Wednesday, September 26, 2012




Is this a case of human beings being afraid to face the truth? Like in the Bible, I have played the tunes and all of you refused to dance.

Are you afraid to upset the apple cart? Read these two last dissertations and see that those living in arid lands have forced the whole world to pay pilgrimages to lazy people who live on irreverent desert areas they hoodwinked everyone to call "HOLY LANDS".


Shine your eyes. See the light of reason in these two last mails I will ever send any of you!
This is the tenth email lecture sent to my beloved ones, contacts of over 100 correspondents, yet all of you are so complacent. Are you not concerned that the world is heading for disaster?

The world wars were all fought after Christianity dominated the entire Europe. Were the soldiers not praying to the same God? When one country lost to another one, was the god they prayed to a different one?

Islamic attempts at correcting the religious bastardization has not made matters better, rather it has fuelled the confusion and introduced violence and retributive justice.

Despite these abysmal failures to forge a ONE WORLD PEACE I have written all of you individually and severally to salvage the GLOBAL VILLAGE we now live in by HEALING THE WORLD OF RELIGIOUS BIGOTRY, XENOPHOBIA AND RACISM.

This is my last mail for this year until I get responsible and constructive replies from at least ten citizens of our new global village of cellular phones and the Internet  that cause us no violence.

May the Almighty open your eyes to the destruction our children face after we have gone the way of all flesh!  GOOD BYE

Dr Jideofo Kenechukwu Danmbaezue, D.Sc. in Psychometrics
The Humble Vessel of the Holy Spirit of the Almighty Creator of the Universe

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End of the Year Message flagged Thursday, 20th October 2011, @ 13:191523HRS GMT


Where I was born, there is this platitude; “when urine is deposited by a group on the same spot it foams.” This is just a natural phenomenon. But our preliterate sages converted it into an idiom or wise counsel. A Caucasian or a Mongoloid may ask; HOW? Africans who live in the tropics observe it daily. It is even tried out so often by children playing in the sun. In temperate regions, due to weather differences this foaming phenomenon may not be easily demonstrable. However, the import of the simple experiment this writer indulged in as a teenager is this; THERE IS STRENGTH IN DOING THINGS TOGETHER! Or in a simpler axiom known worldwide; “Unity is Strength”

In like manner, we have this local saying; ‘He who does not know where the rainfall starting beating him, will never know where it stopped’. Another warns; “A rat that joins a lizard in playing in the rain, to remember that when the lizard is dry, it will still be wet.” In my culture, one does not interpret proverbs. Simply put, “One, who does not know who he is and where he is coming from, does not know where he is going especially in religion!”

The music I am about to play is not for every human being to dance! It is only for those matured humans with sturdy legs and pliable pelvic girdles. Only those who are prepared to stand out of the crowd are qualified to read this controversial dissertation. For my local lyrics for the brave warriors of old counsels; “If you have strengthened your heart for real challenges, then put your hands!” This is purely a literal rendition. Its true import is this: “Unless you are fortified as a lion-hearted warrior, do not join in this war dance!”

All over the world, the supposedly rational animal that prides itself with being the only one with language and reason has been manipulated into swallowing toxic wastes in the name of faith! From birth, one is conditioned to swallow the community’s or parents’ religious practices without questions! The general mass hysteria is that doctrines, dogmas and rituals were handed down through some prophets and priests and therefore no one dares challenge their real worth; neither their veracity, their utilitarian values nor their mutual benefits! That has been the remote cause of racism, religious intolerance and the production of majority and minority races. That is now history for intelligent humans who will read and understand this proposal for UNITY OF ALL RELIGIONS!

In the thick rainforests of Biafra, before the arrival of the first white man on the African continent, bond-fide male indigenes in Eze Awara’s kingdom were warriors reputed for swallowing razor-sharp cutlasses or swords and thereafter excreting them at will or whenever they wanted. They solved the ‘impossibles’ by removing the ‘im’ to convert them to the ‘possibles”. “If you have strengthened your heart for real challenges, then put forward your hands!” You, too, can vomit the toxic cutlass of dogmas today! This book puts an end to all the ethnocentric ideologies, xenophobia and religious bigotry that generated crusades and jihads in the past! 

The religious tradition of our forefathers has been overthrown by imported versions that our youths disregard or pay lip service to. It is the adult population that is corrupting the youth. There are no role models for the youth; neither among the fake pastors and money seeking evangelists nor among the inept public servants and the corrupt political class. That is the genesis of youth restiveness, social malaise and adult/juvenile delinquency that has escalated to unmanageable proportions in Nigeria. For too long, our people have been wearing masks; the commercial mask worn by traders from Mondays to Fridays when they extort and cheat their customers. Civil service mask of pretences is a corollary! Then religiosity mask is worn by all for funeral ceremonies and condolence visits on Saturdays and finally, the Christian mask worn on Sundays!

Human knowledge wears blinkers. At other times, it wears coloured sun glasses and so we see only the colorinations presented as truth. Truth does not wear any make-up. Our knowledge of things is definitely incomplete! It is our ignorance and outright incompetence about the nature of divine beings and the true nature of independence among finite beings that generate religious bigotry and world wars!


Merriam Webster’s Dictionary tells us that;
1re·li·gious \ri-'li-jəs\ adj [ME, fr. AF religius, fr. L religiosus, fr. religio] (13c)
1 : relating to or manifesting faithful devotion to an acknowledged ultimate reality or deity ‹a ~ person› ‹~ attitudes›
2 : of, relating to, or devoted to religious beliefs or observances ‹joined a ~ order›
a : scrupulously and conscientiously faithful b : fervent zealous — re·li·gious·ly adv — re·li·gious·ness n
2religious n, pl religious [ME, fr. AF religius, fr. religius, adj.] (13c) : a member of a religious order under monastic vows
 “in·de·pen·dence \"in-də-'pen-dən(t)s\ n (1640) 1 : the quality or state of being independent 2 archaic:
competence 1
com·pe·tence \'käm-pə-tən(t)s\ n (1605)
 1 : a sufficiency of means for the necessities and conveniences of life ‹provided his family with a comfortable ~ —Rex Ingamells›
2  : the quality or state of being competent: as a : the properties of an embryonic field that enable it to respond in a characteristic manner to an organizer b : readiness of bacteria to undergo genetic transformation
3 : the knowledge that enables a person to speak and understand a language compare performance 6

Therefore, we can restrict our dissertation to: Religious Independence as behaviour relating to or manifesting faithful devotion to an acknowledged ultimate reality or deity with the quality or state of being competent to speak and act authoritatively on issues of the said-religion backed by the full knowledge and understanding of the roles and duties thereof!
                                                       ----(Rev. Prof. J. J. Kenez, on 13/11/2008 @ 07:31:18 HRS GMT)
Let us see what political independence has meant to colonised nations in the secular world and extrapolate the concepts to our religious communities. We may then be in a better position to appreciate the assertion that we are still tied to the apron strings of religious demagogues parading as Gurus, Popes or Imams.


In the four centuries between 1500 and 1914, the central theme of world history was the expansion of European power. After 1914, however, a series of events took place that gradually undermined the West’s global dominion. The catalyst was World War I (1914-1918). For four years, Europeans slaughtered each other by the millions and wasted the financial resources of the entire continent. No sooner had Europeans begun to recover from this catastrophe than they stumbled into the greatest economic depression of modern times. Then, World War II (1939-1945) came. By the end of that bloody conflict, European powers were so exhausted, so poor and so demoralised they were barely in a position to assert control over their own countries, let alone their colonies. Not surprisingly, nationalist movements throughout Asia and Africa took advantage of Europe’s weakness. Within a generation, these movements had swept aside colonial governments and established an assortment of independent states. By the end of the third quarter of the 20th century, 400 years of European dominance over other nations came to an end. One can identify a set of common characteristics that influenced all the independence movements across the Asian and African continents. One such characteristic is a common antagonist, namely Europe. To be sure, the various European states administered their colonies differently. Nevertheless, they all manifested similar qualities of paternalism and arrogance and they transmitted to their colonies an institutional legacy—such as the nation-state—that had lasting consequences.

The various independence movements also frequently shared elements of paradox and irony. In many European colonies, for example, local intellectual and political leaders were often educated in Europe or America. There, they were exposed to the Western ideals of freedom and equality embodied in the American and French Revolutions. Small wonder, then, that they returned home with these ideals—especially the goal of national sovereignty. These leaders had also learned from another model of political action; the Russian Revolution. The success of the 1917 Marxist revolution in Russia seemed to offer a do-it-yourself kit for nationalist intellectuals around the world intent on overthrowing their old regimes. Marxism, when mixed with nationalism, formed an explosive combination that sparked off successful moral, social and political revolutions throughout the 20th century starting from China to Vietnam to Africa to Cuba. Western leaders therefore, by exporting both nationalism and Marxism, had ironically delivered into the hands of those who resisted them the ideologies and instruments for their own expulsion.

Another paradox occurred after independence had been granted to the colonies. Freedom did not always bring with it the prosperity and self-government for which so many early leaders had earnestly worked. In some cases, newly “freed” people woke up to discover that their colonial masters had simply been replaced by local dictators who used the old colonial institutions for their personal gain. In other cases, countries faced new forms of economic exploitation as oppressive as those of the colonial period. Whether that exploitation constituted another form of colonialism, sometimes called neo-colonialism, or whether it was entered into willingly by the new masters of former colonies is a matter of dispute among historians. Some historians say that although colonies had previously exercised little choice in how economic resources were developed, new sovereign countries did have a choice. They were free to nationalise or expel foreign companies from their own countries, and many of them did just that! ……………………... ..Contributed by Alan T. Wood.

