen? Die Kirche in Rom ist die
verfälschte Kopie der ursprünglichen Kirche in Antiochien und die authentische
Botschaft der Apostel Peter und James geleitet. Die Lehren sind Verfälschungen
auf Paul von Kaiser Konstantin gezwungen, ihm zu erlauben erklären als
nationale Religion Mithraism ersetzen.
Wenn Sie Rev. Prof. JJ Kenez aka Dr Kenez
Danmbaezue zweifeln dann Consult Books on Church History. Er wusste nicht
erhalten einen Doktortitel in Kirchengeschichte, und selbst wenn er es tat, ist
die Folge der Inquisition und Exkommunikationen von bemerkenswerten
Wissenschaftler, die die Wahrheit sagen gewagt genug für ihn, die Echtheit der
römischen Historiker zweifeln.
Nun, lassen Sie US EVALUATE Einige
Referenzen aus dem "Menschensohn" in der Bibel
(Alle Zitate in diesem Abschnitt aus der
Bibel entnommen: New International Version Copyright (c) 1973, 1978, 1984, von
International Bible Society, für seine aktuellen englischen Wert.)
Num 23:19-20; - 19 Gott ist nicht ein
Mensch, dass er lüge, noch ein Menschensohn, dass er seine Meinung ändern
sollte. Spricht er und dann nicht handeln? Hat er versprechen und nicht zu
erfüllen? 20 Ich habe einen Befehl zu segnen empfangen, er hat gesegnet, und
ich kann es nicht ändern. "
Ps 80:17-19; - 17 Lassen Sie Ihre Hand ruhen
auf den Mann zu deiner Rechten, der Sohn des Menschen Sie für sich selbst
erhoben haben. 18 Dann werden wir nicht von euch wenden; beleben uns, und wir
werden deinen Namen anrufen. 19 Wiederherstellen uns, Herr, allmächtiger Gott,
Ihr Gesicht auf uns scheinen, dass wir gerettet werden können.
War Jesus eine Reinkarnation des Propheten
Der Grund warum ich frage dies, weil keine
andere Person wurde mehr oft als, "Sohn des Menschen" in der gesamten
Beachten Sie, dass Matthäus 32 Referenzen
des Etiketts während Ezekiel hat mehr als 94! Kapitel 2 und 3 enthalten das
Etikett allein 10-mal. Was ist die Verbindung?
Ez 2.01 bis 03.27 Uhr
02.01 Er sprach zu mir: "Du
Menschenkind, stehen auf den Füßen, und ich werde mit dir sprechen."
2 Während er sprach, kam der Geist in mich und stellte mich
auf meine Füße, und ich hörte ihn mit mir zu sprechen.
3 Er sagte: "Menschensohn, ich sende
dich zu den Kindern Israel, zu einem rebellischen Nation, die gegen mich
aufgelehnt hat, sie und ihre Väter haben in der Revolte gegen mich bis zum
heutigen Tag gewesen.
4 Die Menschen, zu denen ich sende euch sind
eigensinnig und stur. Sprich zu ihnen: So spricht der Herr, HERR. "
5 Und ob sie hören oder nicht hören - denn
sie sind ein widerspenstiges Haus - sie werden wissen, daß ein Prophet unter
ihnen gewesen ist.
6 Und du, Menschensohn, fürchte dich nicht
von ihnen oder ihren Worten. Scheuen Sie sich nicht, wenn Dornen und Disteln
alle um dich herum sind, und Sie leben unter Skorpione. Scheuen Sie sich nicht
von dem, was sie sagen oder von ihnen Angst, obwohl sie sind ein
widerspenstiges Haus.
7. Sie müssen meine Worte mit ihnen zu
sprechen, ob sie hören oder nicht hören, denn sie rebellisch sind.
8 Aber du, Menschensohn, was ich sage, um
Ihnen zuzuhören. Nicht, wie das ungehorsame Haus rebellieren; öffnen Sie Ihren
Mund und essen, was ich dir geben ".
9 Und ich sah, und ich sah eine Hand
ausgestreckt zu mir. In ihm war eine Schriftrolle,
10, die er vor mir entrollte. Auf beiden
Seiten von ihm geschrieben wurden Worte der Klage und Trauer und Leid.
Ezekiel 3
03.01 Und er sprach zu mir: "Du
Menschenkind, essen , was Sie vor dem Essen , diese Schriftrolle, dann gehen und sprechen Sie mit
dem Hause Israel ."
2 Also öffnete ich meinen Mund, und er gab
mir die blättern zu essen .
3 Dann sagte er zu mir: "Du
Menschenkind, diese Schriftrolle essen
ich euch gebe, und füllen den Magen mit ihm." Also aß ich sie, und sie
schmeckte so süß wie Honig in meinen Mund.
4 Er sagte dann zu mir: "Du
Menschenkind, jetzt gehen, um das Haus Israel und sprechen meine Worte zu
5 Sie werden nicht zu einem Volk von
obskuren Sprache und schwierige Sprache, sondern zum Hause Israel gesandt
6 nicht zu vielen Völkern der obskuren
Sprache und schwierige Sprache, deren Worte du nicht verstehst. Sicherlich,
wenn ich dich zu ihnen geschickt hatte, würden sie auf dich hören sollen.
7 Aber das Haus Israel
ist nicht bereit, um Ihnen zuzuhören, weil sie nicht bereit, mir zuzuhören, für
das ganze Haus Israel
ist gehärtet und hartnäckig.
8 Aber ich will euch als unnachgiebig und
gehärtet, wie sie sind.
9 Ich will deine Stirn wie der härteste
Stein, härter als Feuerstein machen. Scheuen Sie sich nicht von ihnen oder
Angst von ihnen, obwohl sie sind ein widerspenstiges Haus. "
10 Und er sprach zu mir: "Du
Menschenkind, genau zuzuhören und zu ergreifen, um alle Worte, die ich zu euch
rede Herz.
11 Gehen Sie jetzt auf Ihre Landsleute im
Exil und mit ihnen sprechen. Sprich zu ihnen: So spricht der Herr, HERR, 'ob
sie hören oder nicht hören. "
12 Und der Geist hob mich empor, und ich hörte hinter mir eine
laute Grollen - Möge die Herrlichkeit des HERRN in seinem Wohnplatz gelobt
werden! -
13 der Klang der Flügel der lebendigen Wesen
Bürsten gegeneinander und das Geräusch der Räder neben ihnen, ein lautes
14 Der Geist dann hob mich
hoch und brachte mich weg, und ich ging in
Bitterkeit und Wut in der meines Geistes, mit der starken Hand des HERRN auf mich .
15 kam ich zu den Verbannten, die sich in
der Nähe des Tel Abib Kebar Fluss lebten. Und dort, wo sie lebten, setzte ich mich unter ihnen sieben
Tage lang - überfordert.
16 Am Ende von sieben Tagen das Wort des
HERRN zu mir kam:
17 "Menschensohn, ich habe dich zum
Wächter gesetzt über das Haus Israel, so höre das Wort, das ich sprechen und
ihnen warnen von mir.
18 Wenn ich zu einem bösen Menschen sagen:
"Du wirst sterben", und Sie nicht ihn zu warnen oder zu sprechen, um
ihn von seinem bösen Wege abzubringen, um sein Leben zu retten, wird diese
bösen Menschen für seine Sünde sterben, und ich halten Sie die Verantwortung
für sein Blut.
19 Aber wenn Sie warnen den bösen Menschen
und tun er nicht von seiner Bosheit oder von seinem bösen Wegen umzukehren,
wird er für seine Sünde sterben, aber du wirst dich gerettet.
20 "Auch wenn ein rechtschaffener Mann
von seiner Gerechtigkeit wendet und tut Böses, und ich habe einen Stolperstein
vor ihm, wird er sterben. Da Sie nicht ihn zu warnen, so wird er für seine
Sünde sterben. Die Gerechten Dinge, die er getan wird nicht vergessen werden,
und ich werde halten Sie verantwortlich für sein Blut.
21 Aber wenn Sie warnen den Gerechten, nicht
zu sündigen und zu tun er sündigt nicht, wird er sicherlich leben, weil er
Warnung nahm, und Sie werden sich retten können. "
22 Die Hand des HERRN über mich gibt, und er sagte zu mir: "Steh
auf und geh auf die Ebene, und dort werde ich mit Ihnen sprechen."
23 Also stand ich auf und ging hinaus in die
Ebene. Und die Herrlichkeit des HERRN stand da, wie die Herrlichkeit, die ich
durch den Fluss Kebar gesehen hatte, und ich fiel mit dem Gesicht nach unten.
24 Und der Geist kam in mich
und stellte mich
auf meine Füße. Er sprach zu mir und sagte: "Geh, schließe dich in deinem
25 Und du, Menschensohn, werden sie mit
Seilen binden, Sie werden so gebunden sein, dass man nicht gehen unter den
26 Ich will deine Zunge-Stick an den Gaumen
zu machen, so dass Sie in der stillen und nicht zu tadeln sie, obwohl sie sind
ein widerspenstiges Haus.
27 Aber wenn ich zu Ihnen spreche, werde ich
den Mund öffnen und du sollst zu ihnen sagen: "Dies ist, was der HERR
HERR." Wer hören will ihn hören, und wer wird sich weigern, ihn zu verweigern,
denn sie sind ein widerspenstiges Haus.
Wer ist ein Prophet?
Encyclopædia Britannica Artikel
"Eine göttlich inspirierte revealer,
Dolmetscher oder Sprecher. In der westlichen Kultur ist die klassische Periode
der israelitischen Prophetie tendenziell in Analysen des Phänomens überwiegen,
aber die Gestalt des Propheten ist in zahlreichen Erscheinungsformen im Laufe
der Geschichte und weltweit gefunden werden.
Der Prophet unterscheidet sich von anderen
religiösen Funktionären und Vertretern der religiösen Autorität, indem er
behauptet, keine persönliche Teil in seiner Äußerung. Er spricht nicht seine
eigene Meinung, sondern eine Offenbarung "von außen." Er kann
"inspiriert" werden mit seiner Botschaft (wie im Fall von Jeremiah),
oder er kann "besessen" werden durch eine spirituelle Kraft-ein Gott,
ein Geist, der Heilige Geist, der ihn-als Instrument benutzt, und durch ihn
spricht (wie in Aischylos 'Beschreibung von Cassandra im Agamemnon und des
Propheten von Apollo in den Eumeniden). Plato definiert den Propheten als
einen, der in Ekstase spricht, und in der hellenistischen Zeit Philo von
Alexandria ähnlich erklärt, dass der Prophet "spricht nichts von seiner
eigenen", sondern gleicht die Leier, auf dem jemand anderes spielt.
