Monday, February 4, 2013



i       My dear reader, can I now call you a disciple? It will help me avoid the error of many religionists who unwittingly masculinise all their injunctions with “he, his, himself, man” as if only males are moralistic! In today’s world, women are more religiously minded than men, yet many preachers and evangelists still deliver their sermons as if the womenfolk were not around! My dear disciple, have you ever noticed the competition among various churches and ministries around where you live? Would there be so much strife, slandering, castigation and/or outright condemnation of each other if leaders of these groups really understood the existential meaning of religion?
ii.                                         The true meaning of the term “religion” is “ to bind oneself to doing something willy-nilly”. Whether it is the belief in or the worship of gods or a God, as the dictionaries would have us believe, the word originally came from the Latin root “religere” which literally translates to “to bind”, as if tied with a rope. Its origin was derogatory. It was meant to castigate the early Christians whom Nero ‘the mad emperor’ tied to stakes and made sport of, by allowing lions to tear their bodies apart while the victims screamed in pains!
iii.                                      Read historical writings about how the early Christians were martyred and you will even realise that today we have very little faith. Where is the LOVE that these early Christians demonstrated? Where is ‘the sharing all their belongings among themselves’ that Chapter 4 verses 32 –37 of the Acts of the Apostles credited them with? When shall the present crowd of hypnotised fanatics realize that they are being taken for a ride by ‘a brood of vipers’ or demonic preachers, ‘whose only god is their belly’ as Jesus, the Christ referred to them in the Christian bible? Hypocrisy has elevated to an art that yields millions for these half-baked charlatans and school dropouts!
iv.                                      We have lost true love and religious piety that to greed, selfishness, avarice, pride and the monetisation or commercialisation of religious worship, crusades and other clandestine activities, all in the name of religion! While these pastors smile to the banks, their followers wallow in penury, starvation and ignorance! Did Christ or any other religious leader in history ever preach competition, hatred, calumny, gossiping, slandering and a myriad of other divisive behaviour that characterise today’s mode of pecuniary evangelisation antics?
v.                                         So, my dear disciple, can you now see the plan of the Evil One that was predicted in the Bible, the Anti-Christ and his devilish strategy? Don’t ever be caught up in their materialistic religious deceptions! Free yourself today. Rationalise what you hear, choose the one that satisfies international ethics, as all altruistic moralists would enjoin us. This is the scientific age, not the early or prehistoric ages when everything was based on introspective vituperations or theological speculations of self-proclaimed visionaries. Logical arguments and satisfactory conclusions should be your guidelines in religious activities, not emotions!
vi.                                      If you have not acquired any logical skills, then now is the best time to learn the basics of scientific reasoning. It is the solution to so many differences of opinions in life. I encourage you to be rational in your thinking, discussions and actions from now on. You will be surprised by the amount of freedom you will feel. Take time to evaluate all you have accepted from childhood as truths without having had neither the chance nor the capability to reason them out by then! Free yourself from self-imprisonment! Throw away those dogmatic and doctrinal shackles that have held you hostage for so many years.
vii.                                    Witness these practical samples of Kenezian wisdom: everyone uses telephone, whether cellular or non- cellular, these days without quarrelling over who invented it; no arguments arise from the use of computers or the internet; and so does transportation either by land, sea or air! None of these has ever brought any strife neither between any religious groups nor between nationalities of various nomenclatures. Why does religion generate so much strife and disagreements? The answer is very simple! It operates on the level of irrational emotions; what appeals to one group of worshippers do not appeal to others, because they are primarily based on personal opinions of their leaders. Moreover the human mind is so egocentric, impressionistic and parochial! It dichotomises what naturally does not need any divisions, segregations or compartmentalisations.
viii.                                  Check this one out. Will two medical doctors quarrel over the treatment of headaches or bruises or fractures? No, is the natural answer. But often we do not realize why! That is exactly where Kenezianism comes in as a science of morals that cuts across national, political and religious boundaries. It reduces every concept about the supernatural to logic, facts, data and practical knowledge that are independent of its originator’s personal opinions. The concepts in Kenezianism are natural phenomena that are replicable in any part of the world, irrespective of the literacy level of its practitioner!
ix.                                      An example will demonstrate its universality. In Kenezianism, all human beings are accepted as brothers and sisters for the mere scientific fact that we have similar blood groupings, identical anatomy, comparable physiology and heterosexual behavioural patterns! The proofs are there for everyone to see and accept rationally, not emotionally nor parochially! We intermarry; blacks, whites, and yellows interchangeably; and produce children not apes. And these off springs of ours are neither ethnocentric at birth nor apartheid in social relationships until their parents introduce them to stereotypic child-rearing practices and segregationist education! This Gestalt Therapy deals with. The avid reader can explore it!
x.                                        The principle of Kenezianism abhors such, and will not be dragged into such mundane socio-political balderdash or any religious buffoonery! Its mission statement spells that out in the KENEZIAN CREED and the LETTER TO ALL EDUCATIONISTS. Read them over and over. Rationalise their universal utility for a more equitable and egalitarian world government! If you cannot accept nor internalise the concept therein, drop this book here and now and never border to read any other publications of the Kenezians! It is very essential that we abrogate ethnic, racial, status and religio-cultural divisions in our world of today that has become a global village. The way we fight pandemics and terrorism should serve us well in socio-political dimensions also! We must genuinely be our brothers’ keepers!
