Luke 1:26-38
26 In the sixth month, God sent the angel Gabriel to
Nazareth, a town in Galilee,
27 to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named
Joseph, a descendant of David. The virgin's name was Mary.
28 The angel went to her and said, "Greetings,
you who are highly favoured! The Lord is with you."
29 Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered
what kind of greeting this might be.
30 But the angel said to her, "Do not be afraid,
Mary, you have found favour with God.
31 You will be with child and give birth to a son, and
you are to give him the name Jesus.
32 He will be great
and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the
throne of his father David,
33 and he will
reign over the house of Jacob for ever; his kingdom will never end."
34 "How will this be," Mary asked the angel,
"since I am a virgin?"
35 The angel answered, "The Holy Spirit will come
upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one
to be born will be called the Son of God.
36 Even Elizabeth your relative is going to have a
child in her old age, and she who was said to be barren is in her sixth month.
37 For nothing is impossible with God."
38 "I am the Lord's servant," Mary answered.
"May it be to me as you have said." Then the angel left her.
(From the Holy Bible: New International Version. Copyright (c) 1973, 1978, and 1984, by
International Bible Society)
This portion of the prophecy
definitely was not fulfilled through out the lifespan of Jesus, Why? It is because
it was a joker card that Angel Gabriel played on Mary!
B. Birth of Christ.
The circumstances of the birth are related from
Joseph's standpoint, and some of the details had to be derived from him (e.g.,
vv. 19,20). If he had already died before Jesus' ministry began, as many infer
from the absence of further mention, Matthew's information may have come from
the brothers of Jesus.
18. Betrothed. Among the Jews, marriage vows were said
at the betrothal, and required divorce to end them. Custom decreed an interval,
usually a year, before the bride should take residence in her husband's house
and physical union be consummated. During this interval Mary was found with
child, a circumstance usually punishable by death (Deut 22:23 -24). Apparently Mary did not explain her
situation to Joseph but chose to leave this delicate matter in the hands of
God. She could hardly have expected Joseph to accept her story without some
divine authentication
Matthew 1:19-20
Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not
willing to make her a publick example, was minded to put her away privily.
Public example. Rather than make a public accusation
of fornication, with perhaps a demand for the full penalty, Joseph resolved to
use the lax divorce laws and give Mary the writing of divorcement privately,
with the accusation stated in a veiled way. To put her away means to divorce,
not to break an engagement. How he must have loved her! 20. Thou son of David.
This address by the angel (Gabriel Luke 1:26 )
is a princely title. Though Joseph was in humble circumstances, he was heir to
the vacant Davidic throne. The naming of the Holy Ghost as the agent in Mary's
conception points clearly to the distinct personality of this Divine Being, and
to the full awareness by ordinary Jews of this Person without further
Matthew 1:21
And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call
his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.
Jesus is from the Hebrew for Jehovah saves, and points
to the purpose of his coming. His people relates Jesus to the Messianic
promises made to Israel ,
although the cross would extend this salvation from sins to Gentiles as well
Matthew 1:22-23
Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which
was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying,
The miraculous conception is stated to be the
fulfillment of Isa 7:14. Whether there was an earlier fulfillment in Isaiah's
day is neither discussed nor suggested. Possibly these words were spoken by the
angel and thus were an aid to Joseph's faith. Emmanuel was not used as a proper
name of Jesus, but describes his person as the Son of God
(From The Wycliffe
Bible Commentary, Electronic Database. Copyright (c) 1962 by Moody Press)
This is definitely nor fair! Dr Kenez is not satisfied with this trash!
How can a renowned Bible Scholar dribble around the most important issue in the
narrative? The problematic verse regarding receiving the throne of David is
completely dodged and the less informed are forced to swallow the legend that
Jesus was actually King David’s successor. But he never wore the crown!
- Isaiah
said a young woman will conceive, not necessarily a virgin.
- Only
King Solomon fulfilled this prophecy to the letter, though he derailed!
Either the quotation from Isaiah is false or it was in reference to
another person, but was deliberately hijacked and superimposed on Jesus by his
fanatical followers and Roman scholars who usurped the leadership of the
Pauline Evangelism that arrived Rome in error, romanticised it with their
Mithraism and thereafter renamed it ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH.
Now, let us listen to the loquacious commentator; the
best confabulator doctrines and dogmas
The birth of Christ
The mystery of Christ's incarnation is to be adored,
not pried into. If we know not the way of the Spirit in the formation of common
persons, nor how the bones are formed in the womb of any one that is with child
(Eccl 11:5), much less do we know how the blessed Jesus was formed in the womb
of the blessed virgin. When David admires how he himself was made in secret,
and curiously wrought (Ps 139:13-16), perhaps he speaks in the spirit of
Christ's incarnation. Some circumstances attending the birth of Christ we find
here which are not in Luke, though it is more largely recorded here. Here we
I. Mary's espousal to Joseph. Mary, the mother of our Lord, was
espoused to Joseph, not completely married, but contracted; a purpose of
marriage solemnly declared in words ‘de futuro’-that regarding the future, and
a promise of it made if God permit. We read of a man who has betrothed a wife
and has not taken her, Deut 20:7. Christ was born of a virgin, but a betrothed
1. To put respect upon the marriage state, and to
recommend it as honourable among all, against that doctrine of devils which
forbids to marry, and places perfection in the single state. Who more highly
favoured than Mary was in her espousals?