Observe the foolery of religion in the two world wars! It was religio-political conflicts and racial superiority that gave birth to both! Each nation had its spiritual head who championed its religion. Is it not cynical that each nation had prayers said for its soldiers before each battle? Were they praying to the same God? Religion is politics, but many uninformed adherents are hoodwinked into believing that “God” is their President General. He was/is the supreme dictator and priests and imams were only human administrators. Thus a new brand of religious colonialism arrived on the scene; Exploitation in the name of “God or Allah or gods”! So, tell me; is ‘RELIGION’ not ‘POLITICS’? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr Danmbaezue asks everyone

Religion now wears different gowns; annual missionary collections, church/mosque levies, pilgrimages, compulsory offertory collections, harvest and bazaars. To date, centuries after some colonised nations have won pseudo-political independence; none is independent of religious domination by their religio-political masters. The wonder of it all it that the above-underlined scenario is what has been happening and will continue to happen in churches/mosques all over the continents “world without end, - Amen!” The congregation, whether African, American, Asian, European or Indian is short-changed by their wry religious leaders who wine, dine and womanise while they go a-borrowing to take care of their children’s health, education and other familial duties unaided by any one! Many die of kwashiorkor, hypertension or hunger! Is there a better tax-free business than a religious industry?

“Freedom of Religion is the right of a person to form personal religious beliefs according to his or her own conscience and to give public expression to these beliefs in worship and teaching, restricted only by the requirements of public order. Religious liberty differs from toleration in that toleration presupposes preferential treatment of a particular creed by the state because it is an established church or, in some cases, is the predominant religion of the population. The United States was the first, and for some times the only, nation to include the principle of religious liberty in its basic laws. The nations of antiquity permitted tolerance to individuals of minority religions, provided they took part in the public worship of the national gods. Soon after Christianity became established as the official religion of the Roman Empire in the 4th century, heresy and heterodoxy became equivalent to treason. After the Reformation, this condemnation of atypical religious beliefs was continued by nations with established reformed churches, and those who disagreed with the established church were punished.”

The charter of Rhode Island, granted in 1663, is notable for being the first to include a declaration of the right to religious liberty. This doctrine gradually spread to the other colonies, and at the time of the American Revolution, the principle of religious liberty was explicitly adopted in various state constitutions. The process culminated in the adoption of the U.S. Constitution, which in Article VI forbids the establishment of any religious test as a qualification for federal office, and in the 1st Amendment forbids the passage of laws “respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”……………………………………………………………………..…………... Microsoft Encyclopaedia 2004.
To achieve worldwide religious freedom may seem impossible or sound like a mirage, but not to this astute thinker, this writer who has been under its theocratic enslavement for half-a-century. His answer is worth experimenting with. Have you read The Kenezian Creed? You must stop reading this meditative and elastic dissertation; surf the Internet for: , read the Welcome Page and the Principles of Kenezianism; thereafter, sum it up with THE ANIMATOR’S INTERNATIONAL PRAYER. (I can only reprint these two for you now.)


1.           I am of age; therefore, I affirm that I exist! I am “ME”, you are “YOU” and we are “US”. I affirm that I am a Created Being living in the present, hoping to come to an end as other creatures I have observed, do come to a definitive end.

2.           I therefore know that all finite creatures obey some natural laws that govern existence.  I affirm that these laws are also eternal and like every other law, must have a Giver. I deduce therefore that there are commensurate sanctions for any deliberate violation of these laws.

3.           When I observe the heavens and landscapes, hills and valleys, rivers and oceans, sunrise and sunset, equinoxes and eclipses, I am certain that this Eternal Law-giver is Great and Powerful in all respects and possesses Superhuman Intelligence, Power and Control over all of us?

4.           When I inspect living and non-living beings, their beauty and variety, their numbers and their sizes, especially their modes of survival in varying environments, and particularly their ability to reproduce their kinds, I confess that this Eternal Law-giver must be Beautiful, Loving and All-Creative.

5.           I respect “IT” in all “ITS” creations while admiring in particular those that move about. For I do realise that I share the traits they have; we all have the same basic structures, we survive by performing similar functions, have similar feelings and produce comparable results. I cannot but bow in reverence and worship this Almighty Being, the Eternal Law-Giver who sustains everything on this planet.

6.           This Almighty Being set all things in motion. “IT” directs their courses and life spans, keeps them in space and time, now and always. And because there are no accidents in nature when “IT’S” laws are strictly adhered to, I attest to the fact that “IT” is the greatest GOOD; All-knowing, All-caring and Ever Present Being.

7.           To “IT” be all my respect, obedience and loyalty, as I extend my hands of love and brotherhood to all Human Beings, co-heirs and offspring of this Almighty Creator and Father of all. Therefore, my creed concisely is this:  (a) THE UNIVERSE IS MY COUNTRY AND INHERITANCE, (b) ALL MANKIND, MY BLOOD RELATIVES AND EQUALS, (c) SEEKING THE TRUTH, LIVING THE TRUTH AND DOING GOOD AT LL TIMES – MY RELIGION.
My 50th Birthday gift to Mankind; Composed, Revised and Ratified between 1970-1998!


Dear Teacher,
Your job is an onerous one, commendable by both God and man,
My child will look up to you as a role model, a mirror to view the world;
You will have to father him for 5 hours a day, 5 days a week and 35 weeks per year,
That’s long enough to make or mar his future, his classmates and that of this country.

 1. Teach him to look around and admire the beauty in nature, himself inclusive,
Let him know that for every child he sees, there are two parents – a father and a mother;
So for the birds he sees, trees, animals, hills, rivers, sun, daylight, night and moonlight,
There is but One Almighty Father, who created and takes care of us all on a daily basis.

2. Teach him to trust and obey The Almighty Creator with worship in humility,
And to love every other being, as we all are sons and daughters of the same Creator;
Let him realise that when it rains, it’s for every one: plants, animals and man,
The Creator’s kindness and benevolence does not choose those to hate or love.

3. Teach him that for every lie he tells, he will tell ten more lies to cover it up,
And for ten lies, he needs one hundred more lies – that is foolishness;
So let him learn that truth is golden, more precious than wealth and riches,
Knowledge, wisdom and fame are the rewards earned by truthful people.

4. In school, let him love and respect his classmates and fight to protect the weaker ones,
Allow him to taste bitter and sweet things; and to combine laughter and suffering;
That way you will have prepared him to deal with wicked and honest human beings,
Thereby teaching him to differentiate good from evil and to do good all his life.

5. Teach him that lying, cheating and stealing produce criminals and rogues,
Teach him that a kobo earned is better than a hundred won by lottery;
It’s better to go hungry than enjoy a meal prepared with stolen money,
Or eat crumbs of bread among finest friends than a whole loaf among dishonest men.

6. Teach him that a passage studied, understood and memorised,
Is far better than one simply crammed and repeated like a parrot;
The former leads to ingenuity, resourcefulness and creativity,
The latter to imitative behaviour, and lack of self-confidence;
Teach him that it’s more honourable to fail an examination,
Than to copy, cheat or use “expo” methods to pass any examination.

7. Finally teach him that it is better to be neither too poor nor too rich,
Than to become wealthy by stealing, deceit and cutting corners;
The former leads to contentment, peace of mind and long life,
The latter to arrogance, greed, restlessness and sudden death;
Explain to him what “Honesty is the best policy” really means,
And the practical implications of the saying: “More haste, less speed”.

You’ll have to believe and practise this yourself, Before you can teach them to my son and his mates; But be assured that if you succeed in this assignment, You will be a hero and the father of heroes and heroines; And that’s what our dear country needs most.
May God guide your endeavours!
*My 53rd Birthday Gift to all Educationists in Every Community Worldwide*,
(*Inspired by President Abraham Lincoln’s letter, Gestation Period: 1997-2001*)

After you have meditated on their contents, the formula for how ONE WORLD RELIGION can materialise is crystal clear to all rational human beings. We must first of all, take stock of the numerical strength of the plethora of factions in the major world religions for now and evaluate how debilitating or counter-productive the multiplicity of religious organisations has demoralised and scandalised our future heirs - THE YOUTH. A worldwide religious census is imperative!

The Almighty Creator or Ultimate Controller of the Universe has no name! One can only give names to what one completely owns and has power over their existence; life or death! In my community, we only use his divine attributes to address him in speech and supplication. This is how it ought to be. Those using the term “God” have never spelt it backwards! Do so now! Do you now realise that the terminology is not only demonic but derogatory and insane. Stop using it!

This researcher favours the phenomenological classificatory perspective on major world religions as it is practical and more objective for our current purpose of collating data, documentation and synchronisation before forging an all integration mode of relating to the Almighty Creator and other created beings we share the universe with. While attempts have been made to classify entire religions or religious communities, in recent times the interest in classifying entire religions has markedly declined, partly because of an emerging interest in the phenomenology of religion. Phenomenology of religion has at least two aspects.