Die prophetische oder charismatische (aus
dem Griechischen Charisma "göttliche Gabe") Zustand kann spontan
auftreten, oder es kann durch eine Vielzahl von Techniken induziert werden:
durch Meditation, mystisch-magischen Formeln und Gesten (die Mantras und Mudras
des esoterischen Buddhismus, für Beispiel), gefolgt von Musik (II Kings 3:15
"Und als der Spielmann spielte, kam die Macht des Herrn sei mit
ihm"), durch Trommeln, Tanzen, oder die Einnahme von Rauschmitteln oder
Drogen. Propheten sehr oft widerstehen den Anruf (Amos und Jeremia zu den
hebräischen Propheten, viele Interessenten Schamanen) bis überwinden durch die
überlegene Macht, die sie als sein Instrument benutzen will.
Im Gegensatz zu den Wahrsager, wer oder
nutzt manipuliert Ziel Techniken und Zeichen zu begegnen, was in erster Linie
privaten Bedürfnisse und Ängste, der Prophet, durch den Geist getrieben, kann
artikulieren eine Nachricht von allgemeiner und grundlegender Bedeutung und
betonte Prinzipien und Normen, die kritisch sind der vorliegenden, in entweder
eine destruktive oder Reformieren Sinn. Er kann seine Gruppe (Stamm, Nation)
als Ganzes anzusprechen oder fanden eine neue Gesellschaft, die seine Botschaft
zu verwirklichen. Die prophetische Persönlichkeit so häufig wird ein
Religionsstifter, Reformer oder Sektenführer (Zoroaster, Mohammed und andere).
Die "idealtypische" Prophet (in Max Webers Sinne) ist jedoch weniger
mit der Gründung einer neuen Religion oder einzuführen revolutionäre Reformen
als mit Kritik an seiner Gesellschaft von innen, wie es war, und im Lichte
dessen, was er glaubt, werden die göttlich etablierten Normen zugrunde seiner
Existenz. Wenn er ein Revolutionär ist, ist er sehr häufig weiß es nicht.
Die semantische Spektrum des Begriffs
prophetischen hat daher inzwischen ziemlich breit. Je nachdem, ob der
Schwerpunkt auf den Besitz und die Ekstase inspirierten Äußerung, Vorhersage
der Zukunft, visionäre Erfahrung, ethische Inbrunst, leidenschaftlich
Gesellschaftskritik, Sinn für absolute Verpflichtung, tausendjährigen und
apokalyptischen Erwartung, etc., die verschiedensten Phänomene und
Persönlichkeiten gewesen rief prophetisch: Montanists, Pfingstler, Zarathustra,
Mohammed, Joachim von Fiore, Savonarola, Thomas Müntzer, Jakob Böhme, George
Fox, Joseph Smith, und viele andere. Die moralische Ernsthaftigkeit der alten
chinesischen Weisen und ihre tiefe Achtung vor dem Gesetz des Himmels hat
Vergleiche mit hebräischen Prophetie vorgeschlagen, und die ägyptischen Text
als "Bauernkrieg Complaint" bekannt wurde als Zeuge für eine prophetische
Bewegung im alten Ägypten wurde behauptet. Auch der Marxismus in Zeiten wie
prophetische qualifiziert, sowohl wegen seiner leidenschaftlichen Protest gegen
soziale Ungerechtigkeit und wegen der eschatologische Struktur seiner Lehre.
Nichtbeachtung dieses breite und manchmal
nur figurative Verwendung von "prophetischen" kann es einen
deutlichen prophetische Art von Religion anerkannt werden. Seine Hauptmerkmale
sind eine dynamische Vorstellung von einer Gottheit, ein Schwerpunkt auf den
Willen (beide von Gott und Mensch) als konstitutiver Faktor der religiösen
Wirklichkeit eine grundlegende Dualismus, ein tiefes Bewusstsein für die
Schwere der Sünde (im Unterschied zu brechen ein Tabu), eine radikale ethische
Ausblick auf eindeutige Wahl zwischen Gut und Böse, eine positive Einstellung
gegenüber der Gesellschaft und gegenüber der Welt im Allgemeinen und eine
Beziehung zu dem Prozess, der Zeit in eschatologischen und messianischen
Hoffnungen kristallisieren erweisen.
Um diese Seite zu zitieren:
• MLA style:
"Prophet." Encyclopædia
Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica 2007 Ultimative Reference Suite. Chicago : Encyclopædia
Britannica 2008.
Die Zeitgenossen von Jesus erkannte ihn als
Sohn von Joseph und Maria, gebürtig aus Nazareth
und waren fest davon überzeugt, er war tatsächlich ein Prophet, ein
außergewöhnlicher Lehrer ", die mit Autorität gelehrt!"
Lassen Sie uns sehen, John 5: 25 - 43, 7: 40
- 53
John 5:25-43
25 Ich sage euch die Wahrheit, eine Zeit
wird kommen und ist nun gekommen, wo die Toten die Stimme des Sohnes Gottes
hören werden, und diejenigen, die hören zu leben.
26 Denn wie der Vater das Leben in sich
selbst, so hat er den Sohn, das Leben in sich zu haben gewährt.
27 Und er hat ihm Vollmacht gegeben, um zu
beurteilen, weil er der Menschensohn ist.
28 "Nicht bei dieser erstaunt sein, für
eine Zeit wird kommen, wenn alle, die in den Gräbern sind, seine Stimme hören
29 und kommen aus - jene, die Gutes getan
haben, zur Auferstehung zu leben, und denen, die Böses getan haben, zur
Auferstehung zu verurteilen.
30 Alleine kann ich nichts tun, ich richte
nur wie ich höre, und mein Gericht ist gerecht, denn ich, mich
nicht bitte suchen, aber der mich
gesandt hat.
31. "Wenn ich über mich selbst bezeugen, ist mein Zeugnis nicht
32 Es gibt eine andere, die zu meinen
Gunsten zeugt, und ich weiß, daß sein Zeugnis über mich gültig ist.
33 "Sie haben zu Johannes gesandt, und
er hat die Wahrheit bezeugt.
34 Nicht, dass ich akzeptieren menschlichen
Zeugnis, aber ich erwähne es, dass Sie gerettet werden.
35 John war eine Lampe, die verbrannt und
gab Licht, und man entschied sich für eine Zeit, um sein Licht zu genießen.
36 "Ich habe Zeugnis gewichtiger als
das des Johannes. Für die Arbeit sehr, dass der Vater hat mir bis zum Ende, und
was ich tue, bezeugt, dass der Vater mich
gesandt hat.
37 Und der Vater, der mich
gesandt hat, hat selbst bezeugte über mich .
Sie haben noch nie seine Stimme gehört noch seine Gestalt gesehen,
38 auch nicht sein Wort in euch wohnt, für
Sie nicht glauben, die er gesandt hat.
39 Sie fleißig studieren die Bibel, weil Sie
denken, dass von ihnen ewiges Leben zu besitzen. Das sind die Schriften, die
zeugen von mir,
40 aber Sie weigern sich, zu mir zu kommen,
um Leben zu haben.
41 "Ich akzeptiere nicht, Lob von
42 aber ich kenne dich. Ich weiß, dass Sie
nicht über die Liebe Gottes in euren Herzen.
43 habe ich in dem Namen meines Vaters
gekommen, und ihr nehmt mich
(From The Holy Bible: New International
Version Copyright (c) 1973, 1978, 1984, von International Bible Society.)
John von 7.40 bis 08.01 Uhr
40 hörte seinen Worten, einige der Leute
sagten: "Wahrlich, dieser Mensch ist der Prophet."
41 Andere sagten: "Er ist der
Christus." Wieder andere fragte: "Wie kann der Christus aus Galiläa
42 Hat nicht die Schrift, daß der Christus
wird von Davids Familie und aus Bethlehem ,
die Stadt, wo David lebte kommen? "
43 So wurde das Volk wegen Jesus geteilt.
, fragte er.
Ich habe absichtlich die relevanten Verse
des Matthäus 13 aus dem Original in der Bibel geschrieben, bevor alle
Übersetzungen und Versionen begann wurde gekeult. RSV Übersetzungen ins
Englische werden hinzugefügt!
• Jesus erklärt in verständlicher Sprache,
dass er nur ein Prophet und der Sohn des Mannes Joseph war, also warum wurde
die Universal-Götzendienst vergöttern ihn Konstantin der Große, Kaiser A Pagan,
von den frühen Kirchenvätern angenommen?
• Jesus war ein Prophet angenommen und
gesalbt von der allmächtigen Schöpfers durch die Hände von Johannes dem Täufer.
Er war der erstgeborene Sohn von Joseph / Maria, die Carpenter und er hatte
vier Brüder und junior un-named Zahl der Schwestern. Er war rein menschlich. Er
erklärte, dass er der Sohn des Menschen war und schließlich in der
Matthäus-Evangelium 13.57, er eindeutig bestätigt, dass er ein Prophet war.
Mathew 13 Verse 36-58
36 Dann verließ er die Massen und ging
ins Haus.
37 Er aber antwortete und <apokrinomai>
<de> sagte <epo> ihnen <autos> sät, <speiro> die gute
Saat <kalos> <sperma> <esti> ist der Sohn des Menschen
<huios> <anthropos>; (KJV)
38 Der Acker ist die Welt, und die
gute Saat bedeutet, dass die Söhne des Reiches; das Unkraut sind die Söhne des
Bösen, (RSV)
40 Wie <hosper> daher <oun> das
Unkraut <zizanion> sind <sullego> und <kai> verbrannt
<katakaio> im Feuer <pur> versammelt; so soll es <houto>
<esomai> in <en> das Ende sein <sunteleia> dieser Welt
<toutou> <aion>. (KJV)
40 So wie das Unkraut gesammelt und im
Feuer verbrannt wird, so wird es am Ende der Welt sein.