2. To save the credit of the blessed virgin, which otherwise would have been exposed.
It was fit that her conception should be protected by a marriage, and so
justified in the eye of the world. One of the ancients says, It was better it
should be asked, Is not this the son of a carpenter? than, Is not this the son
of a harlot?
3. That the blessed virgin might have one to be the
guide of her youth, the companion of her solitude and travels, a partner in her
cares, and a help meet for her. Some think that Joseph was now a widower, and
that those who are called the brethren of Christ (Matt 13:55 ), were Joseph's children by a former wife.
This is the conjecture of many of the ancients. Joseph was just man, she a
virtuous woman. Those who are believers should not be unequally yoked with
unbelievers: but let those who are religious choose to marry with those who are
so, as they expect the comfort of the relation, and God's blessing upon them in
it. We may also learn, from this example, that it is good to enter into the
married state with deliberation, and not hastily-to preface the nuptials with a
contract. It is better to take time to consider before than to find time to
repent after.
II. Her pregnancy of the promised seed; before they
came together, she was found with child, which really was of the Holy Ghost.
The marriage was deferred so long after the contract that she appeared to be
with child before the time came for the solemnizing of the marriage, though she
was contracted before she conceived. Probably, it was after her return from her
cousin Elizabeth, with whom she continued three months (Luke 1:56 ), that she was perceived by
Joseph to be with child, and did not herself deny it. Note, Those in whom
Christ is formed will show it: it will be found to be a work of God which he
will own. Now we may well imagine, what a perplexity this might justly occasion
to the blessed virgin. She herself knew the divine original of this conception;
but how could she prove it? She would be dealt with as a harlot. Note, After
great and high advancements, lest we should be puffed up with them, we must
expect something or other to humble us, some reproach, as a thorn in the flesh,
nay, as a sword in the bones. Never was any daughter of Eve so dignified as the
Virgin Mary was, and yet in danger of falling under the imputation of one of the
worse crimes; yet we do not find that she tormented herself about it; but,
being conscious of her own innocence, she kept her mind calm and easy, and
committed her cause to him that judgeth righteously. Note, those who take care
to keep a good conscience may cheerfully trust God with the keeping of their
good names, and have reason to hope that he will clear up, not only their
integrity, but their honour, as the sun at noon day.
III. Joseph's perplexity, and his care what to do in
this case. We may well imagine what a great trouble and disappointment it was
to him to find one he had such an opinion of, and value for, come under the
suspicion of such a heinous crime. Is this Mary? He began to think, "How
may we be deceived in those we think best of! How may we be disappointed in
what we expect most from!" He is loth to believe so ill a thing of one
whom he believed to be so good a woman; and yet the matter, as it is too bad to
be excused, is also too plain to be denied. What a struggle does this occasion
in his breast between that jealousy which is the rage of man, and is cruel as
the grave, on the one hand, and that affection which he has for Mary on the
Observe, 1. The extremity which he studied to avoid.
He was not willing to make her a public example. He might have done so; for, by
the law, a betrothed virgin, if she played the harlot, was to be stoned to
death, Deut 22:23-24. But he was not willing to take the advantage of the law
against her; if she be guilty, yet it is not known, nor shall it be known from
him. How different was the spirit which Joseph displayed from that of Judah,
who in a similar case hastily passed that severe sentence, Bring her forth and
let her be burnt! Gen 38:24. How good it is to think on things, as Joseph did
here! Were there more of deliberation in our censures and judgments, there
would be more of mercy and moderation in them. Bringing her to punishment is
here called making her a public example; which shows what is the end to be
aimed at in punishment-the giving of warning to others: it is in terrorem-that
all about may hear and fear. Smite the scorner, and the simple will beware.
Some persons of a rigorous temper would blame Joseph
for his clemency: but it is here spoken of to his praise; because he was a just
man, therefore he was not willing to expose her. He was a religious, good man;
and therefore inclined to be merciful as God is, and to forgive as one that was
forgiven. In the case of the betrothed damsel, if she were defiled in the
field, the law charitably supposed that she cried out (Deut 22:26 ), and she was not to be
punished. Some charitable construction or other Joseph will put upon this
matter; and herein he is a just man, tender of the good name of one who never
before had done anything to blemish it. Note, It becomes us, in many cases, to
be gentle towards those that come under suspicion of having offended, to hope
the best concerning them, and make the best of that which at first appears bad,
in hopes that it may prove better. Summum just summa injuria-The rigour of the
law is (sometimes) the height of injustice. That court of conscience which
moderates the rigour of the law we call a court of equity. Those who are found
faulty were perhaps overtaken in the fault, and are therefore to be restored
with the spirit of meekness; and threatening, even when just, must be
2. The expedient he found out for avoiding this
extremity. He was minded to put her away privily, that is, to give a bill of
divorce into her hand before two witnesses, and so to hush up the matter among
themselves. Being a just man, that is, a strict observer of the law, he would
not proceed to marry her, but resolved to put her away; and yet, in tenderness
for her, determined to do it as privately as possible. Note, The necessary censures
of those who have offended ought to be managed without noise. The words of the
wise are heard in quiet. Christ himself shall not strive nor cry. Christian
love and Christian prudence will hide a multitude of sins, and great ones, as
far as may be done without having fellowship with them.