It is first of all an effort at devising a taxonomic (classificatory) scheme that will permit the comprehensive cataloguing and classifying of religious phenomena across the lines of religious communities, but it is also a method that aims at revealing the self-interpretation by religious men of their own religious responses. Phenomenology of religion thus rejects any overview of religion that would interpret religion's development as a whole, confining itself rather to the phenomena and the unfolding of their meaning for religious men. Phenomenologists are especially vigorous in repudiating the evolutionary schemes of past scholars, whom they accuse of imposing arbitrary semi-philosophical concepts in their interpretation of the history of religion. Phenomenologists also have little interest in history for its own sake, except as a preliminary stage of material gathering for the hermeneutical (critical–interpretive) task that is to follow.

The truth will always surface no matter for how long it is buried. Let us learn to apportion blame wherever and whenever they are due. Hero worship never pays any lasting dividends. Idolising a great leader detracts from total loyalty and the true worship we owe to the Almighty Father; the Indisputable Immovable Mover, the Great Architect and Omniscient Creator of the universe and all of us; human beings, plants, animals, animate microcosms and other inanimate macrocosms. It is time to proclaim the true Unitarian Godhead! It will erase the concept of “infidels” and “gentiles” that has been the albatross of factionalism in the religious circles worldwide and usher in an internationally recognised theology that can unify humanity.

This is the main objective of Kenezianism, a.k.a. Integrational Spiritan Movement, (ISM). All Trinitarians are idolaters who copied it from the ancient symbols of the religions of the Far East and those of Egyptian mythology! The “Madonna” and “Queen of the Coast” were all borrowed from previous religions, so also is the recitations of the chaplet that now traverse a variety of denominations!

If you care to join us in a sanitation exercise that will guarantee a better future for your children, then come, read, observe, witness and finally analyse the development of religion from time immemorial to evaluate its subjugation to man-made doctrines, dogmas and modes of worship that are irreligious! Thereafter, we can seek for solutions as proposed by the computer-age integrational fellowship; INTEGRATIONAL SPIRITAN MOVEMENT, abbreviated thus: I S M. Use our e-mail addresses and endeavour to visit our websites to read choice topics on how we can reorder the priorities that the Creator designed at the beginning of life and bequeath a virtuous legacy to our children so they can live in a beautiful world filled by beautiful people living in peace and love!
·                                 Based on what we have read so far, this author has observed that there is no semblance of religious freedom or independence in most communities and organisations all over the world.
·                                 When one has to subscribe to the tenets a foreign religion, behave according to the doctrines and dogmas manufactured, labelled and patented outside one’s psycho-socio-cultural milieu, is such a person really independent?
·                                 We all realise, know and accept that there is only One True God, the Almighty Creator of the entire universe, the greatest Designer, Architect and Engineer who embedded universal laws in and for every being, animate and inanimate, he has created.
·                                 True worship of this Ultimate Reality is Obedience to all his Natural and Eternal Laws irrespective of place, time and clime surrounding each person’s birth, parentage and social status.
·                                 Therefore, the only religion that we are born into is true adoration, thanksgiving, mutual respect and brother/sisterhood to all peoples. We must worship Him in the Spirit of Truth and Fraternal Love which his Holy Spirit dictates and infuses in our individual hearts.

The most rational way to inculcate love, justice and peace among all men and women in the world is to jettison man-made doctrines and dogmas invented and patented by any and every religious leader. The Creator did not need artificial compilations for any and every creature he made. He is omnipotent as well as omniscient, so he embedded all the rules each creature needed to serve him, live a good life and be in good terms with all other creatures on his planets. The scriptures assert that everything created was/is good! This is a proposal that has been thought out for half a century. It is hoped that its implementation will eradicate racism, religious bigotry and ethnic prejudices. Let us give our children a better psychosocial environment to maximise their potentials as citizens of this planet who are equal heirs to the benevolent luxury embedded into the physical world by the Almighty Creator of the universe! Join us today!! -----Dr Kenez (2001)

  • All things come alike to all human beings. This is very generally true and I agree totally with King Solomon, the Wise, here! But, the Creator often makes a difference in a person’s destiny; and his faithful followers witness many interventions of Divine Providence on their behalf.
  • But there are general blessings as well as general natural evils, that equally affect both the just and the unjust. But in this all is right because the evils that are in nature are the effects of the FALL of man; and the Creator will not suspend His general laws or alter them to favour individual cases. He equally does not design that his approbation or disapprobation shall be shown by any of these occurrences.
  • Every holy man has a testimony of the Creator's approbation in his own heart and this makes him truly happy, no matter how outward things may be. And, in general, what the wicked suffer is the fruit of their own thoughts, desires and deeds. The general state of nature as to what are called natural evils is just as it ought to be.
  • Because He is a Merciful Father, there is always enough evil to show that man has fallen and there is equally enough good to show that the Creator deals with each one as that one deserves! His Mercy balances out His Justice, therefore I cannot say that there is any rational cause for me to stumble at the dispensations of Divine Providence on any of these accounts.

  • The world with all its natural resources
     is our corporate inheritance,
  • All the men and women inhabiting it have the same anatomy & physiology and so are truly brothers and sisters
  • Living the truth at all times by obeying all its eternal and natural laws, is our code of life!
  • This can easily be achieved by following the dictates of our conscience, the Creator’s legal counsel and guide to a holy life,
  • By being honest in thoughts, words and deeds at all times and at all places we find ourselves and finally,
  • By not taking advantage of anyone for any reason whatsoever!

Here is the sum of all the human virtues and fellowship in the Absolute Truth;
  • Catalogue all the natural & eternal laws in the world where s/he lives and obey them faithfully! This constitutes the true universal religion of the human race!
  • Telling the truth and nothing but the truth at all times,
  • Living the truth & teaching one’s offspring and other relatives to do the same,
  • Defending the truth, propagating it and dying for it if the need arises!

Signed ….Dr Jideofo Kenechukwu Danmbaezue, (11th March 1999)
The Proponent & Humble Vessel of the Holy Spirit of the Creator,
E-mail: or  Telephone: 0803-9097614 or 0805-1764999.
Rev. Prof. J. J. Kenez, D. Sc.
The Humble Vessel of the Holy Spirit of the Almighty Creator of the Universe
Inspirations on Tuesday, 18 October 2011 @ 03:05:17 – 03:27:19HRS GMT

The first categorisation of humans into “clean and unclean” was the mother of all apartheid policies in world history. Moses was/is the grandmaster of all the racist demagogues. It was his “Jews and Gentiles” classification that resulted in ethnic stereotyping; social prejudices, majority and minority concepts, gender jealousies, claims of superiority of blood, xenophobia and other nefarious ideologies that led to all the world wars, crusades and jihads in the history of the world. He sowed the seeds of hatred and discriminations in Palestinian territory and harvested the earliest fruits in Babylon and later in Syria. But the most bountiful harvest was in Germany! His grandsons in evil and later his great grand students in racist policies perfected what they had learnt from and even surpassed their Grandmaster Moses.

The best-known classical response was the reply Adolph Hitler gave him. He ordered Adolph Eichmann to exterminate all the Jews in Germany, which resulted in the ignominy of despatching 6,000,000 Jews to their early graves by heinous methods ever devised in human history. Read the gory details from so many history books available inmost libraries worldwide or consult Microsoft Encarta Encyclopaedia and Encyclopaedia Britannica.

For the most up-to-date accounts of all ethnic cleansing worldwide, you must surf the Internet and read from reigning ‘Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia’. Type in ‘HOLOCAUST’ in Google area and be overwhelmed with the gory details of how ingenious methods of torture and scientific experiments on humans were made of the Jews. It was a perfect example of the Law of Karma. He reaped the dividends of propagating racist politics! He sowed the seeds of ethnic jealousies and reaped the bad fruits; Jews are maligned everywhere to date and the Israeli-Palestinian political skirmishes owe their origins to his evil categorisations!

Man’s inhumanity to man prior to the Mosaic segregationist code that brought about undue claims to racial superiority, mundane classification was only limited to slavery and ownership. The Jews had slaves of their own despite the fact that ‘the whole ethnic group was under bondage for 400 years in Egypt’ as they claim. Again, they were taken into 400 years slavery in Babylonia and the third slavery in Syria that lasted only 200 years. The appropriate questions to ask are these:



See if you can find veritable answers below!


Jews Being Taken to Death Camps
As Nazi forces conquered many of the countries of Europe during World War II (1939-1945), millions of Jews were rounded up and slaughtered outright or imprisoned in concentration camps, where they were killed or died from starvation and disease. By the end of the war, between 5.6 million and 5.9 million Jewish men, women, and children had died at the hands of the Nazis.
Hulton Deutsch
Holocaust, the almost complete destruction of Jews in Europe by Nazi Germany and its collaborators during World War II (1939-1945). The leadership of Germany’s Nazi Party ordered the extermination of 5.6 million to 5.9 million Jews (see National Socialism). Jews often refer to the Holocaust as Shoah (from the Hebrew word for “catastrophe” or “total destruction”). The word holocaust derives from the Greek holo (whole) and caustos (burned) and originally referred to a burnt offering, or a religious sacrifice that is totally consumed by fire.
The Holocaust was the worst genocide in history. Those who carried it out methodically created the means to efficiently round up and kill millions of people. The Holocaust led to the establishment of international laws against human rights violations.
Jews were not the only victims of the Nazis during World War II. The Nazis also imprisoned and killed people who opposed their regime on grounds of ideology; Roma (Gypsies); Germans who were mentally impaired or physically disabled; homosexuals; and captured Soviet soldiers.