41 Der Menschensohn wird seine Engel
aussenden, und sie werden sammeln aus seinem Reich alle Ursachen der Sünde und
alle Übeltäter, (RSV)
43 Dann werden die Gerechten <tote>
<dikaios> leuchten wie die Sonne <hos> <eklampo>
<helios> in <en> das Reich <basileia> ihrer <autos>
Vater <pater>. Wer <ho> <echo> Ohren hat zu <ous> <akouo>
hören, der höre <akouo>. (KJV)
44 ¶ Wieder <palin>, ist das Reich des
Himmels <basileia> <ouranos> <esti> wie <homoios> zu
Schatz <thesauros> versteckte <krupto> in <en> ein Feld
<agros>, die die <hos> wenn ein Mann hat <anthropos> gefunden
<heurisko>, er verbirgt <krupto> und <kai> für <apo>
Freude <chara> davon <autos> goeth <hupago> und <kai>
selleth <poleo> alle <pas> dass <hosos> er hat <echo>
und <kai> buyeth <agorazo> dass <ekeinos> Feld <agros>.
44 ¶ "Das Himmelreich ist wie ein
Schatz im Acker, den ein Mensch fand und vertuscht versteckt, dann in seiner Freude
geht er hin und verkaufte alles, was er besaß, und kaufte den Acker (RSV).
46, die auf der Suche nach einer Perle
von großem Wert, ging hin und verkaufte alles, was er hatte, und kaufte sie.
47 Wieder <palin>, das Reich des
Himmels <basileia> <ouranos> ist <esti> wie <homoios>
zu einem Netto-<sagene>, das war <ballo> in <eis> das Meer
<thalassa> gegossen und <kai > gesammelt <sunago> von
<ek> jeder Art <pas> <genos>: (KJV)
48 Welche <hos>, wenn es voll
<hote> <pleroo> war, zog sie zu <anabibazo> <epi> Ufer
<aigialos> und <kai> setzte <kathizo> und sammelten die guten
<sullego> <kalos > in <eis> Schiffe <aggeion>, aber
<de> Besetzung <ballo> die schlechte <sapros> weg
<exo>. (KJV)
48, wenn es voll war, zogen es an Land
und Männern setzte sich hin und sortiert die guten in Gefäße, sondern warf die
49 So soll es <houto> <esomai>
sein bei <en> das Ende der Welt <sunteleia> <aion>: die Engel
werden ausgehen <aggelos> <exerchomai> und <kai> sever
<aphorizo> die Bösen < poneros> ab <ek> unter <mesos>
die nur <dikaios>, (KJV)
49 So wird es auch am Ende der Welt
sein. Die Engel werden ausgehen und die Bösen von den Gerechten (RSV)
50 Und <kai> wird <ballo>
sie <autos> in <eis> der Ofen <kaminos> des Feuers
<pur> geworfen: Es wird <ekei> <esomai> Jammern
<klauthmos> und <kai> knirschen <brugmos> sein von Zähnen
<odous>. (KJV)
50 und werfen sie in den Feuerofen, es
wird sein Heulen und Zähneklappern.
51 Jesus spricht <Iesous>
<lego> ihnen <autos> Habt ihr verstanden <suniemi> Alle
<pas> diese Dinge <tauta> <pas>? Sie sagen zu ihm:
<lego> <autos>, Yea <nai>, Lord <kurios>. (KJV)
51 "Haben Sie das alles
verstanden?" Sie sagten zu ihm: "Ja."
52 Da sagte <de> <epo> er
sie bis ans <autos>, daher <dia> <touto> jeden <pas> Schreiber
<grammateus> die <matheteuo> angewiesen wird zu <eis> das
Reich des Himmels <basileia> <ouranos > ist <esti> wie
<homoios> zu einem Mann, der ein Wohnungsinhaber <anthropos>
<oikodespotes>, die <hostis> gebiert <ekballo> aus <ek>
seine <autos> Schatz <thesauros> Dinge neu <kainos> ist und
<kai> alt <palaios>. (KJV)
53 ¶ Und es begab sich <kai>
<ginomai> passieren, dass, wenn Jesus <hote> <Iesous> hatte
<teleo> diese Gleichnisse vollendet <tautais> <parabole> er
<metairo> dannen <ekeithen>. (KJV)
54 Und als er <kai> <erchomai>
in <eis> kommen seine eigene <autos> Land <patris>, lehrte er
sie <didasko> <autos> in <en> ihre <autos> Synagoge
<sunagoge>, so sehr, dass <hoste> sie <autos> wurden
<ekplesso> erstaunt und sagte <kai> <lego>: Woher hat dieser
Mann <pothen> <touto> dieses <houtos> Weisheit <sophia>
und <kai> diese Taten <dunamis >? (KJV)
55 <esti> nicht <OU> dieses
<houtos> des Zimmermanns Sohn <tekton> <huios>? und
<kai> seine Brüder <autos> <adelphos>, James <Iakobos>
und <kai> Joses <Ioses> und <kai> Simon <Simon> und
<kai> Judas <Ioudas>? (KJV)
55 Ist das nicht der Sohn des Zimmermanns?
Heißt nicht seine Mutter Maria? Und sind nicht seine Brüder Jakobus und Joseph
und Simon und Judas?
Woher <pothen> dann <oun>
hat diesem Mann <touto> Alle <pas> diese Dinge <tauta>? (KJV)
56 Und sind nicht alle seine
Schwestern mit uns?
57 Und sie waren beleidigt <kai>
<skandalizo> in <en> ihn <autos>. Aber Jesus <de>
<Iesous> sagte <epo> ihnen <autos>, Ein Prophet
<prophetes> <esti> ist nicht ohne Ehre <OU> <atimos>,
speichern <ei me> in <en> seine eigene <autos > Land
<patris> und <kai> in <en> eigenen Haus <autos>
<oikia>. (KJV)
Rev. Prof. J. J. Kenez, D.Sc.
The Humble Vessel of the Holy Spirit of the Almighty Creator
of the Universe
Christendom, for now, is confused! The doctrine of
‘Holy Trinity’ is demonic and very idolatrous in respect of equating Jesus with
the Creator!
It violates the first three commandments Moses
received on Mount Sinai !
A pagan emperor deified him in order to marry a
Christian lady centuries ago and to date Christians join him in the idolatry of
trying to set Jesus up against his father!
Jesus never called himself the ‘Son of God’ rather
he always insisted on ‘Son of Man’ all through the gospel narratives. Both
‘Jesus’ and ‘Christ’ are Greek words, not the Aramaic names the angel gave him!
There is not one place ‘Jesus Christ’ is used as a
double-barrelled name for Jesus in all the original texts of King James Version
of the Christian Bible!
Saul of Tarsus
always referred to him thus: ‘Christ Jesus’. Why? ‘Christ’ is a title he earned
for total obedience till death on the cross, “for which reason he was given a
name above all names so that at the mention of the name every knee shall bow”.
‘Prof. Kenez’ is not the same thing as ‘Kenez
Prof.’ Think about this for a while! Pope Paul is not same as Paul Pope. Or is
Adam was definitely the ‘Son of God’, and only he
could rightly claim it!
God re-named Solomon ‘Jedidah’ and only he could
also claim the title!
But for Jesus,
he was never a god nor was he equal to ‘God, the Almighty Father’ as many
misinformed Christians portray in the fanatical prayers and commercial lyrics
of worship songs marketed today!
“Son of Man”; that was mentioned 194 times in both the OT and NT as against “Son of God”
mentioned only 47 times, with Jesus referring to himself 48 times in the
gospels) and
“A Prophet” as he stated in Matt 10:40-41, "He who
receives you receives me, and he who receives me receives Him who sent me. He
who receives a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet's
It beats my reasoning faculties when religious
fanatics are blindly followed just because they call themselves pastors,
evangelists, priests or bishops.
Paul, the Apostle of the Gentiles, never referred to
Jesus as co-equal to God, the Creator and Father of all human beings! He never
reversed the order he always used to refer to him; Christ Jesus.
In all the four gospels in original King James
Version, there was not a single use of Jesus with any other attachment or
appellation; only Jesus! Moreover, the word ‘JESUS’ is Greek, not the Aramaic
name the angel gave him!
No, it was some Roman theologians who contrived their
own gospel and appended; ‘St John ’
to their treacherous narrative that deified Jesus. They doctored the entire NT
to reflect their false doctrines and dogmas. Nowhere in the four gospels was
Jesus ever addressed as “Christ”.
The “Saviour” or “Messiah” was a title he
earned since his predecessors failed to achieve the status. This he achieved by
total obedience to the Will of the Almighty, whereas others fumbled!
Moses was a saviour for the enslaved Israelites in
Egypt, but he struck the rock twice instead of once and so failed.
Samson was a saviour for the Israelites maltreated by
the Philistines, but despite his anointing from the womb, he permitted Delilah
to lead him astray.
Solomon was a saviour king chosen by God to build him
a temple and restore peace in Israel, but despite the enormous wisdom bestowed
on him for the assignment; he became an easy prey for the Queen of Sheba!
Jesus earned the coveted title due to his compliance with the Will of the
Almighty Father; Matt 7:21; 21 "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,'
will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father
who is in heaven. and total obedience to His dictates; Matt 12:50; 50 For whoever does the will of
my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother;" all through his ministry to merit the
elevation to a salvific prophet, the Messiah of his people promised from the
time of Abraham. He defeated the devil and so he excelled where others had
4:1-11; 4:1 Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by
the devil. …. 3 The tempter came to him and said, "If you are the Son of
God, tell these stones to become bread." …. 5 Then the devil took him to
the holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the temple. 6 "If
you are the Son of God," he said, "throw yourself down. 7 Jesus
answered him, "It is also written: 'Do not put the Lord your God to the
test.'" 8 Again, the devil took him
to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their
splendour. 9 "All this I will give you," he said, "if you will
bow down and worship me." 10 Jesus
said to him, "Away from me, Satan! For it is written: 'Worship the Lord
your God, and serve him only.'" 11
Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him.
citing only Elijah and Elisha, 24
"I tell you the truth," he continued, "no prophet is accepted in
his hometown. …. 26 Yet Elijah was not sent to any of them, but to a widow in
Zarephath in the region of Sidon .