IV. Joseph's discharge from this perplexity by an
express sent from heaven, v. 20, 21. While he thought on these things and knew
not what to determine, God graciously directed him what to do, and made him
easy. Note, Those who would have direction from God must think on things
themselves, and consult with themselves. It is the thoughtful, not the
unthinking, whom God will guide. When he was at a loss, and had carried the
matter as far as he could in his own thoughts, then God came in with advice.
Note, God's time to come in with instruction to his people is when they are
nonplussed and at a stand. God's comforts most delight the soul in the
multitude of its perplexed thoughts. The message was sent to Joseph by an angel
of the Lord, probably the same angel that brought Mary the tidings of the
conception-the angel Gabriel. Now the intercourse with heaven, by angels, with
which the patriarchs had been dignified, but which had been long disused,
begins to be revived; for, when the First-begotten is to be brought into the
world, the angels are ordered to attend his motions. How far God may now, in an
invisible way, make use of the ministration of angels, for extricating his
people out of their straits, we cannot say; but this we are sure of, they are
all ministering spirits for their good. This angel appeared to Joseph in a
dream when he was asleep, as God sometimes spoke unto the fathers. When we are
most quiet and composed we are in the best frame to receive the notices of the
divine will. The Spirit moves on the calm waters. This dream, no doubt, carried
its own evidence along with it that it was of God, and not the production of a
vain fancy. Now,
1. Joseph is here directed to proceed in his intended
marriage. The angel calls him, Joseph, thou son of David; he puts him in mind
of his relation to David, that he might be prepared to receive this surprising
intelligence of his relation to the Messiah, who, every one knew, was to be a
descendant from David. Sometimes, when great honours devolve upon those who
have small estates, they care not for accepting them, but are willing to drop
them; it was therefore requisite to put this poor carpenter in mind of his high
birth: "Value thyself. Joseph, thou art that son of David through whom the
line of the Messiah is to be drawn." We may thus say to every true
believer, "Fear not, thou son of Abraham, thou child of God; forget not
the dignity of thy birth, thy new birth." Fear not to take Mary for thy
wife; so it may be read. Joseph, suspecting she was with child by whoredom, was
afraid of taking her, lest he should bring upon himself either guilt or
reproach. No, saith God, Fear not; the matter is not so. Perhaps Mary had told
him that she was with child by the Holy Ghost, and he might have heard what
Elizabeth said to her (Luke 1:43), when she called her the mother of her Lord;
and, if so, he was afraid of presumption in marrying one so much above him.
But, from whatever cause his fears arose, they were all silenced with this
word, Fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife. Note, It is a great mercy to be
delivered from our fears, and to have our doubts resolved, so as to proceed in
our affairs with satisfaction.
Matt 1:18-25
Nor is it improper to say that the prophecy which
foretold that he should be called Immanuel was fulfilled, in the design and
intention of it, when he was called Jesus; for if he had not been Immanuel- God
with us, he could not have been Jesus-a Saviour; and herein consists the
salvation he wrought out, in the bringing of God and man together; this was
what he designed, to bring God to be with us, which is our great happiness, and
to bring us to be with God, which is our great duty.
VI. Joseph's obedience to the divine precept (v. 24).
Being raised from sleep by the impression which the dream made upon him, he did
as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, though it was contrary to his former
sentiments and intentions; he took unto him his wife; he did is speedily,
without delay, and cheerfully, without dispute; he was not disobedient to the
heavenly vision. Extraordinary direction like this we are not now to expect;
but God has still ways of making known his mind in doubtful cases, by hints of
providence, debates of conscience, and advice of faithful friends; by each of these,
applying the general rules of the written word, we should, therefore, in all
the steps of our life, particularly the great turns of it, such as this of
Joseph's, take direction from God, and we shall find it safe and comfortable to
do as he bids us.
VII. The accomplishment of the divine promise (v. 25).
She brought forth her first-born son. The circumstances of it are more largely
related, Luke 2:1, etc. Note, That which is conceived of the Holy Ghost never
proves abortive, but will certainly be brought forth in its season. What is of
the will of the flesh, and of the will of man, often miscarries; but, if Christ
be formed in the soul, God himself has begun the good work which he will
perform; what is conceived in grace will no doubt be brought forth in glory.
