A Theosophical
Treatise for Mature Minds who Desire Freedom
Rev. Prof. J. J.
Kenez , the Vessel of the Holy Spirit
Are you a congenital liar?
If you are, then read and re-read this write-up and save yourself! I have
always been fascinated by the words of King Solomon, the Wise, right from my
primary school years back in the early fifties. But as a secondary school
student I could not decipher what he really meant by "No
one can straighten out what God has made crooked". To date, many of my friends are confused with that affirmation, more
so, when you counterpoise it with the Christian doctrine of repentance and/or
the “born-again" syndrome of current Pentecostalism! Which, do you
Could Cain avoid
murdering Abel, his only brother?
Was Abram really
blessed with the riches he deceptively acquired as dowry by renting out his
beautiful wife to a heathen king?
Did Jacob have an
alternative to stealing his elder brother's birthright and the blessings for a
If Joseph was not
sold to the traders that took him to Egypt, could he have become the second in
command to Pharaoh?
Was the subsequent
four hundred years slavery of the Israelites pre-ordained so that Moses would
be their leader through whom the Ten Commandments came our way?
Could Jesus have
saved humanity by any other method besides the miscarriage of justice by Pontus
Pilate, his bloody stripes, his humiliating carrying of the wooden cross all
the way to Golgotha and his crucifixion at Calvary?
Had Judas Iscariot
any option to the role of a betrayer, which ensured that the right Jew was the
one arrested?
From my teenage years in
the early 1950s, many such obsessive, absurd and curious thoughts coursed
through my mind and persistently chased each other that at a time I needed
pastoral counselling in Onitsha and spiritual guidance in Enugu. Later, during
my university years at Lagos, I had to benefit from the services of both a
clinical psychologist and a psychiatrist! All my relations, friends, aides and
consultants were perplexed with the type of probing questions I posed. Their
answers never satisfied my inquisitive mind. I had more questions than their
answers! Some gave up on me! Others simply labelled me, HAMLET, the Prince of
Denmark as popularised by the Shakespearean Plays we learnt in our Higher
School years at Christ the King College, Onitsha!
So, my reader, can anyone
straighten out what God has made crooked?
At the turn of the second
millennium, shortly after I turned fifty, the answers to my perplexing queries
came, tumbling down like a deluge preceded by a thunderstorm! I can now sing
"I can see clearly now the rain is gone! I can see all obstacles in my
way! There is the rainbow that I have been waiting for! Now, I can smile,..
smile,… for the sunny days ahead!" Today, my estranged relatives and
friends who called me names surround me to hear the explanations of knotty
verses in the Bible, expatiations of some theosophical concepts that
defeated us in philosophy classes and the solutions or unravelling of esoteric
Let us begin at the
was the Father of Cain & Abel?
This is the greatest
revelation I have ever had since my twenty five years walk with the Holy Spirit
of the Almighty Creator of this our earthly universe. The book of
Chronicles, the official record of the nation of Israel to date, states it very
clearly. Jesus affirms it and his cousin Jude, the apostle, confirms it in his
brief ‘one-chapter-epistle'!
The second is the
revelation by Jesus, the Christ, who in the gospel of John 8:42 - 47, points
out that there are two species of humankind; sons of God, his own Father and
the sons of Satan, the devil, Cain's father!
I do not claim any credits
to these revelations. I was just lucky that my obstinacy rejected the
fabricated theology course I was supposed to pass through if had to achieve my
erstwhile vocation to the Roman Catholic priesthood in the early 1970s! Today,
I am only a humble vessel of the Holy Spirit of God, being used to transmit
existential answers to humanity. All who deserve salvific freedom are welcome!

In addition, wise readers should please note
that the number of wives each patriarch married that produced so many children
narrated were never given meaning that enforced MONOGAMY we all today take as
BIBLICAL is errant nonsense, quote me anytime, anywhere anyhow!
Many theologians and Bible
scholars have always refrained from telling the whole truth about the import of
placing the genealogy of Cain in chapter 4 of Genesis and that of Adam in
chapter 5. I do not share the opinion that they did not or do not know the
implications, rather they have joined the early Roman Church Fathers in being
economical with the truth! They have all indulged in fabricating doctrines and
dogmas that enslaved many Christians by telling us half-truths!
The Book of Chronicles,
which remains the only official and authentic record of the ancestry of
Israelites to date deposited in unambiguous terms, the genealogy of the
‘supposedly first human' Adam, thus:
1 Chronicles 1: 1-3
Adam, Seth, Enosh,
Kenan, Mahalalel, Jared,
Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech, Noah.
(from the New International
Version. Copyright (c) 1973, 1978, 1984, by International Bible Society)
Enoch is the seventh from
Adam, isn't he? This nails the coffin on the erroneous assumption that both
Cain and Abel were Adam's sons. Their names are absent, aren't they? Let us
revisit the epistle of Jude;
Jude 14-16
14 Enoch,
the seventh from Adam, prophesied
about these men: "See, the Lord is coming with thousands upon thousands of
his holy ones
to judge everyone, and to convict all the ungodly of all the ungodly acts they
have done in the ungodly way, and of all the harsh words ungodly sinners have
spoken against him"
These men are grumblers and fault-finders; they follow their own evil desires;
they boast about themselves and flatter others for their own advantage.
(from the New International
Version. Copyright (c) 1973, 1978, 1984, by International Bible Society)
In Kenezianism, we do not
hold briefs for dishonest scholars! We tell the truth as it is and damn the
Cain was not and could
never have been the biological son of Adam. Genesis 5 vv. 1 - 5 is clear on this. Adam's gonads
matured at 130 years and he had a son ‘in his likeness, in his own image'! The double emphasis can only allude to one
fact! At last; here is the first biological son of Adam. Moreover, whereas it was Eve who named both
Cain and Abel, (see the relevant verses in chapters 2 - 4, all the versions of
the Bible are unanimous and clear in this one; Adam, for the first time, named
Seth by himself!
Gen 5:1-5
5:1 This is the written
account of Adam's line. When God created man, he made him in the likeness of
2 He created them male and
female and blessed them. And when they were created, he called them
When Adam had lived 130 years, he had a son in his own likeness, in his own
image; and he named him Seth.
4 After Seth was born, Adam
lived 800 years and had other sons and daughters.
5 Altogether, Adam lived
930 years, and then he died.
(from the New International
Version. Copyright (c) 1973, 1978, 1984, by International Bible Society)
See the list of his
descendants. The age at which each gave birth to a first son were meticulously
chronicled. Other sons and daughters were never listed. What do you think was
the reason why the author did so?
Gen 5:5-32
5 Altogether, Adam lived
930 years, and then he died.
6 When Seth had lived 105 years, he
became the father of Enosh.
7 And after he became the
father of Enosh, Seth lived 807 years and had other sons and daughters.
8 Altogether, Seth lived
912 years, and then he died.
9 When Enosh had lived 90 years, he
became the father of Kenan.
10 And after he became the
father of Kenan, Enosh lived 815 years and had other sons and daughters.
11 Altogether, Enosh lived
905 years, and then he died.
12 When Kenan had lived 70 years, he
became the father of Mahalalel.
13 And after he became the
father of Mahalalel, Kenan lived 840 years and had other sons and daughters.
14 Altogether, Kenan lived
910 years, and then he died.
15 When Mahalalel had lived 65 years,
he became the father of Jared.
16 And after he became the
father of Jared, Mahalalel lived 830 years and had other sons and daughters.
17 Altogether, Mahalalel
lived 895 years, and then he died.
18 When Jared had lived 162 years, he
became the father of Enoch.
19 And after he became the
father of Enoch, Jared lived 800 years and had other sons and daughters.
20 Altogether, Jared lived
962 years, and then he died.
21 When Enoch had lived 65 years, he
became the father of Methuselah.
22 And after he became the
father of Methuselah, Enoch walked with God 300 years and had other sons and
23 Altogether, Enoch lived
365 years.
Enoch walked with God; then he was no more, because God took him away.
25 When Methuselah had lived 187 years,
he became the father of Lamech.
26 And after he became the
father of Lamech, Methuselah lived 782 years and had other sons and daughters.
27 Altogether, Methuselah
lived 969 years, and then he died.
28 When Lamech had lived 182 years, he
had a son.
29 He named him Noah and
said, "He will comfort us in the labour and painful toil of our hands
caused by the ground the LORD has cursed."
30 After Noah was born,
Lamech lived 595 years and had other sons and daughters.
31 Altogether, Lamech lived
777 years, and then he died.
32 After Noah was 500 years old, he
became the father of Shem, Ham and Japheth.
(from The Holy Bible: New
International Version. Copyright (c) 1973, 1978, 1984, by International
Bible Society)
Luckily for us the Holy
Spirit has preserved for us one Bible Scholar who comments fully on the
significance of the sainthood of Enoch, the seventh from Adam, and the first to
please God so well that he was the first to be taken to heaven! Elijah
and Jesus only followed later!
Gen 5:21-24
Translation of Enoch
from Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible
The accounts here run on
for several generations without any thing remarkable, or any variation but of
the names and numbers; but at length there comes in one that must not be passed
over so, of whom special notice must be taken, and
that is Enoch, the seventh from Adam: the rest, we may
suppose, did virtuously, but he excelled them all, and was the brightest star
of the patriarchal age. It is but little that is recorded concerning him; but
this little is enough to make his name great, greater than the name of the
other Enoch, who had a city called by his name. Here are two things concerning
I. His gracious
conversation in this world, which is twice spoken of: Enoch walked with God
after he begat Methuselah (v. 22), and again, Enoch walked with God, v. 24.