For many centuries Christians in Europe discriminated against Jews. Many harbored a prejudice against Jews that is known as anti-Semitism. Some scholars view anti-Semitism as a religious prejudice. Others regard it as an anti-Jewish variety of a general hatred directed against ethnic minorities.
In the minds of anti-Semites, Jews represent mysterious, mythical, and evil forces; are all-powerful; and play a sinister role in world history. In the Middle Ages, Christian anti-Jewish preaching sought to prevent contacts with Jews, and many Christians believed that Jews were in league with the Devil. Christians blamed the Jews for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Many believed that Jews were not human and that they used magic to appear like other people. All these beliefs merged with popular superstitions about the magical power of human blood, sorcery, and perversity, giving rise to the blood libel—the false accusation that Jews used the blood of Christian children in their rituals. Such stereotypes of the Jews interacted in the minds of many Europeans with fear of foreigners and combined with economic and social frictions. As a result, anti-Jewish violence frequently erupted. The Christian church and various governments enacted laws that prohibited Jews from engaging in certain occupations, forced them to live in certain areas, kept them from attending universities, or even expelled them from various countries.
For many centuries the Roman Catholic Church taught anti-Jewish beliefs and attitudes. The anti-Jewish teachings of the Catholic Church did not advocate the killing of Jews. However, the propagation of hatred, insults, degradation, and often demonization of Jews induced many Catholics to accept anti-Semitic measures when the Nazis and their collaborators introduced them in the 20th century.
The same was true of Protestant churches. The pamphlet “On the Jews and their Lies,” written by German religious reformer Martin Luther in 1542, used extremely violent language. It called on Christians to set synagogues on fire, to destroy Jewish houses, and to put Jews in stables, and it advised rulers to banish Jews from their countries. Luther’s writings had a significant influence on German Protestant theologians and also contributed to a climate of opinion that condoned or approved persecution of Jews.
In the 19th century, Jews in most European countries were emancipated—that is, they were granted rights equal to those of the Christian citizens or subjects of those countries. The Industrial Revolution was under way, and Jews began playing a significant role as entrepreneurs in the newly developing industries and businesses. The rapid social and economic mobility and cultural advancement of European Jews during this period made them one of the most visible symbols of modernization. Individuals who opposed 19th-century modernization—ranging from aristocrats to peasants—perceived the Jews as a destructive force. Traditional attitudes that persisted after Jewish emancipation and new images of the Jews both merged with contemporary frustrations and angers resulting from the social changes brought on by capitalism.
In the second half of the 19th century, modern anti-Semitism penetrated Catholic political circles and parties. The Jesuit journal Civilta Cattolica, published in Rome, continuously spread anti-Semitic prejudices whose influence ranged far beyond Italy. In Austria the Christian Social Party, which enjoyed the backing of the Catholic Church, had strong anti-Semitic elements and revived the blood libel. In France the Catholic press propagated anti-Jewish sentiments, especially at the time of the Dreyfus affair, a controversy involving a Jewish officer in the French army who was wrongly convicted of treason in 1894.
By the mid-19th century a new social theory had emerged in Europe: the theory of race. According to this theory, humanity was divided into “higher” and “lower” races. In the view of those who believed in this theory, the Jews were a mongrel race—and a mortal threat to the “purity” of the “higher” races.
The appearance of anti-Jewish parties and organizations, whether they were based on economic, religious, or racist principles, or a combination of all of these, constitutes the most important distinguishing feature of modern political anti-Semitism. Such parties came to the fore especially in Germany in the 1880s. In the Russian Empire anti-Semitism became an official policy of the government, which in 1881 and 1882 encouraged anti-Jewish mob attacks, or pogroms. The first international congress of anti-Semites convened in 1882 in the German city of Dresden. By the start of the 20th century there were many committed anti-Semites throughout Europe, particularly in France, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Russia, and Romania. Although anti-Semitic parties did not receive many votes, anti-Semitism was not only widespread but also socially acceptable.
The emergence of nation-states in eastern Europe following the collapse of the Russian, German, and Austro-Hungarian empires after World War I (1914-1918) brought an unprecedented wave of anti-Semitism. Both individuals and governments carried out acts of hostility against Jews. Many of the leaders of Russia’s Communist-led Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 were Jewish, supplying anti-Communist conservatives in many countries with new anti-Semitic ammunition. In the period between the end of World War I and the start of World War II, anti-Semitic measures became official state policy in some countries. In countries such as Poland, Romania, and the Baltic states of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, traditional anti-Judaism merged with new views of Jews as carriers of Communism.

Many Germans blamed the Jews for Germany’s defeat in World War I, some even claiming that German Jews had betrayed the nation during the war. In addition, at the end of the war a Communist group attempted to carry out a Bolshevik-type revolution in the German state of Bavaria. Most of the leaders of that failed attempt were Jews. As a result, some Germans associated Jews with Bolsheviks and regarded both groups as dangerous enemies of Germany. After the war, a republic known as the Weimar Republic was set up in Germany. Jewish politicians and intellectuals played an important role in German life during the Weimar Republic, and many non-Jews resented their influence.
On the basis of his anti-Semitic views, Nazi leader Adolf Hitler attacked the impressive role Jews played in German society during the Weimar Republic, especially in the intellectual world and in left-wing politics. He referred to them as a plague and a cancer. In his book Mein Kampf (My Struggle, translated 1939), which was published in 1926, Hitler blamed the plight of Germany at the end of World War I on an international Jewish conspiracy and used terms such as extirpation and extermination in relation to the Jews. He claimed that the Jews had achieved economic dominance and the ability to control and manipulate the mass media to their own advantage. He wrote of the need to eradicate their powerful economic position, if necessary by means of their physical removal.


Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler was one of the most powerful dictators of the 20th century. His attempts to conquer territory for German Lebensraum (living space) brought about World War II (1939-1945). He caused the slaughter of millions of Jews, Sinti and Roma (Gypsies), Slavic peoples, and others in the name of racial purification………………Bruce Coleman, Inc.
The linking of anti-Semitic accusations to race struggle is what made Nazism so genocidal. The Nazis believed the Jews were responsible for what they regarded as the degeneracy of modern society. Hitler viewed modern ideologies that stressed equality and emancipation as a revolt of inferior classes and peoples led by the Jews. The Nazis viewed Bolshevism as the most radical recent form of the ancient Jewish conspiracy that would lead to national dissolution and disintegration. For Hitler, Nazism was thus a doctrine of world salvation to redeem humanity from the Jewish-Bolshevik doctrine. He believed that the German race had to acquire and maintain total supremacy through total war against the Jews. Such a war would be a fight in which the only alternatives, for either side, were victory or extinction.

Bonfire of "Anti-German" Books
A belief in the genetic superiority of Nordic peoples, plus a romantic tradition disdainful of rationalism, liberalism, and democracy, fueled the National Socialist, or Nazi, movement in Germany. Pictured here are German students and Nazis throwing “Jewish-Marxist” and other “anti-German” books onto a huge bonfire in Berlin’s Orpenplatz in May 1933……………………………………..Hulton Deutsch
Until 1929 the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, or NSDAP), as the Nazi Party was officially called, was a small political party. Then, in the parliamentary elections of 1930, the party received more than 18 percent of the total votes cast, compared to about 2.5 percent in 1928. The bulk of the votes for the Nazis came from the middle classes and the well-to-do rather than from workers and unemployed people. The major factors in the Nazis’ electoral success were lingering anger at Germany’s military collapse toward the end of World War I; resentment toward the Versailles treaty, which had ended the war and imposed harsh conditions on Germany; the worldwide economic depression of the 1930s; fear of the spread of Communism; and Hitler’s charismatic personality.
By 1930 German society was unable to forge a political consensus. The fact that no party was able to establish a majority government created a vacuum of power and a political stalemate in the Reichstag, Germany’s parliament. Most Germans wanted to replace the republic and its multitude of competing parties with an authoritarian system that promised stability and employment. Hence the Nazis gained in popularity in the 1930 elections. In the parliamentary elections of September 1932, the Nazis did even better, receiving about 38 percent of the votes. They did not win a majority of the seats in the Reichstag, but the support Hitler received from the Conservative Party provided the necessary basis for a coalition government. And so on January 30, 1933, President Paul von Hindenburg appointed Hitler chancellor (prime minister).