It is here further observed,
1. That Joseph, though he solemnized the marriage with
Mary, his espoused wife, kept at a distance from her while she was with child
of this Holy thing; he knew her not till she had brought him forth. Much has
been said concerning the perpetual virginity of our Lord: Jerome was very angry
with Helvidius for denying it. It is certain that it cannot be proved from
scripture. Dr. Whitby inclines to think that when it is said, Joseph knew her
not till she had brought forth her first-born, it is intimated that,
afterwards, the reason ceasing, he lived with her, according to the law, Ex
2. That Christ was the first-born; and so he might be
called though his mother had not any other children after him, according to the
language of scripture. Nor is it without a mystery that Christ is called her
first-born, for he is the first-born of every creature, that is, the Heir of
all things; and he is the first-born among many brethren, that in all things he
may have the pre-eminence.
3. That Joseph called his name Jesus, according to the
direction given him. God having appointed him to be the Saviour, which was
intimated in his giving him the name Jesus, we must accept of him to be our
Saviour, and, in concurrence with that appointment, we must call him Jesus, our
(from Matthew
Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible: New Modern Edition, Electronic Database.
Copyright (c) 1991 by Hendrickson Publishers, Inc.)
Verse 18.
Espoused to Joseph] The word
mnhsteuyeishv, from mnhsteuw, to contract, or betroth, refers to the previous
marriage agreement, in which the parties mutually bound themselves to each
other; without which, no woman was ever married among the Jews. Among the Hindoos, a woman is espoused often
a whole year, and even longer before the marriage takes place.
Before they
came together] The woman was espoused at
her own, or her father's house; and, generally, some time elapsed before she
was taken home to the house of her husband: De 20:7; Jg 14:7,8. This custom has been immemorially observed
among the inhabitants of Ireland, who have not only this, but many Asiatic
customs, which, added to various authentic historic proofs, are collateral evidences
that they received the Christian religion, not from the popes of Rome, but
through the means of Asiatic missionaries.
Among the Jews, the espousal, though the marriage had
not been consummated, was considered as perfectly legal and binding on both
sides; and hence a breach of this contract was considered as a case of
adultery, and punished exactly in the same way.
See De 22:25,28. Nor could a
contract of this kind, though there was no cohabitation, be broken but by a
regular divorce, as Mr. Selden , in his Uxor
Hebraica, has proved at large from the Jewish rabbins.
She was found
with child] Her situation was the most
distressing and humiliating that can be conceived. Nothing but the fullest consciousness of her
own integrity, and the strongest confidence in God, could have supported her in
such trying circumstances, where her reputation, her honour, and her life were
at stake. What conversation passed
between her and Joseph, on this discovery, we are not informed; but the issue
proves that it was not satisfactory to him: nor could he resolve to consider
her as his wife, till God had sent his angel to bear the most unequivocal
testimony to the virgin's innocence. His
whole conduct, on this occasion, was exceedingly benevolent and humane. He might
at once have taken the advantage of the law, De 22:23 ,24, and had her stoned to death.
19 and her
husband Joseph, being a just man and unwilling to put her to shame, resolved to
divorce her quietly.
De 24:1
Adam Clarke's Commentary:
Verse 19. To
make her a public example]
paradeigmatisai, to expose her to public infamy; from para, near, and
deiknumai, I show, or expose; what is oddly, though emphatically, called in England ,
showing up-exposing a character to public view.
Though Joseph was a righteous man, dikaiov, and knew that the law
required that such persons as he supposed his wife to be should be put to
death, yet, as righteousness is ever directed by mercy, he determined to put
her away or divorce her privately, i.e. without assigning any cause, that her
life might be saved; and, as the offence was against himself, he had a right to
pass it by if he chose. Some have
supposed that the term dikaiov should be translated merciful, and it certainly
often has this signification; but here it is not necessary.
20 But as he
considered this, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream,
saying, "Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary your wife, for
that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit;
Lu 1:35
Adam Clarke's Commentary:
Verse 20. That
which is conceived (or formed) in her]
So I think gennhyen should be translated in this place: as it appears
that the human nature of Jesus Christ was a real creation in the womb of the
virgin, by the power of the Holy Spirit.
The angel of the Lord mentioned here was probably the angel Gabriel,
who, six months before, bad been sent to Zacharias and Elisabeth, to announce
the birth of Christ's forerunner, John the Baptist. See Lu 1:36.
21 she will
bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from
their sins."
Lu 1:31; Ac 4:12 ;
5:31 ; 13:23 ,38
Adam Clarke's Commentary:
Verse 21.
JESUS] The same as Joshua, evwhy
Yehoshua, from evy yasha, he saved, delivered, put in a state of safety. See on Ex 13:9; Nu 13:16 , and in the preface to Joshua.
