Danmbaezue shared a link. 46 minutes ago near Lagos
WHY AM I POSTING THIS FOR THE WHOLE WORLD TO SEE? .... AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY ASK ..................... A Biafran adage or funny parlance states “ The reason why the hen being taken to the slaughter for making a soup or stew for a human meal is screaming loudly, not because what or who is holding tight will release its firm grip on her BUT so that everyone will hear that at least she made a bold effort to call for help not that she hoped for freedom from entering into the soup pot.” In my culture we do not interpret wise sayings..think ….
A British Legacy in Deliberate Underdevelopment of
Dr Jideofo Kenechukwu Danmbaezue, D.Sc.
Consultant Clinical Psychologist& Existential Family Therapist
Kenez Health Klinik & Happy Family Network International
5 Church Street, Federal Housing Estate, Trans-Ekulu, Enugu
Phone: 0803-9097614 or 0805-1764999, E-mail:
You can also visit my website: for more
Has anyone ever bordered to ask, why was a primary classroom teacher preferred to lead a developing nation whereas that country had a British-trained barrister and an American-trained journalist as leading nationalists? Alternatively, put it this way, what was the rationale that warranted hoisting a ‘Homo faber’ non-politician that never participated in the agitation for independence on an emerging nation whereas vibrant and prominent nationalists were available and eager to serve. They were deliberately ignored, maligned and craftily sidelined.
The answer is simple for any political analyst who is worth his salt in evaluating the divide-and-rule diplomacy ofBritain : Nigeria was/is merely an experiment
in mediocrity by the British Political Class designed by expert
neo-colonialists to maximise her full exploitation of the natural resources of
the natives! The evidence is so clear and unambiguous. For thirty years, with
only a few years respite, the civil polity in Africa ’s
most populous and the largest black nation worldwide bled under a revolving
door of military rulers! Her citizens were simply ignored to grunt and die!
Dr Jideofo Kenechukwu Danmbaezue, ex-Biafran Commando Major (BA/6532) of the Commando Brigade & Retired FLT LT (NAF 759) of the Medical Corps, emphatically states that NIGERIA IS AN EXPERIMENT IN MEDIOCRITY BY BRITISH NEO-COLONIAL MASTERS designed to exploit and under-develop it through remotely tele-guiding the Northern Mediocres they had hoisted/helped to cling to political power since her pseudo-independence in1960. To date they manipulate them from Buckingham Palace/No 10 Downing Street! The experiment is on-going; the 2011 post election riots prove my case.
From the end of the unnecessary fratricidal war till 1999 the polity knew no peace and had no respite from the marauding Generals, all from the North, who changed batons in a marathon race of stealing authority, maiming opposition leaders and successively looting the national treasury. You may not blame them; they were drafted into the Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA) early in life for the sole purpose of dominating the Southerners for ever and were indoctrinated that the military would rule in the future by the Late Sultan Ahmadu Bello, the Sarduana of Sokoto, the leader of NPC.
General Buhari, a protégé of the Late Sultan used it as his main campaign manifesto by reacting to the principle thus; he told Northern youths that if an ‘unbeliever’ from the South won the 2011 Presidential election; they would be slaves for the next 40 years. Read about all his tactics of playing on ethnic and religious sentiments from both local and international media. Below is a recent witness/exhibit:
According to Friday, 22 April 2011 00:00 by Reuben Abati in Opinion – Columnists;
“It is Buhari’s CPC that has literally been on the offensive. There is no iota of doubt whatsoever that the angry youths who have made a section of the country ungovernable believe that they are acting on behalf of the CPC. They have been chanting: “mu ke so, ba muso hanni” (It is Buhari we want, we don’t want an unbeliever”). General Buhari has been quoted in the media saying that he deplores the violence, he has also spoken on BBC Hausa service, and he has issued two statements in English language to that effect. General Buhari has to do much more than that.
His responses to the electoral process and his party’s have been at best contradictory and mischievous. It will be recalled that in the first week of March 2011, General Buhari advised his supporters to “lynch” anybody who tries to rig the April polls. In his words: “you should never leave polling centres until votes are counted and the winner declared and you should lynch anybody that tries to tinker with the votes.” Subsequently, with his supporters having been so incited, General Buhari disclosed that he did not intend to go to court as a person, but that his party could do so, in the event of his not winning the election.
In the same month of March 2011, Buhari’s running mate, Pastor Tunde Bakare also allegedly declared that there would be a “wild wild North” if the elections were rigged. Buhari and Bakare were strongly criticized for this, with pointed insinuations by a group called “Coalition for Transparency and Integrity” that the CPC duo did not have the right temperament for the job that they sought. On April 16, General Buhari after voting complained about unusual aircraft movement and the distribution of ballot papers that had already been thumb-printed: “Buhari said that it was the responsibility of young people as major stakeholders to ensure that the elections were free and fair.
If they allow the ruling party to mess them up, it is they who will suffer for the next 40 years.” (The Punch, April 17, at page 14). There has been a lot of lynching in the North since then! Today, we also have on our hands, a “wild wild North”. So, what exactly does General Buhari want? And what should he do?
I have read the statement issued by General Buhari titled “Message of Peace and Hope.” There is very little about hope in that message. A speech in which the General writes off the entire election as fraudulent and Jega as insincere, and shows no sign of reconciliation with the opposition says nothing about hope, rather it says everything about the likely dangers ahead. General Buhari should realise that it is precisely this kind of attitude that led to the current crisis inCote D’Ivoire .
In theUS
Presidential election in 2000, Al Gore could have put his feet down over Florida : the margin between him and George Bush Jnr was
so close, but in the end, he conceded defeat so America could move on. In 1979,
Chief Obafemi Awolowo, who commanded like Buhari, a cult-like following chose
to go to court to contest the results of the Presidential election in part, his
disciples insist, in order to prevent violent protest in the South West, and
the occurrence of another “wild wild West phenomenon.” It is such
statesman-like conduct that is required from Buhari at this moment.”
I thank Reuben Abati. He is a courageous journalist! I doff my cap for a patriot! In short, he literarily stated that Buhari incited the Muslim youths to lynch anyone who stopped them from winning the Presidential election. Remember that a vehicle plate number slogan; “BORN TO RULE” came from the Northern home state of the Sultan.
is a perfect example of the British legacy of deliberately under-developing her
ex-colonial territories. This resulted in the dark years of a revolving door of
military dictators in a bedeviled Nigeria . From the end of the
unnecessary fratricidal war till 1999 the polity has not known peace nor had
any respite from the marauding military dictators, all from the North, who
changed batons in a marathon race of looting the national treasury, perennially
reducing our GNP, depleting the natural resources in the Delta region,
misappropriating our foreign reserves, maiming opposition leaders and
successively clinging onto political power as their late mentor had taught them
to do.”
Dr Jideofo Kenechukwu Danmbaezue, D.Sc.
Consultant Clinical Psychologist& Existential Family Therapist
Kenez Health Klinik & Happy Family Network International
5 Church Street, Federal Housing Estate, Trans-Ekulu, Enugu
Phone: 0803-9097614 or 0805-1764999, E-mail:
You can also visit my website: for more
Has anyone ever bordered to ask, why was a primary classroom teacher preferred to lead a developing nation whereas that country had a British-trained barrister and an American-trained journalist as leading nationalists? Alternatively, put it this way, what was the rationale that warranted hoisting a ‘Homo faber’ non-politician that never participated in the agitation for independence on an emerging nation whereas vibrant and prominent nationalists were available and eager to serve. They were deliberately ignored, maligned and craftily sidelined.
The answer is simple for any political analyst who is worth his salt in evaluating the divide-and-rule diplomacy of
Dr Jideofo Kenechukwu Danmbaezue, ex-Biafran Commando Major (BA/6532) of the Commando Brigade & Retired FLT LT (NAF 759) of the Medical Corps, emphatically states that NIGERIA IS AN EXPERIMENT IN MEDIOCRITY BY BRITISH NEO-COLONIAL MASTERS designed to exploit and under-develop it through remotely tele-guiding the Northern Mediocres they had hoisted/helped to cling to political power since her pseudo-independence in1960. To date they manipulate them from Buckingham Palace/No 10 Downing Street! The experiment is on-going; the 2011 post election riots prove my case.
From the end of the unnecessary fratricidal war till 1999 the polity knew no peace and had no respite from the marauding Generals, all from the North, who changed batons in a marathon race of stealing authority, maiming opposition leaders and successively looting the national treasury. You may not blame them; they were drafted into the Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA) early in life for the sole purpose of dominating the Southerners for ever and were indoctrinated that the military would rule in the future by the Late Sultan Ahmadu Bello, the Sarduana of Sokoto, the leader of NPC.
General Buhari, a protégé of the Late Sultan used it as his main campaign manifesto by reacting to the principle thus; he told Northern youths that if an ‘unbeliever’ from the South won the 2011 Presidential election; they would be slaves for the next 40 years. Read about all his tactics of playing on ethnic and religious sentiments from both local and international media. Below is a recent witness/exhibit:
According to Friday, 22 April 2011 00:00 by Reuben Abati in Opinion – Columnists;
“It is Buhari’s CPC that has literally been on the offensive. There is no iota of doubt whatsoever that the angry youths who have made a section of the country ungovernable believe that they are acting on behalf of the CPC. They have been chanting: “mu ke so, ba muso hanni” (It is Buhari we want, we don’t want an unbeliever”). General Buhari has been quoted in the media saying that he deplores the violence, he has also spoken on BBC Hausa service, and he has issued two statements in English language to that effect. General Buhari has to do much more than that.
His responses to the electoral process and his party’s have been at best contradictory and mischievous. It will be recalled that in the first week of March 2011, General Buhari advised his supporters to “lynch” anybody who tries to rig the April polls. In his words: “you should never leave polling centres until votes are counted and the winner declared and you should lynch anybody that tries to tinker with the votes.” Subsequently, with his supporters having been so incited, General Buhari disclosed that he did not intend to go to court as a person, but that his party could do so, in the event of his not winning the election.