The Night of Broken Glass
During the Night of Broken Glass (Kristallnacht), synagogues were burned and Jewish shop windows were smashed throughout Germany. After that night, November 9, 1938, many Jews fled Germany fearing for their safety. The event proved to be a harbinger of the violence and repression to come under the Nazi regime.
As soon as the Nazis assumed power, they made racism and anti-Semitism central components of their regime. During its first months in power the Nazi Party instigated anti-Semitic riots and campaigns of terror that climaxed on April 1, 1933, in a countrywide boycott of Jewish-owned shops and Jewish professionals, such as physicians and lawyers. In addition, the new government issued regulations and ordinances to deprive Jews of their civil rights and economic means of survival. On April 7, 1933, the Reichstag enacted a law that allowed the government to dismiss Jews from the German civil service. Later, quotas were adopted to limit the numbers of Jewish students. However, Hitler and the other Nazi leaders viewed these piecemeal regulations as insufficient, and so they decided to implement a comprehensive legal framework for their anti-Semitic policies.
One early decree was a definition of the term Jew. Crucial in that determination was the religion of one's grandparents. Anyone with three or four Jewish grandparents was automatically a Jew, regardless of whether that individual was a member of the Jewish community. Those with two Jewish grandparents, known as half-Jews, were considered Jewish only if they themselves belonged to the Jewish religion or were married to a Jewish person. All other half-Jews, and persons who had one Jewish grandparent, were classified as Mischlinge (half-breeds). Jews and Mischlinge were “non-Aryans,” in contrast to “pure” Germans, who were “Aryans.” In Nazi doctrine, such emphasis on descent was regarded as an affirmation of race, but the principal purpose of these categorizations was the clear delimitation of a target for discriminatory laws and directives.
On September 15, 1935, the Reichstag met in Nürnberg and passed two laws, known as the Nürnberg Laws. The first, the Reich Citizenship Law, declared that only individuals of “German blood” could be citizens of the German Reich (state), thus depriving German Jews of their citizenship. The second, the Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor, formalized barriers between Jews and Germans, forbidding marriage and sexual relations between Jews and “Aryans.” Thus, the Nazis deprived German Jews of all civil rights and effectively excluded them from social and cultural life. Their policy was then aimed at expropriating Jewish property with a view to compelling Jews to emigrate from Germany.
In 1938 Jews were barred from the medical and legal professions and were forced to register their property as a preliminary measure for its confiscation and “aryanization,” or forcible sale to Germans. As a practical matter, the government compelled Jews to accept payments representing only a fraction of the property’s true value from “Aryan” buyers.
Jewish Refugees Leave Germany
Nazi soldiers jeer as this Jewish family leaves Memel, Germany, en route to Lithuania on April 6, 1939.
When the Nazis took power in Germany, the German Catholic bishops believed that Hitler would protect Europe’s Christian civilization from Bolshevism. As a result, they accommodated the Nazi regime, supporting its nationalistic foreign policy. Despite their opposition to Hitler’s racial doctrine, Catholic and other Christian church leaders failed to take a public stand against his anti-Semitic policies. The major Christian churches gave pastoral care to Jewish converts to Christianity who were persecuted by the Nazis, but they failed to react when the Nazis introduced racial legislation, instigated physical attacks on Jews, or began the deportation and extermination of Jews.
The attitude of the top leadership of the Roman Catholic Church under Pope Pius XII largely paralleled that of the German Catholic bishops. The pope never criticized the persecution of the Jews in an encyclical, nor did he ever threaten to excommunicate Hitler, nominally a Catholic, or other Catholics involved in the Holocaust. Moreover, although the pope and his advisers were fully informed about the extermination of the Jews during World War II, they refused to condemn it on the grounds that Vatican City, the tiny independent state under the authority of the pope, had to maintain strict neutrality in international affairs.
After Germany annexed Austria in March 1938, all the same anti-Semitic measures were implemented there. A year later, these measures were implemented in Bohemia and Moravia, which the Germans occupied following their dismemberment of Czechoslovakia.
By 1938 two-thirds of German Jews had left the country, and 60 percent of those who stayed had lost their livelihood. The anti-Semitic actions of the Nazis culminated in the Kristallnacht (“night of broken glass”) pogrom, which occurred all over Germany and Austria on the night of November 9, 1938. During that night, Nazi mobs murdered more than 90 Jews, beat hundreds more, demolished 76 synagogues and set fire to 191 more, and destroyed and looted thousands of shops and businesses owned by Jews. The authorities arrested 30,000 Jews and sent them to concentration camps, where they were severely mistreated. The Kristallnacht pogrom marked a crucial milestone in the Nazis’ actions against the Jews, for it was the first occasion in the modern era in which widespread violence was directed against Jews in a western European country. At a meeting held two days after the pogrom, top Nazi leaders decided that the Jews of Germany should bear the cost of the destruction regardless of insurance coverage.

Warsaw Ghetto
Nazi Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939, and, aided by a Soviet invasion from the east, conquered the country before the month was out. More than a million Polish Jews were now at the mercy of the Nazis.
In late 1940 the Germans established a walled Jewish ghetto in Warsaw and herded Jews from the city and the surrounding region into it. Over the next two and a half years hundreds of thousands of Jews were forced into the ghetto and then sent to concentration camps. Atrocious living conditions, including overcrowding, lack of proper health services, and meager food rations, resulted in a high death rate among the inhabitants of the ghetto. For example, in 1941 more than 20 percent of the population of the Warsaw ghetto died of starvation or disease. In April 1943 the Jews of the ghetto staged a heroic month-long resistance. After the Nazis put down the uprising they destroyed the ghetto, killing or sending to camps all of the remaining inhabitants. In all, some 500,000 Warsaw-area Jews died. Here a survivor of the Warsaw Ghetto recounts the establishment of the ghetto and some aspects of life there.

This copyrighted video segment is from Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation’s Archive. This segment may be viewed in the documentary Survivors of the Holocaust. Courtesy of Yad Vashem. All Rights Reserved.
On January 30, 1939, Hitler delivered a chilling threat in an address to the Reichstag: “In my life I have often been a prophet and … today I will once more be a prophet: if the international Jewish financiers in and outside Europe should succeed in plunging the nations once more into a world war, then the result will be not the Bolshevization of the world and thus the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe.”
After the outbreak of World War II in September 1939, the Nazis searched for what they termed a “final solution to the Jewish question.” The top leaders contemplated a “territorial solution” for European Jews. Leaders of the SS, an elite section of the Nazi Party, were put in charge of solving the “Jewish question.” They proposed two options. The first option was the establishment in southeastern Poland of a reservation to which Jews would be deported. The second option, which was proposed as the Germans anticipated an imminent victory over Britain following their defeat of France in July 1940, was the deportation to the island of Madagascar of all 4 million Jews in the countries then occupied or controlled by Germany. At that time, Madagascar, off the southeastern coast of Africa, was a colony of France.
Neither of these proposals was adopted. In late 1940 the Nazis began planning an invasion and conquest of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). That planning led them to abandon the idea of a reservation in Poland, because such a reservation would be in the center rather than on the periphery of an enlarged German empire. The Nazis abandoned their Madagascar plan because Britain did not surrender, and continued British control of the Suez Canal closed the route to Madagascar to German ships.
Before these plans were dropped, however, the Germans carried out a preliminary step to future deportations to concentration camps or to the planned Jewish reservation. Jews in Poland were forced to move into ghettos, where they were ordered to set up Jewish councils that would carry out German orders. They were also forced to wear a yellow Jewish star on their clothing and to perform forced labor. Atrocious living conditions, such as overcrowding, lack of proper sanitation and health services, and meager food rations, resulted in a high mortality rate among the inhabitants of the ghettos. In the Warsaw ghetto, for example, 20 percent of the population died in 1941.
While Polish Jews were sealed in ghettos, Jews in western European countries occupied or controlled by the Nazis faced ruthless anti-Semitic measures. From Norway to North Africa all Jews lost their rights and property. They were forced to live in designated neighborhoods or were imprisoned in closed camps.

Reinhard Heydrich
As head of the German Sicherheitsdienst (SD, or Security Service), Reinhard Heydrich was asked by Nazi leader Hermann Göring to organize a “final solution to the Jewish question.”
Huynh Cong/AP/Wide World Photos
In the spring of 1941, as preparations were under way for the invasion of the USSR, Hitler proclaimed that a war of destruction was about to start. He called for the annihilation of the Bolshevik leadership, thus laying the foundation for the extermination of what Hitler considered to be the biological source of Bolshevism: the Jews of the USSR. The killings were to be conducted by four mobile SS units called Einsatzgruppen (action squads), each consisting of some 1,000 men. In addition to the Einsatzgruppen, there were other SS and police units commissioned to shoot Jews who were to be assembled in front of mass graves dug by the Jews themselves. On many occasions after the military campaign started in June 1941, the German army was called on to provide support to the SS and police units. Thus, the total number of Germans involved in the mass shootings of Jews was around 30,000.
On July 2, 1941, Reinhard Heydrich, head of Germany’s Sicherheitsdienst (SD; Security Service) and an instrumental figure in organizing the extermination of the Jews, issued his Commissars’ Order, according to which all Jews in official positions in the Soviet administration were to be executed. However, the Einsatzgruppen commanders broadly interpreted this order to mean all adult male Jews. Large numbers of them were immediately shot regardless of whether they held official Soviet positions. In August 1941 the killings were expanded to include Jewish women and children.
For example, on August 1, 1941, Heinrich Himmler, the head of the SS, issued an order to SS units preparing to comb the Pripet Marshes in Belarus: “All male Jews must be shot. Drive the female Jews into the swamp.” The SS officer in charge of the operation advised his superiors that “Driving women and children into the swamps did not have the intended success because the swamps were not deep enough for the Jews to drown.” Beginning in late September 1941 German forces carried out large-scale actions in which whole Jewish communities were wiped out. For instance, 33,000 Jews of Kiev, in Ukraine, were killed on September 29 and 30, 1941, in a ravine outside Kiev called Babi Yar.
In the autumn of 1941 a new phase began. Until then the targets had been Soviet Jews, but now the killing was extended to Jews in parts of Poland and Serbia. For these killings the Germans also used gas vans, specially sealed vans in which the exhaust fumes from the engine were piped into a storage compartment filled with victims to asphyxiate them. During the winter of 1941 to 1942 there was a pause in the shootings because, in part, the frozen ground prevented the digging of pits for burying the murdered Jews.
In addition, the Germans had to send many Jews to Germany to serve as slave labor for the war effort. However, in the spring of 1942 the intensive campaign of killing resumed. This time even Jewish slave laborers were murdered.
The Einsatzgruppen provided Hitler with reports on the numbers of Jews and others who had been killed. These documents represent the primary source of knowledge about the mass shootings in eastern Europe up to the spring of 1942. It is estimated that from the summer of 1941 to the summer of 1942, the Nazis shot more than a million Jews in front of mass graves.
On December 12, 1941, Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s minister for propaganda and national enlightenment, noted in his diary, “As concerns the Jewish question, [Hitler] is determined to make a clean sweep. He had prophesied to the Jews that if they once again brought about a world war they would experience their own extermination. This was not just an empty phrase. The World War is there, the extermination of Jewry must be the necessary consequence.”