He shall save
his people from their sins.] This shall
be his great business in the world: the great errand on which he is come, viz.
to make an atonement for, and to destroy, sin: deliverance from all the power,
guilt, and pollution of sin, is the privilege of every believer in Christ
Jesus. Less than this is not spoken of in
the Gospel; and less than this would be unbecoming the Gospel. The perfection of the Gospel system is not
that it makes allowances for sin, but that it makes an atonement for it: not
that it tolerates sin, but that it destroys it.
In Mt 1:1, he is called Jesus Christ, on which Dr. Lightfoot properly
remarks, "That the name of Jesus, so often added to the name of Christ in
the New Testament, is not only that Christ might be thereby pointed out as the
Saviour, but also that Jesus might be pointed out as the true Christ or
Messiah, against the unbelief of the Jews." This observation will be of great use in
numberless places of the New Testament.
See Ac 2:36 ; 8:35 ; 1Co 16:22 ; 1Jo 2:22 ;
1Jo 4:15 , &c.
22 All this
took place to fulfil what the Lord had spoken by the prophet:
Adam Clarke's Commentary:
Verse 22. By
the prophet] ISAIAH is added here by
several MSS., versions, and fathers. The
prophecy is taken from Isa 7:14.
"Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and his name shall be
called Emmanuel" (which means, God with us).
Isa 7:14
Adam Clarke's Commentary:
Verse 23.
Behold, a virgin shall be with child]
We have already seen, from the preceding verse, that this prophecy is
taken from Isa 7:14 ; but it
may be necessary to consider the circumstances of the original promise more
particularly. At the time referred to,
the kingdom of Judah , under the government of Ahaz, was
reduced very low. Pekah, king of Israel,
had slain in Judea 120,000 persons in one day, and carried away captives
200,000, including women and children, together with much spoil. To add to
their distress, Rezin, king of Syria ,
being confederate with Pekah, had taken Elath, a fortified city of Judah , and carried the inhabitants away captive
to Damascus . In this critical conjuncture, need we wonder
that Ahaz was afraid that the enemies who were now united against him must
prevail, destroy Jerusalem , and the kingdom of Judah , and annihilate the family of
David! To meet and remove this fear,
apparently well grounded, Isaiah is sent from the Lord to Ahaz, swallowed up
now both by sorrow and by unbelief, in order to assure him that the counsels of
his enemies should not stand; and that they should be utterly discomfited. To encourage Ahaz, he commands him to ask a
sign or miracle, which should be a pledge in hand, that God should, in due
time, fulfil the predictions of his servant, as related in the context. On Ahaz humbly refusing to ask any sign, it
is immediately added, Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign: Behold
a virgin shall conceive and bear a son; and shall call his name Immanuel. Butter and honey shall he eat, &c. Both the Divine and human nature of our Lord,
as well as the miraculous conception, appear to be pointed out in the prophecy
quoted here by the evangelist:-He shall be called la-wnme IM-MENU-EL;
literally, The STRONG GOD WITH US: similar to those words in the New
Testament:-The Word which was God-was made flesh, and dwelt among us, full of
grace and truth: Joh 1:1,14. And, God was manifested in the flesh: 1Ti 3:16 .
So that we are to understand, God with us, to imply God incarnated-God
in human nature. This seems farther
evident from the words of the prophet, Isa 7:15. Butter and honey shall he eat-he
shall be truly man, grow up and be nourished in a human, natural way; which
refers to his being WITH US, i.e. incarnated.
To which the prophet adds, That he may know to refuse the evil and
choose the good:-or rather, According to his knowledge, wtedl le-daato,
reprobating the evil, and choosing the good.
This refers to him as GOD; and is the same idea given by this prophet,
Isa 53:11: By (or in) his knowledge (the knowledge of Christ crucified, wtedb
be-dadto) shall my righteous servant sanctify many; for he shall bear their
offences. Now this union of the Divine
and human nature is termed a sign or miracle, twa oth, i.e. something which
exceeds the power of nature to produce.
And this miraculous union was to be brought about in a miraculous way:
Behold a VIRGIN shall conceive: the word is very emphatic, hmleh ha-almah, THE
virgin; the only one that ever was, or ever shall be, a mother in this
way. But the Jews, and some called
Christians, who have espoused their desperate cause, assert, that "the word
hmle almah does not signify a VIRGIN only; for it is applied, Pr 30:19, to
signify a young married woman." I
answer, that this latter text is no proof of the contrary doctrine: the words
hmleb rbg Krd derec geber be-almah, the way of a man with a maid, cannot be
proved to mean that for which it is produced: beside, one of De Rossi's MSS.
reads wymleb be-almaiu, the way of a strong, or stout, man (rbg geber) IN HIS
YOUTH; and in this reading the Syriac, Septuagint, Vulgate, and Arabic agree,
which are followed by the first version in the English language, as it stands
in a MS. in my own possession-the weie of a man in his waring youthe; so that
this place, the only one that can with any probability of success be produced,
were the interpretation contended for correct, which I am by no means disposed
to admit, proves nothing. Beside, the
consent of so many versions in the opposite meaning deprives it of much of its
influence in this question.