1. The nature of his
religion and the scope and tenor of his conversation: he walked with God, which
(1.) True religion; what is
godliness, but walking with God? The ungodly and profane are without God in the
world, they walk contrary to him: but the godly walk with God, which
presupposes reconciliation to God, for two cannot walk together except they be
agreed (Amos 3:3), and includes all the parts and instances of a godly,
righteous, and sober life. To walk with God is to set God always before us, and
to act as those that are always under his eye. It is to live a life of
communion with God both in ordinances and providences. It is to make God's word
our rule and his glory our end in all our actions. It is to make it our constant
care and endeavour in everything to please God, and nothing to offend him.
It is to comply with his
will, to concur with his designs, and to be workers together with him. It is to
be followers of him as dear children.
(2.) Eminent religion. He
was entirely dead to this world, and did not only walk after God, as all good
men do, but he walked with God, as if he were in heaven already. He lived above
the rate, not only of other men, but of other saints: not only good in bad
times, but the best in good times.
(3.) Activity in promoting
religion among others. Executing the priest's office is called walking before
God, 1 Sam 2:30,35, and see Zech 3:7.Enoch,
it should seem, was a priest of the most high God, and like Noah, who is
likewise said to walk with God, he was a preacher of righteousness, and
prophesied of Christ's second coming. Jude 14, Behold, the Lord cometh with his
holy myriads. Now the Holy Spirit,
instead of saying, Enoch lived, says, Enoch walked with God; for it is the life
of a good man to walk with God. This was,
[1.] The business of
Enoch's life, his constant care and work; while others lived to themselves and
the world, he lived to God.
[2.] It was the joy and
support of his life. Communion with God was to him better than life itself. To
me to live is Christ, Phil 1:21.
2. The date of his
religion. It is said (v. 21), he lived sixty-five years, and begat Methuselah;
but (v. 22) he walked with God after he begat Methuselah, which intimates that
he did not begin to be eminent for piety till about that time; at first he
walked but as other men. Great saints arrive at their eminence by degrees.
3. The continuance of his
religion: he walked with God three hundred years, as long as he continued in
this world. The hypocrite will not pray always; but the real saint that acts
from a principle, and makes religion his choice, will persevere to the end, and
walk with God while he lives, as one that hopes to live forever with him, Ps
II. His glorious removal to
a better world. As he did not live like the rest, so he did not die like the
rest (v. 24): He was not, for God took him; that is, as it is explained (Heb
11:5), He was translated that he should not see death, and was not found,
because God had translated him.
(from Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible: New Modern Edition,
Electronic Database. Copyright (c) 1991 by Hendrickson Publishers, Inc.)
re-read the genealogy of Jesus by Luke, which he traced all the way back to the
first man; Adam. Where is the name of Cain?
Compare and contrast the
narratives in Luke 3: 23 -38 in three versions of the Christian Bible to
authenticate all that is alluded to in this all-inclusive theosophical
dissertation about Adama, Eve, Cain and Seth!
Finally, the Lord and Master of Christianity that we practise to date
stated it in unambiguous terms in Chapter 8 of the gospel of John, yet they
still persist in hiding the truth from us! Why? It is because they are also
sons of the devil through their great grandfather, Cain! They, too, cannot tell
the truth. It is not in their nature to do so! They do not want us to be set
free. They have invaded the church like Christ predicted when he made Peter the
head of his institution! Some have even become Popes and Cardinals! Come with
me and see for yourselves!
John 8:21-9:1
21 Once more Jesus said to
them, "I am going away, and you will look for me, and you will die in your
sin. Where I go, you cannot come."
22 This made the Jews ask,
"Will he kill himself? Is that why he says, 'Where I go, you cannot
23 But he continued,
"You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of
this world.
24 I told you that you
would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am [the one I claim to
be], you will indeed die in your sins."
25 "Who are you?"
they asked. "Just what I have been claiming all along," Jesus
26 "I have much to say
in judgment of you. But he who sent me is reliable, and what I have heard from
him I tell the world."
27 They did not understand
that he was telling them about his Father.
28 So Jesus said,
"When you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am [the
one I claim to be] and that I do nothing on my own but speak just what the
Father has taught me.
29 The one who sent me is
with me; he has not left me alone, for I always do what pleases him."
30 Even as he spoke, many
put their faith in him.
31 To the Jews who had
believed him, Jesus
said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.
32 Then you will know the
truth, and the truth will set you free."
33 They answered him,
"We are Abraham's descendants and have never been slaves of anyone. How
can you say that we shall be set free?"
34 Jesus replied, "I
tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sin.
35 Now a slave has no
permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it for ever.
36 So if the Son sets you
free, you will be free indeed.
37 I know you are Abraham's
descendants. Yet you are ready to kill me, because you have no room for my
38 I am telling you what I
have seen in the Father's presence, and you do what you have heard from your
39 "Abraham is our
father," they answered. "If you were Abraham's children,"
said Jesus, "then you would do the things Abraham did.
40 As it is, you are
determined to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God.
Abraham did not do such things.
41 You are doing the things
your own father does". "We are not illegitimate children,"
they protested. "The only Father we have is God himself."
Jesus said to them, "If God were your Father, you would love me, for I
came from God and now am here. I have not come on my own; but he sent me.
Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say.
You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's
desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for
there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is
a liar and the father of lies.
45 Yet because I tell the
truth, you do not believe me!
46 Can any of you prove me
guilty of sin? If I am telling the truth, why don't you believe me?
47 He who belongs to God
hears what God says. The reason you do not hear
is that you do not belong to God."
48 The Jews answered him,
"Aren't we right in saying that you are a Samaritan and
49 "I am not possessed
by a demon," said Jesus, "but I honour my Father and you dishonour
50 I am not seeking glory for
myself; but there is one who seeks it, and he is the judge.
51 I tell you the truth, if
anyone keeps my word, he will never see death."
52 At this the Jews
exclaimed, "Now we know that you are demon-possessed! Abraham died and so
did the prophets, yet you say that if anyone keeps your word, he will never
taste death.
53 Are you greater than our
father Abraham? He died, and so did the prophets. Who do you think you
54 Jesus replied, "If I
glorify myself, my glory means nothing. My Father, whom you claim as your God,
is the one who glorifies me.
55 Though you do not know
him, I know him. If I said I did not, I would be a liar like you, but I do know
him and keep his word.
56 Your father Abraham
rejoiced at the thought of seeing my day; he saw it and was glad."
57 "You are not yet
fifty years old," the Jews said to him, "and you have seen
"I tell you the truth," Jesus answered, "before Abraham was
born, I am!"
59 At this, they picked up
stones to stone him, but Jesus hid himself, slipping away from the temple
(from the New International
Version. Copyright (c)1973, 1978,1984, by International Bible Society)
You must remember that
Jesus was discussing with his blood relatives, the authentic Jews of his time.
Re-read the underlined sentences to comprehend his line of reasoning which
ultimately proved that they were not genuine sons of Abraham! If they were,
they would love him and believe his teaching. But, the reason they always
challenged him and finally nailed him to the cross is clear in verse 47!
Re-Read it now!
Finally, you must read Chapters 4 and 5 of Genesis in KJV, RSV and
GNB editions and tell me of any qualified historian who would or will enumerate
the descendants of a ‘supposed son' before that of his ‘supposed father' and
later the son's name is missing in the genealogy of his ‘supposed father'!
It is impossible! Then read
the mind of the historian! Ask yourself; what does the chronicler/historian
actually mean by this narrative?
The chronicler is only
telling you that Adam was not the biological father of Cain by so doing. In
addition, it was Eve that named both Cain and Abel, not Adam! It was Seth he
you are endowed with native intelligence, all these references allude to one
and only one fact; Adam's first son is Seth, not Cain.
Q.E.D meaning ‘Quod Erat Demostradum'; conclusively
If you did not know that
Satan is a bona-fide prince that attends the heavenly court, read Job 1: 6 -12
and then Job 2: 1 - 10. Now, learn this: Satan used Job's wife to get him to
curse God. My dear reader, never underestimate the power or intelligence of the
devil! You must be prepared to defeat him as Jesus at the beginning of his
ministry! To date, he is still very much around and uses his sons and daughters
to tempt us. Fore-warned, they say, is fore-armed. Think about it! Next, if you
are so naïve to take ‘the forbidden fruit' in Genesis 3 literally, I do not
blame you! You are a victim of early indoctrination. You are still a child at
catechism classes repeating what you have been taught to memorise like a
parrot! Wake up my friend! Read Genesis 6: 1 - 7 and understand what went on
between Satan and Eve!
Good Morning! It is a new
day in your journey as a pilgrim on earth! God set up a test for all the
heavenly beings by putting a naked, young and beautiful woman with succulent
breasts perambulating the Garden of Eden. Lucifer, we are told was the most
handsome being at the time, but he could not resist his erotic urges. He lied
to Eve, seduced her and had carnal knowledge of her! That is the forbidden
fruit! To date, his descendants, male and females still do the same!
warned; See John 8, verse 44 for its relevance in your religious life! Open
your eyes and receive God's blessings! Always tell & live the truth! God
Bless Everyone!