In the fall of 1941 the Nazis began deporting all the Jews of occupied Europe to the east (Poland and the western USSR) in order to exterminate them. In the meantime, in Germany they had already carried out their program of exterminating people who were mentally impaired or severely disabled.

Adolf Eichmann
Adolf Eichmann was entrusted by the leaders of Nazi Germany with responsibility for carrying out and coordinating the “final solution”—the murder of almost 6 million Jews during World War II (1939-1945). Under Eichmann’s direction, Jews from all over German-occupied Europe were sent to concentration camps to be killed. In 1944 Eichmann was dispatched to Hungary to supervise the destruction of the Hungarian Jews. Eichmann vanished after the war, but in 1960 Israeli agents found him in Argentina, abducted him, and took him to Israel. An Israeli court convicted Eichmann of crimes against humanity, and he was hanged in 1962.
Culver Pictures

Prisoners arrived at the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland by railroad from all over Nazi-occupied Europe. Gas chambers were constructed here for mass killings. Between 1.5 and 4 million people died at Auschwitz, most of them Jews.
Auschwitz Museum/Reuters/Corbis
In the so-called euthanasia program, which had begun in the fall of 1939, Nazi doctors killed Germans with mental or physical disabilities. Tens of thousands were murdered, mostly by the administration of carbon monoxide gas supplied in large metal bottles. In addition, many were killed in gas vans. Hitler ordered the euthanasia program discontinued in August 1941 because it was causing public disquiet. However, the experience acquired was used in the “final solution,” as the program of killing all the Jews of Nazi-occupied Europe came to be known. The gas vans and their personnel from the euthanasia program were moved to eastern Europe and placed at the disposal of Odilo Globocnik, the SS officer in charge of the Lublin area in occupied Poland.
Concentration Camp
During World War II, German Nazis imprisoned between 7 million and 8 million people, mostly European Jews, in 22 concentration camps. By 1945 the Nazis had murdered more than 6 million of the inmates. Some were killed by firing squads, others died of starvation or as a result of experiments performed on them by German doctors and scientists, and most died in poison gas chambers. When Allied forces liberated the camps in 1945, they found them littered with thousands of unburied dead. The majority of the survivors were suffering from disease or starvation.
Archive Photos
When the euthanasia teams arrived in the east in late 1941, they began planning the construction of killing facilities. From September through December 1941 they tested different types of poison gas. In September 1941 they carried out gassing experiments at Auschwitz, killing 600 Soviet prisoners of war with cyanide gas produced from Zyklon-B, the commercial name of a pesticide based on hydrocyanic acid. In November 1941, 30 prisoners were killed in a gas van at the concentration camp of Sachsenhausen, north of Berlin. At the concentration camp of Chelmno, not far from Łódź, the site of a large Jewish ghetto in western Poland, gassing began on December 8, 1941.
Concentration Camps of World War II
During the 1930s and 1940s, German Nazi leaders established numerous concentration camps where Jews, along with Roma (Gypsies), homosexuals, Communists, Slavs, and others judged undesirable, were imprisoned. Many prisoners were worked to death, shot, gassed, or given lethal injections. By the end of the war, more than 6 million people had died in concentration camps. This map shows the locations of the major camps in central Europe……………© Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
As the Nazis improved their gassing techniques, they decided to deport all Jews from occupied Europe to their deaths in the east. The countries from which Jews were deported included countries under German occupation—such as Norway, France, The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Yugoslavia, and Greece—as well as countries allied with Germany—such as Italy and Hungary. On January 20, 1942, a meeting of high-ranking officials chaired by Heydrich was convened in an SS-owned mansion in the Berlin neighborhood of Wannsee. This meeting came to be known as the Wannsee Conference. Attached to the summonses to attend the Wannsee Conference was a directive from Nazi leader Hermann Göring to Heydrich to prepare a European-wide “final solution” to the Jewish question. Heydrich told the conference participants that Jews unfit for work were to be killed and that any Jews who survived forced labor, having thereby shown their physical stamina, were for that very reason to be killed as well. The Wannsee Conference was an important signpost in the evolution of the policy of extermination because it was there that the participants were instructed to coordinate efforts for the extermination of the Jews.
Crematorium, Birkenau
The crematorium shown here is one of four at the Birkenau death camp in Poland, also known as Auschwitz II. It was used to incinerate the bodies of people killed in the camp’s four gas chambers. Birkenau, along with the nearby Auschwitz complex, was the site of scientifically planned and executed genocide by Nazi Germany during World War II (1939-1945). It is estimated that between 1.4 million and 4 million people were killed at Auschwitz and Birkenau during the war..Archive Photos
Shortly after the Wannsee Conference the extermination of the European Jews intensified. First in line were the 3 million Polish Jews. In July 1942 Himmler laid down a schedule for their elimination in death camps. For this operation, code-named Operation Reinhard, three main gassing centers were built: Bełżec and Sobibór, in southeastern Poland not far from Lublin, and Treblinka, northeast of Warsaw. Gassing commenced at those three camps in the period from March through July 1942. From 750,000 to 950,000 Jews were gassed at Treblinka; from 500,000 to 600,000 at Bełżec; and about 200,000 at Sobibór.
Anne Frank
Because of their Jewish faith, Anne Frank and her family fled Nazi Germany for the Netherlands in 1933 to avoid persecution. After Germany invaded the Netherlands in 1940, the family spent two years beginning in 1942 living in a small, hidden room in Amsterdam in order to elude capture by Nazi occupation forces. They were discovered in 1944 and arrested. Anne was sent to a concentration camp, where she died the following year. Her famous diary of the two years she spent in hiding was later found in the room where she and her family had lived.
Anne Frank Fonds/Basel/Anne Frank House/Getty Images
Other camps were built that combined forced labor and extermination facilities. Two camps were built near Auschwitz (Oświęcim in Polish), a small town in the region of Upper Silesia. The smaller camp was known as Auschwitz I. The larger camp was called Auschwitz II and was also known as Birkenau. Most of the extermination occurred at the larger camp: About 1 million Jews died there as a result of gassing, starvation, or disease.
Anne Frank’s Diary
Anne Frank, a German Jewish victim of the Holocaust, kept a diary during years of hiding with her family in Nazi-occupied Amsterdam, The Netherlands, during World War II. The diary was published after the war and appeared in English as Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl in 1952..UPI/Corbis
At the same time that the Polish Jews were being put to death in these camps, the program of deporting Jews from other parts of occupied Europe to the east was put in motion. In various European countries, teams of SS men were sent to direct the roundups and deportation of Jews by train to the killing centers and concentration camps in Poland. These operations were supervised by Adolf Eichmann, who worked under Heydrich and was entrusted with responsibility for carrying out and coordinating the “final solution.” Their task was done in stages: First the poorer members of a Jewish community were rounded up, then foreign Jews and Jewish refugees, and finally the rest of the Jewish community. Some western European Jews were initially transported to ghettos in the east and later to the concentration camps. Others were sent directly to the extermination centers.

Jewish resistance to the Nazis was not widespread, but it did occur. Jews in Nazi-occupied Europe were completely disarmed, and the Nazis went to great lengths to convince people that they were merely being deported to work camps. Resistance by Jews was made more difficult because the local population, out of anti-Semitism, fear of Nazi retribution, or callous indifference, did not support or help them. Throughout occupied Europe, people who opposed the Nazis and the occupation of their countries organized resistance movements. These movements received instructions from governments in exile in Britain or other Allied countries, as well as supplies from the Allies, the coalition of nations that was fighting against Germany. However, the Jews had no government in exile, and the Allies did nothing to support them.
Despite the overwhelming odds against the Jews, there were many examples of Jewish armed resistance. In the ghettos of eastern Europe, Jewish fighting groups were formed. Jews who managed to escape from the ghettos joined the partisans (the anti-Nazi resistance movement) in the forests. About 30,000 Jews from eastern Europe fought in the ranks of Soviet partisans. Armed uprisings broke out in several ghettos, the most noteworthy being in Warsaw in April 1943. The majority of the combatants in the Warsaw ghetto uprising died fighting. Even in the death camps of Sobibór, Treblinka, and Auschwitz revolts broke out. In the occupied countries of western Europe, Jews joined all the national resistance organizations. They concentrated their efforts on hiding Jewish children and smuggling Jews across borders to find refuge in neutral countries such as Switzerland and Spain.