The word hmle almah, comes from mle alam, to lie hid,
be concealed; and we are told that "virgins were so called, because they
were concealed or closely kept up in their fathers' houses, till the time of
their marriage." This is not
correct: see the case of Rebecca, Ge 24:43, and my note there: that of Rachel,
Ge 29:6,9, and the note there also: and see the case of Miriam, the sister of
Moses, Ex 2:8, and also the Chaldee paraphrase on La 1:4, where the virgins are
represented as going out in the dance.
And see also the whole history of Ruth.
This being concealed, or kept at home, on which so much stress is laid,
is purely fanciful; for we find that young unmarried women drew water, kept
sheep, gleaned publicly in the fields, &c., &c., and the same works
they perform among the Turcomans to the present day. This reason, therefore, does not account for
the radical meaning of the word; and we must seek it elsewhere. Another well known and often used root in the
Hebrew tongue will cast light on this subject.
This is hlg galah, which signifies to reveal, make manifest, or uncover,
and is often applied to matrimonial connections, in different parts of the
Mosaic law: mle alam, therefore, may be considered as implying the concealment
of the virgin, as such, till lawful marriage had taken place. A virgin was not called hmle almah, because
she was concealed by being kept at home in her father's house, which is not
true, but literally and physically, because, as a woman, she had not been
uncovered-she had not known man. This
fully applies to the blessed virgin: see Lu 1:34. "How can this be, seeing
I know no man?" and this text throws much light on the subject before
us. This also is in perfect agreement
with the ancient prophecy, "The seed of the woman shall bruise the head of
the serpent," Ge 3:15 ;
for the person who was to destroy the work of the devil was to be the progeny
of the woman, without any concurrence of the man. And, hence, the text in Genesis speaks as
fully of the virgin state of the person, from whom Christ, according to the
flesh, should come, as that in the prophet, or this in the evangelist. According to the original promise, there was
to be a seed, a human being, who should destroy sin; but this seed or human
being must come from the woman ALONE; and no woman ALONE, could produce such a
human being, without being a virgin.
Hence, A virgin shall bear a son, is the very spirit and meaning of the
original text, independently of the illustration given by the prophet; and the
fact recorded by the evangelist is the proof of the whole. But how could that be a sign to Ahaz, which
was to take place so many hundreds of years after? I answer, the meaning of the prophet is
plain: not only Rezin and Pekah should be unsuccessful against Jerusalem at
that time, which was the fact; but Jerusalem, Judea, and the house of David,
should be both preserved, notwithstanding their depressed state, and the
multitude of their adversaries, till the time should come when a VIRGIN should
bear a son. This is a most remarkable
circumstance-the house of David could never fail, till a virgin should conceive
and bear a son-nor did it: but when that incredible and miraculous fact did
take place, the kingdom and house of David became extinct! This is an irrefragable confutation of every
argument a Jew can offer in vindication of his opposition to the Gospel of
Christ. Either the prophecy in Isaiah
has been fulfilled, or the kingdom and house of David are yet standing. But the kingdom of David ,
we know, is destroyed: and where is the man, Jew or Gentile, that can show us a
single descendant of David on the face of the earth? The prophecy could not fail-the kingdom and
house of David have failed; the virgin, therefore, must have brought forth her
son-and this son is Jesus, the Christ.
Thus Moses, Isaiah, and Matthew concur; and facts, the most unequivocal,
have confirmed the whole! Behold the
wisdom and providence of God!
Notwithstanding what has been said above, it may be
asked, In what sense could this name Immanuel be applied to Jesus Christ, if he
be not truly and properly GOD? Could the
Spirit of truth ever design that Christians should receive him as an angel or a
mere man, and yet, in the very beginning of the Gospel history, apply a
character to him which belongs only to the most high God? Surely no.
In what sense, then, is Christ GOD WITH US? Jesus is called Immanuel, or God with us, in
his incarnation.-God united to our nature-God with man-God in man.-God with us,
by his continual protection.-God with us, by the influences of his Holy
Spirit-in the holy sacrament-in the preaching of his word-in private
prayer. And God with us, through every
action of our life, that we begin, continue, and end in his name. He is God with us, to comfort, enlighten,
protect, and defend us in every time of temptation and trial, in the hour of
death, in the day of judgment; and God with us, and in us, and we with and in
him, to all eternity.
24 When Joseph
woke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him; he took his
25 but knew her
not until she had borne a son; and he called his name Jesus.
Ex 13:2; Lu 2:7,21
Adam Clarke's Commentary:
Verse 25. Her
first-born son] ton uion authv ton
prw-otokon. Literally, That son of hers, the first-born one. That Mary might have had other children, any
person may reasonably and piously believe; that she had others, many think
exceedingly probable, and that this text is at least an indirect proof of it. However this may be, the perpetual virginity
of Mary should not be made an article of faith.
God has not made it one: indeed it can hardly bear the light of several
texts in the Gospels.