Jideofo Kenechukwu Danmbaezue mastered the Classical Keyboard and the Guitar as
a You did!!.
Posted by Danmbaezue Jideofo Kenechukwu at 12:38 AM 


You must remember
that Jesus was discussing with his blood relatives, the authentic Jews of his
time. Re-read the underlined sentences to comprehend his line of reasoning
which ultimately proved that they were not genuine sons of Abraham! If they
were, they would love him and believe his teaching. But, the reason they always
challenged him and finally nailed him to the cross is clear in verse 47!
Re-Read it now!
Finally, you must read Chapters 4 and 5 of Genesis in KJV, RSV AND GNB editions and tell me of any qualified historian who would or will enumerate the descendants of a ‘supposed son' before that of his ‘supposed father' and later the son's name is missing in the genealogy of his ‘supposed father'!
It is impossible! Then read the mind of the historian! Ask yourself; what does the chronicler/historian actually mean by this narrative?
The chronicler is only telling you that Adam was not the biological father of Cain by so doing. In addition, it was Eve that named both Cain and Abel, not Adam! It was Seth he named! If you are endowed with native intelligence, all these references allude to one and only one fact; Adam's first son is Seth, not Cain.
Q.E.D meaning ‘Quod Erat Demostradum'; conclusively proven!
Finally, you must read Chapters 4 and 5 of Genesis in KJV, RSV AND GNB editions and tell me of any qualified historian who would or will enumerate the descendants of a ‘supposed son' before that of his ‘supposed father' and later the son's name is missing in the genealogy of his ‘supposed father'!
It is impossible! Then read the mind of the historian! Ask yourself; what does the chronicler/historian actually mean by this narrative?
The chronicler is only telling you that Adam was not the biological father of Cain by so doing. In addition, it was Eve that named both Cain and Abel, not Adam! It was Seth he named! If you are endowed with native intelligence, all these references allude to one and only one fact; Adam's first son is Seth, not Cain.
Q.E.D meaning ‘Quod Erat Demostradum'; conclusively proven!

If you did not know
that Satan is a bona-fide prince that attends the heavenly court , read Job 1:
6 -12 and then Job 2: 1 - 10. Now, learn this: Satan used Job's wife to get him
to curse God. My dear reader, never underestimate the power or intelligence of
the devil! You must be prepared to defeat him as Jesus at the beginning of his
ministry! To date, he is still very much around and uses his sons and daughters
to tempt us. Fore-warned, they say, is fore-armed. Think about it! Next, if you
so naïve to take ‘the forbidden fruit' in Genesis 3 literally, I do not blame
you! You are a victim of early indoctrination. You are still a child at
catechism classes repeating what you have been taught to memorise like a
parrot! Wake up my friend! Read Genesis 6: 1 - 7 and understand what went on
between Satan and Eve! Good Morning! It is a new day in your journey as a
pilgrim on earth! God set up a test for all the heavenly beings by putting a
naked, young and beautiful woman with succulent breasts perambulating the
Garden of Eden. Lucifer, we are told was the most handsome being at the time,
but he could not resist his erotic urges. He lied to Eve, seduced her and had
carnal knowledge of her! That is the forbidden fruit! To date, his descendants,
male and females still do the same! Be warned; See John 8, verse 44 for its
relevance in your religious life! Open your eyes and receive God's blessings!
Always tell & live the truth! God Bless Everyone!
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As a doctor and a theosphist I am
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located at C82, Federal Housing Estates, Trans-Ekulu, Enugu or during the
summers; at Ezeawara town in Ihiala LGA of Anambra State if I am not on
holidays to Houston-Texas, USA. ENGLISH Greetings to Rational Beings of this
computer age! By having a website you are now recognised and respected as a
Citizen of the Global Village. You are no more a racist, a chauvinist nor a
parochial religionist. You are a special son or daughter of the Almighty
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peace like we ought to, equal heirs to the benefits we derive from being HOMO
SAPIENS! Please visit http// for
the scientific creed and international educational guidelines and youth rearing
practices that can make us ONE HUMAN FAMILY living in ONE CREATED UNIVERSE as
Salutations à des êtres rationnels de cette ère de l'informatique! En ayant un
site web vous sont désormais reconnus et respectés en tant que citoyen du
village global. Vous n'êtes pas plus raciste,chauvine, ni une un religieux
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qui nous a donné le macrocosme et le microcosme de partager. Laissez-nous vivre
en paix comme nous devrions, héritiers égal aux avantages que nous tirons de se
HOMO SAPIENS! S'il vous plaît visitez http / / pour
la croyance scientifique et directives internationales et les pratiques
éducatives des jeunesd'élevage qui peuvent nous faire une famille vivant humain
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ein Rassist, ein Chauvinist noch eine engstirnige Glaubensgenossen. Sie sind
eine spezielle Sohn oder die Tochter des allmächtigen Schöpfers, der uns
gegeben hat,der Makrokosmos und Mikrokosmos zu teilen. Lasst uns in
Friedenleben wie wir sollten, gleich Erben, um die Vorteile wir aus
Homosapiens! Bitte besuchen Sie http / / für die
wissenschaftlicheCredo und internationalen Bildungs-Richtlinien und
JugendErziehungsmethoden, die uns eine menschliche Familie lebt in
ONEgeschaffene Universum als Kinder eines allmächtigen Schöpferskann. SPANISH
Saludos a los seres racionales de esta era de la informática! Al tener un sitio
web que está ahora reconocida y respetada como un ciudadano de la Aldea Global.
Tú no eres más racista, chovinista, niun religioso parroquial. Usted es un hijo
o una hija especial del Creador Todopoderoso, que nos ha dado el macrocosmos y
elmicrocosmos de compartir. Vivamos en paz, como debemos,herederos igual a los
beneficios que se derivan de ser homo sapiens! Por favor, visite http / / para
el credo cientÃfico ydirectrices internacionales y las prácticas educativas de
jóvenes de crianza que nos puede hacer vivir UNA FAMILIA HUMANA en un universo
creado como hijos del Creador Todopoderoso.
Religion, which is superstition
sanctioned by the state, is actually an addiction to man-made doctrines and
dogmas invented, patented and copyrighted by a few demagogues.
• It enslaves the mind more than psychoactive drugs,
• Benumbs human creativity and resourcefulness thereby
• Restricting the development of the human potential and capital.
It is the main cause of poverty of the mind and underdevelopment of third world countries as its side-effects are indolence, redundancy, laziness and dependence of finished products and services. In the final analysis, it is the predisposing factor to lack of initiative, debilitating ignorance, fetish belief-systems, abject poverty and perennial ill-health.
Perhaps its only advantage is that it makes the polity docile and amenable to the whims and caprices of their oppressive leaders. Often, it hoodwinks its adherents into believing that ‘The God’ or ‘the gods’ they worship speak to them through the voices of their egocentric clerics who therefore can conveniently exploit them to satisfy their demonic desires of sensual pleasure and inordinate ambitions of amassing wealth. Their wanton indulgence in gluttony, wine and women is seen in every action and definitely this is the foolproof evidence of their demonic genealogy.
To rescue humanity from the demonic stranglehold of idolatry that now predominates worldwide, you are invited to reason along with us and see that we provide an everlasting cure for sensual lust for food, wine, sex, wealth and power that are the trademarks of society heading for damnation! Are you going to sit on the fence and wait for another failed experiment in Messiahship that was riddled with myopic and ethnocentric bias? Who knows the Creator well enough to declare that he has ‘a chosen people’? Where is the evidence that Moses actually led the so-called people out of any oppressive regime? The history books and modern encyclopaedia did not record the enslavement of the Jewish race except as ‘they were believed as revealed truths’.
• It enslaves the mind more than psychoactive drugs,
• Benumbs human creativity and resourcefulness thereby
• Restricting the development of the human potential and capital.
It is the main cause of poverty of the mind and underdevelopment of third world countries as its side-effects are indolence, redundancy, laziness and dependence of finished products and services. In the final analysis, it is the predisposing factor to lack of initiative, debilitating ignorance, fetish belief-systems, abject poverty and perennial ill-health.
Perhaps its only advantage is that it makes the polity docile and amenable to the whims and caprices of their oppressive leaders. Often, it hoodwinks its adherents into believing that ‘The God’ or ‘the gods’ they worship speak to them through the voices of their egocentric clerics who therefore can conveniently exploit them to satisfy their demonic desires of sensual pleasure and inordinate ambitions of amassing wealth. Their wanton indulgence in gluttony, wine and women is seen in every action and definitely this is the foolproof evidence of their demonic genealogy.
To rescue humanity from the demonic stranglehold of idolatry that now predominates worldwide, you are invited to reason along with us and see that we provide an everlasting cure for sensual lust for food, wine, sex, wealth and power that are the trademarks of society heading for damnation! Are you going to sit on the fence and wait for another failed experiment in Messiahship that was riddled with myopic and ethnocentric bias? Who knows the Creator well enough to declare that he has ‘a chosen people’? Where is the evidence that Moses actually led the so-called people out of any oppressive regime? The history books and modern encyclopaedia did not record the enslavement of the Jewish race except as ‘they were believed as revealed truths’.