27 And there were many in Israel with leprosy in the time of Elisha the
prophet, yet not one of them was cleansed-only Naaman the Syrian;" Jesus
was emphatically declaring that only three of them came closest to the demands
of ultimate elevation to “Christhood”! What he forgot to tell us or that he
deliberately left to tell us was; what he did others failed to do properly, why
he had the will power to say no to the devil all through his ministry and how
he grabbed the title whereas others did not!
meticulously studied the Laws, the Prophets and digested all the books on
Judaism; Matt 5:17-18; 17 "Do not think that I have come to abolish the
Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfil them. 18 I
tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter,
not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until
everything is accomplished.”
age twelve to thirty, which was missing in all his biographies, he lived a
monastic life outside his community! On graduation and return to his native
land, he allowed John to baptise him in the River Jordan , where he was anointed as
“Son of God”; Matt
3:17-4:1; 17 And a voice from heaven said, "This is my Son, whom I love;
with him I am well pleased." Here,
he was adopted as a perfect master to redeem Israel . Dry fasting for forty days
and nights preceded his ministry. He practised as an itinerant preacher and by
the dint of hard labour and loyalty to the Omnipotent and Omniscient God we all
worship as the Creator of the Universe, he attained the ultimate in Messiahship
and became the “Christ”!
My thesis is that Jesus, the Christ,
achieved the climax of stewardship by a detailed observance of all the details
that were foretold about the Messiah!
Luke 4:20-32
20 Then he rolled up the scroll, gave it
back to the attendant and sat down. The eyes of everyone in the synagogue were
fastened on him,
and he began by saying to them, "Today this scripture is fulfilled in your
22 All spoke well of him and were amazed at
the gracious words that came from his lips. "Isn't this Joseph's
son?" they asked.
23 Jesus said to them, "Surely you
will quote this proverb to me: 'Physician, heal yourself! Do here in your
hometown what we have heard that you did in Capernaum .'"
24 "I tell you the truth," he
continued, "no prophet is accepted in his hometown.
25 I assure you that there were many widows
in Israel
in Elijah's time, when the sky was shut for three and a half years and there
was a severe famine throughout the land.
26 Yet Elijah was not sent to any of them,
but to a widow in Zarephath in the region of Sidon .
And there were many in Israel
with leprosy in the time of Elisha the prophet, yet not one of them was
cleansed-only Naaman the Syrian."
28 All the people in the synagogue were
furious when they heard this.
29 They got up, drove him out of the town,
and took him to the brow of the hill on which the town was built, in order to
throw him down the cliff.
30 But he walked right through the crowd
and went on his way.
31 Then he went down to Capernaum ,
a town in Galilee , and on the Sabbath began to
teach the people. 32 They were amazed at his teaching, because his message had
From the New International Version of the
Christian Bible
20 And he closed the book, and gave it back to
the attendant, and sat down; and the eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on
him. (RSV)
20 And
shutting the book he gave it back to the servant and took his seat: and the
eyes of all in the Synagogue were fixed on him. (BBE)
Clarke's Commentary:
Verse 20.
Were fastened on him.] Were attentively fixed on him. The proper import
of atenizontev autw.
21 And
he began to say to them, "Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your
hearing." (RSV)
21 Then
he said to them, Today this word has come true in your hearing. (BBE)
22 And
all spoke well of him, and wondered at the gracious words which proceeded out
of his mouth; and they said, "Is not this Joseph's son?" (RSV)
22 And
they were all giving witness, with wonder, to the words of grace which came
from his mouth: and they said, Is not this the son of Joseph? (BBE)
Ps 45:2; Mt 13:54; Mr 6:2; Lu 2:47; Joh 6:42
Clarke's Commentary:
Verse 22.
At the gracious words] To the words of grace, epi toiv logoiv thv
caritov, or the doctrines of grace, which he then preached. It is very strange
that none of the evangelists give us any account of this sermon! There was
certainly more of it than is related in Lu 4:21. To-day is this scripture
fulfilled in your ears; which seems to have been no more than the first
sentence he spoke on the occasion. Had it been necessary for our salvation, it
would have been recorded. It was a demonstration to those Jews, that Jesus, who
preached to them, was the person of whom the prophet there spoke: it was not
designed for general edification. Let us make a good use of what we have got,
and we shalt not regret that this sermon is lost. The ear is never satisfied
with hearing: we wish for another and another revelation, while sadly
unacquainted with the nature and design of that which God's mercy has already
given us.
23 And
he said to them, "Doubtless you will quote to me this proverb, 'Physician,
heal yourself; what we have heard you did at Capernaum , do here also in your own
country.'" (RSV)
23 And
he said to them, Without doubt you will say to me, Let the medical man make
himself well: the things which to our knowledge were done at Capernaum , do them here in your country.
Mt 4:13; 11:23; 13:54; Mr 6:1
Clarke's Commentary:
Verse 23.
Physician, heal thyself] That is, heal the broken-hearted in thy own
country, as the latter clause of the verse explains it; but they were far from
being in a proper spirit to receive the salvation which he was ready to
communicate; and therefore they were not healed.
24 And
he said, "Truly, I say to you, no prophet is acceptable in his own
country. (RSV)
24 And
he said to them, Truly I say to you, No prophet is honoured in his country.
Mt 13:57; Mr 6:4; Joh 4:44
Clarke's Commentary:
Verse 24.
No prophet is accepted] See on Mt 13:55-57.
25 But
in truth, I tell you, there were many widows in Israel in the days of Elijah,
when the heaven was shut up three years and six months, when there came a great
famine over all the land; (RSV)
25 Truly
I say to you, There were a number of widows in Israel in the days of Elijah,
when the heaven was shut up for three years and six months and there was no
food in the land; (BBE)
1Ki 17:9; 18:1; Jas 5:17
Clarke's Commentary:
Verse 25.
In the days of Elias] See this history, 1Ki 17:1-9, compared with 1Ki
18:1-45. This was evidently a miraculous interference, as no rain fell for
three years and six months, even in the rainy seasons. There were two of these
in Judea , called the first and the latter
rains; the first fell in October, the latter in April: the first prepared the
ground for the seed, the latter ripened the harvest. As both these rains were
withheld, consequently there was a great famine throughout all the land.
26 and
Elijah was sent to none of them but only to Zarephath, in the land of Sidon ,
to a woman who was a widow. (RSV)
26 But
Elijah was not sent to one of them, but only to Zarephath, in the land of
Sidon, to a woman who was a widow. (BBE)
Clarke's Commentary:
Verse 26.
Unto none of them was Elias sent, save unto Sarepta] The sentence is
elliptical, and means this: To none of them was Elias sent; he was not sent
except to Sarepta; for the widow at Sarepta was a Sidonian, not a widow of Israel .
PEARCE.-Sarepta was a pagan city in the country of Sidon, in the vicinity of Galilee .
27 And
there were many lepers in Israel
in the time of the prophet Elisha; and none of them was cleansed, but only
Naaman the Syrian." (RSV)
27 And
there were a number of lepers in Israel in the time of Elisha the prophet, and
not one of them was made clean, but only Naaman the Syrian. (BBE)
2Ki 5:14
Clarke's Commentary:
Verse 27.
None of them was cleansed] This verse is to be understood as the 26th;
for Naaman, being a Syrian, was no leper in Israel .
The meaning of these verses is, God dispenses
his benefits when, where, and to whom he pleases. No person can complain of his
conduct in these respects, because no person deserves any good from his hand.
God never punishes any but those who deserve it; but he blesses incessantly
those who deserve it not. The reason is evident: justice depends on certain
rules; but beneficence is free. Beneficence can bless both the good and the
evil; justice can punish the latter only. Those who do not make this
distinction must have a very confused notion of the conduct of Divine Providence among men.
28 When
they heard this, all in the synagogue were filled with wrath. (RSV)
28 And
all who were in the Synagogue were very angry when these things were said to
them. (BBE)
Clarke's Commentary:
Verse 28.
Were filled with wrath] They seem to have drawn the following conclusion
from what our Lord spoke: "The Gentiles are more precious in the sight of
God than the Jews; and to them his miracles of mercy and kindness shall be
principally confined." This was pretty near the truth, as the event
proved. Those who profit not by the light of God, while it is among them, shall
have their candle extinguished. The kingdom
of God was taken from the
Jews, and given to the Gentiles; not because the Gentiles were better than they
were, but because, 1st. The Jews had forfeited their privileges; and 2dly.
Because Christ saw that the Gentiles would bring forth the fruits of the
29 And
they rose up and put him out of the city, and led him to the brow of the hill
on which their city was built, that they might throw him down headlong. (RSV)
29 And
they got up and took him out of the town to the edge of the mountain on which
their town was, so that they might send him down to his death. (BBE)
Clarke's Commentary:
Verse 29.
The brow of the hill] Mr. Maundrel tells us that this is still called
"the Mountain of the Precipitation, and is half a league southward of Nazareth . In going to it,
you cross first over the vale in which Nazareth stands; and then going down two
or three furlongs, in a narrow cleft between the rocks, you there clamber up a
short but difficult way on the right hand; at the top of which you find a great
stone standing on the brink of a precipice, which is said to be the very place
where our Lord was destined to be thrown down by his enraged neighbours."
Maundrel's Journey, p. 116. Edit. 5th. 1732.
In this protracted discourse, the Biblical Scholar has provided us
abundant evidence to show that Jesus performed as other prophets who came before
him did!
So, my grouse with modern day fanatics is; DID JESUS EVER CLAIM HE WAS
one passage that only the Almighty Father knew the end of the world.
The Laws Moses received on Mount Sinai is grossly violated by the
doctrines and dogmas patented in Rome
by ‘doctors of the church’. Which doctors and which church do we mean by this
phraseology, if may ask? The church in Rome is
the adulterated photocopy of the original church at Antioch and the authentic message of the
apostles headed by Peter and James. The doctrines are corruptions forced on
Paul by Emperor Constantine to permit him declare it as a national religion to
replace Mithraism.
If you doubt Rev. Prof. J. J.
Kenez a.k.a Dr Kenez Danmbaezue then Consult Books on Church History. He did
not obtain a doctorate in Church History, and even if he did, the aftermath of
the Inquisitions and Excommunications of notable scientists who dared tell the
truth is enough for him doubt the authenticity of Roman Historians.