In the same month of March 2011, Buhari’s running mate, Pastor Tunde Bakare also allegedly declared that there would be a “wild wild North” if the elections were rigged. Buhari and Bakare were strongly criticized for this, with pointed insinuations by a group called “Coalition for Transparency and Integrity” that the CPC duo did not have the right temperament for the job that they sought. On April 16, General Buhari after voting complained about unusual aircraft movement and the distribution of ballot papers that had already been thumb-printed: “Buhari said that it was the responsibility of young people as major stakeholders to ensure that the elections were free and fair.
If they allow the ruling party to mess them up, it is they who will suffer for the next 40 years.” (The Punch, April 17, at page 14). There has been a lot of lynching in the North since then! Today, we also have on our hands, a “wild wild North”. So, what exactly does General Buhari want? And what should he do?
I have read the statement issued by General Buhari titled “Message of Peace and Hope.” There is very little about hope in that message. A speech in which the General writes off the entire election as fraudulent and Jega as insincere, and shows no sign of reconciliation with the opposition says nothing about hope, rather it says everything about the likely dangers ahead. General Buhari should realise that it is precisely this kind of attitude that led to the current crisis in
In the
I thank Reuben Abati. He is a courageous journalist! I doff my cap for a patriot! In short, he literarily stated that Buhari incited the Muslim youths to lynch anyone who stopped them from winning the Presidential election. Remember that a vehicle plate number slogan; “BORN TO RULE” came from the Northern home state of the Sultan.
Lt J. K. D. Mbaezue,(rtd)
Nigerian Civil War
Date 1967–1970
The diagram shows independent state of the Republic of Biafra in June 1967.
Southern Nigeria
Nigerian victory
Nigeria Biafra
Yakubu Gowon Odumegwu Ojukwu
Casualties and losses
200,000 Military/civilian casualties 1,000,000 Military and civilian casualties
The Nigerian Civil War, also known as the Nigerian-Biafran War, 6 July 1967 – 15 January 1970, was a political conflict caused by the attempted secession of the south-eastern provinces of Nigeria as the self-proclaimed Republic of Biafra.
1 Causes of the conflict
2 Conflicts during the colonial era
3 Military coup
4 Counter-coup
5 Pogroms
6 Oil
7 Breakaway
8 Civil War
9 Stalemate
10 War's End
11 Aftermath and legacy
12 References
13 See also
14 Bibliography
15 External links
Causes of the conflict
The conflict was the result of economic, ethnic, cultural and religious tensions among the various peoples of Nigeria. Like many other African nations,Nigeria
was an artificial structure initiated by the British which had neglected to
consider religious, linguistic, and ethnic differences [citation needed]. Nigeria , which won independence from Britain in
1960, had at that time a population of 60 million people consisting of nearly
300 differing ethnic and cultural groups.
The causes of the Nigerian civil war were diverse. More than fifty years earlier,Great Britain
carved an area out of West Africa containing hundreds of different groups and
unified it, calling it Nigeria .
Although the area contained many different groups, three were predominant: the
Igbo, which formed between 60-70% of the population in the southeast, the
Hausa-Fulani, which formed about 65% of the peoples in the northern part of the
territory; the Yoruba, which formed about 75% of the population in the south-western
part.[citation needed]
The semi-feudal and Islamic Hausa-Fulani in the North were traditionally ruled by an autocratic, conservative Islamic hierarchy consisting of some thirty-odd Emirs who, in turn, owed their allegiance to a supreme Sultan. This Sultan was regarded as the source of all political power and religious authority.
The Yoruba political system in the southwest, like that of the Hausa-Fulani, also consisted of a series of monarchs being the Oba. The Yoruba monarchs, however, were less autocratic than those in the North, and the political and social system of the Yoruba accordingly allowed for greater upward mobility based on acquired rather than inherited wealth and title.
The Igbo in the southeast, in contrast to the two other groups, lived in some six hundred autonomous, democratically-organized villages. Although there were monarchs in these villages (whether hereditary or elected), they functioned predominantly as figureheads. Unlike the other two regions, decisions among the Igbo were made by a general assembly in which every man could participate.
The differing political systems among these three peoples produced radically divergent customs and values. The Hausa-Fulani commoners, having contact with the political system only through their village head who was designated by the Emir or one of his subordinates, did not view political leaders as amenable to influence. Political decisions were to be obeyed without question. This highly centralized and authoritarian political system elevated to positions of leadership persons willing to be subservient and loyal to superiors, the same virtues required by Islam for eternal salvation. A chief function of this political system was to maintain Islamic and conservative values, which caused many Hausa-Fulani to view economic and social innovation as subversive or sacrilegious.
In contrast to the Hausa-Fulani, the Igbo often participated directly in the decisions which affected their lives. They had a lively awareness of the political system and regarded it as an instrument for achieving their own personal goals. Status was acquired through the ability to arbitrate disputes that might arise in the village, and through acquiring rather than inheriting wealth. With their emphasis upon achievement, individual choice and democratic decision-making, the challenges of modernization for the Igbo entailed responding to new opportunities in traditional ways.
These tradition-derived differences were perpetuated and, perhaps, even enhanced by the British system of colonial rule inNigeria . In the
North, the British found it convenient to rule indirectly through the Emirs,
thus perpetuating rather than changing the indigenous authoritarian political
system. As a concomitant of this system, Christian missionaries were excluded
from the North, and the area thus remained virtually closed to Western
education and influence, in contrast to the Igbo, the richest of whom sent many
of their sons to British universities. During the ensuing years, the Northern
Emirs thus were able to maintain traditional political and religious
institutions, while limiting social change. As a result, the North, at the time
of independence in 1960, was by far the most underdeveloped area in Nigeria ; with a
literacy rate of 2% as compared to 19.2% in the East (literacy in Arabic
script, learned in connection with religious education, was higher). The West
enjoyed a much higher literacy level, being the first part of the country to
have contact with western education in addition to the free primary education
programme of the pre-independence Western Regional Government [1].
In the South, the missionaries rapidly introduced Western forms of education. Consequently, the Yoruba were the first group inNigeria to
become significantly modernized and they provided the first African civil
servants, doctors, lawyers, and other technicians and professionals.
In Igbo areas, missionaries were introduced at a later date because of British difficulty in establishing firm control over the highly autonomous Igbo villages. ………….(Audrey Chapman, “Civil War in Nigeria,” Midstream, Feb 1968).
However, the Igbo people took to Western education zealously, and they overwhelmingly came to adopt Christianity. Population pressure in the Igbo homeland combined with an intense desire for economic improvement drove thousands of Igbo to other parts ofNigeria in
search of work. By the 1960s the Igbo had become politically unified and
economically prosperous, with tradesmen and literate elites active not just in
the traditionally Igbo South, but throughout Nigeria.[2]
Conflicts during the colonial era
The British political ideology of dividing Nigeria during the colonial period into three regions North, West and East exacerbated the already well-developed economic, political, and social competition among Nigeria's different ethnic groups. For the country was divided in such a way that the North had slightly more population than the other two regions combined. On this basis the Northern Region was allocated a majority of the seats in the Federal Legislature established by the colonial authorities. Handiwork of Deceitful Colonial British Administrators
Within each of the three regions the dominant ethnic groups; the Hausa-Fulani, Yoruba, and Igbo respectively formed political parties that were largely regional and tribal in character: the Northern People's Congress (NPC) in the North; the Action Group in the West (AG): and the National Conference of Nigeria and the Cameroons (NCNC) in the East. The present disintegration of Nigeria provides the evidence that these parties were not exclusively homogeneous in terms of their ethnic or regional make-up, rather they prove the fact that these parties were primarily based on ethnic cleavages in one region and one tribe. To simplify matters, we will refer to them here as the Hausa, Yoruba, and Igbo-based; or Northern, Western and Eastern parties. The subterfuge of Britons is clearly demonstrated here; ignoreing the well-known British alphabetical order of presenting H before I and then Y.
During the 1940s and 1950s the Igbo and Yoruba parties were in the forefront of the fight for independence fromBritain . They
also wanted an independent Nigeria
to be organized into several small states so that the conservative North could
not dominate the country. Northern leaders, however, fearful that independence
would mean political and economic domination by the more Westernized elites in
the South, preferred the perpetuation of British rule. As a condition for
accepting independence, they demanded that the country continue to be divided
into three regions with the North having a clear majority. Igbo and Yoruba
leaders, anxious to obtain an independent country at all costs, accepted the
Northern demands.
During the Nigerian civil war of 1967 to 1970, the Nigerian government imposed blockades aroundBiafra ,
effectively cutting off the secessionist state’s food supply. The resulting
famine in Biafra was devastating, as upwards
of one million people died of starvation. The swollen bellies and ankles of
these Biafran children are symptoms of kwashiorkor, an extreme form of
protein-energy malnutrition.
Throughout the early 20th century, Nigerians found many ways to oppose foreign rule. Local armed revolts, concentrated in the middle belt, broke out sporadically and intensified during World War I (1914-1918). Workers in mines, railways, and public service often went on strike over poor wages and working conditions, including a large general action in 1945, when 30,000 workers stopped commerce for 37 days. Ire over taxation prompted other conflicts, including a battle in 1929 fought mainly by Igbo women in theAba area. More common was
passive resistance: avoiding being counted in the census, working at a slow
pace, telling stories ridiculing colonists and colonialism. A few political
groups also formed to campaign for independence, including the National
Congress and the National Democratic Party, but their success was slight. In
1937 the growing movement was given a voice by Nnamdi Azikiwe, an Igbo
nationalist, who founded the newspaper West African Pilot.
Nnamdi Azikiwe
Nnamdi Azikiwe was an important nationalist figure in colonialNigeria and became
the first president of independent Nigeria in 1963. UPI/Corbis
World War II (1939-1945), in which many Nigerians fought for or otherwise aidedBritain ,
increased the pace of nationalism. The growing anticolonial feeling was most
strongly articulated by two groups, the National Council of Nigeria and the
Cameroons (NCNC), led by Azikiwe and supported mostly by Igbo and other
easterners, and the Action Group, led by activist Obafemi Awolowo and supported
mostly by Yoruba and other westerners. By the early 1950s, other parties had
emerged, notably the Northern People’s Congress, a conservative northern group
led by the Hausa-Fulani elite. The regional power bases of these parties
foreshadowed the divisive regional politics that would follow colonialism.