The Creator has hidden so much from our intellectual faculties that to date we are still unravelling those He is allowing humanity to glimpse at through divine dreams, intuitions, inspirations and revelations to devout souls! Do you want to have supernatural knowledge mediated by spiritual faculties of seeing, feeling, sensing and caring for others? Look inwards, for the kingdom of God is inside you, not outside as many preachers tell you. No one ever got eternal bliss by keeping the commandments of men. It is given to altruistic seekers of that Divine Guidance in the affairs of mankind, which many yearn for but do not know where, when and how to find it. Search for it in this book!
The creator gave humans some of his powers and knowledge for recreating the material universe for the mutual benefits of all his created beings but today many use his gifts to perpetrate evil. Either by design or demonic manipulation, the obverse is the case; the first datum that every living thing recognises is that someone put it here and caters for its welfare. Dogs respect and fight in defence of their owners. Every pet realises that it is loved and taken care of by someone who has value for its existence. It is human who pride themselves of being rational beings that do not recognise, respect or realise that all of us have a single owner. It is absurd! Some believe there is an Almighty Creator who provides for each creature on daily basis, some assert that he has turned his back on us due to our congenital wickedness and cruel ways, while others simply deny his existence!
This is my summation of the problem; “Religion was/is a superstitious search by humanity for its origin, existence, meaning and relevance before the scientific era. The search was led by acclaimed sages among the elders of a community who defined its theories and practices. It is later ratified and recommended for legislation and implementation by state apparatus by convincing stratagem or coercion by politico-religious leaders. Thereafter, it is fine tuned and administered by ordained priests and priestesses who hand it down along ancestral lineages from one generation of lukewarm adherents, fanatics and mystics to another. Gradually, strong personalities emerge claiming divine appointment and so pull strong followers who idolise them as role models with supernatural powers. This obsession confirms them as beacons of adulation and finally leads to full scale idolatry.
The Computer-Age Spiritual Fellowship for Citizens of Our Global Village
Many people are mere conformists. They are those personalities that are satisfied with ‘going through the motions’; doing what everyone else is doing to make a living and waiting for the final ‘call to glory’ as they brand death! Many of us are born and live an inconsequential life; bland, uneventful and without anything particular to be remembered for after our exit from this mundane world, a temporal habitation for the soul. There are some others, whose lives and contributions to the society made a difference! They changed the ‘status quo’ by either extending the frontiers of knowledge or developing their immediate communities. They improved the understanding of human nature and taught others the values of humanitarianism. These heroes and heroines touched the lives of many both inter-racially and internationally.
They added colour to the doldrums of routine existence on planet earth!
A few had tall dreams and went ahead to transform them into reality despite all odds. This group devised methods of changing the deplorable situations and the deprived circumstances of the lifestyle they met on becoming adults. Some adolescents dream of the courage to better their social status, but often take off on the wrong foot of seeking for titles, money, fame and crowning it all with indulging in romantic relationships.
Others dared to pursue the unknown, to break new grounds and blaze trails for followers to tread on. Their zeal, inquisitiveness, passion, persistence, desire, motivations and prayers were fully rewarded if they paid the prize for success; optimism, dedication and the refusal to quit. Their philosophy of life was ‘When the task gets tough, the tough get it going!’, ‘Never say, never again!’ or ‘All that it takes to make the impossible possible is the power to remove the ‘im’ in front of the possible!’
They eventually became geniuses, inventors, explorers, leaders or discoverers! They evolved into the innovators and pioneers who helped to enlarge the frontiers of human civilisations and removed the age-old boundaries of the unknown. Joining this select group of animators or league of achievers is usually not by accident or by mere wishful thinking. Beyond desire and hard work is a divine factor that must be recognised, respected and appropriated in unveiling the unknown that the Divine Architect had hidden there for ages waiting for a brave soul to convert it from obscure dormancy to utilitarian vibrancy. This author, Dr Kenez wants to know where you belong in this universal continuum. Or, are you waiting for ‘manna from heaven’?
The Computer-Age Spiritual Fellowship for Citizens of Our Global Village
Many people are mere conformists. They are those personalities that are satisfied with ‘going through the motions’; doing what everyone else is doing to make a living and waiting for the final ‘call to glory’ as they brand death! Many of us are born and live an inconsequential life; bland, uneventful and without anything particular to be remembered for after our exit from this mundane world, a temporal habitation for the soul. There are some others, whose lives and contributions to the society made a difference! They changed the ‘status quo’ by either extending the frontiers of knowledge or developing their immediate communities. They improved the understanding of human nature and taught others the values of humanitarianism. These heroes and heroines touched the lives of many both inter-racially and internationally.
They added colour to the doldrums of routine existence on planet earth!
A few had tall dreams and went ahead to transform them into reality despite all odds. This group devised methods of changing the deplorable situations and the deprived circumstances of the lifestyle they met on becoming adults. Some adolescents dream of the courage to better their social status, but often take off on the wrong foot of seeking for titles, money, fame and crowning it all with indulging in romantic relationships.
Others dared to pursue the unknown, to break new grounds and blaze trails for followers to tread on. Their zeal, inquisitiveness, passion, persistence, desire, motivations and prayers were fully rewarded if they paid the prize for success; optimism, dedication and the refusal to quit. Their philosophy of life was ‘When the task gets tough, the tough get it going!’, ‘Never say, never again!’ or ‘All that it takes to make the impossible possible is the power to remove the ‘im’ in front of the possible!’
They eventually became geniuses, inventors, explorers, leaders or discoverers! They evolved into the innovators and pioneers who helped to enlarge the frontiers of human civilisations and removed the age-old boundaries of the unknown. Joining this select group of animators or league of achievers is usually not by accident or by mere wishful thinking. Beyond desire and hard work is a divine factor that must be recognised, respected and appropriated in unveiling the unknown that the Divine Architect had hidden there for ages waiting for a brave soul to convert it from obscure dormancy to utilitarian vibrancy. This author, Dr Kenez wants to know where you belong in this universal continuum. Or, are you waiting for ‘manna from heaven’?
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Take note of
the fact that the worship of Baal was established in Babylon in the famous
tower of Babel.
Lord, 1. In the Old
Testament denotes an idol of the Phoenicians, and particularly of the Tyrians,
whose worship was also introduced with great solemnities among the Hebrews, and
especially at Samaria, along with that of Astarte, Jg 6:25-32; 2Ki 10:18,28. See ASHTORETH, plural ASH'TAROTH. The plural, Baalim, signifies images or
statues of Baal, Jg 2:11; 10:10. Of the
extent to which the worship of this idol was domesticated among the Phoenicians
and Carthaginians, we have an evidence in the proper names of persons; as,
among the former, Ethbaal, Jerubbaal; and among the latter, Hannibal, Asdrubal,
etc. Among the Babylonians, the same
idol was worshipped under the name of |BEL|, which is only another form of the
word Baal, Isa 46:1; Jer 50:2; 51:44.
The worship of Baal was established in Babylon in the famous tower of
Babel, the uppermost room of which served at the same time as an observatory,
and as the repository of a collection of astronomical observations.
That in the
astronomical, or rather, astrological mythology of the East, we are to look for
the origin of this worship in the adoration of the heavenly bodies, is conceded
by all critics. The more common opinion
has been, that Baal, or Bel, is the sun; and that, under this name, this
luminary received divine honors. But the
Greek and Roman writers give to the Babylonian Bel the name of Jupiter Belus,
meaning the planet Jupiter, which was regarded, along with the planet Venus, as
the guardian and giver of all good fortune; and formed, with Venus, the most
fortunate of all constellations, under which alone fortunate sovereigns could
be born. This planet, therefore, many
suppose to have been the object of worship under the name of Baal, as also the
planet Venus under that of Astarte. Not
that the sun was not an object of idolatrous worship among these nations, but
in that case he is represented under his own name; as 2Ki 23:11.
The temples and
altars of Ball were generally on eminences.
Manasseh placed in the two courts of the temple at Jerusalem altars to
all the host of heaven, and in particular to Astarte, 2Ki 21:5,7. Jeremiah threatens the Jews who had
sacrificed to Baal on the house-top, Jer 32:29; and Josiah destroyed the altars
which Ahaz had erected on the terrace of his palace,
2Ki 23:12.
Human victims were
offered to Baal, as they were also to the sun.
Jeremiah reproaches the inhabitants of Judah and Jerusalem with
"building the high places of Baal, to burn their sons with fire for
burnt-offerings unto Baal," Jer 19:5; an expression which appears to be
decisive as to the actual slaying by fire of the unhappy victims to Baal. See MOLOCH.
The children of
Israel were prone to serve Baal. See Nu
25:3 Jg 2:14; 3:7. Under Samuel they put
away their idols, 1Sa 7:4. This
continued under David and Solomon; but under Ahab, whose wife Jezebel was a
daughter of the Zidonian king Ethbaal, the worship of Baal was restored with
great pomp, 1Ki 16:31.
Joined with other
words, Baal signifies also other false gods.
Baal-Berith, or the "lord of the covenant," was a god of the
Shechemites, Jg 8:33; 9:4. Baal-Peor, or
"the lord of Peor," was a filthy idol of the Moabites, |Nu 25:3,5; Ho
9:10|. Baal-Zebub, "lord of
flies," was a god of the Philistines at Ekron. See BEELZEBUB.
The word BAAL also occurs in many compound names of places, not always having
any reference to the idol.