(All the
quotations in this section are taken from The Holy Bible: New International
Version. Copyright (c) 1973, 1978, 1984,
by International Bible Society, for its current English value)
23:19-20; - 19 God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he
should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not
fulfil? 20 I have received a command to bless; he has blessed, and I cannot
change it.”
80:17-19; - 17 Let your hand rest on the man at your right
hand, the son of man
you have raised up for yourself. 18 Then we will not turn away from you; revive
us, and we will call on your name. 19 Restore us, O LORD God Almighty; make
your face shine upon us, that we may be saved.
Was Jesus a
reincarnation of Prophet Ezekiel?
The reason I ask
this is because no other person was more often referred to as; “son of man” in
the entire bible.
Observe that
Matthew has 32 references of the label whereas Ezekiel has more that 94!
Chapters 2 and 3 alone contain the label 10 times. What’s the linkage?
Ezek 2:1-3:27
2:1 He said to me, "Son of man,
stand up on your feet and I will speak to you."
2 As he spoke, the Spirit came into me and raised
me to my feet, and I heard him speaking to me.
3 He said: "Son of man, I am sending you to the Israelites,
to a rebellious nation that has rebelled against me; they and their fathers
have been in revolt against me to this very day.
4 The people to whom I am sending you are
obstinate and stubborn. Say to them, 'This is what the Sovereign LORD says.'
5 And whether they listen or fail to listen-- for
they are a rebellious house-- they will know that a prophet has been among
6 And you, son of man, do not be afraid of them or their
words. Do not be afraid, though briers and thorns are all around you and you
live among scorpions. Do not be afraid of what they say or terrified by them,
though they are a rebellious house.
7 You must speak my words to them, whether they
listen or fail to listen, for they are rebellious.
8 But you, son of man, listen to what I say to you. Do not
rebel like that rebellious house; open your mouth and eat what I give you."
9 Then I looked, and I saw a hand stretched out to
me. In it was a scroll,
10 which he unrolled before me. On both sides of
it were written words of lament and mourning and woe.
Ezekiel 3
3:1 And he said to me, "Son of man,
eat what is before you, eat this scroll; then go and
speak to the house of Israel ."
2 So I opened my mouth, and he gave me the scroll
to eat.
3 Then he said to me, "Son of man,
eat this scroll I am giving you and fill your stomach
with it." So I ate it, and it tasted as sweet as honey in my mouth.
4 He then said to me: "Son of man,
go now to the house of Israel and speak my words to them.
5 You are not being sent to a people of obscure
speech and difficult language, but to the house of Israel--
6 not to many peoples of obscure speech and
difficult language, whose words you cannot understand. Surely if I had sent you
to them, they would have listened to you.
7 But the house of Israel is not willing to listen
to you because they are not willing to listen to me, for the whole house of Israel is
hardened and obstinate.
8 But I will make you as unyielding and hardened
as they are.
9 I will make your forehead like the hardest
stone, harder than flint. Do not be afraid of them or terrified by them, though
they are a rebellious house."
10 And he said to me, "Son of man,
listen carefully and take to heart all the words I speak
to you.
11 Go now to your countrymen in exile and speak to
them. Say to them, 'This is what the Sovereign LORD says,' whether they listen
or fail to listen."
12 Then the Spirit lifted me up, and I heard
behind me a loud rumbling sound-- May the glory of the LORD be praised in his
13 the sound of the wings of the living creatures
brushing against each other and the sound of the wheels beside them, a loud
rumbling sound.
14 The Spirit then lifted me up and took me away,
and I went in bitterness and in the anger of my spirit, with the strong hand of
the LORD upon me.
15 I came to the exiles who lived at Tel Abib near
the Kebar River . And there, where they were
living, I sat among them for seven days-- overwhelmed.
16 At the end of seven days the word of the LORD
came to me:
17 "Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the
house of Israel ;
so hear the word I speak and give them warning from me.
18 When I say to a wicked man, 'You will surely
die,' and you do not warn him or speak out to dissuade him from his evil ways
in order to save his life, that wicked man will die for his sin, and I will
hold you accountable for his blood.
19 But if you do warn the wicked man and he does
not turn from his wickedness or from his evil ways, he will die for his sin;
but you will have saved yourself.
20 "Again, when a righteous man turns from
his righteousness and does evil, and I put a stumbling-block before him, he
will die. Since you did not warn him, he will die for his sin. The righteous
things he did will not be remembered, and I will hold you accountable for his
21 But if you do warn the righteous man not to sin
and he does not sin, he will surely live because he took warning, and you will
have saved yourself."
22 The hand of the LORD was upon me there, and he
said to me, "Get up and go out to the plain, and there I will speak to
23 So I got up and went out to the plain. And the
glory of the LORD was standing there, like the glory I had seen by the Kebar River ,
and I fell face down.
24 Then the Spirit came into me and raised me to
my feet. He spoke to me and said: "Go, shut yourself inside your house.
25 And you, son of man, they will tie with ropes; you will be
bound so that you cannot go out among the people.
26 I will make your tongue stick to the roof of
your mouth so that you will be silent and unable to rebuke them, though they
are a rebellious house.
27 But when I speak to you, I will open your mouth
and you shall say to them, 'This is what the Sovereign LORD says.' Whoever will
listen let him listen, and whoever will refuse let him refuse; for they are a
rebellious house.
is a Prophet?
Encyclopædia Britannica Article
“a divinely inspired revealer, interpreter,
or spokesman. In Western culture, the classic period of Israelite prophecy has
tended to predominate in analyses of the phenomenon, but the figure of the
prophet is to be found in numerous manifestations throughout history and
The prophet differs from other religious
functionaries and representatives of religious authority in that he claims no
personal part in his utterance. He speaks not his own mind but a revelation
“from without.” He may be “inspired” with his message (as in the case of
Jeremiah), or he may be “possessed” by a spiritual power—a god, a spirit, the
Holy Ghost—which uses him as an instrument and speaks through him (as in
Aeschylus' description of Cassandra in the Agamemnon and of the prophet of Apollo in the Eumenides). Plato defined the prophet
as one who speaks in ecstasy, and in the Hellenistic period Philo of Alexandria similarly
stated that the prophet “speaks nothing of his own” but resembles the lyre on
which someone else plays.
The prophetic or charismatic (from Greek charisma, “divine gift”) state may
occur spontaneously, or it may be induced by a variety of techniques: by
meditation, by mystico-magical formulas and gestures (the mantras and mudras of esoteric Buddhism, for example), by music (II Kings
3:15, “And when the minstrel played, the power of the Lord came upon him”), by
drumming, dancing, or the ingestion of intoxicants or narcotics. Prophets very
often resist the call (Amos and Jeremiah among the Hebrew prophets; many prospective
shamans) until overcome by the superior power that wants to use them as its
In contrast to the diviner, who uses or
manipulates objective techniques and signs to address what are primarily
private needs and anxieties, the prophet, impelled by the spirit, may
articulate a message of more general and fundamental import, enunciating
principles and norms that are critical of the present, in either a destructive
or a reforming sense. He may address his group (tribe, nation) as a whole or may
found a new society that will realize his message. The prophetic personality
thus frequently becomes a religious founder, reformer, or sectarian leader
(Zoroaster, Muḥammad, and others). The “ideal-typical” prophet (in Max Weber's
sense) is, however, less concerned with founding a new religion or introducing
revolutionary reforms than with criticizing his society from the inside, as it
were, and in the light of what he believes to be the divinely established norms
underlying its existence. If he is a revolutionary, he very frequently does not
know it.
The semantic spectrum of the term prophetic
has consequently become rather wide. According to whether the emphasis is on
possession and ecstasy, inspired utterance, prediction of the future, visionary
experience, ethical fervour, passionate social criticism, sense of absolute
commitment, millenarian and apocalyptic expectation, etc., the most diverse
phenomena and personalities have been called prophetic: Montanists,
Pentecostals, Zoroaster, Muḥammad, Joachim of Fiore, Savonarola, Thomas
Müntzer, Jakob Böhme, George Fox, Joseph Smith, and many others. The moral
seriousness of the ancient Chinese sages and their profound regard for the law
of heaven has suggested comparisons with Hebrew prophecy, and the Egyptian text
known as the “Peasant's Complaint” has been claimed as a witness for a
prophetic movement in ancient Egypt. Even Marxism has at times been qualified
as prophetic, both because of its passionate protest against social injustice
and because of the eschatological structure of its doctrine.
Disregarding this wide and at times merely
figurative use of “prophetic,” there may be recognized a distinct prophetic
type of religion. Its main characteristics are a dynamic conception of a deity,
an emphasis on the will (both of God and of man) as a constitutive factor of
the religious reality, a basic dualism, a profound awareness of the seriousness
of sin (as distinct from breaking a taboo), a radical ethical outlook based on
unequivocal choice between good and evil, a positive attitude toward society
and toward this world in general, and a relationship to the time process that
could crystallize in eschatological and messianic hopes.
To cite this page:
- MLA style:
Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica 2007 Ultimate Reference
Suite. Chicago :
Encyclopædia Britannica, 2008.
The contemporaries of Jesus recognised him as the son
of Joseph and Mary, a native of Nazareth
and were fully convinced he was actually a prophet, an extraordinary teacher
“who taught with authority!”
Let us see;
John 5: 25 – 43, 7: 40 – 53
John 5:25-43
25 I tell
you the truth, a time is coming and has now come when the dead will hear the
voice of the Son of God and those who hear will live.
26 For as
the Father has life in himself, so he has granted the Son to have life in
27 And he
has given him authority to judge because he is the Son of Man.
28 "Do
not be amazed at this, for a time is coming when all who are in their graves
will hear his voice
29 and come
out-- those who have done good will rise to live, and those who have done evil
will rise to be condemned.
30 By myself I can do nothing; I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is
just, for I seek not to
please myself but him who sent me.
31 "If
I testify about myself, my testimony is not valid.
32 There is
another who testifies in my favour, and I know that his testimony about me is
"You have sent to John and he has testified to the truth.
34 Not that
I accept human testimony; but I mention it that you may be saved.
35 John was
a lamp that burned and gave light, and you chose for a time to enjoy his light.
36 "I
have testimony weightier than that of John. For the very work that the Father has given me to finish,
and which I am doing, testifies that the Father has sent me.
37 And the
Father who sent me has himself testified concerning me. You have never heard
his voice nor seen his form,
38 nor does
his word dwell in you, for you
do not believe the one he sent.