He knew her
not] Had no matrimonial intercourse with
her-TILL she had brought forth that son of hers, of whom the evangelist had
been just speaking, the first-born, the eldest of the family, to whom the
birthright belonged, and who was miraculously born before she knew any man,
being yet in a state of virginity. See
on Mt 13:55. The virginity of Mary,
previously to the birth of Christ, is an article of the utmost consequence to
the Christian system; and therefore it is an article of faith: her perpetual
virginity is of no consequence; and the learned labour spent to prove it has
produced a mere castle in the air. The
thing is possible; but it never has been, and never can be proved.
He called his
name JESUS.] This name was given by the
command of God, see Mt 1:16, and was imposed on Christ when eight days old; for
then, according to the Jewish law, he was circumcised: thus he had the name of
Saviour given when he first began to shed that blood without which there could
be no remission of sins.
The goodness of God is manifested, not only in his
giving his Son to save a lost world, but also in the choice of the persons who
were his progenitors: among whom we find, First, SAINTS, to excite our courage:
Abraham, remarkable for his faith; Isaac, for his obedience; and Jacob, for his
fervour and constancy.
Secondly, Penitent SINNERS, to excite our confidence:
such as David, Manasses, &c.
Thirdly, Sinners, of whose repentance and salvation we
hear nothing; to put us on our guard.
Who can read the account of idolatrous Solomon, who, from the whole
evidence of the sacred history, died In his sins, without trembling?
Four WOMEN are
mentioned in this genealogy: two of these were adulteresses, Tamar and
Bathsheba; and two were Gentiles, Rahab and Ruth, and strangers to the covenant
of promise; to teach us that Jesus Christ came to save sinners, and that, though
strangers to his people, we are not on that account excluded from a salvation
which God has designed for all men. He
is not the God of the Jews only; he is also the God of the Gentiles.
The state of the royal family of David, the
circumstances of the holy virgin and her spouse Joseph, the very remarkable
prophecy of Isaiah, the literal and circumstantial fulfilment of it, the names
given to our blessed Lord, the genealogical scroll of the family, &c.,
&c., are all so many proofs of the wisdom, goodness, and providence of
God. Every occurrence seems, at first
view, to be abandoned to fortuitous influence, and yet the result of each shows
that God managed the whole. These
circumstances are of the greatest importance; nor can the Christian reader reflect
on them without an increase of his faith and his piety.
aptly summarised in1st John 3: vv 1-10:
v.1: “See how much the Father has loved us! His love
is so great that we are called God’s children—and so, in fact, we are. This is
why the word does not know us: it has not known God.
v.2: My dear
friends, we are now God’s children, but it is not yet clear what we shall
become. Nevertheless, we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like him,
because we shall see him as he really is.
v.3: Everyone
who has this hope in Christ keeps himself pure, just as Christ is pure.
v.4: Whoever
sins is guilty of breaking God’s law, because sin is a breaking of the law.
v.5: You know
that Christ appeared in order to take away our sins, and that there is no sin
in him.
v.6: So
everyone who lives in union with Christ does not continue to sin; but whoever
continues to sin has never seen him or known him.
v.7: Let no one
deceive you, my children! Whoever does what is right is righteous
v.8: Whoever
continues to sin belongs to the Devil, because the Devil has sinned from the
very beginning. The Son of God appeared for this very reason, to destroy what
the Devil had done.
v.9: Whoever is
a child of God does not continue to sin, for God’s very nature is in him; and
because God is his Father, he cannot continue to sin.
This is the clear difference between God’s children and the Devil’s
children: anyone who does not do what is right or does not love his brother is
not God’s child.
The law referred to here in
verse 4 is and could only be THE NATURAL LAWS, the pristine commands of the
Creator even before Adam and Eve were created! The Lord reserved only one for
divine beings when He gave Adam dominion over all his created beings. The
architect of Adam’s fall or disobedience created both ‘the Serpent’ and ‘the
Eve’ that ensnared him into ‘the original sin’ that earned him expulsion from
paradise. However, it was only the sixth grandson of Adam, Enoch, who was the
first to obey all the natural laws and earned ascension.
Verse 5 confirms my assertion, as Christ is generally accepted as the second Adam promised in Genesis 3: 15. However, here again I stand to correct that insinuation by asserting that Enoch, Elijah and Christ were reincarnations of Abel, not Adam. Enoch was sinless and pleased God so well that he was physically taken up into heaven. Let us put on our thinking caps and defend our claim to the appellation ‘Homo Sapiens, Sapiens’! Only Elijah and Christ physically ascended into heaven as Enoch! Unfortunately, we are not told of their love lives, which could have confirmed their saintliness despite the hassles of married life as Enoch was.
Look critically at verse 8 and you will understand my thesis! Three figures depicted the salvific work of Christ: Abel (unblemished sacrifice), Enoch (who pleased God) and Elijah (prophet of miracles). In the reverse order Jesus, the Christ, was the only ambassador sent by God who replicated those three qualifications to merit his ascension. Therefore, a rediscovery of what Patriarch Enoch did that merited him the first ever reported ascension into heaven is all we need! Then, a return to that pristine obedience to the Creator by observing all His natural laws in creation forms the theory and practice of I. S. M.