Confusion, the name
of a lofty tower, begun to be built by the descendants of Noah among who Nimrod
was a leader, about one hundred and twenty years after the flood; so called
because God there confounded the language of those who were employed in the undertaking,
Ge 10:10; 11:9. Their object in building
the city and tower, was to concentrate the population and the dominion at that
spot; and as this was contrary to the divine purpose of replenishing the earth
with inhabitants, and betrayed an ungodly and perhaps idolatrous disposition,
God frustrated their designs by miraculously giving to different portions of
the people different languages, or different modes of pronunciation and
divergent dialects of the original language of man, thus causing them to disperse
over the globe. Compare Ac 2:1-11. The tower was apparently left incomplete, but
the foundation of the city was probably laid, and a portion no doubt of the
builders continued to dwell there. The
place became afterwards the celebrated city of Babylon. It has been supposed that the tower of Babel
was afterwards finished, and called the tower of Belus, within the city of
Babylon. Herodotus visited this tower,
and describes it as a square pyramid, measuring half a mile in circumference at
the base; from this rose eight towers one above another gradually decreasing in
the summit, which was reached by a broad road winding up around the
outside. This tower was used for
astronomical purposes, but was chiefly devoted to the worship of Bel, whose
temple contained immense treasures, including several statues of massive gold,
one of which was forty feet in height.
Here were deposited the sacred golden vessels brought from Jerusalem.
2Ch 36:7; Jer 51:44. Its ruins are
supposed to be the present Birs Nimroud, six miles south-west of Hilleh, the
modern Babylon: an immense mound of coarse sun-dried bricks, laid with
bitumen. It is a ruinous heap, shattered
by violence, furrowed by storms, and strewn with fragments of brick, pottery,
etc., fused and vitrified by some intense heat.
It is 190 feet high, and on the top rises an irregular tower 90 feet in
circumference and 35 feet high, built of the fine brick - with which the whole
mound appears to have been faced. The
tower is rent asunder and mutilated at the top, and scathed as if by lightning
- a monument, some have thought, of the just wrath of God. See NEBUCHADNEZZAR.
1. A celebrated city situated on the Euphrates, the
original foundation of which is described under the word Babel. Wit this coincide many ancient traditions,
while some speak of Semiramis as the founder, and others of
Nebuchadnezzar. These accounts may all
be reconciled, by supposing that Semiramis rebuilt the ancient city, and the
Nebuchadnezzar. These accounts may all
be reconciled, by supposing that Semiramis rebuilt the ancient city, and that
Nebuchadnezzar afterwards greatly enlarged and adorned it.
Babylon lay in a vast and fertile plain watered by the
Euphrates, with flowed through the city.
Its walls are described as 60 miles in circumference, 300 feet high, and
75 feet wide, Jer 51:44-58. A deep
trench ran parallel with the walls. In
each of the four sides were 25 brazen gates, from which roads crossed to the
opposite gates. On the squares thus
formed countless houses and gardens were made.
Nebuchadnezzar's palace was in an inclosure six miles in
circumference. Within this were also
"the hanging gardens," an immense artificial mound 400 feet high,
sustained by archers upon arches, terraced off for trees and flowers, the water
for which was drawn from the river by machinery concealed in the mound, Da
Under Nebuchadnezzar, Babylon reached the summit of her
greatness and splendor. She was renowned
for learning especially in astronomy, and for skill in various arts, as the
making of carpets and cloths, of perfumes, jewelry, etc. Her location gave her to a great extent the
control of the traffic, by the Euphrates and by caravans, between Central Asia
and Arabia and Egypt. She was "a
city of merchants," Isa 43:14; Eze 17:4; and into her lap flowed, either
through conquest or commerce, the wealth of almost all known lands. Justly therefore might the prophets call her
"the great," Da 4:20; "the praise of the whole earth," Jer
51:41; "the beauty of the Chaldees' excellency," Isa 13:19; "the
lady of kingdoms," Isa 47:5; but also "the tender and delicate,"
and "given to pleasures," Isa 47:1,8.
In consequence of the opulence and luxury of the inhabitants,
corruptness and licentiousness of manners and morals were carried to a
frightful extreme. Bel, Nebo, Nergal,
Merodach, Succoth-benoth, and other idols, were there worshipped with rites in
which impurity was made a matter of religion.
Well might we expect Jehovah to bring down vengeance on her crimes. Indeed, the woes denounced against Babylon by
the prophets constitute some of the most awfully splendid and sublime portions
of the whole Bible, Isa 13:1-22; 14:22; 21:9; 47:1-15; Jer 25:1-38; 50:1-46;
51:1-64, etc.
The city did not long remain the capital of the world. Under the reign of Nebuchadnezzar's
grandson. Nabonnidus, the Belshazzar of
the Scriptures, it was besieged and taken by Cyrus. The accounts of Greek historians harmonize
here with that of the Bible: that Cyrus made his successful assault on a night
when the whole city, relying on the strength of the walls, had given themselves
up to the riot and debauchery of a grand public festival, and the king and his
nobles were reveling at a splendid entertainment. Cyrus had previously caused a canal, which
ran west of the city, and carried off the superfluous water of the Euphrates
into the lake of Nitocris, to be cleared out, in order to turn the river into
it; which, by this means, was rendered so shallow, that his soldiers were able
to penetrate along its bed into the city, Da 5:1-31. 538 B.C.
From this time its importance declined, for Cyrus made Susa the capital
of his kingdom. It revolted against
Darius Hystapis, who again subdued it, broke down all its gates, and reduced
its walls to the height of fifty cubits.
According to Strabo, Xerxes destroyed the tower of Belus. Under the Persians, and under Alexander's
successors, Babylon continued to decline, especially after Seleucus Nicator had
founded Selencia, and made it his residence.
A great portion of the inhabitants of Babylon removed thither; and in
Strabo's time, that is, under Augustus Babylon had become so desolate, that it
might be called a vast desert. There was
a town on its site until the fourth century, and many Jews dwelt there,
1Pe 5:13. But from this time onward, Babylon ceases
almost to be mentioned; even its ruins have not been discovered until within
the last two centuries; and it is only within the present century that these
ruins have been traced and described.
These consist of numerous mounds, usually of brick, deeply furrowed and
decayed by time, strewn with fragments of brick, bitumen, pottery, etc. One of these is described above. See BABEL.
Another, four miles northwest of Hilleh, and called by the natives Kasr,
is thought to mark the site of the hanging gardens. These ruins are 2,400 feet long, and 1,800
broad. Another near by, called
Mujellibah, is of similar dimensions.
From these mounds thousands of bricks have been dug, bearing
arrow-headed inscriptions as ancient as the time of Nebuchadnezzar, whose name
often occurs. The aspect of the whole
region is dreary and forlorn. It is
infested by noxious animals, and perhaps in no place under heaven is the
contrast between ancient magnificence and present desolation greater than
here. The awful prophecy of Isaiah,
uttered more than a century before, has been most literally fulfilled, Isa
The name of Babylon is used symbolically in Re 14:8;
16:1-21; 17:1-18; 18:1-24, to mark the idolatry, superstition, lewdness luxury,
and persecution of the people of God, which characterized heathen Rome and
modern Antichrist. Some thus interpret
1Pe 5:13.
2. There was also a Babylon in Egypt, a
city not far from Heliopolis. Some
suppose this to be the Babylon mentioned 1Pe 5:13; but this is not probable.
Genesis 11, verses 27 - 32
27 ¶ Now these are the generations of Terah: Terah
begat Abram, Nahor, and Haran; and Haran begat Lot. (KJV)
27 ¶ Now
these are the descendants of Terah. Terah was the father of Abram, Nahor, and
Haran; and Haran was the father of Lot. (RSV)
28 And
Haran died before his father Terah in the land of his nativity, in Ur of the
Chaldees. (KJV)
28 Haran
died before his father Terah in the land of his birth, in Ur of the Chaldeans.
29 And
Abram and Nahor took them wives: the name of Abram's wife was Sarai; and the
name of Nahor's wife, Milcah, the daughter of Haran, the father of Milcah, and
the father of Iscah. (KJV)
29 And
Abram and Nahor took wives; the name of Abram's wife was Sarai, and the name of
Nahor's wife, Milcah, the daughter of Haran the father of Milcah and Iscah.
Ge 17:15; 20:12; 22:20
30 But
Sarai was barren; she had no child. (KJV)
30 Now
Sarai was barren; she had no child. (RSV)
Ge 16:1-2; 18:11-12
31 And
Terah took Abram his son, and Lot the son of Haran his son's son, and Sarai his
daughter in law, his son Abram's wife; and they went forth with them from Ur of
the Chaldees, to go into the land of Canaan; and they came unto Haran, and
dwelt there. (KJV)
31 Terah
took Abram his son and Lot the son of Haran, his grandson, and Sarai his
daughter-in-law, his son Abram's wife, and they went forth together from Ur of
the Chaldeans to go into the land of Canaan; but when they came to Haran, they
settled there. (RSV)
Ge 10:19; 12:1; 15:7; Ne 9:7; Ac 7:4
32 And the
days of Terah were two hundred and five years: and Terah died in Haran. (KJV)
32 The days
of Terah were two hundred and five years; and Terah died in Haran. (RSV)
Adam Clarke's Commentary:
Verse 26.