39 You
diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess
eternal life. These are the Scriptures that testify about me,
40 yet you
refuse to come to me to have life.
41 "I
do not accept praise from men,
42 but I
know you. I know that you do not have the love of God in your hearts.
43 I have
come in my Father's name, and you do not accept me
(from The
Holy Bible: New International Version.
Copyright (c) 1973, 1978, 1984, by International Bible Society)
John 7:40-8:1
40 On
hearing his words, some of the people said, "Surely this man is the Prophet."
41 Others
said, "He is the Christ." Still others asked, "How can the
Christ come from Galilee ?
42 Does not
the Scripture say that the Christ will come from David's family and from Bethlehem , the town where
David lived?"
43 Thus the
people were divided because of Jesus.
44 Some
wanted to seize him, but no-one laid a hand on him.
45 Finally
the temple guards went back to the chief priests and Pharisees, who asked them,
"Why didn't you bring him in?"
"No-one ever spoke the way this man does," the guards declared.
"You mean he has deceived you also?" the Pharisees retorted.
"Has any of the rulers or of the Pharisees believed in him?
49 No! But
this mob that knows nothing of the law-- there is a curse on them."
Nicodemus, who had gone to Jesus earlier and who was one of their own number,
"Does our law condemn a man without first hearing him to find out what he
is doing?"
52 They replied, "Are you from Galilee , too? Look into it, and you will find that a
prophet does not come out of Galilee ."
53 Then
each went to his own home.
The Holy Bible: New International Version.
Copyright (c) 1973, 1978, 1984, by International Bible Society)
best example that demonstrates that Jesus was a prophet can be found in Matthew
24. Historians document in minute details how every aspect of this very
prediction of the fall of Jerusalem
was fulfilled to the letter!
MATT 24:1- 51
Jesus left the temple and was walking away when his disciples came up to him to
call his attention to its buildings.
2 "Do you see all these things?"
he asked. "I tell you the truth, not one stone here will be left on
another; every one will be thrown down."
As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him
privately. "Tell us," they said, "when will this happen, and
what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?"
Jesus answered: "Watch
out that no-one deceives you.
5 For many will come in my name, claiming,
'I am the Christ,' and will deceive many.
6 You will hear of wars and rumours of
wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the
end is still to come.
7 Nation will rise against nation, and
kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various
8 All these are the beginning of
9 "Then you will be handed over to be
persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of
10 At that time many will turn away from
the faith and will betray and hate each other,
11 and many false prophets will appear and
deceive many people.
12 Because of the increase of wickedness,
the love of most will grow cold,
13 but he who stands firm to the end will
be saved.
14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be
preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end
will come.
15 "So when you see standing in the
holy place 'the abomination that causes desolation', spoken of through the
prophet Daniel-- let the reader understand--
16 then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.
17 Let no-one on the roof of his house go
down to take anything out of the house.
18 Let no-one in the field go back to get
his cloak.
19 How dreadful it will be in those days
for pregnant women and nursing mothers!
20 Pray that your flight will not take
place in winter or on the Sabbath.
21 For then there will be great distress,
unequalled from the beginning of the world until now-- and never to be equalled
22 If those days had not been cut short,
no-one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be
23 At that time if anyone says to you,
'Look, here is the Christ!' or, 'There he is!' do not believe it.
24 For false Christs and false prophets
will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect-- if
that were possible.
25 See, I have told you ahead of time.
26 "So if anyone tells you, 'There he
is, out in the desert,' do not go out; or, 'Here he is, in the inner rooms,' do
not believe it.
27 For as lightning that comes from the
east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.
28 Wherever there is a carcass, there the
vultures will gather.
29 "Immediately after the distress of
those days "'the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its
light; the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be
30 "At that time the sign of the Son
of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn.
They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and
great glory.
31 And he will send his angels with a loud
trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end
of the heavens to the other.
32 "Now learn this lesson from the
fig-tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know
that summer is near.
33 Even so, when you see all these things,
you know that it is near, right at the door.
34 I tell you the truth, this generation
will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.
35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my
words will never pass away.
36 "No-one knows about that day or
hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
37 As it was in the days of Noah, so it will
be at the coming of the Son of Man.
38 For in the days before the flood, people
were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah
entered the ark;
39 and they knew nothing about what would
happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at
the coming of the Son of Man.
Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left.
Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other
"Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will
But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night
the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house
be broken into.
So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you
do not expect him.
"Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom the master has put in
charge of the servants in his household to give them their food at the proper
It will be good for that servant whose master finds him doing so when he
I tell you the truth, he will put him in charge of all his possessions.
But suppose that servant is wicked and says to himself, 'My master is staying
away a long time,'
and he then begins to beat his fellow-servants and to eat and drink with
The master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him and
at an hour he is not aware of.
He will cut him to pieces and assign him a place with the hypocrites, where
there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
(From the Holy Bible: New International
Version. Copyright (c) 1973, 1978, 1984,
by International Bible Society)
shaded areas point out the certainty of the one making the prophetic statements.
the OT accounts that are woolly and could be interpreted in various fashions,
Jesus here demonstrated his extraordinary foresight and authority over the
details of how his prophecy would be executed.
submission is that Jesus was only a prophet who spoke on behalf of the Almighty
Father; he was not God and had never claimed to be one throughout his ministry!
Here I lay my argument that Christendom is engrossed in unwarranted idolatry
until some one proves otherwise!
that he equally declared in vv: 36 - 39
that he was not equal to his father. That is the crux of the matter that this
discourse set out to prove. Here I rest my case.
anyone has a better thesis, let him present it!
Now that we have
an operational definition of a “son of man” and that of “a prophet”, we can see
the error of Christendom equating Jesus with the Almighty Father! The best
evidence is the testimony of Jesus regarding his subordinate relationship to
the Father at John 8: 12 – 51;
When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the
world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light
of life."
The Pharisees challenged him, "Here you are, appearing as your own
witness; your testimony is not valid."
Jesus answered, "Even if I testify on my own behalf, my testimony is
valid, for I know where I came from and where I am going. But you have no idea
where I come from or where I am going.
You judge by human standards; I pass judgment on no-one.
But if I do judge, my decisions are right, because I am not alone. I stand with
the Father, who sent me.
In your own Law it is written that the testimony of two men is valid.
I am one who testifies for myself; my other witness is the Father, who sent
Then they asked him, "Where is your father?" "You do not know me
or my Father," Jesus replied. "If you knew me, you would know my
Father also."
He spoke these words while teaching in the temple area near the place where the
offerings were put. Yet no-one seized him, because his time had not yet come.
Once more Jesus said to them, "I am going away, and you will look for me,
and you will die in your sin. Where I go, you cannot come."
This made the Jews ask, "Will he kill himself? Is that why he says, 'Where
I go, you cannot come'?"
But he continued, "You
are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world.
24 I told you that you would die in your
sins; if you do not believe that I am [the one I claim to be], you will indeed
die in your sins."
"Who are you?" they asked. "Just what I have been claiming all along," Jesus replied.
26 "I have much to say in judgment of
you. But he who sent me is reliable, and what I have heard from him I tell the
They did not understand that he was telling them about his Father.
So Jesus said, "When you
have lifted up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am [the one I claim to
be] and that I do nothing on my own but speak just what the Father has taught
29 The one who sent me is with me; he has
not left me alone, for I always do what pleases him."
Even as he spoke, many put their faith in him.
To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching,
you are really my disciples.
Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
They answered him, "We are Abraham's descendants and have never been
slaves of anyone. How can you say that we shall be set free?"
Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sin.
Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it for
36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be
free indeed.
I know you are Abraham's descendants. Yet you are ready to kill me, because you
have no room for my word.
38 I am telling you what I have seen in the
Father's presence, and you do what you have heard from your father."
"Abraham is our father," they answered. "If you were Abraham's
children," said Jesus, "then you would do the things Abraham did.
As it is, you are determined to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that
I heard from God. Abraham did not do such things.
You are doing the things your own father does." "We are not
illegitimate children," they protested. "The only Father we have is
God himself."
Jesus said to them, "If
God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and now am here. I
have not come on my own; but he sent me.
43 Why is my language not clear to you?
Because you are unable to hear what I say.
44 You belong to your father, the devil,
and you want to carry out your father's desire. He was a murderer from the
beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he
lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
45 Yet because I tell the truth, you do not
believe me!
46 Can any of you prove me guilty of sin?
If I am telling the truth, why don't you believe me?
47 He who belongs to God hears what God
says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God."
The Jews answered him, "Aren't we right in saying that you are a Samaritan
and demon-possessed?"
49 "I am not possessed by a
demon," said Jesus, "but I honour my Father and you dishonour me.
50 I am not seeking glory for myself; but
there is one who seeks it, and he is the judge.
I tell you the truth, if anyone keeps my word, he will never see death."
At this the Jews exclaimed, "Now we know that you are demon-possessed!
Abraham died and so did the prophets, yet you say that if anyone keeps your
word, he will never taste death.
Are you greater than our father Abraham? He died, and so did the prophets. Who
do you think you are?"
Jesus replied, "If I
glorify myself, my glory means nothing. My Father, whom you claim as your God,
is the one who glorifies me.
55 Though you do not know him, I know him.
If I said I did not, I would be a liar like you, but I do know him and keep his
56 Your father Abraham rejoiced at the
thought of seeing my day; he saw it and was glad."
"You are not yet fifty years old," the Jews said to him, "and
you have seen Abraham!"
58 "I tell you the truth," Jesus
answered, "before Abraham was born, I am!"
At this, they picked up stones to stone him, but Jesus hid himself, slipping
away from the temple grounds.
(from The Holy Bible: New International
Version. Copyright (c) 1973, 1978, 1984,
by International Bible Society)
I have deliberately culled the relevant verses
of Matthew 13 from the Original Language the Bible was written before all the
translations and versions began. Any serious-minded Bible student will do well
to cross-check these and acquire the skills of reading Aramaic as it is shown
here! RSV translations into English are added!
· Jesus Declared In Plain Language That He Was Only A Prophet And The Son
Of The Man Joseph, So Why Was The Universal Idolatry Of Deifying Him By
Constantine The Great, A Pagan Emperor, Accepted By The Early Church Fathers?