Pressure for independence from withinNigeria was complemented by pressure from other
nations, and from reformers in Britain
and in other colonies. In 1947 the British responded by introducing a new
constitution that divided Nigeria
into three regions: the Northern Region, the Eastern Region, and the Western
Region. The Northern Region was mainly Hausa-Fulani and Muslim; the Eastern
Region, Igbo and Catholic; and the Western Region, Yoruba and mixed Muslim and
Anglican. The regions each had their own legislative assemblies, with mainly
appointed rather than elected members, and were overseen by a weak federal
government. Although short-lived, the constitution had serious long-term impact
through its encouragement of regional, ethnic-based politics.
The constitution failed on several counts, was abrogated in 1949, and was followed by other constitutions in 1951 and 1954, each of which had to contend with powerful ethnic forces. The Northern People’s Congress (NPC) argued that northerners, who made up half ofNigeria ’s
population, should have a large degree of autonomy from other regions and a
large representation in any federal legislature. The NPC was especially
concerned about respect for Islam and the economic dominance of the south. The
western-based Action Group also wanted autonomy; they feared that their
profitable western cocoa industries would be tapped to subsidize less wealthy
areas. In the poorer east, the National Council for Nigeria and the Cameroons
wanted a powerful central government and a redistribution of wealth—the very
things feared by the Action Group.
The eventual compromise was the 1954 constitution, which madeNigeria
a federation of three regions corresponding to the major ethnic nations. It
differed from the 1947 constitution in that powers were more evenly split between
the regional governments and the central government. The constitution also gave
the regions the right to seek self-government, which the Western and Eastern
regions achieved in 1956. The Northern Region, however, fearing that
self-government (and thus British withdrawal) would leave it at the mercy of
southerners, delayed the imposition until 1959.
In December 1959, elections were held for a federal parliament. None of the three main parties won a majority, but the NPC, thanks to the size of the Northern Region, won the largest plurality. Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa, head of the NPC, entered a coalition government with the eastern NCNC as prime minister. The new parliament was seated in January 1960.
Robert Stock of Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation, a historian fromAmerica here; presents the
perspectives of the West on the result of the British experiment, in 1966.
With an active Parliament and a sturdy economy, the most populous country inAfrica had seemingly
made an easy transition to independence in 1960. Nigeria 's 250 tribes, each with its
own language and customs, were divided into three and later four regions, each
dominated by major tribes: Hausa and Fulani in the North (29.8 million), Yoruba
in the West (12.8 million), and Ibo in the East (12.4 million). Although
Western impact came late to the larger and more populated Muslim North, ruled
by powerful feudal emirs, its legislative majority dominated the federal
The better-educated, change-oriented, aggressive Ibos in the East, many of whom emigrated to key positions outside their crowded region, resented Northern dominance and the many evidences of federal corruption. The tragic events of 1966 began on January 15 when a military coup by army officers toppled the government and led to the establishment of military rule under an Ibo general, Johnson T. U. Aguiyi-Ironsi, who surrounded himself with Ibo advisers. Northern resentment led to attacks on Ibos, and on July 29 the regime of General Ironsi was overthrown, and Lieutenant Colonel (later Major General) Yakubu Gowon, a Northern Hausa, became the chief of state of the Federal Military Government (FMG).
In September some 20,000 to 30,000 Ibos were massacred, and many more were attacked and maimed. Having reason to believe themselves marked for extermination, Ibos from all overNigeria returned in a mass
migration to the Eastern Region, where, under their regional military governor,
Lieutenant Colonel (later General) Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu, many pressed
for local autonomy and the more militant called for independence. The break
came on May 30, 1967, three days after the federal government divided the four
regions into 12 states in a move to decentralize and thereby reduce tribal
Cut off by the division from coastal trade and oil resources which would have made them economically viable, the Ibos declared the independence of the Eastern Region under the name of theRepublic
of Biafra (taken from the name of an
inlet on the Gulf
of Guinea ). Fighting
broke out in June, and despite Biafran forays during the early months of the
war, the federal forces had, by the end of this year, closed an ever-narrowing
ring around Biafra , which continued to resist
in guerrilla fashion.
Foreign Support.
Somewhat incongruously, the countries supplying arms and other aid to federalNigeria
include Great Britain , the
Soviet Union, and the United Arab Republic . Britain 's motives include its colonial ties and
post-independence trade and oil connections with Nigeria . Soviet aid of MIG fighters
is attributed to anticipated ideological, trade, and oil concessions in federal
Nigeria ,
which it sees as the inevitable winner. Egypt sympathizes with its Muslim
co-religionists in the Northern Region.
The United States, officially neutral, has barred arms sales to either side. But theU.S.
government has acknowledged the FMG as the only legitimate government of Nigeria , a move
which has evoked anti-U.S. sentiment among Biafrans. Public reaction against
shocking reports of Biafran starvation has led three European countries—Czechoslovakia , the Netherlands ,
and Belgium —to halt arms
shipments to federal Nigeria .
Biafra has received military aid fromFrance , ostensibly for trade and oil preference
should Biafra win. France
also reportedly wants to spite the United States
and Great Britain .
On July 31 the French government called for a resolution of the war on the
basis of the right of self-determination. Portugal
has given Biafra the use of its air ports and
telecommunications. Tanzania ,
in April, became the first country to recognize Biafra
as an independent state. Three other African countries—Gabon , the Ivory
Coast , and Zambia —recognized
Biafra in May.
Reports of Starvation.
In October the head of the World Council of Churches relief program inBiafra estimated deaths from
starvation at 186,000 in July, 310,000 in August, and 360,000 in September.
Relief flights of food to Biafra , which
reached an average of 15-18 a night, reduced deaths in October to about
200,000. Forecasts predicted 25,000 deaths a day in December unless a
cease-fire was called. The International Committee of the Red Cross has fed
750,000 victims daily in what is left of Biafra ,
plus 500,000 daily in areas taken by federal troops.
Many groups and prominent individuals, including Senator Edward M. Kennedy ofMassachusetts ,
have criticized the American government for not sending direct food relief to Biafra . But U.S.
officials maintained that they could not authorize such flights without
permission from the federal Nigerian government and that U.S. government
food and other aid must be channeled through private church relief agencies and
the ICRC. Direct night flights to Biafra have been harassed by federal Nigeria , which
had demanded that relief shipments land on federally held territory. Biafra would not accept such an arrangement, however,
claiming that food passing through federal hands might be poisoned. In November
the federal government said it would allow daytime flights of relief supplies
into the Biafran airstrip at Uli, but the Biafran regime did not agree to this
arrangement, possibly because night flights containing arms shipments would
then be open to federal attacks.
Unsuccessful Peace Talks.
Peace talks began with unsuccessful secret sessions inLondon during January and
February. More promising preliminary talks in early May led to an agreement
that peace negotiations should begin in Kampala ,
Uganda , later
that month. These talks, however, made little progress and were cut off by Biafra on May 31. At the August 5-September 9 talks in Addis Ababa , under the
auspices of the Organization of African Unity, the warring representatives
again deadlocked. Federal Nigeria has insisted that Biafra give up independence
as a condition for peace; Biafra has replied
that only autonomy can save the Ibos from massacre.
On August 12, Pope Paul VI appealed for an end to the civil war. At a September meeting inAlgeria ,
the OAU passed a resolution calling on Biafra to cease its fight for
independence and to cooperate with Nigeria in seeking peace. Most of
the 40 OAU member nations themselves contain tribal minorities with easily
awakened antagonisms toward their central governments. It is feared that
Biafra's success might prompt other rebellions and lead to a balkanization of Africa . Nigeria 's
ambassadors have played upon this fear in the capitals of African nations.
At least one Biafran friend altered her stand. Dame Margery Perham, anOxford University specialist on Africa who in August
declared Biafrans as 'overwhelmingly the injured party ... who dare not
surrender,' changed her mind on a subsequent visit to Nigeria . In
September she broadcast a plea to Biafrans to surrender as the only way to save
millions from death and starvation.
Economic Developments.
Federal Nigeria introduced new currency notes on January 3 in a move to stopBiafra 's use of
Nigerian pounds to buy arms abroad. Biafra was thus forced on January 30 to
issue its own currency notes—which it imported from Switzerland —and postage stamps.
While the cost of the civil war is incalculable in lost lives, one American economist estimated the financial cost to federalNigeria at over
$840 million. Nigeria was
also hurt financially when Great Britain
devalued the pound, as Britain
is Nigeria 's
main trading partner. On January 18 the federal finance minister announced new
controls on nonessential imports in an effort to strengthen the country's
foreign reserves.
Area and Population (includingBiafra ).
Area, 356,669 sq. mi. Pop. (1963), 55,670,052. Density per sq. mi., 156. Principal cities:Lagos
(cap.), 450,000; Enugu (cap. of Biafra), 63,000;
Ibadan ,
Federal Military Government. Military head of state, Maj. Gen. Yakubu Gowon, rules Supreme Military Council and is advised by 12-member civilian Federal Executive Council, with Chief Obafemi Awolowo (Yoruba tribal leader) as vice-chairman.
Monetary unit, Nigerian pound; £1 = US$2.80. Budget (est. 1968-1969): federal revenue, £152 million, of which £54 million reverts to state governments; federal expenditure, £96 million.
Trade (1967).
Exports, £241.8 million; imports, £223.6 million. Principal exports: petroleum (1967, 14.8 million tons), peanuts, palm kernels, cocoa, palm oil, rubber. Principal trading partners:United
Kingdom and other Commonwealth nations, United States , Japan ,
Netherlands , West Germany , Italy .
Agriculture, Industry, and Mining.