xi.                                      The literacy level of many adherents of various religious groups is very low. Add to this, the reluctance of human beings to adjust quickly to changes, and then you will better appreciate why many wallow in ignorance. Many do not like to explore unknown areas of knowledge in their short life spans. Most accept the religion they were born into, swallow all their parental injunctions and cap them all with the dogmas/doctrines manufactured by their myopic leaders. Thus we have religious wars, crusades and jihads today, that culminate in terrorism of varying magnitudes; the highest of which was the now notorious “September 11th of U.S.A.
xii.                                    When shall we ever learn? Did Confucius, Zoroaster, Buddha, Jesus or Mohammed ever preach syncretism? The answer is an affirmative NO! Only Moses, due to depersonalisation syndromes emanating from years of the enslavement of his kith and kin in Egypt and his personal refugee status in Midian before he was recalled to lead them out, inadvertently introduced segregationist concepts encapsulated in the Mosaic laws of ‘clean and unclean’ religious injunctions that culminated in ‘the Jew and the Gentile’ racist policies Chris failed to address succinctly before he was sacrificed.
xiii.                                 As far as we are concerned in Kenezianism, that was a costly price for every religious leader who fails to resolve ethnic issues in his sermons. Did he reconcile the descendants of Esau, Ishmael and Jacob? No! Did he identify with the Samaritans, Greek or other ‘Gentile’ citizens of his epoch? No! Did he integrate the Roman Rulers of his time with his ethnic group? No! There were many other leaders, religious and/or political, in history that paid for the same negligence. The concept that he died for everyone is not only obsolete but also idiosyncratic and outrageously fanatical, for up till now, present Jews and previous ones never acknowledged that idea. To-date, the Jewish race is still expecting a Saviour! It was Saul of Tarsus who marketed the idea, as he was making reparations for murdering Stephen and many early followers that he had dispatched to impromptu graves!
xiv.                                 The truth will always surface no matter for how long it is buried. Let us learn to apportion blame wherever and whenever they are due. Hero worship never pays lasting dividends. Idolising a great leader detracts from total loyalty and the true worship we owe to the Almighty Father, the Indisputable Creator of the universe and all of us; human beings, plants, animals, animate microcosms and other inanimate macrocosms. It is time to proclaim the true Unitarian Godhead! Trinitarians are idolaters who copied from the ancient symbols of the religions of the Far East and those of Egyptian mythology!
xv.                                   Pragmatism, Rationalism and Existentialism (P.R.E) remain the tripod on which Kenezianism rests! Subject every novel idea you learn, to the acid test of satisfying those ‘Three Kings’ and if it passes, then internalise and practise it in your daily life. If not, vomit it, for it is a counterfeit and therefore it is anti-thetical to the present scientific age of man; ‘the Homo sapiens’! You are hereby appointed a judge of all our write-ups that do not meet those criteria, namely PRE. In addition, every injunction of Kenezianism must be people oriented, meaning that it must be truly humanitarian in all ramifications; thus giving us the formula; k=  (ica / pre) hapo, where ‘k’ is same as Kenezianism, ‘ica’ equates to; ideas, communication & actions, ‘pre’ represents the three kings just mentioned above, whereas ‘hapo’ stands for; humanitarian and people oriented! Ask a mathematician to explain the rest to you, while we proceed to other pressing fundamentals.   
xvi.                                 Whereas other spiritual organisations emphasise ‘beliefs-systems’and ‘dogmas/doctrines’ Kenezianism emphatically encourages you to know, experiment and prove beyond every reasonable doubt, every construct we propose to you for a lucid evaluation that can formulate the building blocks for an all-embracive world government. We do not believe that God exists; rather we know that HE/SHE/IT exists irrespective of our acceptance or otherwise of the great truth! God is the ONE and ONLY GODHEAD that is and has no need for a Trinitarian explanation. We prefer to refer to this godhead as ‘The Almighty Creator’ at all times and use the pronoun ‘IT’ as there is no proof that IT is either male or female!! And as the Prime Mover of all else that moves, it can manifest as sound, light, energy and even as a physical entity!
xvii.                              The ambition of all Kenezians is to internationalise ‘obedience to all natural and eternal laws as the bedrock of a world spiritual fellowship of realists and/or scientists not a congregation of theologians, fanatics nor religionists. There are many international religions already existing in the scientific community, like the FIFA, OLYMPIC COMMITTEE, the WCC, the ICRC or even the latest and most popular religion as at now; the internet (http/ to mention but a few, with dedicated adherents from all walks of life, esoteric/mystical sects and a variety of mundane/fanatical fraternities or denominations that we can ill-afford to increase the number. Rather, we crave to stand in the gaps to bridge the sentimental divides and knock down the perennial walls of differences in doctrinal conflicts.
xviii.                            We know that it is possible to get all intelligent people to agree to and share an international concept provided it appeals to reason and arrests the interest of literate citizens of the global community who feel concerned. Our integrational spiritual fellowship, hereafter referred to as ISF, is based on scientific principles that obey all natural laws in creation. You, too, can contribute your altruistic quota to the consolidation of this brand of interdisciplinary, inter-racial and inter-devotional organisation. Any bright formulation is welcome provided it meets the basic requirements stated above as summarised by our scientific formula.
xix.                              You may refer to us as the UNAID, UNICEF, UNO or WHO of all known, registered and yet to be registered religions. We are, in a real sense, the meeting/melting point of all belief-systems. Every rationalist is welcome! If you appreciate what we stand for, communicate with us today. Don’t postpone or procrastinate.

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