Oskar Schindler

Oskar Schindler was a German businessman and industrialist who protected Jews from Nazi persecution during World War II (1939-1945). After the war, his efforts to prevent Jews working at his factory in Poland from being killed or sent to concentration camps were praised by the governments of Germany and Israel. His story was detailed in the 1993 film Schindler’s List………………UPI/Corbis
In the parts of Europe that were occupied by Germany, Jews were sent to the death camps regardless of the attitudes of the local population. In some occupied countries, such as Belgium, and even in some countries that were allied with Germany, such as unoccupied France under the Vichy government, a few church dignitaries protested when Jews were rounded up. In Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, on the other hand, thousands of people joined the Nazi killers voluntarily, as did many Croats, Ukrainians, and Slovaks. Jews were sometimes protected for economic reasons, as in Hungary until 1944, when Eichmann arrived to supervise the destruction of the Hungarian Jews.
Bulgarians protested against the cooperation of their government officials with the Nazis. The Vichy government in unoccupied France sent about 70,000 foreign Jews and Jewish refugees to the concentration camps, but only a few of its own Jewish citizens.
Italy had a fascist government and was allied with Hitler. However, anti-Semitism was rare among Italians, and they did not turn over many Jews to the Nazis. The Italians surrendered to invading Allied troops in 1943, but German forces occupied the northern half of the country. This occupation made it possible for the Germans to round up many Italian Jews.
In The Netherlands and Belgium, most citizens were anti-Nazi, and many helped hide Jews. In Norway there was a Nazi puppet government, but the Norwegian resistance helped many Jews escape to neutral Sweden. In Denmark, in spite of the German occupation, Jews were protected by the government. When the Nazis tried to round them up, the Danish people smuggled most of them to safety in Sweden.
Klaus Barbie
German SS officer Klaus Barbie became know as “the Butcher of Lyons” because of his work in occupied France during World War II (1939-1945). He was involved in deporting thousands of Jews to extermination camps in Poland and murdering members of the French Resistance movement. In 1983 he was extradited from Bolivia to France for prosecution as a war criminal. Barbie was convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment.
The New York Public Library
A relatively small number of men and women risked their lives to help persecuted Jews. Some 18,000 of them have been honored by the state of Israel with the title of Righteous Among the Nations. They include Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg, who issued 4,500 protection passports to save Jews in Hungary, and German industrialist Oskar Schindler, who protected Jews working for him in Poland.
Historical documents have shown that the Allied governments were informed of the Nazi extermination policy. As early as November 1941 coded reports sent to Berlin on the mass murders by the Einsatzgruppen in the USSR were intercepted and decoded by British intelligence. In August 1942 reports on the deportation and extermination of Jews in countries occupied by the Nazis were sent from Jewish organizations in Switzerland to top government officials in Britain and the United States. In mid-1944 two Slovak Jews who had escaped from Auschwitz gave accounts of the systematic extermination of Jews at Auschwitz. However, the Allied governments were reluctant to rescue Jews. After the war British government officials said they had not wanted to reveal that their agents were successfully decoding German communications. Allied military leaders said they did not believe that rescue missions so far to the east would succeed. As part of their strategic campaign to destroy Germany’s ability to wage war, the Allies bombed factories at Auschwitz, but they failed to target the gas chambers.

Jews were not the only victims of the Nazis during World War II. Many Germans and people in German-occupied countries who opposed the Nazi regime on grounds of ideology were arrested and sent to concentration camps. Among them were political opponents, particularly Communists and Socialists; dissenting clergy; and Jehovah’s Witnesses. The Nazis also singled out Roma, commonly called Gypsies; people with mental retardation, mental illness, and severe disabilities; and German male homosexuals.
Of the non-Jewish victims, two groups were sent to extermination centers: the Roma and the mentally impaired and severely disabled. The Nazis did not appear as determined to wipe out the Roma and the mentally impaired and severely disabled as they were to annihilate the Jews. Nevertheless, their actions against the Roma undoubtedly represented genocide according to the definition of the United Nations’ International Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.
The Nazis defined the life experienced by the mentally impaired and severely disabled as “life unworthy of living.” In the fall of 1939 they started their euthanasia program, in which Nazi doctors murdered more than 70,000 mentally and physically disabled persons in six extermination centers. Public disquiet forced Hitler to order a halt to the program in August 1941, but many tens of thousands more were murdered in hospitals after that date despite the official end of the program. The Nazis viewed the bulk of the Roma as racially inferior, a threat to the “purity” of the German race, and a problem to be solved by selective mass murder. Within Germany itself there were some 40,000 Roma at the start of World War II. A few thousand were sterilized, and many thousands were deported to extermination centers in Poland. In various countries of eastern Europe, Roma were rounded up and shot. At the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp there was a special compound for Roma that held 20,000 inmates. In the course of the persecution, the Nazis and their collaborators murdered as many as 200,000 Roma.
Beginning in 1941, the Nazis murdered some 3.5 million captured Soviet soldiers, mainly by starvation but also by shooting and gassing, in prisoner-of-war camps, slave labor facilities, and concentration camps. Poles, who were considered both subhuman and an obstacle to Germany’s expansion, were also killed. To enslave the Polish population, the Nazis killed thousands of Polish intellectuals, political leaders, and clergy. Thousands of Polish children who were considered of Germanic origin were kidnapped and sent to Germany to be raised by German foster parents. About 1.5 million Polish civilians died during World War II as a result of the Nazi invasion and occupation of Poland.

When World War II ended in 1945, the entire Jewish secular and religious culture in Europe had been obliterated, and from 5.6 million to 5.9 million Jews had been exterminated. Some 1.5 million of the victims were children.
After the war the Allies established an International Military Tribunal at Nürnberg, Germany, to prosecute the surviving Nazi leaders for war crimes and crimes against humanity. At the most important of the war crimes trials, held in 1945 and 1946, 22 top leaders of Nazi Germany were found guilty, and of these 12 were sentenced to death. In addition, military and civilian tribunals in many countries conducted hundreds of trials. The occupation governments set up by the Allies in Germany removed tens of thousands of Nazis from official positions throughout Germany. In Germany alone, close to 90,000 war crimes cases were opened. Later, in 1948, a United Nations (UN) resolution established crimes against humanity as a crime under international law with no limitation period for the prosecution of those accused of such crimes. Based on this resolution, France has convicted a number of former Nazis and the United States has revoked the citizenship of several Nazi collaborators who had immigrated there.

Holocaust Survivors and Israel
After the war some 250,000 Jewish survivors made their way to camps for displaced persons that were operated by the Allies in Germany, Austria, and Italy. They pressed the U.S. Army and government to let them immigrate to Palestine, then under British rule, and the U.S. government in turn pressed the British to accept these refugees. The British refused, and thousands of Jewish survivors boarded ships to emigrate illegally to Palestine. The suffering of the survivors, who had nowhere else to go, and the British policy of stopping these ships and sending the survivors to detention camps in Cyprus caused an outcry in world public opinion. Jews in the United States soon mobilized in favor of solving the refugees’ problem by creating a Jewish state in Palestine. Under pressure from Jewish refugees and public opinion, the British were eventually forced to ask the UN to resolve the competing Jewish and Arab claims to Palestine. In 1947 the UN voted to partition Palestine into Jewish and Arab states. The Jewish state, Israel, was established in May 1948.


Compensation and Reparations for the Holocaust
Simon Wiesenthal
Simon Wiesenthal was a survivor of the Holocaust, the systematic effort by Nazi Germany and its collaborators to exterminate European Jews during World War II (1939-1945). After the war he devoted his life to gathering evidence against Holocaust perpetrators and bringing them to trial as war criminals. He is shown here at the Jewish Historical Museum in Amsterdam, Netherlands, in 1987.
In the years following World War II, some Jewish property, cash, and other assets seized by the Nazis were returned to Holocaust survivors or their heirs or, when there where no survivors or heirs, to Jewish charitable organizations. Many Jews claimed that the amount returned in no way equaled the actual losses, for there was no way to calculate the measure, economic or otherwise, for the suffering and loss of life. Many observers noted that no restitution could ever be made for the ordeal of the Jews of Europe in the Holocaust.
In the early 1950s negotiators for the government of West Germany and the state of Israel, as well as representatives of the Conference on Jewish Material Claims against Germany (an umbrella group of 22 Jewish organizations), agreed that material losses would be the sole basis for compensation. These material losses were estimated at $14 billion. As a result of agreements with the Conference on Jewish Material Claims and the state of Israel, the government of West Germany enacted the German Federal Indemnification Law in 1952. According to this law, West Germany consented to deliver goods valued at some $720 million to Israel over a 12-year period and to pay a sum of $100 million for the reconstruction of Jewish communities in Europe.
Additional payments were made to Jewish slave laborers. After the reunification of West Germany and East Germany in 1990, the claims conference and the World Jewish Restitution Organization began negotiating with the German government and other European governments, as well as with Swiss banks, insurance agencies, and German industries, for the establishment of an additional compensation program for Holocaust survivors. The negotiations concerned the return of Jewish real estate and other property that had been confiscated or forcibly sold during the years of the Nazi regime. The negotiations also dealt with the enactment of restitution legislation in European countries concerning looted bank accounts, thefts in the camps, and looted artwork. In addition, in August 1998 a $1.25-billion settlement with Swiss banks was reached. It established a fund for Holocaust survivors to compensate those whose looted assets had been traced to Swiss banks or who had performed slave labor for Swiss-owned firms or for companies that had deposited assets in Switzerland.