North: peanuts, cotton, hides, skins, columbite, tin. South: palm products, cocoa, rubber, timber, crude petroleum (1966, 20.7 million tons).
Communication and Transportation.
Railways: 1,870 mi. Roads: 50,000 mi. maintained, 10,000 mi. tarred. Motor cars (1965): 27,705.
Education (1966).
Primary enrollment, 3,025,981. Secondary enrollment, 211,305. University enrollment:Ibadan , 2,729;
Nigeria Usukka, 3,482; Ahmadu Bello, 895; Ife ,
945; Lagos ,
Armed Forces.
FederalNigeria .
Before the civil war: army, 7,000 troops; navy, 1 frigate, 3 patrol boats; air force, approximately 20 single-engine craft, several jets, several trainers, about 6 helicopters. Oct. 1967: 42,000 troops, 18 planes.
Eastern Region (Biafra ).
5,000 troops, 6 helicopters. Oct. 1967: under 10,000 troops, 2 bombers.
Culled from Microsoft Archives that consist of articles that originally appeared in Collier's Year Book (for events of 1997 and earlier) or as monthly updates in Encarta Yearbook (for events of 1998 and later). Because they were published shortly after events occurred, they reflect the information available at that time. Cross references refer to Archive articles of the same year.
Biafra Encircled.
After a year and a half of bitterly fought civil war, the Federal Republic of Nigeria had all but defeated breakawayBiafra . Toward the year's end, advancing federal forces
had reduced Biafra 's borders from an original
29,484 square miles to under 4,000 square miles, or an area some 100 miles long
and 30 miles wide. In May, Biafra's vital port and oil center, Port Harcourt , fell to federal troops. In
September federal forces took Aba , Biafra 's last administrative center and the largest of
its few remaining towns. Umuahia, the last Biafran stronghold, was encircled in
November. The war was kept going by guerrilla tactics and by foreign-supplied
military equipment and food. During the second half of the year the world was
shocked by reports that as many as 25,000 Biafrans were dying each day from
starvation, the result of the viselike federal blockade through which only
harassed night flights could penetrate with food.
Civil War Background.
With an active Parliament and a sturdy economy, the most populous country inAfrica had seemingly
made an easy transition to independence in 1960. Nigeria 's 250 tribes, each with its
own language and customs, were divided into three and later four regions, each
dominated by major tribes: Hausa and Fulani in the North (29.8 million), Yoruba
in the West (12.8 million), and Ibo in the East (12.4 million). Although
Western impact came late to the larger and more populated Muslim North, ruled
by powerful feudal emirs, its legislative majority dominated the federal
The better-educated, change-oriented, aggressive Ibos in the East, many of whom emigrated to key positions outside their crowded region, resented Northern dominance and the many evidences of federal corruption. The tragic events of 1966 began on January 15 when a military coup by army officers toppled the government and led to the establishment of military rule under an Ibo general, Johnson T. U. Aguiyi-Ironsi, who surrounded himself with Ibo advisers. Northern resentment led to attacks on Ibos, and on July 29 the regime of General Ironsi was overthrown, and Lieutenant Colonel (later Major General) Yakubu Gowon, a Northern Hausa, became the chief of state of the Federal Military Government (FMG).
In September some 20,000 to 30,000 Ibos were massacred, and many more were attacked and maimed. Having reason to believe themselves marked for extermination, Ibos from all overNigeria returned in a mass
migration to the Eastern Region, where, under their regional military governor,
Lieutenant Colonel (later General) Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu, many pressed
for local autonomy and the more militant called for independence. The break
came on May 30, 1967, three days after the federal government divided the four
regions into 12 states in a move to decentralize and thereby reduce tribal
antagonisms. Cut off by the division from coastal trade and oil resources which
would have made them economically viable, the Ibos declared the independence of
the Eastern Region under the name of the Republic
of Biafra (taken from the name of an
inlet on the Gulf
of Guinea ). Fighting
broke out in June, and despite Biafran forays during the early months of the
war, the federal forces had, by the end of this year, closed an ever-narrowing
ring around Biafra , which continued to resist
in guerrilla fashion.
Foreign Support.
Somewhat incongruously, the countries supplying arms and other aid to federalNigeria
include Great Britain , the
Soviet Union, and the United Arab Republic . Britain 's motives include its colonial ties and
post-independence trade and oil connections with Nigeria . Soviet aid of MIG fighters
is attributed to anticipated ideological, trade, and oil concessions in federal
Nigeria ,
which it sees as the inevitable winner. Egypt sympathizes with its Muslim
co-religionists in the Northern Region. The United States, officially neutral,
has barred arms sales to either side. But the U.S.
government has acknowledged the FMG as the only legitimate government of Nigeria , a move
which has evoked anti-U.S. sentiment among Biafrans. Public reaction against
shocking reports of Biafran starvation has led three European countries—Czechoslovakia , the Netherlands ,
and Belgium —to halt arms
shipments to federal Nigeria .
Biafra has received military aid fromFrance , ostensibly for trade and oil preference
should Biafra win. France
also reportedly wants to spite the United States
and Great Britain .
On July 31 the French government called for a resolution of the war on the
basis of the right of self-determination. Portugal
has given Biafra the use of its air ports and
telecommunications. Tanzania ,
in April, became the first country to recognize Biafra
as an independent state. Three other African countries—Gabon , the Ivory
Coast , and Zambia —recognized
Biafra in May.
Reports of Starvation.
In October the head of the World Council of Churches relief program inBiafra estimated deaths from
starvation at 186,000 in July, 310,000 in August, and 360,000 in September.
Relief flights of food to Biafra , which
reached an average of 15-18 a night, reduced deaths in October to about
200,000. Forecasts predicted 25,000 deaths a day in December unless a
cease-fire was called. The International Committee of the Red Cross has fed
750,000 victims daily in what is left of Biafra ,
plus 500,000 daily in areas taken by federal troops. Many groups and prominent
individuals, including Senator Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts ,
have criticized the American government for not sending direct food relief to Biafra . But U.S.
officials maintained that they could not authorize such flights without
permission from the federal Nigerian government and that U.S. government
food and other aid must be channeled through private church relief agencies and
the ICRC. Direct night flights to Biafra have been harassed by federal Nigeria , which
had demanded that relief shipments land on federally held territory. Biafra would not accept such an arrangement, however,
claiming that food passing through federal hands might be poisoned. In November
the federal government said it would allow daytime flights of relief supplies
into the Biafran airstrip at Uli, but the Biafran regime did not agree to this
arrangement, possibly because night flights containing arms shipments would
then be open to federal attacks.
Unsuccessful Peace Talks.
Peace talks began with unsuccessful secret sessions inLondon during January and
February. More promising preliminary talks in early May led to an agreement
that peace negotiations should begin in Kampala ,
Uganda , later
that month. These talks, however, made little progress and were cut off by Biafra on May 31. At the August 5-September 9 talks in Addis Ababa , under the
auspices of the Organization of African Unity, the warring representatives
again deadlocked. Federal Nigeria has insisted that Biafra give up independence
as a condition for peace; Biafra has replied
that only autonomy can save the Ibos from massacre. On August 12, Pope Paul VI
appealed for an end to the civil war. At a September meeting in Algeria , the OAU passed a resolution calling on
Biafra to cease its fight for independence and to cooperate with Nigeria in
seeking peace. Most of the 40 OAU member nations themselves contain tribal
minorities with easily awakened antagonisms toward their central governments.
It is feared that Biafra's success might prompt other rebellions and lead to a
balkanization of Africa . Nigeria 's
ambassadors have played upon this fear in the capitals of African nations.
At least one Biafran friend altered her stand. Dame Margery Perham, anOxford University specialist on Africa who in August
declared Biafrans as 'overwhelmingly the injured party ... who dare not
surrender,' changed her mind on a subsequent visit to Nigeria . In
September she broadcast a plea to Biafrans to surrender as the only way to save
millions from death and starvation.
Civil war continues.
The most populous country inAfrica
continued to hurtle toward disaster in the third year of a devastating civil
war. By September 1968, Federal Military Government troops had squeezed Biafra 's 12.4 million people into a 5,000-square-mile
area; the area has now been reduced to less than 3,000 square miles. The
starvation of more than 1.5 million people on both sides has shocked the world
as the war has dragged on, with the FMG receiving British, Soviet, and Egyptian
military aid and Biafra receiving Portuguese and French aid. Other nations have
responded with food and medical shipments, which must cross FMG territory to
reach Biafra . Biafrans fear that the FMG will
poison the food; the FMG insists on inspecting shipments to prevent arms
smuggling. The FMG halted flights by the International Committee of the Red
Cross (ICRC) on June 5 and continued to fire on illegal night flights made by
paid volunteers. Both sides continued to use starvation deliberately for
political ends. The once prosperous Ibos, sure that they will never regain
their former high status in Nigeria ,
fought on in this bitter war. The United States remained officially
neutral but continued to recognize the FMG as the only legal government.
Americans supplied money, food, and medicine to relieve Biafran suffering, but
this may only help prolong the conflict.
A battle for oil.
The war-drained FMG treasury was bolstered by industrial expansion, increased cotton exports, and an oil boom. Wartime import restrictions have forced local production of some manufactured goods, so that industrialization has nearly doubled since the war began. Cocoa and peanut production have slipped, but cotton exports have increased. Oil is the FMG's big money-maker.Port Harcourt ,
recaptured by the FMG early this year, is the source of over half the country's
oil. By 1975, Nigeria
expects to earn $840 million (mainly from Shell-British Petroleum and Gulf
Oil), double the current revenue from all sources. Oil income is also expected
to be important in financing postwar reconstruction.
After May, Biafran ground and air forces struck repeatedly at FMG'sPort Harcourt
oil installations. Some dozen hedgehopping and rocket-equipped Swedish-built
Minicon training planes were flown mainly by Biafran pilots trained by Carl
Gustav von Rosen, the Swedish count who is Biafra 's
chief air force adviser. These Biafran air strikes aimed to sap the FMG's
oil-based economy and to goad British and American oil companies into pressing
the FMG for peace.