And Terah lived seventy years, and begat Abram, Nahor, and Haran.] Haran was certainly the eldest son of Terah,
and he appears to have been born when Terah was about seventy years of age, and
his birth was followed in successive periods with those of Nahor his second,
and Abram his youngest son. Many have
been greatly puzzled with the account here, supposing because Abram is
mentioned first, that therefore he was the eldest son of Terah: but he is only
put first by way of dignity. An in
stance of this we have already seen, Ge 5:32, where Noah is represented as
having Shem, Ham, and Japheth in this order of succession; whereas it is
evident from other scriptures that Shem was the youngest son, who for dignity
is named first, as Abram is here; and Japheth the eldest, named last, as Haran
is here. Terah died two hundred and five
years old, Ge 11:32; then Abram departed from Haran when seventy-five years
old, Ge 12:4; therefore Abram was born, not when his father Terah was seventy,
but when he was one hundred and thirty.
When any case of dignity or pre-eminence is to be
marked, then even the youngest son is set before all the rest, though contrary
to the usage of the Scriptures in other cases.
Hence we find Shem, the youngest son of Noah, always mentioned first;
Moses is mentioned before his elder brother Aaron; and Abram before his two
elder brethren Haran and Nahor. These
observations are sufficient to remove all difficulty from this place.
27 ¶ Now
these are the generations of Terah: Terah begat Abram, Nahor, and Haran; and
Haran begat Lot. (KJV)
27 ¶ Now
these are the descendants of Terah. Terah was the father of Abram, Nahor, and
Haran; and Haran was the father of Lot. (RSV)
28 And
Haran died before his father Terah in the land of his nativity, in Ur of the
Chaldees. (KJV)
28 Haran
died before his father Terah in the land of his birth, in Ur of the Chaldeans.
29 And
Abram and Nahor took them wives: the name of Abram's wife was Sarai; and the
name of Nahor's wife, Milcah, the daughter of Haran, the father of Milcah, and
the father of Iscah. (KJV)
29 And
Abram and Nahor took wives; the name of Abram's wife was Sarai, and the name of
Nahor's wife, Milcah, the daughter of Haran the father of Milcah and Iscah.
Ge 17:15; 20:12; 22:20
Adam Clarke's Commentary:
Verse 29.
Milcah, the daughter of Haran] Many suppose Sarai and Iscah are the same
person under two different names; but this is improbable, as Iscah is expressly
said to be the daughter of Haran, and Sarai was the daughter of Terah, and half
sister of Abram.
30 But
Sarai was barren; she had no child. (KJV)
30 Now
Sarai was barren; she had no child. (RSV)
Ge 16:1-2; 18:11-12
31 And
Terah took Abram his son, and Lot the son of Haran his son's son, and Sarai his
daughter in law, his son Abram's wife; and they went forth with them from Ur of
the Chaldees, to go into the land of Canaan; and they came unto Haran, and
dwelt there. (KJV)
31 Terah
took Abram his son and Lot the son of Haran, his grandson, and Sarai his
daughter-in-law, his son Abram's wife, and they went forth together from Ur of
the Chaldeans to go into the land of Canaan; but when they came to Haran, they
settled there. (RSV)
Ge 10:19; 12:1; 15:7; Ne 9:7; Ac 7:4
Adam Clarke's Commentary:
Verse 31.
They went forth-front Ur of the Chaldees] Chaldea is sometimes understood as comprising
the whole of Babylonia; at other times, that province towards Arabia Deserta,
called in Scripture The land of the Chaldeans. The capital of this place was
Babylon, called in Scripture The beauty of the Chaldees' excellency, Isa 13:19.
Ur appears
to have been a city of some considerable consequence at that time in Chaldea;
but where situated is not well known. It
probably had its name Ur rwa, which signifies fire, from the worship practised
there. The learned are almost
unanimously of opinion that the ancient inhabitants of this region were
ignicolists or worshippers of fire, and in that place this sort of worship
probably originated; and in honour of this element, the symbol of the Supreme
Being, the whole country, or a particular city in it, might have had the name
Ur. Bochart has observed that there is a
place called Ouri, south of the Euphrates, in the way from Nisibis to the river
Tigris. The Chaldees mentioned here had
not this name in the time of which Moses speaks, but they were called so in the
time in which Moses wrote. Chesed was the son of Nahor, the son of Terah, Ge
22:22. From Chesed descended the Chasdim, whose language was the same as that
of the Amorites, Da 1:4; 2:4. These Chasdim, whence the caldaioi, Chaldeans, of
the Septuagint, Vulgate, and all later versions, afterwards settled on the
south of the Euphrates. Those who dwelt in Ur were either priests or astronomers,
Da 2:10, and also idolaters, Jos 24:2,3,14,15. And because they were much
addicted to astronomy, and probably to judicial astrology, hence all
astrologers were, in process of time, called Chaldeans, Da 2:2-5.
The building of Babel, the confusion of tongues,
and the first call of Abram, are three remarkable particulars in this chapter;
and these led to the accomplishment of three grand and important designs: 1. The peopling of the whole earth; 2. The preservation of the true religion by
the means of one family; and 3. The preservation of the line uncorrupted by
which the Messiah should come. When God
makes a discovery of himself by a particular revelation, it must begin in some
particular time, and be given to some particular person, and in some particular
place. Where, when, and to whom, are comparatively matters of small
importance. It is God's gift; and his
own wisdom must determine the time, the person, and the place. But if this be the case, have not others
cause to complain because not thus favoured?
Not at all, unless the favouring of the one for a time should
necessarily cut off the others for ever.
But this is not the case. Abram was first favoured; that time, that
country, and that person were chosen by infinite wisdom, for there and then God
chose to commence these mighty operations of Divine goodness. Isaac and Jacob
also received the promises, the twelve patriarchs through their father, and the
whole Jewish people through them. Afterwards the designs of God's endless mercy
were more particularly unfolded; and the word, which seemed to be confined for
two thousand years to the descendants of a single family, bursts forth on all
hands, salvation is preached to the Gentiles, and thus in Abram's seed all the
nations of the earth are blessed.
Hence none can find fault, and none can have cause
to complain; as the salvation which for a time appeared to be restricted to a
few, is now on the authority of God, liberally offered to the whole human race!
32 And the
days of Terah were two hundred and five years: and Terah died in Haran. (KJV)
32 The days
of Terah were two hundred and five years; and Terah died in Haran. (RSV)
My Friends,
count your teeth with your tongue my people of Biafra say, therefore decide
whether the later cookeries of Abram being called by God is is true or fake!
GENESIS 25, verses 1 - 8
1 ¶ Then again Abraham took a wife, and her name
was Keturah. (KJV)
1 ¶ (WNT)
1Ch 1:32-33
Adam Clarke's Commentary:
marries Keturah, 1.
issue, 2-4.
Isaac his heir, 5;
but gives
portions to the sons of his concubines, and sends
eastward from Isaac, to find settlements, 6.
age, 7,
and death,
Is buried
by his sons Isaac and Ishmael in the cave of Machpelah,
9, 10.
blessing upon Isaac, 11.
generations of Ishmael, 12-16.
His age,
and death,
Of the
generations of Isaac, 19,
who was
married in his fortieth year, 20.
his wife being barren, on his prayer to God she conceives, 21.
inquires of the Lord concerning her state, 22.
The Lord's
answer, 23.
She is
delivered of twins, 24.
Peculiarities in the birth of her sons Esau and Jacob, from which
they had
their names, 25, 26.
different manner of life, 27, 28.
returning from the field faint, begs pottage from his
29, 30.
refuses to grant him any but on condition of his selling him
birthright, 31.
ready to die, parts with his birthright to save his life, 32.
causes him to confirm the sale with an oath, 33.
receives bread and pottage of lentiles, and departs, 34.
Verse 1.
Then again Abraham took a wife] When Abraham took Keturah we are not
informed; it might have been in the lifetime of Sarah; and the original Poyw
vaiyoseph, and he added, &c., seems to give some countenance to this
opinion. Indeed it is not very likely
that he had the children mentioned here after the death of Sarah; and from the
circumstances of his age, feebleness, &c., at the birth of Isaac, it is
still more improbable. Even at that age,
forty years before the marriage of Isaac, the birth of his son is considered as
not less miraculous on his part than on the part of Sarah; for the apostle
expressly says, Ro 4:19, that Abraham considered not his own body NOW DEAD,
when he was about a hundred years old, nor the DEADNESS of Sarah's womb; hence
we learn that they were both past the procreation of children, insomuch that
the birth of Isaac is ever represented as supernatural. It
is therefore very improbable that he had any child after the birth of Isaac;
and therefore we may well suppose that Moses had related this transaction out
of its chronological order, which is not unfrequent in the sacred writings,
when a variety of important facts relative to the accomplishment of some grand
design are thought necessary to be produced in a connected series. On this account intervening matters
of a different complexion are referred to a future time. Perhaps
we may be justified in reading the verse: "And Abraham had added, and had
taken a wife (besides Hagar) whose name was Keturah," &c. The chronology in the margin dates this
marriage with Keturah A. M. 2154, nine years after the death of Sarah, A. M.
2145. Jonathan ben Uzziel and the
Jerusalem Targum both assert that Keturah was the same as Hagar. Some rabbins, and with them Dr. Hammond, are
of the same opinion; but both Hagar and Keturah are so distinguished in the
Scriptures, that the opinion seems destitute of probability.
2 And she
bare him Zimran, and Jokshan, and Medan, and Midian, and Ishbak, and Shuah.
2 (WNT)
1Ch 1:32-33
Adam Clarke's Commentary:
Verse 2.