Church Actions
In the 1960s, as a result of the initiatives of Pope John XXIII, the Second Vatican Council issued the declaration Nostra Aetate (In Our Age), in which it “deplored the hatred, persecutions and display of anti-Semitism directed against the Jews.” In the 1990s conferences of Catholic bishops in Hungary, Germany, Poland, and France adopted resolutions that censured anti-Semitic teaching and the silence of the Catholic Church during the Holocaust. In March 1998, under Pope John Paul II, the Vatican issued the statement “We Remember: A Reflection on the Shoah,” which openly asked forgiveness for crimes and errors committed in the name of the church. In March 2000 John Paul II visited Yad Vashem, the Holocaust memorial in Jerusalem, to pay homage to the millions of Jews who were murdered in the Holocaust. Statements made by the Catholic Church in the 1990s show that the church rejects the charges of historical responsibility for the role anti-Semitic persecution played during World War II. However, by denouncing anti-Semitism, expressing regret over the Holocaust, and apologizing for the silence of Christians who witnessed the mass murder, statements made by the church in the late 20th century broke new ground in improving relations and in the fight against prejudice. Beginning in the 1970s a similar change took place in the German Protestant churches. Many German theologians denounced the anti-Jewish tradition of the Protestant churches and recognized their failure to act during the Holocaust.

Children’s Memorial at Yad Vashem
Yad Vashem is Israel’s memorial to the victims and heroes of the Holocaust. It is a vast complex of museums, outdoor monuments, exhibition halls, archives, a library, and other resource centers in Jerusalem. The Children’s Memorial at Yad Vashem is hollowed out from an underground cavern. This memorial pays tribute to the 1.5 million Jewish children who perished during the Holocaust.
Dave G. Houser/Corbis
Memorials and museums concerning the Holocaust have been established all over the world. In Germany and the European countries that were under Nazi occupation, remnants of many concentration camps and killing centers have been converted into museums and memorials. In countries not involved with the events of the Holocaust, governments and survivors’ organizations have established memorials and museums. Among them are Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Martyrs’ and Heroes’ Remembrance Authority, which was established in 1953 in Jerusalem by an act of the Israeli parliament to commemorate the Jews murdered by the Nazis. In the United States two museums opened in 1993: the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C., which is dedicated to presenting the history of the Holocaust, and the Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles, California, which is dedicated to opposing prejudice, intolerance, violations of human rights, and genocide.

Scholars began the systematic investigation of the Holocaust in the 1960s. Studies of the role of anti-Semitism in Nazi ideology, the Nazi rise to power, and the structure of the Nazi regime were published in the 1960s and 1970s. Holocaust scholarship in the 1980s was characterized by a debate between so-called intentionalists, who maintain that the “final solution” was the result of a Nazi plan to kill the Jews, and so-called functionalists, who argue that there was no such plan and that the Nazis came to the “final solution” by trial and error. In the 1990s the focus shifted toward the motivations of the perpetrators and the victims’ memory and representation of the Holocaust. The question of the uniqueness and universality of the Holocaust and the politics of genocide were the major focus of research by scholars at the start of the 21st century. These scholars were probing issues such as whether there is a difference between genocide in general and the Holocaust, whether the other victims of the Nazis were also Holocaust victims, and whether there were differences between the Nazi policy toward the Jews and their policies toward their other victims.
Contributed By: David Bankier
Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Moses deceived humanity while attempting to mend his ego defence personality disorder. Observe the foolery of religion in the two world wars! It was religio-political conflicts and racial superiority that gave birth to both! Each nation had its spiritual head who championed its religion. Is it not cynical that each nation had prayers said for its soldiers before each battle? Were they praying to the same God? Religion is politics, but many uninformed adherents are hoodwinked into believing that “God” is their President General. He was/is the supreme dictator and priests and imams were only human administrators. Thus a new brand of religious colonialism arrived on the scene; Exploitation in the name of “God or Allah or gods”! So, tell me; is ‘RELIGION’ not ‘POLITICS’? ------------------------------------------------------- Dr Danmbaezue asks everyone.

Religion now wears different gowns; annual missionary collections, church/mosque levies, pilgrimages, compulsory offertory collections, harvest and bazaars. To date, centuries after some colonised nations have won pseudo-political independence; none is independent of religious domination by their religio-political masters. The wonder of it all it that the above-underlined scenario is what has been happening and will continue to happen in churches/mosques all over the continents “world without end, - Amen!” The congregation, whether African, American, Asian, European or Indian is short-changed by their wry religious leaders who wine, dine and womanise while they go a-borrowing to take care of their children’s health, education and other familial duties unaided by any one! Many die of kwashiorkor, hypertension or hunger! Is there a better tax-free business than a religious industry?

The truth will always surface no matter for how long it is buried. Let us learn to apportion blame wherever and whenever they are due. Hero worship never pays any lasting dividends. Idolising a great leader detracts from total loyalty and the true worship we owe to the Almighty Father; the Indisputable Immovable Mover, the Great Architect and Omniscient Creator of the universe and all of us; human beings, plants, animals, animate microcosms and other inanimate macrocosms. It is time to proclaim the true Unitarian Godhead! It will erase the concept of “infidels” and “gentiles” that has been the albatross of factionalism in the religious circles worldwide and usher in an internationally recognised theology that can unify humanity. This is the main objective of Kenezianism, a.k.a. Integrational Spiritan Movement, (ISM). All Trinitarians are idolaters who copied it from the ancient symbols of the religions of the Far East and those of Egyptian mythology! The “Madonna” and “Queen of the Coast” were all borrowed from previous religions, so also is the recitations of the chaplet that now traverse a variety of denominations! If you care to join us in a sanitation exercise that will guarantee a better future for your children, then come, read, observe, witness and finally analyse the development of religion from time immemorial to evaluate its subjugation to man-made doctrines, dogmas and modes of worship that are irreligious! Thereafter, we can seek for solutions as proposed by the computer-age integrational fellowship; INTEGRATIONAL SPIRITAN MOVEMENT, abbreviated thus: I S M.

Where was the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, Elijah and all the other prophets and judges of Israel? Did all these patriarchs hold another heavenly conference of the ‘sons of God’ as was reported in Job: 1 and issued a communiqué ratifying Adolph Hitler’s sentence on their descendants? ..... Or, did each turn a deaf ear?


Greetings to Rational Beings of this computer age! By having a website you are now recognised and respected as a Citizen of the Global Village. You are no more a racist, a chauvinist nor a parochial religionist. You are a special son or daughter of the Almighty Creator who has given us the macrocosms and microcosms to share. Let us live in peace like we ought to, equal heirs to the benefits we derive from being HOMO SAPIENS! Please visit http// for the scientific creed and international educational guidelines and youth rearing practices that can make us ONE HUMAN FAMILY living in ONE CREATED UNIVERSE as children of ONE ALMIGHTY CREATOR.

Salutations à des êtres rationnels de cette ère de l'informatique! En ayant un site web vous sont désormais reconnus et respectés en tant que citoyen du village global. Vous n'êtes pas plus raciste,chauvine, ni une un religieux paroissial. Vous êtes un fils ou une fillespéciale du Créateur Tout-Puissant qui nous a donné le macrocosme et le microcosme de partager. Laissez-nous vivre en paix comme nous devrions, héritiers égal aux avantages que nous tirons de se HOMO SAPIENS! S'il vous plaît visitez http / / pour la croyance scientifique et directives internationales et les pratiques éducatives des jeunesd'élevage qui peuvent nous faire une famille vivant humain dans ununivers créé que les enfants d'un Créateur Tout-Puissant.
Grüße an Rational Wesen dieser Computer-Zeitalter! Durch eineWebsite, die Sie jetzt anerkannt und respektiert als Citizen of theGlobal Village. Sie sind nicht mehr ein Rassist, ein Chauvinist noch eine engstirnige Glaubensgenossen. Sie sind eine spezielle Sohn oder die Tochter des allmächtigen Schöpfers, der uns gegeben hat,der Makrokosmos und Mikrokosmos zu teilen. Lasst uns in Friedenleben wie wir sollten, gleich Erben, um die Vorteile wir aus Homosapiens! Bitte besuchen Sie http / / für die wissenschaftlicheCredo und internationalen Bildungs-Richtlinien und JugendErziehungsmethoden, die uns eine menschliche Familie lebt in ONEgeschaffene Universum als Kinder eines allmächtigen Schöpferskann.

Saludos a los seres racionales de esta era de la informática! Al tener un sitio web que está ahora reconocida y respetada como un ciudadano de la Aldea Global. Tú no eres más racista, chovinista, niun religioso parroquial. Usted es un hijo o una hija especial del Creador Todopoderoso, que nos ha dado el macrocosmos y elmicrocosmos de compartir. Vivamos en paz, como debemos,herederos igual a los beneficios que se derivan de ser homo sapiens! Por favor, visite http / / para el credo científico ydirectrices internacionales y las prácticas educativas de jóvenes de crianza que nos puede hacer vivir UNA FAMILIA HUMANA en un universo creado como hijos del Creador Todopoderoso.



Rev. Prof. J. J. Kenez, D. Sc., Vessel of the Holy Spirit of the Creator
        Email: Website:       


A Wise Brave man can fall seven times but he will rise seven times also if he is truly a bona-fide Homo sapiens who is not encumbered by doctrines and dogmas.

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