Relief flight talks stalled.
After the shooting down on June 5 of a Red Cross mercy flight by the FMG, only a trickle of relief shipments on night flights piloted by private volunteers reached besieged and starving Biafrans. On August 3 a Canadian crew of four died in a Canair Relief Agency night flight plane crash near Uli airstrip inBiafra . On September 12
the ICRC reached an accord with the FMG on a three-week experiment of day
flights with FMG arms inspection at the Red Cross base in Cotonou in
neighboring Dahomey and further FMG inspection rights in the capital of Lagos.
The plan seemed likely to abate Biafra 's fear
of poisoned food dispatched from FMG territory and was also a slight change
from the FMG's former requirement that relief flights originate or touch down
in FMG territory. But hopes were dashed on September 14, when Biafra Radio
rejected the accord as militarily advantageous to the FMG. On October 22,
Biafra Radio proposed that the ICRC resume night flights and hand over food and
supplies to private pilots willing to risk FMG ground fire. A new relief
proposal was made in October by several prominent Americans, including former
vice-president Hubert H. Humphrey, Mrs. Coretta King, and Lieutenant General
William H. Tunner, who commanded the Berlin
airlift in 1948. The plan would use 12 jet-powered helicopters operating from
an aircraft carrier 50 miles off the Nigerian coast to shuttle food and medical
supplies directly to FMG and Biafran starvation areas.
Peace hopes dim.
Worldwide hopes for Nigerian peace did not materialize from Pope Paul VI's three-day visit toUganda , July 31-August 2, despite
his talks with representatives from both sides. Peace hopes were revived again
in late August by statements made in London by
Nnamdi Azikiwe, a distinguished elder Ibo serving as Biafra 's
representative abroad. He is a hero of Nigerian independence, a former prime
minister of the Eastern Region, and was Nigeria 's first president. Having
originally opposed secession, he now called on Biafra to give up the struggle
and labeled as unfounded Biafra's fear of genocide in a reunited Nigeria . He
pointed out that more Ibos now live without harassment in FMG territory—up to 5
million—than the approximately 3 million Ibos still in besieged Biafra . Biafran leaders were shocked and angered by his
views, by his return to the FMG capital of Lagos on September 5, and by the warm reception
given him by Major General Yakubu Gowon, the FMG leader.
Peace initiatives were thought more likely to come from the 41-nation Organization of African Unity, which held its sixth annual meeting September 7-11 inAddis Ababa ,
Ethiopia , to
discuss Nigerian peace, among other matters. President Julius K. Nyerere of Tanzania , one of four OAU countries to recognize
Biafra , called for a cease-fire. FMG
representatives would not accept a cease-fire unless Biafra
ended its secession. Ibo leaders in turn rejected negotiations based on
reunification. A fresh approach sounded by the FMG's Gowon on September 10,
calling for peace talks without preconditions, reportedly was accepted by Biafra two days later, but no direct talks took place in
September or October. Acting from his present position of strength, Gowon was
reportedly anxious for peace talks and seemed loath to make a massive quick
kill, as urged by FMG hawks. Biafra's General Odumegwu Ojukwu and other leaders
continued their guerrilla resistance, believing that they would be executed and
the Ibos would be long harassed if Nigeria were reunited.
Amnesty for civilians.
The FMG's Gowon marked the ninth anniversary ofNigeria 's
independence of October 1 by ordering the release of civilians imprisoned during
the civil war. The first major figure released was playwright Wole Soyinka,
freed from a northern Nigerian jail in Kaduna
on October 8. His plays have appeared on New York
and London
stages. A yoruba of western Nigeria ,
be had publicly sympathized with the Ibos in September 1966 and had been jailed
August 17, 1967, after a visit to Biafra .
Military action.
Little military action occurred after April, when Biafra won back the town ofOwerri ,
now its provisional capital. Biafra continued to make hit-and-run ground
attacks and desultory air hits on oil refineries near Port
Harcourt , 15 miles north of which the Biafra
front line was said to be. So far an estimated 500,000 Biafrans have been
killed in action. Biafran leaders claimed that 7.5 million Ibos minority tribes
live in the oppressed Biafran enclave, but FMG authorities argued that the
number within Biafra 's shrinking defense
perimeters was much smaller.
Civil war ends.
Organized resistance inNigeria 's 30-month, bitterly fought
civil war ended January 12 with a declaration of surrender over Biafran radio
by Major General Philip Effiong. He succeeded secessionist leader General
Odumegwu Ojukwu, who fled January 11 to asylum in the Ivory Coast .
Unconditional surrender was accepted on January 15 by federal Nigerian leader
Major General Yakubu Gowon, who declared general amnesty 'for all those misled
into attempting to disintegrate the country.' He added: 'We have been reunited
with our brothers.' The end became imminent on January 10 with the collapse of
Owerri, Biafra's third provincial capital, and on January 12 Uli airstrip, Biafra 's last link with the outside world, was captured.
The civil war took an estimated 2 million lives, including many Biafran
children and women, and cost over US$840 million according to the federal
Relief efforts.
The federal government's insistence on supervising all foreign relief operations in war-devastated areas, partly because of the pro-Biafra bias of some relief agencies, allegedly made for more red tape and a slowdown in meeting relief needs. An April 11 report from relief workers stated that 50,000 persons had died of starvation since the end of the civil war. The Nigerian Red Cross relief operations distributed an estimated 3,000 tons of food a week to 3 million people, mostly children, at the peak of the emergency in March. Relief operations were gradually reduced in scale and were taken over on June 30 by the National Rehabilitation Commission, which coordinated the efforts of voluntary relief agencies. These agencies promised to keep 14 teams operating until the end of September.
Reconciliation and reconstruction.
An international team of observers reported on January 16 that neither widespread starvation nor mistreatment of Biafrans had been found in the areas visited betweenPort
Harcourt and Owerri. Secretary General U Thant of the
UN, in Lagos on
January 18, also reported no evidence of violence or mistreatment of the
civilian population. In Lagos on February 19, U.S. secretary
of state William P. Rogers praised Nigerians for their 'vital work of
reconciliation and reconstruction.'
Such early favorable accounts were marred by later reports of severe troop misbehavior, continued scarcity of food, and slow disposal of relief supplies. In February, 35 Catholic priests were jailed and fined for breaking immigration laws, and 64 missionaries, including ten nuns, all active in Biafran relief work, were deported. An August 15 decree stated that any public servant who supported the rebellion would be dismissed or forced to retire. The federal Ministry of Information clarified the decree on August 17 by stating that its purpose was not to penalize all officials but only those who were proved to have exhibited 'undue enthusiasm' in furthering the rebellion.
Gowon announced on April 20 that former Biafra would be reinstated as theEast-Central State on an equal basis with the other 11 states in
federal Nigeria .
The state would be led by Ukpabi Anthony Asika, an Ibo who had been appointed
administrator of the East-Central State in 1967 and who had remained loyal to Nigeria during
the civil war. The government made a flat exchange payment, worth US$56, to
each of the 200,000 persons who had deposited Biafran currency in the Central
Bank. Railway restoration was begun in areas devastated by war, some night
flights were resumed, the eastern ports of Port Harcourt
and Calabar were opened to foreign ships, telephone lines were restored between
Lagos and Enugu ,
government incentives were offered to villages to organize rural development
projects, and a number of schools were reopened.
Foreign relations.
Nigeria moved toward normalizing its foreign relations, particularly
with nations which had recognized or aided Biafra .
Gowon met in Lagos on February 25 with French
deputy Aymar Achille-Fould; although the restoration of amicable relations was
announced, some antipathy remained toward France
because of its support of Biafra . In Addis Ababa , Ethiopia ,
at the opening of the summit meeting of the Organization of African Unity on
September 1, Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia
announced that a 'total reconciliation' had taken place between Nigeria and the four African countries which had
recognized Biafra: Gabon ,
the Ivory Coast , Tanzania , and Zambia . Earlier, in May, resumed
relations were sought by the Ivory Coast ,
whose president had conferred on the matter with the presidents of Chad and Gabon ,
all three of which are tied closely to France . Secessionist leader Ojukwu,
in exile in the Ivory Coast ,
also attended the meeting. In October, Ojukwu was asked to leave the Ivory Coast ,
ostensibly because he broke his promise to refrain from political activity by
granting news interviews. He was reportedly refused asylum by Switzerland in
late October.
Nigeria resumed commerce with Cameroon
on the Benue River
on August 14 as a result of an agreement on strengthening ties and signed a
treaty of friendship and cooperation with Dahomey on August 19. Also in
August, Gowon visited Algeria ,
the Sudan , and Egypt .
Civil war lessons.
Federal victory evoked worldwide press speculation about the reporting of the civil war, starvation as a weapon of war, and the motives of intervening powers. In retrospect, some critics cite press reports as all too often emphasizing atrocities at the expense of socioeconomic and political analysis. Some editors and reporters presented a primitive stereotype of Africans, particularly federal soldiers. In order to gain world sympathy, recognition, relief, and arms, powerful Biafran lobbies in such countries as the United States and Great Britain encouraged emotional reports presenting Biafrans as wronged, beleaguered, and starved. Advocates of this position point out that Biafran capitulation was caused as much by waning outside support as it was by federal military action.
Some reporting of humanitarian efforts may have unfairly presented the federal government's reasons for insisting on supervision of relief shipments. Some relief agencies publicly favoredBiafra , frankly called themselves 'bootleggers of mercy,'
and gave the rebels tacit recognition by illegally dealing directly with them.
Little stressed, too, were the paranoid Biafran fear of poison in federally
inspected food, the possible arms concealment in relief shipments from or
passing through countries recognizing Biafra and committed to its victory, the
inefficiency of competing relief agencies, their interdenominational rivalry in
order to gain an advantage for future proselytizing efforts, and the
capitulation of the big powers to their propagandized public, which wanted to
hasten and increase relief shipments.