Zimran] Stephanus Byzantinus
mentions a city in Arabia Felix called Zadram, which some suppose to have been
named from this son of Keturah; but it is more likely, as Calmet observes, that
all these sons of Abraham resided in Arabia Deserta; and Pliny, Hist. Nat.,
lib. vi., c. 28, mentions a people in that country called Zamarenians, who were
probably the descendants of this person.
Jokshan] Several learned men have
been of opinion that this Jokshan was the same as Kachtan, the father of the
Arabs. The testimonies in favour of this
opinion see in Dr. Hunt's Oration, De Antiquitate, &c., Linguae Arabicae,
p. 4. Calmet supposes that the Cataneans, who inhabited a part of Arabia
Deserta, sprang from this Jokshan.
Medan, and
Midian] Probably those who peopled that
part of Arabia Petraea contiguous to the land of Moab eastward of the Dead
Sea. St. Jerome terms the people of this
country Madinaeans; and Ptolemy mentions a people called Madianites, who dwelt
in the same place.
Ishbak] From this person Calmet
supposes the brook Jabbok, which has its source in the mountains of Gilead, and
falls into the sea of Tiberias, took its name.
Shuah.] Or Shuach. From this man the Sacceans, near to Batanla,
at the extremity of Arabia Deserta, towards Syria, are supposed to have sprung. Bildad the Shuhite, one of Job's friends, is
supposed to have descended from this son of Abraham.
3 And
Jokshan begat Sheba, and Dedan. And the sons of Dedan were Asshurim, and
Letushim, and Leummim. (KJV)
3 (WNT)
Adam Clarke's Commentary:
Verse 3.
Sheba] From whom sprang the Sabeans,
who robbed Job of his cattle. See
Bochart and Calmet.
and Letushim, and Leummim.] We know not who these were, but as each name is
plural they must have been tribes or families, and not individuals. Onkelos interprets these words of persons
dwelling in camps, tents, and islands; and Jonathan ben Uzziel calls them
merchants, artificers, and heads or chiefs of people.
4 And the
sons of Midian; Ephah, and Epher, and Hanoch, and Abida, and Eldaah. All these
were the children of Keturah. (KJV)
4 (WNT)
Adam Clarke's Commentary:
Verse 4.
Ephah, and Epher, &c.] Of
these we know no more than of the preceding; an abundance of conjectures is
already furnished by the commentators.
5 And
Abraham gave all that he had unto Isaac. (KJV)
5 (WNT)
Ge 24:35-36
Adam Clarke's Commentary:
Verse 5.
Gave all that he had unto Isaac.] His principal flocks, and especially
his right to the land of Canaan, including a confirmation to him and his
posterity of whatever was contained in the promises of God.
6 But unto
the sons of the concubines, which Abraham had, Abraham gave gifts, and sent
them away from Isaac his son, while he yet lived, eastward, unto the east
country. (KJV)
6 (WNT)
Ge 21:14; Jg 6:3
Adam Clarke's Commentary:
Verse 6.
Unto the sons of the concubines] Viz., Hagar and Keturah, Abraham gave
gifts. Cattle for breed, seed to sow the land, and implements for husbandry,
may be what is here intended.
And sent
them away-while he yet lived] Lest after his death they should dispute a
settlement in the Land of Promise with Isaac; therefore he very prudently sent
them to procure settlements during his lifetime, that they might be under no
temptation to dispute the settlement with Isaac in Canaan. From this circumstance arose that law which
has prevailed in almost all countries, of giving the estates to the eldest son
by a lawful wife; for though concubines, or wives of the second rank, were
perfectly legitimate in those ancient times, yet their children did not
inherit, except in case of the failure of legal issue, and with the consent of
the lawful wife; and it is very properly observed by Calmet, that it was in
consequence of the consent of Leah and Rachel that the children of their slaves
by Jacob had a common and equal lot with the rest. By a law of Solon all natural children were
excluded from the paternal inheritance, but their fathers were permitted to
give them any sum not beyond a thousand drachma by way of present.
unto the east country.] Arabia Deserta,
which was eastward of Beer-sheba, where Abraham lived.
7 And these
are the days of the years of Abraham's life which he lived, an hundred
threescore and fifteen years. (KJV)
7 (WNT)
Adam Clarke's Commentary:
Verse 7.
The days of the years, &c.]
There is a beauty in this expression which is not sufficiently
regarded. Good men do not live by
centuries, though many such have lived several hundred years, nor do they count
their lives even by years, but by days, living as if they were the creatures
only of A DAY; having no more time than they can with any propriety call their
own, and living that day in reference to eternity.
8 Then
Abraham gave up the ghost, and died in a good old age, an old man, and full of
years; and was gathered to his people. (KJV)
8 (WNT)
Ge 15:15; 35:29; 49:29,33
Adam Clarke's Commentary:
Verse 8.
Then Abraham gave up the ghost] Highly as I value our translation for
general accuracy, fidelity, and elegance, I must beg leave to dissent from this
version. The original word ewgy yigva,
from the root eyg gava, signifies to pant for breath, to expire, to cease from
breathing, or to breathe one's last; and here, and wherever the original word
is used, the simple term expired would be the proper expression. In our translation this expression occurs Ge
25:8,17; 35:29; 44:33; Job 3:11; 10:18; 11:20; 13:19; 14:10; La 1:19; in all of
which places the original is eyg gava. It occurs also in our translation, Jer
15:9, but there the original is hvpn hxpn naphecah naphshah, she breathed out
her soul; the verb eyg gava not being used.
Now as our English word ghost, from the Anglo-Saxon [A.S.] gast, an
inmate, inhabitant, guest, (a casual visitant,) also a spirit, is now
restricted among us to the latter meaning, always signifying the immortal
spirit or soul of man, the guest of the body; and as giving up the spirit,
ghost, or soul, is an act not proper to man, though commending it to God, in
our last moments, is both an act of faith and piety; and as giving up the
ghost, i.e., dismissing his spirit from his body, is attributed to Jesus
Christ, to whom alone it is proper, I therefore object against its use in every
other case.
Every man since the fall has not only been liable
to death, but has deserved it, as all have forfeited their lives because of
sin. Jesus Christ, as born immaculate, and having never sinned, had not
forfeited his life, and therefore may be considered as naturally and properly
immortal. No man, says he, taketh it-my
life, from me, but I lay it down of myself; I have power to lay it down, and I
have power to take it again: therefore doth the Father love me, because I lay
down my life that I might take it again, Joh 10:17,18. Hence we rightly translate Mt 27:50, afhke to
pneuma, he gave up the ghost; i.e., he dismissed his spirit that he might die
for the sin of the world. The Evangelist St. Joh 19:30, makes use of an
expression to the same import, which we translate in the same way, paredwke to
pneuma, he delivered up his spirit. We
translate Mr 15:37, and Lu 23:46, he gave up the ghost, but not correctly, because
the word in both these places is very different, exepneuse, he breathed his
last, or expired, though in the latter place (Lu 23:46) there is an equivalent
expression, O Father, into thy hands paratiyemai to pneuma mou, I commit my
spirit, i.e., I place my soul in thy hand; proving that the act was his own,
that no man could take his life away from him, that he did not die by the
perfidy of his disciple, or the malice of the Jews, but by his own free act.
Thus HE LAID DOWN his life for the sheep.
Of Ananias and Sapphira, Ac 5:5,10, and of Herod, Ac 12:23, our
translation says they gave up the ghost; but the word in both places is
exequxe, which simply means to breathe out, to expire, or die; but in no case,
either by the Septuagint in the Old or any of the sacred writers in the New
Testament, is afhke to mneuma or paredwke to pneuma, he dismissed his spirit or
delivered up his spirit, spoken of any person but Christ. Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, Jacob, &c., breathed
their last; Ananias, Sapphira, and Herod expired; but none, Jesus Christ
excepted, gave up the ghost, dismissed, or delivered up his own spirit, and was
consequently free among the dead. Of the
patriarchs, &c., the Septuagint uses the word ekleipwn, failing, or
katepause, he ceased or rested.
An old
man] Viz., one hundred and seventy-five,
the youngest of all the patriarchs; and full of years. The word years is not in the text; but as our
translators saw that some word was necessary to fill up the text, they added
this in italics. It is probable that the
true word is Mymy yamim, days, as in Ge 35:29; and this reading is found in
several of Kennicott's and De Rossi's MSS., in the Samaritan text, Septuagint,
Vulgate, Syriac, Arabic, Persic, and Chaldee. On these authorities it might be
safely admitted into the text.
Being full
of days, or full of years.-To be satiated with days or life, has been in use
among different nations to express the termination of life, and especially life
ended without reluctance. It seems to be
a metaphor taken from a guest regaled by a plentiful banquet, and is thus used
by the Roman poets.
Lucretius, lib. iii., ver. 947, ridiculing those
who were unreasonably attached to life, and grievously afflicted at the
prospect of death, addresses them in the following manner:-
The man whose mighty soul is not immersed
in dubious whirl of secular
His final hour ne'er takes him
by surprise,
But, FULL of LIFE, he stands
It was the opinion of Aristotle
that a man should depart from life as he should rise from a banquet. Thus Abraham died FULL of days, and SATISFIED
with life, but in a widely different spirit from that recommended by the above
writers-HE left life with a hope full of immortality, which they could never
boast; for HE saw the day of Christ, and was glad; and his hope was crowned,
for here it is expressly said, He was gathered to his fathers; surely not to
the bodies of his sleeping ancestors, who were buried in Chaldea and not in
Canaan, nor with his fathers in any sense, for he was deposited in the cave
where his WIFE alone slept; but he was gathered to the spirits of just men made
perfect, and to the Church of the first-born, whose names are written in
heaven; Heb 12:23.