· Jesus was a prophet adopted and anointed by the Almighty Creator through
the hands of John the Baptist. He was the first-born son of Joseph/Mary, the
Carpenter and he had four junior brothers and un-named number of sisters. He
was purely human. He never claimed divinity. He declared that he was the Son of Man and
finally in the Gospel of Matthew 13:57, he unequivocally affirmed that he was a
prophet. So, why deify him?
13 verses 36 – 58
Then <tote> Jesus <Iesous> sent <aphiemi> the multitude
<ochlos> away <aphiemi>, and went <erchomai> into <eis>
the house <oikia>: and <kai> his <autos> disciples
<mathetes> came <proserchomai> unto him <autos>, saying
<lego>, Declare <phrazo> unto us <hemin> the parable
<parabole> of the tares <zizanion> of the field <agros>.
36 Then he left the crowds and went into the house. And his disciples
came to him, saying, "Explain to us the parable of the weeds of the
field." (RSV)
37 He answered <apokrinomai> and
<de> said <epo> unto them <autos>, He that soweth
<speiro> the good <kalos> seed <sperma> is <esti> the
Son <huios> of man <anthropos>; (KJV)
37 He answered, "He who sows the good seed is the Son of man;
38 <de> The field <agros> is
<esti> the world <kosmos>; <de> the good <kalos> seed
<sperma> are <houtos> <eisi> the children <huios> of
the kingdom <basileia>; but <de> the tares <zizanion> are
<eisi> the children <huios> of the wicked <poneros> one;
38 the field is the world, and the good seed means the sons of the
kingdom; the weeds are the sons of the evil one, (RSV)
39 <de> The enemy <echthros> that
sowed <speiro> them <autos> is <esti> the devil
<diabolos>; <de> the harvest <therismos> is <esti> the
end <sunteleia> of the world <aion>; and <de> the reapers
<theristes> are <eisi> the angels <aggelos>. (KJV)
39 and the enemy who sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the close
of the age, and the reapers are angels. (RSV)
40 As
<hosper> therefore <oun> the tares <zizanion> are gathered
<sullego> and <kai> burned <katakaio> in the fire
<pur>; so <houto> shall it be <esomai> in <en> the end
<sunteleia> of this <toutou> world <aion>. (KJV)
40 Just as the weeds are gathered and burned with fire, so will it be
at the close of the age. (RSV)
The Son <huios> of man <anthropos> shall send forth
<apostello> his <autos> angels <aggelos>, and <kai>
they shall gather <sullego> out of <ek> his <autos> kingdom
<basileia> all things <pas> that offend <skandalon>, and
<kai> them which do <poieo> iniquity <anomia>; {things...:
or, scandals} (KJV)
41 The Son of man will send his angels, and they will gather out of his
kingdom all causes of sin and all evildoers, (RSV)
And <kai> shall cast <ballo> them <autos> into <eis> a
furnace <kaminos> of fire <pur>: there <ekei> shall be
<esomai> wailing <klauthmos> and <kai> gnashing
<brugmos> of teeth <odous>. (KJV)
42 and throw them into the furnace of fire; there men will weep and
gnash their teeth. (RSV)
Then <tote> shall the righteous <dikaios> shine forth
<eklampo> as <hos> the sun <helios> in <en> the kingdom
<basileia> of their <autos> Father <pater>. Who <ho>
hath <echo> ears <ous> to hear <akouo>, let him hear
<akouo>. (KJV)
43 Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their
Father. He who has ears, let him hear. (RSV)
44 ¶
Again <palin>, the kingdom <basileia> of heaven <ouranos> is
<esti> like <homoios> unto treasure <thesauros> hid
<krupto> in <en> a field <agros>; the which <hos> when
a man <anthropos> hath found <heurisko>, he hideth <krupto>,
and <kai> for <apo> joy <chara> thereof <autos> goeth
<hupago> and <kai> selleth <poleo> all <pas> that
<hosos> he hath <echo>, and <kai> buyeth <agorazo> that
<ekeinos> field <agros>. (KJV)
44 ¶ "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field,
which a man found and covered up; then in his joy he goes and sells all that he
has and buys that field. (RSV)
Again <palin>, the kingdom <basileia> of heaven <ouranos> is
<esti> like <homoios> unto a merchant <emporos> man
<anthropos>, seeking <zeteo> goodly <kalos> pearls
<margarites>: (KJV)
45 "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of
fine pearls, (RSV)
46 Who <hos>, when he had found
<heurisko> one <heis> pearl <margarites> of great price
<polutimos>, went <aperchomai> and sold <piprasko> all
<pas> that <hosos> he had <echo>, and <kai> bought
<agorazo> it <autos>. (KJV)
46 who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he
had and bought it. (RSV)
47 Again <palin>, the kingdom
<basileia> of heaven <ouranos> is <esti> like <homoios>
unto a net <sagene>, that was cast <ballo> into <eis> the sea
<thalassa>, and <kai> gathered <sunago> of <ek> every
<pas> kind <genos>: (KJV)
47 "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a net which was thrown
into the sea and gathered fish of every kind; (RSV)
48 Which <hos>, when <hote> it was
full <pleroo>, they drew <anabibazo> to <epi> shore
<aigialos>, and <kai> sat down <kathizo>, and gathered
<sullego> the good <kalos> into <eis> vessels
<aggeion>, but <de> cast <ballo> the bad <sapros> away
<exo>. (KJV)
48 when it was full, men drew it ashore and sat down and sorted the
good into vessels but threw away the bad. (RSV)
49 So
<houto> shall it be <esomai> at <en> the end
<sunteleia> of the world <aion>: the angels <aggelos> shall
come forth <exerchomai>, and <kai> sever <aphorizo> the
wicked <poneros> from <ek> among <mesos> the just
<dikaios>, (KJV)
49 So it will be at the close of the age. The angels will come out and
separate the evil from the righteous, (RSV)
50 And <kai> shall cast <ballo>
them <autos> into <eis> the furnace <kaminos> of fire
<pur>: there <ekei> shall be <esomai> wailing
<klauthmos> and <kai> gnashing <brugmos> of teeth
<odous>. (KJV)
50 and throw them into the furnace of fire; there men will weep and
gnash their teeth. (RSV)
51 Jesus <Iesous> saith <lego> unto
them <autos>, Have ye understood <suniemi> all <pas> these
<tauta> things <pas>? They say <lego> unto him <autos>,
Yea <nai>, Lord <kurios>. (KJV)
51 "Have you understood all this?" They said to him,
"Yes." (RSV)
52 Then <de> said <epo> he unto
them <autos>, Therefore <dia> <touto> every <pas>
scribe <grammateus> which is instructed <matheteuo> unto
<eis> the kingdom <basileia> of heaven <ouranos> is
<esti> like <homoios> unto a man <anthropos> that is an
householder <oikodespotes>, which <hostis> bringeth forth
<ekballo> out of <ek> his <autos> treasure <thesauros>
things new <kainos> and <kai> old <palaios>. (KJV)
52 And he said to them, "Therefore every scribe who has been
trained for the kingdom of heaven is like a householder who brings out of his
treasure what is new and what is old." (RSV)
53 ¶
And <kai> it came to pass <ginomai>, that when <hote> Jesus
<Iesous> had finished <teleo> these <tautais> parables
<parabole>, he departed <metairo> thence <ekeithen>. (KJV)
53 ¶ And when Jesus had finished these parables, he went away from
there, (RSV)
And <kai> when he was come <erchomai> into <eis> his own
<autos> country <patris>, he taught <didasko> them
<autos> in <en> their <autos> synagogue <sunagoge>,
insomuch that <hoste> they <autos> were astonished
<ekplesso>, and <kai> said <lego>, Whence <pothen> hath
this man <touto> this <houtos> wisdom <sophia>, and
<kai> these mighty works <dunamis>? (KJV)
54 and coming to his own country he taught them in their synagogue, so
that they were astonished, and said, "Where did this man get this wisdom
and these mighty works? (RSV)
55 Is
<esti> not <ou> this <houtos> the carpenter's <tekton>
son <huios>? is <lego> not <ouchi> his <autos> mother
<meter> called <lego> Mary <Maria>? and <kai> his
<autos> brethren <adelphos>, James <Iakobos>, and <kai>
Joses <Ioses>, and <kai> Simon <Simon>, and <kai> Judas
<Ioudas>? (KJV)
55 Is not this the carpenter's son? Is not his
mother called Mary? And are not his brothers James and Joseph and Simon and
Judas? (RSV)
56 And <kai> his <autos> sisters
<adelphe>, are they <eisi> not <ouchi> all <pas> with
<pros> us <hemas>? Whence <pothen> then <oun> hath this
man <touto> all <pas> these things <tauta>? (KJV)
56 And are not all his sisters with us? Where then did this man get all
this?" (RSV)
57 And <kai> they were offended
<skandalizo> in <en> him <autos>. But <de> Jesus
<Iesous> said <epo> unto them <autos>, A prophet
<prophetes> is <esti> not <ou> without honour <atimos>,
save <ei me> in <en> his own <autos> country <patris>,
and <kai> in <en> his own <autos> house <oikia>. (KJV)
57 And they took offense at him. But Jesus said to them, "A
prophet is not without honor except in his own country and in his own
house." (RSV)
58 And <kai> he did <poieo> not
<ou> many <polus> mighty works <dunamis> there <ekei>
because <dia> of their <autos> unbelief <apistia>. (KJV)
58 And he did not do many mighty works there, because of their
unbelief. (RSV)
I do not want to add or subtract from what
Jesus said.

My people of Biafra have this saying; “Count your teeth with your

It is consummated. I have run the race. I have
completed the discourse. I have kept the faith. No one should hide under the
canopy of religiosity and worship Jesus. He never asked us to! The error must
be corrected in today’s Christian Liturgy and the Pentecostal crusade versions
of praise and worship sessions! The new era psychedelic prostrations and
theatrics are idolatrous, puerile and futile!
Revolutionary Professor J. J. Kenez, D.Sc.
11/03/2012 @ 02:45:45HRS GMT
A hilarious
epilogue from Rev. Prof. J. J. Kenez
by Adam Clarke
3:15; the hand of the Lord came upon him.