Speculation also centered on the motives of the intervening powers and on the consequences of their intervention.Britain 's
support of the federation it had launched was clear, and its subsequent trade
benefits were understandable. Former French president de Gaulle's aid to Biafra
was seen as consistent with his antipathy to the Anglo-American alliance, his
encouragement of separatism as in Quebec, his hoped-for dominance of Biafran
oil-production potential, and his fear that a powerful federal Nigeria posed a
threat to African countries in the French economic orbit. The Soviet Union's
motives were explained as another attempt to gain a foothold in West Africa
after its recent failures in Guinea
and Ghana .
The United States '
prohibition of arms to either side was seen as a test of its resolve not to act
as world policeman and not to counter every Soviet intrusion. In general,
observers felt that, having learned the stern lessons of big-power involvement,
federal Nigeria
is likely to pursue an independent course and to keep foreigners at arm's
length for some time to come.
Restrained optimism markedNigeria 's tenth independence
anniversary on October 1. Gowon promised a new national census by 1973 and a
new constitution as preludes to elections leading to a return to civilian
government by 1976, or earlier if possible. Most close observers saw Gowon's
leadership as a necessary factor in maintaining peaceful progress, but few had
expected the elections to be delayed as long as six years. Those who are
optimistic about Nigeria 's
future point to the rapid pace of the return to economic and social normalcy.
A reasonable reconciliation with the Biafrans has been achieved despite dire predictions of their being massacred. The federal victory held together over 400 diverse tribes, and the 1967 redrawing of the former four contentious regions into 12 more equitably balanced states should help prevent tribal differences from causing another war.
In February the oil industry output exceeded the highest prewar level, makingNigeria
the world's tenth-largest oil producer. In November, Gowon announced a
four-year plan to develop Nigerian industry. The government plans to control
the nation's industries and 'strategic natural resources' to make sure
companies comply with the planned growth timetable. The oil industry, presently
entirely foreign run, will be taken over by a planned national oil corporation.
The development plan appropriated $658 million, of which $114 million will be
spent in 1970-1974, for implementing industrial expansion. In addition, money
was allotted for expansion and modernization of the public transportation,
educational, and agricultural systems.
From the end of the unnecessary fratricidal war till 1999 the polity knew no peace and had no respite from the marauding Generals who changed batons in a marathon race of maiming opposition leaders and successively looting the national treasury
We are controlled fromBuckingham Palace
and 10 Downing Street
by remote controls, while we mistakenly think it is the Northerners that are
our real enemies.
Dr Jideofo Kenechukwu Danmbaezue, D.Sc. in Psychometrics,
• Ex-Major, BA6532, Degema Strike Force, 12th Commando Brigade,Biafra , 1968 - 1969.
• Retired Substantive Flt Lt, NAF 759,Kano
& Kaduna ,
1976 -1979
Abati: What I Saw On Election Day
Sunday, 10 April 2011 00:00 By Reuben Abati Opinion - Columnists
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“INEC tried this time”, was how many Nigerians responded to yesterday’s re-scheduled National Assembly election. Not quite. It was an election in which many Nigerians were constructively disenfranchised, we had something that looked like an election, INEC seemed better prepared than it was last week, but still, we may be faced with an electoral process in which to use a familiar Nigerian phrase, we are likely to “fumble and wobble to the final.” A situation whereby something that looks like what we desire attracts enormous praise is fast becoming a Nigerian pastime and it is a sign of our underdevelopment. We praise state governors for digging boreholes, for constructing roads, and for providing hospitals, as if these are extra-ordinary achievements. And so, we praise INEC and the security agencies for holding one week after the original date, after two postponements, an event that looks like an election. But there are questions to be raised still and areas in which quick improvements are required. Was the election free and fair? Was it credible? Is it of international standard? Are there logistics challenges that INEC still failed to address? These are the questions.
There were reports that the election was generally peaceful. It was marred however, by reports of violence in parts of the country which raise serious questions about the capacity of the security agencies to ensure law and order, not just on election day but before and after. There was a bomb explosion at the INEC Office inSuleja ,
Niger State on
the eve of the elections resulting in the death of about 13 youth corps members
who had gone to check their postings for the Saturday event. On election day,
the Labour Party, FCT Senatorial candidate, Kayode Ajulo was kidnapped, hours
after he received death threats on his cell phone. There was also electoral
violence in Osun leaving five persons dead. There were bomb explosions also in Maiduguri (10 casualties) and in Kaduna . In Ibadan , Oyo state, there were reports of
thugs intimidating voters in certain areas. The presence of security agents at
polling centres may have prevented violence in many places, but there is a lot
more to be done to prevent post-election day violence. With soldiers and
policemen on full alert on election day, and with a restriction of movement
order in place, even the thugs and their bosses were intimidated into silence.
We have secured peace on election day with the barrel of the gun. But are there
plans to prevent the violence that may come after, resulting from likely
protests about disenfrachisement and dissatisfaction with outcomes?
The bomb explosion in Suleja is particularly sad and totally condemnable. The victims, dead and injured, were mostly youth corps members, young men and women who had offered to serve their country, even if many of them would consider the N7,000 paid as stipend to each electoral official, attractive. These are children from poor, struggling families, no child from a rich Nigerian family would offer to expose himself or herself to the risk of being an electoral official! The INEC office was said to have been packed full, before a loud bang was heard. Jega, the INEC chair, condemned “this cowardly and dastardly action, which seems designed to instill fear in Nigerians and paralyze their aspirations for peaceful and credible elections.” He looked really sad on television as he read his statement. But not the Lagos State Resident Electoral Commissioner who on Channels TV described the bomb explosion in Suleja as “an individual thing”. He argued that we shouldn’t have expected any serious security arrangement since this was only a case of youth corps members going to check their postings and that if it was an electoral event, adequate security would have been provided.
The Resident Electoral Commissioner needs to be told that security at every INEC office must be taken as top priority, and that must include all the collation centres, posting centres, INEC stores if there are any, before and after the elections. Those who chose election day, and the night before, to detonate bombs are making a statement: the same kind of statement that was made on October 1, 2010 on the occasion of Nigeria’s golden jubilee anniversary: that anyone can challenge the Nigerian state with impunity and get away with it. The Lagos REC’s response is just as asinine as the prompt response by the FCT Police to the abduction of the Abuja Labour Party Senatorial candidate, to the effect that the abduction was “stage-managed.” Was there an investigation to determine that? And if so, has anybody been arrested to own up to the fact? Those saddled with maintaining law and order must be even more vigilant after elections have been concluded. Every effort must be made to ensure that those hapless youth corps members and other ad hoc officials involved in the Suleja bomb incident are assisted with medical and trauma care. The families of the dead should be paid compensation and INEC officials must visit those families. We should not give the usual impression that we do not value human lives in this country.
INEC was a
Nigerian Civil War
Date 1967–1970
The diagram shows independent state of the Republic of Biafra in June 1967.
Southern Nigeria
Nigerian victory
Nigeria Biafra
Yakubu Gowon Odumegwu Ojukwu
Casualties and losses
200,000 Military/civilian casualties 1,000,000 Military and civilian casualties
The Nigerian Civil War, also known as the Nigerian-Biafran War, 6 July 1967 – 15 January 1970, was a political conflict caused by the attempted secession of the south-eastern provinces of Nigeria as the self-proclaimed Republic of Biafra.
1 Causes of the conflict
2 Conflicts during the colonial era
3 Military coup
4 Counter-coup
5 Pogroms
6 Oil
7 Breakaway
8 Civil War
9 Stalemate
10 War's End
11 Aftermath and legacy
12 References
13 See also
14 Bibliography
15 External links
Causes of the conflict
The conflict was the result of economic, ethnic, cultural and religious tensions among the various peoples of Nigeria. Like many other African nations,
The causes of the Nigerian civil war were diverse. More than fifty years earlier,
The semi-feudal and Islamic Hausa-Fulani in the North were traditionally ruled by an autocratic, conservative Islamic hierarchy consisting of some thirty-odd Emirs who, in turn, owed their allegiance to a supreme Sultan. This Sultan was regarded as the source of all political power and religious authority.
The Yoruba political system in the southwest, like that of the Hausa-Fulani, also consisted of a series of monarchs being the Oba. The Yoruba monarchs, however, were less autocratic than those in the North, and the political and social system of the Yoruba accordingly allowed for greater upward mobility based on acquired rather than inherited wealth and title.
The Igbo in the southeast, in contrast to the two other groups, lived in some six hundred autonomous, democratically-organized villages. Although there were monarchs in these villages (whether hereditary or elected), they functioned predominantly as figureheads. Unlike the other two regions, decisions among the Igbo were made by a general assembly in which every man could participate.
The differing political systems among these three peoples produced radically divergent customs and values. The Hausa-Fulani commoners, having contact with the political system only through their village head who was designated by the Emir or one of his subordinates, did not view political leaders as amenable to influence. Political decisions were to be obeyed without question. This highly centralized and authoritarian political system elevated to positions of leadership persons willing to be subservient and loyal to superiors, the same virtues required by Islam for eternal salvation. A chief function of this political system was to maintain Islamic and conservative values, which caused many Hausa-Fulani to view economic and social innovation as subversive or sacrilegious.
In contrast to the Hausa-Fulani, the Igbo often participated directly in the decisions which affected their lives. They had a lively awareness of the political system and regarded it as an instrument for achieving their own personal goals. Status was acquired through the ability to arbitrate disputes that might arise in the village, and through acquiring rather than inheriting wealth. With their emphasis upon achievement, individual choice and democratic decision-making, the challenges of modernization for the Igbo entailed responding to new opportunities in traditional ways.
These tradition-derived differences were perpetuated and, perhaps, even enhanced by the British system of colonial rule in
In the South, the missionaries rapidly introduced Western forms of education. Consequently, the Yoruba were the first group in
In Igbo areas, missionaries were introduced at a later date because of British difficulty in establishing firm control over the highly autonomous Igbo villages. ………….(Audrey Chapman, “Civil War in Nigeria,” Midstream, Feb 1968).