9 And his sons Isaac and Ishmael
buried him in the cave of Machpelah, in the field of Ephron the son of Zohar
the Hittite, which is before Mamre; (KJV)
9 (WNT)
Ge 23:9; 35:29; 50:13
Adam Clarke's Commentary:
Verse 9. His sons Isaac and
Ishmael buried him] Though Ishmael and
his mother had been expelled from Abraham's family on the account of Isaac,
yet, as he was under the same obligation to a most loving affectionate father
as his brother Isaac, if any personal feuds remained, they agreed to bury them
on this occasion, that both might dutifully join in doing the last offices to a
parent who was an honour to them and to human nature: and, considering the
rejection of Ishmael from the inheritance, this transaction shows his character
in an amiable point of view; for though he was a wild man, (see Ge 16:12,) yet
this appellation appears to be more characteristic of his habits of life than
of his disposition.
For the character of Abraham see the conclusion of this chapter. See ACC for Ge 25:34.
10 The field which Abraham
purchased of the sons of Heth: there was Abraham buried, and Sarah his wife.
10 (WNT)
Ge 23:3-16; 49:31
11 ¶ And it came to pass after
the death of Abraham, that God blessed his son Isaac; and Isaac dwelt by the
well Lahairoi. (KJV)
11 ¶ (WNT)
Ge 16:14; 24:62
Adam Clarke's Commentary:
Verse 11. God blessed his son
Isaac] The peculiar blessings and
influences by which Abraham had been distinguished now rested upon Isaac; but
how little do we hear in him of the work of faith, the patience of hope, and
the labour of love! Only one Abraham and
one Christ ever appeared among men; there have been some successful imitators,
there should have been many.
Did Jacob obey the God of his Fathers when
he took all his descendants to Egypt.
Why did Joseph’s position in Pharaoh’s Royal court DEGENERATE
Why did Moses call them a WICKED or STIFF
NECKED generation despite being A CHOSEN PEOPLE.
Have you ever bothered to ask as well, WHY
Why is religion especially the imported
version THE OPIUM OF THE MASSES as Karl Marx opined.
Now ask yourself again, WHY WERE ISRAELITES
Rev. Prof. J. J. Kenez, D.Sc.
28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be
fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have
dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every
living thing that moveth upon the earth.
28 And God blessed them, and God said to
them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and
have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over
every living thing that moves upon the earth." (RSV)
28 And God gave them his blessing and said to them, Be fertile and have
increase, and make the earth full and be masters of it; be rulers over the fish
of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing moving on
the earth. (BBE)
least we can all see that there was nothing that suggests TO FILL THE EARTH.
Therefore our job is simple, namely to seek for the etymological differences
between TO SUBDUE and TO FILL. We must consult English dictionaries!
o o o
o o
Or find an English doctorate degree holder to assist you o
oo oo
Having dealt with simple
connotations of the two words, let us now explore their denotations. Let Adam
Clarke lead us!
The creation of man in the image and likeness of God,
with the dominion
given him over the earth and all inferior animals, 26.
Man or Adam, a general name for human beings,
Including both male and female, 27.
Their peculiar blessing, 28.
26 ¶ And God said, Let us make man in
our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the
sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth,
and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
Ge 5:1; 9:2,6; Ps 8:6; 100:3; Ec 7:29;
Ac 17:26,28-29; 1Co 11:7; Eph 4:24; Col 3:10; Jas 3:9
Adam Clarke's Commentary:
Verse 26. And God said, Let us make man] It is evident
that God intends to impress the mind of man with a sense of something
extraordinary in the formation of his body and soul, when he introduces the
account of his creation thus; Let US make man.
The word Mda Adam, which we translate man, is intended to designate the
species of animal, as wtyx chaitho, marks the wild beasts that live in general
a solitary life; hmhb behemah, domestic or gregarious animals; and smr remes,
all kinds of reptiles, from the largest snake to the microscopic eel. Though the same kind of organization may be
found in man as appears in the lower animals, yet there is a variety and
complication in the parts, a delicacy of structure, a nice arrangement, a
judicious adaptation of the different members to their great offices and
functions, a dignity of mien, and a perfection of the whole, which are sought
for in vain in all other creatures. See
Ge 3:22.
In our image, after our likeness]
What is said above refers only to the body of man, what is here said
refers to his soul. This was made in the image and likeness of God. Now, as the Divine Being is infinite, he is
neither limited by parts, nor definable by passions; therefore he can have no
corporeal image after which he made the body of man. The image and likeness must necessarily be intellectual;
his mind, his soul, must have been formed after the nature and perfections of
his God. The human mind is still endowed
with most extraordinary capacities; it was more so when issuing out of the
hands of its Creator. God was now
producing a spirit, and a spirit, too, formed after the perfections of his own
nature. God is the fountain whence this
spirit issued, hence the stream must resemble the spring which produced it. God
is holy, just, wise, good, and perfect; so must the soul be that sprang from
him: there could be in it nothing impure, unjust, ignorant, evil, low, base,
mean, or vile. It was created after the
image of God; and that image, St. Paul tells us, consisted in righteousness,
true holiness, and knowledge, Eph 4:24; Col 3:10. Hence man was wise in his
mind, holy in his heart, and righteous in his actions. Were even the word of God silent on this
subject, we could not infer less from the lights held out to us by reason and
common sense. The text tells us he was
the work of ELOHIM, the Divine Plurality, marked here more distinctly by the
plural pronouns US and OUR; and to show that he was the masterpiece of God's
creation, all the persons in the Godhead are represented as united in counsel
and effort to produce this astonishing creature.
Gregory Nyssen has very properly observed that the superiority of man to
all other parts of creation is seen in this, that all other creatures are
represented as the effect of God's word, but man is represented as the work of
God, according to plan and consideration: Let US make MAN in our IMAGE, after
our LIKENESS. See his Works, vol. i., p. 52, c. 3.
let them have dominion] Hence we see
that the dominion was not the image. God
created man capable of governing the world, and when fitted for the office, he
fixed him in it. We see God's tender
care and parental solicitude for the comfort and well-being of this masterpiece
of his workmanship, in creating the world previously to the creation of man. He
prepared every thing for his subsistence, convenience, and pleasure, before he
brought him into being; so that, comparing little with great things, the house
was built, furnished, and amply stored, by the time the destined tenant was
ready to occupy it.
It has been supposed by some that God
speaks here to the angels, when he says, Let us make man; but to make this a
likely interpretation these persons must prove, 1. That angels were then
created. 2. That angels could assist in
a work of creation. 3. That angels were
themselves made in the image and likeness of God. If they were not, it could
not be said, in OUR image, and it does not appear from any part in the sacred
writings that any creature but man was made in the image of God. See ACC for Ps 8:5.
27 So God created man in his own image, in the
image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
Ge 5:2; Mal 2:15; Mt 19:4; Mr 10:6; 1Co
28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful,
and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over
the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing
that moveth upon the earth.
Ge 9:1,7; Le 26:9; Ps 127:3; 128:3-4
Adam Clarke's Commentary:
Verse 28. And God blessed
them] Marked them as being under his
especial protection, and gave them power to propagate and multiply their own
kind on the earth. A large volume would
be insufficient to contain what we know of the excellence and perfection of
man, even in his present degraded fallen state.
Both his body and soul are adapted with astonishing wisdom to their
residence and occupations; and also the place of their residence, as well as
the surrounding objects, in their diversity, colour, and mutual relations, to
the mind and body of this lord of the creation.
The contrivance, arrangement, action, and re-action of the different
parts of the body, show the admirable skill of the wondrous Creator; while the
various powers and faculties of the mind, acting on and by the different organs
of this body, proclaim the soul's Divine origin, and demonstrate that he who
was made in the image and likeness of God, was a transcript of his own
excellency, destined to know, love, and dwell with his Maker throughout
29 ¶ And God said, Behold, I have given you
every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every
tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for
Adam Clarke's Commentary:
Verse 29. I have given you
every herb-for meat.] It seems from
this, says an eminent philosopher, that man was originally intended to live
upon vegetables only; and as no change was made In the structure of men's
bodies after the flood, it is not probable that any change was made in the
articles of their food. It may also be inferred from this passage that no
animal whatever was originally designed to prey on others; for nothing is here
said to be given to any beast of the earth besides green herbs.-Dr.
Priestley. Before sin entered into the
world, there could be, at least, no violent deaths, if any death at all. But by
the particular structure of the teeth of animals God prepared them for that
kind of aliment which they were to subsist on after the FALL.
Professor Kenez has
this to add. Many Bible Scholars were and to date are ONLY PHILOSOPHERS AND
scientific paradigms, and so they can never see that to subdue is the
scientific inventions that brought about ADVANCES IN MODERN MEDICINE, ELECTRICITY,
AND MODERN MODES OF TRANSPORTATIONS as positive alleviations of manhood AND
as the negative aspects of the same TO SUBDUE!
a BEGEO mek unea go relax small for this picture gallery
on Thursday, January 24, 2019 AT O4:15:59 AM
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