I have spoken
elsewhere of the heathen priests who endeavoured to imitate the true prophets,
and were as actually filled with the devil as the others were with the true
The former were
thrown into violent agitations and contortions by the influence of the demons
which possessed them, while the latter were in a state of the utmost serenity
and composure.
But now bring me a minstrel." And when the minstrel played, the power of
the LORD came upon him. (RSV)
15 But now, get me a player of music, and it
will come about that while the man is playing, the hand of the Lord will come
on me and I will give you the word of the Lord: and they got a player of music,
and while the man was playing, the hand of the Lord was on him. (BBE)
10:5; 16:23; Eze 1:3; 3:14,22; 8:1
Clarke's Commentary:
15. Bring me a minstrel.] A person who
played on the harp. The rabbins, and many Christians, suppose that Elisha's
mind was considerably irritated and grieved by the bad behaviour of the young
men at Beth-el, and their tragical end, and by the presence of the idolatrous
king of Israel ;
and therefore called for Divine psalmody, that it might calm his spirits, and
render him more susceptible of the prophetic influence. To be able to discern
the voice of God, and the operation of his hand, it is necessary that the mind
be calm, and the passions all in harmony, under the direction of reason; that
reason may be under the influence of the Divine Spirit.
The hand of the Lord came upon him.] The
playing of the harper had the desired effect; his mind was calmed, and the
power of God descended upon him. This effect of music was generally
acknowledged in every civilized nation. Cicero ,
in his Tusculan Questions, lib. iv., says, that "the Pythagoreans were
accustomed to calm their minds, and soothe their passions, by singing and
playing upon the harp." Pythagoraei mentes suas a cogitationum intentione
cantu fidibusque ad tranquillitatem traducebant. I have spoken elsewhere of the
heathen priests who endeavoured to imitate the true prophets, and were as
actually filled with the devil as the others were with the true God. The former
were thrown into violent agitations and contortions by the influence of the
demons which possessed them, while the latter were in a state of the utmost
serenity and composure.
have destroyed kingdoms before and after the arrival and departure of Jesus,
the Christ; who warned thus: “What comes out of a man defiles him more than
what goes into him.”
Before the
advent of colonial administration, the largest political unit in Biafra, the
South-East of Nigeria ,
was the village group, a federation of
villages averaging about 5,000 persons. Members of the group shared a common market
and meeting place, a tutelary deity, and ancestral cults that supported a
tradition of descent from a common ancestor or group of ancestors. Authority in
the village group was vested in a council of lineage heads and influential and
wealthy men. In the eastern regions these groups tended to form larger
political units, including centralized kingdoms and states. Traditional Igbo
religion includes belief in a creator god, an earth goddess, and numerous other
deities and spirits, as well as a belief in ancestors who protect their living
descendants. Revelation of the will of the deities is sought by divination and
oracles. Many Igbo are now Christians. The author of this reformation book on
ONE WORLD RELIGION is an indigene of this stock of humanity, THE Igbo people of
Biafra . The relevance of this overview is to
place it on record that everyone is a product of an ethnic group that has been
bombarded from infancy with cosmogical and metaphysical concepts peculiar to
his forebears who were limited in authentic knowledge of the Creaor and the
Entire Universe he engineered. We are all equally immersed in religious bigotry
until we outgrow same by conscientious study. We need to divest ourselves of
the skewed indigenous and colonial knowledge we have learnt since birth and
lifestyles we have acquired all our lives to be in the theocentric environment
to beg for Divine Wisdom from above to dissociate ourselves from ethnocentrism
before we can arrive at an International Religion!
--Rev. Prof. J. J. Kenez, D.Sc. (2001) the
Vessel of the Holy Spirit of the Creator of the Universe.
Religious symbols have been borrowed
across cultures and religious boundaries for centuries that they rarely mean
same things to a variety of fanatical followers or worshippers of the plethora
of religions and denominations in our present world. How do we penetrate
centuries of historical distortions of the originals to define the pristine
truths from nature and established by our Creator so that we can arrive at the
most objective version that is egalitarian, humane and applicable in all
cultures, time and clime for world peace? Or, put in another fashion, how can
we be certain that the doctrines and dogmas we hold on to today were/are not
merely fake theories from the past. In short, how do we sift truth from human
beliefs, myths, legends and/or fables forged and fabricated by sages of old or
demagogues whose objectives were merely manipulating the masses of their
generation into reverencing and/or obeying them sheepishly? This is the task
before all of us. It is the only way to arrive at ONE WORLD RELIGION.
--Dr J. K. Danmbaezue, PG Student (1981) after the Rev Jones/Guyana Mass
Religious Suicide.
The Igbo people have no name for the Giver of Life! All
we have are appellations that describe the evident and superlative traits of
this Consummate Spirit that created, creates and will still continue to create
and sustain all the beings; visible and invisible, animate and inanimate, human
or inhuman for ages in the future;
Chi-na-eke: the ultimate spirit that
Chi-ukwu: the greatest spirit
Obasi bi n-elu: the omnipotent that
lives on high
Ama-di-oha: the supreme husband of all
Ogara-nya ngada-nga: the wealthiest of
the rich
Ugwu ana-ari-atu egwu: the highest
mountain that is climbed with trepidation
Ogbajiri igwe kpoo ya nku: He that
breaks steel and calls it dry wood
Utu na agba igwe: bacteria that eats up
iron, i.e. potent ant that tears iron to shreds
Ogbu onye mbosi ndu n’ato ya oto: he
that snuffs life out the arrogant at the apex of egocentric pride.
In our culture,
one can only give a name to what one owns, has authority over and can dispose
of at will! It is not right to give any name to the Creator; we describe what
he is and does; “Chi-na-eke”, meaning; “the divine spirit that creates” or
“Chi-Ukwu”; the Ultimate Spirit! Those who use the label “God or gods” for
the Creator; have never spelt it backwards. Try it now and be shocked at what
you get. The Igbo could not, should not and cannot use a pejorative term or
even an honourable one for their Creator!
to RENASCENT IGBO RELIGION by Rev. Prof. J. J. Kenez, Animator of I S M
it not cynical that each nation had prayers said for its soldiers before each
battle? Were they praying to the same God? Religion is politics, but many
uninformed adherents are hoodwinked into believing that “God” is their
President General. He was/is the supreme dictator and priests and imams were
only human administrators. In the current craze for wealth engaged in by fake pastors, evangelists and overseer,
exploitation in religion wears different gowns; annual missionary collections,
church/mosque levies, pilgrimages, compulsory offertory collections, harvest
and bazaars. To date, centuries after some colonised nations have won
pseudo-political independence; none is independent of religious domination by
their religio-political masters. The wonder of it all it that the
above-underlined scenario is what has been happening and will continue to
happen in churches/mosques all over Africa “world without end! Amen!” The
congregation is short-changed by their wry religious leaders who wine, dine and
womanise while they go a-borrowing to take care of their children’s health,
education and other familial duties unaided by any one!
OF PROSPERITY GOSPEL PREACHERS’- Rev. Prof. J. J. Kenez, Animator of I S M
“Freedom of Religion is the right of a person to form personal
religious beliefs according to his or her own conscience and to give public
expression to these beliefs in worship and teaching, restricted only by the
requirements of public order. Religious liberty differs from toleration in that
toleration presupposes preferential treatment of a particular creed by the
state because it is an established church or, in some cases, is the predominant
religion of the population. To achieve
worldwide religious freedom may seem impossible or sound like a mirage, but not
to this astute thinker, this writer who has been under its theocratic
enslavement for half-a-century. His answer is worth experimenting with. Have
their contents, the formula for how ONE WORLD RELIGION can materialise is
crystal clear to all rational human beings. We must first of all take stock of
the numerical strength of the plethora of factions in the major world religions
for now and evaluate how counter-productive the multiplicity of religious
organisations have demoralised and scandalised the youth. A worldwide religious
census is imperative if we intend to succeed!”
---Rev. Prof. J.J.Kenez, the Humble
vessel of the Holy Spirit of the Almighty Creator of the Universe.
· Based on what
historians have written on the emergence of religions, this author has observed
that there is no semblance of religious freedom or independence in most
communities and organisations all over the world.
· When one has to
subscribe to the tenets a foreign religion, behave according to the doctrines
and dogmas manufactured, labelled and patented outside one’s
psycho-socio-cultural milieu, is such a person really independent?
· I know that
there is only True God, the Almighty Creator of the entire universe, the
greatest Designer, Architect and Engineer who embedded universal laws for the
every being he has created.
· True worship of
this Ultimate Reality is Obedience to all his Natural and Eternal Laws
irrespective of place, time and clime surrounding each person’s birth,
parentage and social status.
· Therefore, the
only religion that we are born into is true adoration, thanksgiving, mutual
respect and brother/sisterhood to all peoples. We must worship Him in the
Spirit of Truth and Fraternal Love which his Holy Spirit dictates and infuses
in our individual hearts.
That peace will
reign among all the creatures of the Almighty Creator, I pray!
You are invited to positively
criticise every sentence or proposition in all of this lengthy discourse,
backed up with relevant Bible quotations as has been done here and correct or
modify our errors provided you are very objective and can caryy humanity along
with you!
Send in your commentaries via; Dr J. K. Danmbaezue,
ReplyDeleteTherefore, In religion and honest living NONE OF YOU MY RELATIVES CAN EVER CATCH UP WITH ME....
Do you know why.....Ask yourself WHY DID GOD SEND ME TO THE SEMINARY EARLY IN LIFE,,,,THEN 12TH DEGEMA STRIKE FORCE, 4TH COMMANDO BRIGADE OF BIAFRA, THEREFROM HE saved my life from two SHELLING SHOCKS...etc etc then back to the Senior Seminary ..then to UNILAG.., UNIBADAN..... LATER TO THE NIGERIAN AIR FORCE again back to academics...where i became the FIRST POST GRADUATE OF THE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE, UBIBEN and UBTH, UGBOWO CAMPUS...again by long distance post doctoral field work and super studies to ADDIS ABABA to earn the D.Sc. and FELLOWSHIP of the prestiguous African College of Research. Scientists.
Moses was so trained the long run he failed BY STRIKING THE ROCK TWICE.......Samson failed because hr violated all the rules given to his parents before he was born and topped it with marry Delilah...The Boy shepherd turned into King David could not control his penis and compounded it with murdering URIAH...soiled his hands with blood and was prevented from building God a temple