However, the Igbo people took to Western education zealously, and they overwhelmingly came to adopt Christianity. Population pressure in the Igbo homeland combined with an intense desire for economic improvement drove thousands of Igbo to other parts of
Conflicts during the colonial era
The British political ideology of dividing Nigeria during the colonial period into three regions North, West and East exacerbated the already well-developed economic, political, and social competition among Nigeria's different ethnic groups. For the country was divided in such a way that the North had slightly more population than the other two regions combined. On this basis the Northern Region was allocated a majority of the seats in the Federal Legislature established by the colonial authorities. Handiwork of Deceitful Colonial British Administrators
Within each of the three regions the dominant ethnic groups; the Hausa-Fulani, Yoruba, and Igbo respectively formed political parties that were largely regional and tribal in character: the Northern People's Congress (NPC) in the North; the Action Group in the West (AG): and the National Conference of Nigeria and the Cameroons (NCNC) in the East. The present disintegration of Nigeria provides the evidence that these parties were not exclusively homogeneous in terms of their ethnic or regional make-up, rather they prove the fact that these parties were primarily based on ethnic cleavages in one region and one tribe. To simplify matters, we will refer to them here as the Hausa, Yoruba, and Igbo-based; or Northern, Western and Eastern parties. The subterfuge of Britons is clearly demonstrated here; ignoreing the well-known British alphabetical order of presenting H before I and then Y.
During the 1940s and 1950s the Igbo and Yoruba parties were in the forefront of the fight for independence from
During the Nigerian civil war of 1967 to 1970, the Nigerian government imposed blockades around
Throughout the early 20th century, Nigerians found many ways to oppose foreign rule. Local armed revolts, concentrated in the middle belt, broke out sporadically and intensified during World War I (1914-1918). Workers in mines, railways, and public service often went on strike over poor wages and working conditions, including a large general action in 1945, when 30,000 workers stopped commerce for 37 days. Ire over taxation prompted other conflicts, including a battle in 1929 fought mainly by Igbo women in the
Nnamdi Azikiwe
Nnamdi Azikiwe was an important nationalist figure in colonial
World War II (1939-1945), in which many Nigerians fought for or otherwise aided
Pressure for independence from within
The constitution failed on several counts, was abrogated in 1949, and was followed by other constitutions in 1951 and 1954, each of which had to contend with powerful ethnic forces. The Northern People’s Congress (NPC) argued that northerners, who made up half of
The eventual compromise was the 1954 constitution, which made
In December 1959, elections were held for a federal parliament. None of the three main parties won a majority, but the NPC, thanks to the size of the Northern Region, won the largest plurality. Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa, head of the NPC, entered a coalition government with the eastern NCNC as prime minister. The new parliament was seated in January 1960.
Robert Stock of Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation, a historian from
With an active Parliament and a sturdy economy, the most populous country in
The better-educated, change-oriented, aggressive Ibos in the East, many of whom emigrated to key positions outside their crowded region, resented Northern dominance and the many evidences of federal corruption. The tragic events of 1966 began on January 15 when a military coup by army officers toppled the government and led to the establishment of military rule under an Ibo general, Johnson T. U. Aguiyi-Ironsi, who surrounded himself with Ibo advisers. Northern resentment led to attacks on Ibos, and on July 29 the regime of General Ironsi was overthrown, and Lieutenant Colonel (later Major General) Yakubu Gowon, a Northern Hausa, became the chief of state of the Federal Military Government (FMG).
In September some 20,000 to 30,000 Ibos were massacred, and many more were attacked and maimed. Having reason to believe themselves marked for extermination, Ibos from all over
Cut off by the division from coastal trade and oil resources which would have made them economically viable, the Ibos declared the independence of the Eastern Region under the name of the
Foreign Support.
Somewhat incongruously, the countries supplying arms and other aid to federal
The United States, officially neutral, has barred arms sales to either side. But the
Biafra has received military aid from
Reports of Starvation.
In October the head of the World Council of Churches relief program in
Many groups and prominent individuals, including Senator Edward M. Kennedy of
Unsuccessful Peace Talks.
Peace talks began with unsuccessful secret sessions in
On August 12, Pope Paul VI appealed for an end to the civil war. At a September meeting in
At least one Biafran friend altered her stand. Dame Margery Perham, an
Economic Developments.
Federal Nigeria introduced new currency notes on January 3 in a move to stop
While the cost of the civil war is incalculable in lost lives, one American economist estimated the financial cost to federal
Area and Population (including
Area, 356,669 sq. mi. Pop. (1963), 55,670,052. Density per sq. mi., 156. Principal cities:
Federal Military Government. Military head of state, Maj. Gen. Yakubu Gowon, rules Supreme Military Council and is advised by 12-member civilian Federal Executive Council, with Chief Obafemi Awolowo (Yoruba tribal leader) as vice-chairman.
Monetary unit, Nigerian pound; £1 = US$2.80. Budget (est. 1968-1969): federal revenue, £152 million, of which £54 million reverts to state governments; federal expenditure, £96 million.
Trade (1967).
Exports, £241.8 million; imports, £223.6 million. Principal exports: petroleum (1967, 14.8 million tons), peanuts, palm kernels, cocoa, palm oil, rubber. Principal trading partners:
Agriculture, Industry, and Mining.
North: peanuts, cotton, hides, skins, columbite, tin. South: palm products, cocoa, rubber, timber, crude petroleum (1966, 20.7 million tons).
Communication and Transportation.
Railways: 1,870 mi. Roads: 50,000 mi. maintained, 10,000 mi. tarred. Motor cars (1965): 27,705.
Education (1966).
Primary enrollment, 3,025,981. Secondary enrollment, 211,305. University enrollment:
Armed Forces.
Before the civil war: army, 7,000 troops; navy, 1 frigate, 3 patrol boats; air force, approximately 20 single-engine craft, several jets, several trainers, about 6 helicopters. Oct. 1967: 42,000 troops, 18 planes.
Eastern Region (
5,000 troops, 6 helicopters. Oct. 1967: under 10,000 troops, 2 bombers.
Culled from Microsoft Archives that consist of articles that originally appeared in Collier's Year Book (for events of 1997 and earlier) or as monthly updates in Encarta Yearbook (for events of 1998 and later). Because they were published shortly after events occurred, they reflect the information available at that time. Cross references refer to Archive articles of the same year.
After a year and a half of bitterly fought civil war, the Federal Republic of Nigeria had all but defeated breakaway
Civil War Background.
With an active Parliament and a sturdy economy, the most populous country in
The better-educated, change-oriented, aggressive Ibos in the East, many of whom emigrated to key positions outside their crowded region, resented Northern dominance and the many evidences of federal corruption. The tragic events of 1966 began on January 15 when a military coup by army officers toppled the government and led to the establishment of military rule under an Ibo general, Johnson T. U. Aguiyi-Ironsi, who surrounded himself with Ibo advisers. Northern resentment led to attacks on Ibos, and on July 29 the regime of General Ironsi was overthrown, and Lieutenant Colonel (later Major General) Yakubu Gowon, a Northern Hausa, became the chief of state of the Federal Military Government (FMG).
In September some 20,000 to 30,000 Ibos were massacred, and many more were attacked and maimed. Having reason to believe themselves marked for extermination, Ibos from all over
Foreign Support.
Somewhat incongruously, the countries supplying arms and other aid to federal
Biafra has received military aid from
Reports of Starvation.
In October the head of the World Council of Churches relief program in
Unsuccessful Peace Talks.
Peace talks began with unsuccessful secret sessions in
At least one Biafran friend altered her stand. Dame Margery Perham, an
Civil war continues.
The most populous country in
A battle for oil.
The war-drained FMG treasury was bolstered by industrial expansion, increased cotton exports, and an oil boom. Wartime import restrictions have forced local production of some manufactured goods, so that industrialization has nearly doubled since the war began. Cocoa and peanut production have slipped, but cotton exports have increased. Oil is the FMG's big money-maker.
After May, Biafran ground and air forces struck repeatedly at FMG's
Relief flight talks stalled.
After the shooting down on June 5 of a Red Cross mercy flight by the FMG, only a trickle of relief shipments on night flights piloted by private volunteers reached besieged and starving Biafrans. On August 3 a Canadian crew of four died in a Canair Relief Agency night flight plane crash near Uli airstrip in
Peace hopes dim.
Worldwide hopes for Nigerian peace did not materialize from Pope Paul VI's three-day visit to
Peace initiatives were thought more likely to come from the 41-nation Organization of African Unity, which held its sixth annual meeting September 7-11 in
Amnesty for civilians.
The FMG's Gowon marked the ninth anniversary of
Military action.
Little military action occurred after April, when Biafra won back the town of
Civil war ends.
Organized resistance in
Relief efforts.
The federal government's insistence on supervising all foreign relief operations in war-devastated areas, partly because of the pro-Biafra bias of some relief agencies, allegedly made for more red tape and a slowdown in meeting relief needs. An April 11 report from relief workers stated that 50,000 persons had died of starvation since the end of the civil war. The Nigerian Red Cross relief operations distributed an estimated 3,000 tons of food a week to 3 million people, mostly children, at the peak of the emergency in March. Relief operations were gradually reduced in scale and were taken over on June 30 by the National Rehabilitation Commission, which coordinated the efforts of voluntary relief agencies. These agencies promised to keep 14 teams operating until the end of September.
Reconciliation and reconstruction.
An international team of observers reported on January 16 that neither widespread starvation nor mistreatment of Biafrans had been found in the areas visited between
Such early favorable accounts were marred by later reports of severe troop misbehavior, continued scarcity of food, and slow disposal of relief supplies. In February, 35 Catholic priests were jailed and fined for breaking immigration laws, and 64 missionaries, including ten nuns, all active in Biafran relief work, were deported. An August 15 decree stated that any public servant who supported the rebellion would be dismissed or forced to retire. The federal Ministry of Information clarified the decree on August 17 by stating that its purpose was not to penalize all officials but only those who were proved to have exhibited 'undue enthusiasm' in furthering the rebellion.
Gowon announced on April 20 that former Biafra would be reinstated as the
Foreign relations.