That, succinctly, is our mission! Are you ready to join in that search
for the original code of natural ethics?
Contact Rev. Prof. J. J. Kenez
nowvia 0804-2719800, 042-550344, or E-mail: .
1:1 In the land of Uz
there lived a man whose name was Job. This man was blameless and upright; he
feared God and shunned evil. 2: He had seven sons and three daughters, 3: and
he owned seven thousand sheep, three thousand camels, five hundred yoke of oxen
and five hundred donkeys, and had a large number of servants. He was the
greatest man among all the people of the East.
4: His sons used to take turns holding
feasts in their homes, and they would invite their three sisters to eat and
drink with them. 5: When a period of feasting had run its course, Job would
send and have them purified. Early in the morning he would sacrifice a burnt
offering for each of them, thinking, "Perhaps my children have sinned and
cursed God in their hearts." This was Job's regular custom.
6: One day the angels came to present
themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came with them. 7: The LORD said to
Satan, "Where have you come from?"
Satan answered the LORD, "From
roaming through the earth and going back and forth in it."
8 Then the LORD said to Satan, "Have
you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is
blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil."
9: "Does Job fear God for
nothing?" Satan replied.
10: "Have you not put a hedge around
him and his household and everything he has? You have blessed the work of his
hands, so that his flocks and herds are spread throughout the land.
11: But stretch out your hand and strike
everything he has, and he will surely curse you to your face."
12 :The LORD said to Satan, "Very
well, then, everything he has is in your hands, but on the man himself do not
lay a finger."
Then Satan went out from the presence of
the LORD.
13: One day when Job's sons and daughters
were feasting and drinking wine at the oldest brother's house,
14: a messenger came to Job and said,
"The oxen were ploughing and the donkeys were grazing nearby, 15: and the
Sabeans attacked and carried them off. They put the servants to the sword, and
I am the only one who has escaped to tell you!"
16: While he was still speaking, another
messenger came and said, "The fire of God fell from the sky and burned up
the sheep and the servants, and I am the only one who has escaped to tell
17: While he was still speaking, another
messenger came and said, "The Chaldeans formed three raiding parties and
swept down on your camels and carried them off. They put the servants to the
sword, and I am the only one who has escaped to tell you!"
18: While he was still speaking, yet
another messenger came and said, "Your sons and daughters were feasting
and drinking wine at the oldest brother's house, 19: when suddenly a mighty
wind swept in from the desert and struck the four corners of the house. It
collapsed on them and they are dead, and I am the only one who has escaped to
tell you!"
20: At this, Job got up, tore his robe and
shaved his head. Then he fell to the ground in worship 21: and said:
"Naked I came from my mother's womb,
and naked I will depart. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the
name of the LORD be praised."
22: In all this, Job did not sin by
charging God with wrongdoing.
This is Chapter 1 of the Book of Job in
the Old Testament culled verbatim from NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION of the
Christian Bible. This is the right attitude to riches, wealth or material
possessions. They deter you from genuine spirituality!
Do not listen to those demonic crusade
organisers who preach prosperity rather than salvation. It is your purse they
are after, not your salvation. Can any of them surmount the temptations that
Job passed through? Prosperity Gospel Preachers are Satan’s Disciples, and what
they teach are not Biblical. They are straight from Hell!
“The time is ripe for everyone to rethink and
repudiate the aberrations in the theory and practice of Christianity of the
21st century! It is self evident that we have all derailed and are in dire need
of an urgent auditing of our moral standards and social ethics in the light of
reason and social justice.”
Prosperity Gospel Preachers are fake, i.e. wolves in sheep’s
clothing! Fake Pastors are Business Executives with Machiavellian Principles!
“Fleece the Flock and Pay the Ladies” is their Work Ethics!
They smile to the banks while the members of their congregation are poor!
have read the contents of this booklet with much enthusiasm and will like to
contribute in making this world an egalitarian, classless and one human family.
The truth of most of the points you have raised in this conference paper
represents my feeling about the excesses that our psychedelic prosperity
preachers indulge in. I want to join in the crusade to sanitise Christendom.
CONTACT: Phone numbers or blog addresses.........................................................................................................................
Addresses: ………………......……………………………………………………………………………………
will like to be a founding member of this organisation that will midwife a
all the natural laws our Almighty Creator put in the universe for our own
common good irrespective of place of birth, parentage, educational or social
status, skin colour, language, creed and political persuasion!
As my own moral support
towards the realisation of this beneficial dream of a global peace for all
humanity, I enclose the following religious dissertations, devout papers and
humanitarian lectures
Signed………………….………………… Date……………….… Phone:
this page, fill it and keep as your duplicate and mailoriginal to us by speed
post with your love gift.
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A well-fed dove with a green branch in its mouth/beak.
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