Civil war lessons.
Federal victory evoked worldwide press speculation about the reporting of the civil war, starvation as a weapon of war, and the motives of intervening powers. In retrospect, some critics cite press reports as all too often emphasizing atrocities at the expense of socioeconomic and political analysis. Some editors and reporters presented a primitive stereotype of Africans, particularly federal soldiers. In order to gain world sympathy, recognition, relief, and arms, powerful Biafran lobbies in such countries as the United States and Great Britain encouraged emotional reports presenting Biafrans as wronged, beleaguered, and starved. Advocates of this position point out that Biafran capitulation was caused as much by waning outside support as it was by federal military action.
Some reporting of humanitarian efforts may have unfairly presented the federal government's reasons for insisting on supervision of relief shipments. Some relief agencies publicly favored
Speculation also centered on the motives of the intervening powers and on the consequences of their intervention.
Restrained optimism marked
A reasonable reconciliation with the Biafrans has been achieved despite dire predictions of their being massacred. The federal victory held together over 400 diverse tribes, and the 1967 redrawing of the former four contentious regions into 12 more equitably balanced states should help prevent tribal differences from causing another war.
In February the oil industry output exceeded the highest prewar level, making
From the end of the unnecessary fratricidal war till 1999 the polity knew no peace and had no respite from the marauding Generals who changed batons in a marathon race of maiming opposition leaders and successively looting the national treasury
We are controlled from
Dr Jideofo Kenechukwu Danmbaezue, D.Sc. in Psychometrics,
• Ex-Major, BA6532, Degema Strike Force, 12th Commando Brigade,
• Retired Substantive Flt Lt, NAF 759,
Abati: What I Saw On Election Day
Sunday, 10 April 2011 00:00 By Reuben Abati Opinion - Columnists
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“INEC tried this time”, was how many Nigerians responded to yesterday’s re-scheduled National Assembly election. Not quite. It was an election in which many Nigerians were constructively disenfranchised, we had something that looked like an election, INEC seemed better prepared than it was last week, but still, we may be faced with an electoral process in which to use a familiar Nigerian phrase, we are likely to “fumble and wobble to the final.” A situation whereby something that looks like what we desire attracts enormous praise is fast becoming a Nigerian pastime and it is a sign of our underdevelopment. We praise state governors for digging boreholes, for constructing roads, and for providing hospitals, as if these are extra-ordinary achievements. And so, we praise INEC and the security agencies for holding one week after the original date, after two postponements, an event that looks like an election. But there are questions to be raised still and areas in which quick improvements are required. Was the election free and fair? Was it credible? Is it of international standard? Are there logistics challenges that INEC still failed to address? These are the questions.
There were reports that the election was generally peaceful. It was marred however, by reports of violence in parts of the country which raise serious questions about the capacity of the security agencies to ensure law and order, not just on election day but before and after. There was a bomb explosion at the INEC Office in
The bomb explosion in Suleja is particularly sad and totally condemnable. The victims, dead and injured, were mostly youth corps members, young men and women who had offered to serve their country, even if many of them would consider the N7,000 paid as stipend to each electoral official, attractive. These are children from poor, struggling families, no child from a rich Nigerian family would offer to expose himself or herself to the risk of being an electoral official! The INEC office was said to have been packed full, before a loud bang was heard. Jega, the INEC chair, condemned “this cowardly and dastardly action, which seems designed to instill fear in Nigerians and paralyze their aspirations for peaceful and credible elections.” He looked really sad on television as he read his statement. But not the Lagos State Resident Electoral Commissioner who on Channels TV described the bomb explosion in Suleja as “an individual thing”. He argued that we shouldn’t have expected any serious security arrangement since this was only a case of youth corps members going to check their postings and that if it was an electoral event, adequate security would have been provided.
The Resident Electoral Commissioner needs to be told that security at every INEC office must be taken as top priority, and that must include all the collation centres, posting centres, INEC stores if there are any, before and after the elections. Those who chose election day, and the night before, to detonate bombs are making a statement: the same kind of statement that was made on October 1, 2010 on the occasion of Nigeria’s golden jubilee anniversary: that anyone can challenge the Nigerian state with impunity and get away with it. The Lagos REC’s response is just as asinine as the prompt response by the FCT Police to the abduction of the Abuja Labour Party Senatorial candidate, to the effect that the abduction was “stage-managed.” Was there an investigation to determine that? And if so, has anybody been arrested to own up to the fact? Those saddled with maintaining law and order must be even more vigilant after elections have been concluded. Every effort must be made to ensure that those hapless youth corps members and other ad hoc officials involved in the Suleja bomb incident are assisted with medical and trauma care. The families of the dead should be paid compensation and INEC officials must visit those families. We should not give the usual impression that we do not value human lives in this country.
INEC was a
ReplyDeleteMY DADDIES, I am not laughing at you SIRS, it is the cock they caused my uncontrollable laughter by telling me that I was wrong by suggesting that the hen in your story was not screaming to the wrong audience RATHER THAT HUMANS HAD NEPOTIC INTERESTS, SKEWED PREFERENCES OR ETHNOCENTRIC-SPECIES PERSPECTIVES WHEN THE HEN WAS SHOUTING FOR HELP ..They laughed and then demanded that I ask the cock to expatiate on his thesis…. THIS IS HIS LOGIC; ….
1. Human beings are racists and nave an apartheid scale of preferences when they kill animals below their status in the animal kingdom
2. They are so myopic when a meal of chicken meat is the topic in question, more so when the hen is past MENOPAUSE that humans classified as OLD LAYERS
3. Therefore, they develop deceptive hearing problems and refuse the listen and interpret the urgency of the CRY FOR HELP of poultry chickens in danger.
I AM ONLY REPEATING MYSELF AS OUR DEMONIC POLITICIANS ARE DEAF AND DUMB MEGALOMANIACS WHO ARE SELLING THEIR BIRTHRIGHTS FOR TEMPORARY DISHES OF THE BLACK GOLD RATHER THAN RESTRUCTURING NIGERIA FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR GRANDCHILDREN. VAGABONDS IN POWER PLEASE DO THE RIGHT THING NOW OR SOON HAVE YOUR HEADS GUILLOTINED AS DURING THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. Anyim Pius Anyim please resign now instead of being used by Goodluck Jonathan and his kitchen cabinet to blacklist ND'IGBO again as AN ERRAND BOY of Nigerian Pirates in this retrogressive Pseudo-Conference. Analyse my proverbial CRY FOR HELP BY A HEN and actively reconsider your place in history. Will your children and grand ever have the face to carry on your name .. BE COURAGEOUS AND SAVE THE NOBLE PROFESSION YOU BELONG TO or have generations SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE. The words of our elders in Biafra are definitely WORDS OF WISDOM.
COWARDS DIE MANY TIMES BEFORE THEIR DEATH, THE FAULT DEAR BRUTUS IS NOT IN OUR STARS BUT IN US, WE ARE UNDERLINGS, William Shakespeare.... in JULIUS CAESAR... It is only the fly that refuses wise counsel that follows the corpse into the grave, BIAFRAN ADAGE, ANOTHER STATES, The stiff ear that refuses to hear will cease to exist when the head is cut-off. ANOTHER CAUTIONS; Seeing danger and not makig known to all and sundry IS REPROBATE OF THE ELDERS whereas Hearing and not taking advice on delicate issues in life IS THE FAULT OF THE YOUTHS. A word is enough for the wise, Therefore, whoever has the ears of GEJ or my brother APA, should please forward this prophetic message to each of them... S. O. S.
Okay, done with that, I believe I have convinced you that, history does repeat itself, when we ignore its trail. See the alignment at APC for instance....What did Akintola do with Ahmadu that is not being repeated by Tinubu and Buhari now. strange bed-fellows are teaming up again as was the case in 1965 before the WILD WILD WEST saga that precipitated the 1966 coup d'etat and the civil war. Boko Haram is a mirror image of Wild Wild West, and the present poaching of PDP stalwarts by APC strategists who went all the way to America to hire political crooks to plot the results of an election to be held in 23 months distant time.... A WORD IS ENOUGH FOR THE WISE .. BUT I FEAR WE HAVE NO WISE MEN IN NIGERIA NOR SOCIAL PHILOSOPHERS WITH HINDSIGHT.
Major Nzeogwu Kenechukwu Mbaezue, BA 6532,
12th Degema Strike Force, Biafran commandos 1968 -1970
Flt Lt Jideofo Kenechukwu Davidan Mbaezue, NAF 759,
Foundation Medical Officer, Trainee Pilots Psychologist,
NAF Medical Centre, Kano, Kaduna 1976 -1979
Our mission is; “A global peace initiative for conscientiously seeking ways of healing the world of xenophobia and/or religious bigotry and our target is abrogating all forms of racial prejudices and halting current ethnic cleansings by denouncing religious fanaticism so we can enthrone a lasting global peace for our global village" Your wisdom in joining us will be better appreciated when you have gotten 100 members to become part of this Worldwide Peace Crusade.
Your duty is SIMPLY to make our dissertations available to each new member and conduct weekly seminars where you all discuss the most efficient and effective ways of implementing our global objectives of having: ONE ALMIGHTY CREATOR, ONE CREATED UNIVERSE AND THEREFORE ONE HUMAN FAMILY. Send us their emails and passports for registration so we can come and inaugurate all of you as a community chapter. You will then be our Co-ordinator & Chairperson for that chapter.
My emails are; &
a. Encouraging sound academic excellence in society through active research publications on the Internet, thereby changing society through academic leadership and in humble humanitarian services to communities members live in, thus changing the political climate in developing nations through intellectual empowerment for service
Objective Strategems:
i. Organising Symposiums, Awards, and Rallies to challenge social ills, oppression of the poor, less privileged and the downtrodden
ii. Delegating members and awardees to government agencies to speak for the less
privileged and also to challenge injustice, corruption, and abuse of Human Rights
iii. Carrying out research to empower people for job creation and Poverty thus eradicating through creative Education and skill development